MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 399 Danger

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  Chapter 399 Dangerous

  Yate felt that death was so close to him for the first time.

   This ghoul's speed is too fast, let alone teleportation, just as his thoughts arise, the sharp claw has already caught him in front of the door.

  The stench was pungent, and the pale fascia, dirty and sharp nails filled the field of vision.

  Because he trusted Samantha Lily, he didn't even do protection, and didn't add buffs such as energy shield, ice armor, bone armor, and hurricane armor!

   If this claw is firm, he can almost be said to be dead.

   I don't know if I can live again.

   Facing a desperate situation, he thought he would panic. After all, he didn't even have time to turn his thoughts, and he could only rely on instinct. But maybe it was the fear of death, and he didn't know whether to say "not enough" or "too much", he was unusually calm and concentrated all his energy, trying to release the paralyzed state and gain a chance of life.

   It's like a chicken soup in his previous life: "Do it, at least there is still a chance; if you don't do it, there is zero chance!"

   However, reality often does not change because of your efforts.

  A ghoul leader of level 60+ is equivalent to a level 6 professional. Even if his spiritual organs are abnormal and his mental value has reached the peak of level 3, the difference in level is not so easy to make up.

  His efforts had a slight effect, but at most it was reduced from 2 seconds to 1.9 seconds, nothing changed.

   He could only watch helplessly as the giant claws got closer and closer to his head.

   Just when his fingertips were about to touch his skin, he suddenly stopped.

   It's like pressing the pause button suddenly.

  At the same time, a violent and chaotic breath came from the side.

   In an instant, the restriction set by Samantha Lily was torn apart.

  However, another prohibition was added immediately.

  The source of the breath is Samantha Lily!

  At this moment, her glasses have been shattered, and her eyes have turned into swirls, staring at the ghoul leader.

   Not only that, there were strange black lines on her bare skin, her hair rose up one by one like steel needles, and a double shadow appeared behind her.

   Before Art could see it clearly, the double image disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

  Yate didn't focus on it, only saw a vague outline, probably, like, maybe a human shape.

   "Shua!" As soon as the paralysis effect ended, he teleported behind Samantha Lily.

   That's why he looked towards Samantha Lily, and he could only teleport to the direction of sight.

  Is there a safer place than behind Samantha Lily?

   Didn't dare to get too close, for fear of getting hurt by the fish in the pond.

  At this moment, Samantha Lily is obviously not in the right state, her breath is violent and chaotic, who knows if she will give herself a blow for no reason!

   Only then did I realize that the underwear was already wet with cold sweat.

  The body trembled slightly, as if sifting chaff.

  It wasn't that he wasn't frightened, but he was suppressed by the will to survive. After getting out of the crisis of death, these emotions rushed out immediately.

  However, he immediately forced himself to calm down again.

  The danger is not over yet!

   Not that ghoul.

  Has been controlled by Samantha Lily, now the danger comes from Samantha Lily.

  Although she usually looks like a salted fish, as a seventh-level powerhouse, Samantha Lily has her own pride, and she has a bad temper. The nickname "Devil Dog" is the best proof!

  After being slapped in the face by the summoned monster, she was outraged.

   The chaotic breath is a sign of loss of control.

  Although Yate hid behind her, he was ready to run away at any time.

  Look at the leader of the ghoul, who was originally tall and could only hunched over, but was "pressed" by her so that he could stand with his head up and chest out, as if he was 40cm shorter out of thin air! Correspondingly, the fascia, muscles, bones, etc. are entangled together in a deformed way, just like a grotesque and twisted work carved out by an absurd and unruly sculptor in a state of madness!

  Samantha Lily with full firepower is really scary!

   Despite this, the vitality of the ghoul leader is still strong.

   Just as Art was staring at Samantha Lily's back vigilantly, the chaotic breath on her body suddenly began to subside.

  At the same time, she took out a dark red and black "rope" from the interspatial bag, which looked like the tendons of some kind of creature, with a thick thumb, but it also gave people an extraordinarily tough feeling just by looking at it.

  She used this "rope" to trap the ghoul leader.

  From top to bottom, even the mouth is not spared.

  After doing this, the aura on her body subsided.

  The eyes also returned to normal.

   "Woo—" Without her restraint, the leader of the ghoul regained control of his body. He wanted to struggle, but he could only whimper a few times.

  Samantha Lily sneered.

   She was almost slapped in the face just now, how could she make another mistake?

  The main tendon of the 7th-level ferocious wolverine, let alone a mere 6th-level monster, is even a 7th-level monster.

   "Zi zi..." However, the holy impact aura under the ghoul leader's feet, even if it can't move, is still exerting its effect.

   It's just that neither Art nor Samantha Lily care anymore.

  Before, he had received 2 shocks again, but he was not paralyzed, obviously not a 100% chance.

   Otherwise, it would be too perverted!

   As for the two of them hitting all of them before, I don't know if they were too unlucky, or the first wave of impact must have a paralyzing effect.

   Fortunately, Samantha Lily broke free.

  At this time, Yate finally saw the information of this monster.

   "As fast as a black eagle, undead, with aura, strengthened by flames", a series of affixes.

   Let’s say this guy has affixes of speed!

  However, this guy actually has the "Fire Strengthening" affix!

  Monsters with this affix will explode after death.

   "When you sell, remember to remind the buyer not to kill it." Art reminded Samantha Lily.

   "What?" Samantha Lily turned around and asked.

  The black lines on his body have faded.

   "Its body will explode after death, so we must remind it, so as not to be questioned about our commercial credit." Art explained.

  Samantha Lily frowned, turned around and looked at the ghoul leader again, and finally found that there was a violent flame power in its body.

   This power is integrated with its body, it is almost impossible to separate!

   At least she couldn't.

   "Cough!" Seeing that she was showing signs of addiction, Art coughed lightly.

   "I'm taking it back!" Samantha Lily grabbed the ghoul leader, which was more than twice her size, and said, "After it's sold, I'll tell you what you can exchange for it depending on the price."

   "Okay." Art trusted her credit.

   "Call me when you need to make a move, goodbye!" After Samantha Lily finished speaking, she grabbed the ghoul leader and left.

  Yat looked at the completely destroyed rituals in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

  It's too **** dangerous!

  (end of this chapter)