MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 402 monitor

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  Chapter 402 Surveillance

  Geraldine Casa knew that walking alone at night as a murloc would easily cause unnecessary trouble, so he always walked in remote corners.

   But unexpectedly, he was still stopped.

  3 people, wearing black patrol uniforms, carrying shotguns, surrounded him in a triangle with 2 in front and 1 behind.

  Geraldine Casa very conscientiously chose to go with the opponent.

  Although their clan usually trades with humans through fishermen in the fishing village, it does not mean that they do not understand the situation in Pudera City. On the contrary, they are very clear about the composition of various forces.

  Although the 3 people in front of them are wearing patrol uniforms, they don't smell like patrol members at all!

  Murlocs have more or less special abilities. In addition to their great strength, they also have a very keen sense of smell and can smell certain deep-seated smells.

  For example, these three people have a strong cold breath.

  It has nothing to do with personality, ability, etc. The warriors who have been killed for a long time in the clan also have this kind of aura. When he was a child, he was scared and cried, so he has a deep memory.

  He has seen the patrol team in Pudera City. Although they are relatively sturdy, they don't have the aura of a veteran.

  Those who dared to pretend to be a patrol team...No, these people may not necessarily be impersonating, or they may have temporarily acquired the identity of a patrol team!

   For some people, this thing is not difficult at all.

   Soon, Geraldine Casa saw someone who wanted to see him.

  In a private house nearby, there is a man who looks like an iron tower.

  Black man, almost as tall as him, with a serious face, almost no expression fluctuations on his face, and his eyes are very pale.

  Indifferent "light".

   "What did you see him for?" When they met, they went straight to the topic without any delay.

   "Business." Geraldine Casa naturally knew who the other party was asking, so he didn't pretend to be stupid.

  No matter what he thinks in his heart, at least his mouth is very honest, and his face also has a simple and honest expression.

   Don't expect to see anything from his eyes, because they are so small that it is impossible to see.

   "Didn't the transaction be completed the second time?" asked the tower-like man.

"That was a deal between our clan and him, this time it's a deal between me and him." Geraldine Casa didn't expect that the other party knew his actions well, and immediately put some ideas that just popped up again. Pressed back.

  I can only say sorry to Art silently.

   Obviously, these people are not aimed at him, but at Art.

   "What deal?" The tower-like man was not offended by his answer like squeezing toothpaste, and continued to ask.

   "A batch of stones." Many professionals and experienced fighters have the ability to distinguish lies, so Geraldine Casa didn't tell a single lie, but he answered very succinctly every time.

  However, the attitude of the other party has proved that his little trick is completely useless, so this time he made it clear in one breath: "I don't know what these stones are for. I fished them from the bottom of the sea."

  What should be concealed must be concealed, such as which sea area the stone came from.

   "Show it to me!" The tower-like man said in an unquestionable tone.

   "There was only one sample, which was left behind by him, and the stone was not convenient to carry with him." Geraldine Casa explained.

  The tower-like man frowned slightly.

   Immediately, 2 people came forward to search Geraldine Casa.

  Geraldine Casa's small eyes shrank slightly, but he didn't resist.

   "Nothing!" Naturally, nothing was found.

   "Why did he buy the corpses of extraordinary creatures?" The tower-like man waved his hand and asked again.

   "I don't know." Geraldine Casa looked shocked.

   This guy even knows the items they traded in the afternoon!

   Forget it, I can't afford to mess with it.

   "Let's go." The tower-like man waved him away.

   "Remember not to tell anyone." When he left, he lightly warned.

   No warning, no threat.

   "Yes." Geraldine Casa was shocked.

   The more this kind of person is, the more difficult it is to provoke, which is not the same as a biting dog.

   Originally, I wanted to secretly tell Art in the transaction tomorrow, but now it seems that I still forget it.

  He represents not only himself, but the entire Casa clan!

  The current Casa clan is in a precarious and weak period, and cannot withstand another blow, so he just promised.

  How could one possibly put the clan at risk for a trading partner?

  In the house, the tower-like man waited for Geraldine Casa to leave, picked up a pen, and wrote something in a notebook.

  18, Major Moore Lane.

  19, Major Moore Lane.

  No. 20, Bishop Xante Harold, Bishop Windsor Sinclair, Bishop Sylvia Mary, Paladin Adams.

  The records in the book are all those who have been to Yate during this period!

   No Samantha Lilly's name.

   As the Countess' confidant, he not only knew 3 bishops, he even knew the name of Martin Adams!

   Attended the banquet welcoming Martin Adams together as the bodyguard of the countess.

  Like the members of the United Law Enforcement Team, they did not dare to get too close when monitoring Yate, but bought a house nearby and watched from a distance.

   It's just that I didn't expect that this guy never went out once!

   Better than those girls from big noble families!

   And those who came to find Yate on their own initiative, let alone investigate, they didn't even dare to take a second look!

   Today I managed to catch a murloc who can ask a few words.

  Their job content is just to observe Yate’s daily life, collect various data, and don’t need to do anything specific.

  That's why Geraldine Casa was let go so easily, and he didn't find out what the stone was.

  The countess told me to only observe and not interfere.


   "What has this guy been through during this time?" After Geraldine Casa left the city, he slowed down and began to speculate about Art's experience during this time.

  Yate's strength is obviously much higher than last time, and I found out when I met him for the first time today.

  He proposed that only Tier 4 extraordinary creatures also proved this point.

  Not only is the strength stronger, but the level of the characters you come into contact with has also become different.

  Just now those guys obviously belonged to a certain big force, but they bought a house nearby to watch him. It seemed that he was worried about being discovered by him, and he didn't dare to get too close.

   These all prove that his experience during this period is probably very exciting!

   Just thinking about it, Geraldine Casa couldn't help being fascinated.

  Ever since he heard some stories about human beings since he was a child, he dreamed that one day he would meet the legendary adventure, otherwise he would not have gone to that sea area to try his luck.

  However, his character and demeanor are not bad.

  Although yearning, envy, and even a little bit of jealousy, there is no such negative emotion as hatred.

  I hope Art is safe and sound.

   After all, such a high-quality partner is not easy to find, especially among cunning human businessmen.

   The feeling of wanting to cough up my lungs is really uncomfortable. Many things are forgotten as soon as I think them out. It takes more than 4 hours to code out 2000 words in front of the computer.



  (end of this chapter)

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