MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 164 Those who go in first

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  Chapter 164 The one who gets in first

  The strength of the bearded man was unexpectedly strong.

  Zhang Feng also felt a terribly chilly neck.

  He is also an extremely fast lord class, and the damage he punches and kicks is terrible to the limit.

  In any case, the giant Naga's health is almost one million, and it's too much to lose it in seconds.

  How high is the damage of the beard?

   "No, maybe it's just that the opponent's attack speed is extremely fast, and multiple attacks in a short period of time are enough to cause an instant kill effect."

  Zhang Feng thought of the Blooming Blossom Sword and Falling Leaf Sword that he once mastered, both of which are skills that cause multiple damages in a short period of time.

  A dozen times of damage per second can cause the so-called spike effect.

  The principle is here, and you can basically understand the reason.

   But even so, it is really surprising that it can cause such high damage in a short period of time, not everyone has this ability.

   After killing all the giant Naga on the scene, Zhang Feng flew to the place where the Sumeru Stone was.

   "Let me see, where is the storage in this place?"

  Zhang Feng searched again, but found nothing. It seems that special methods are needed to obtain items from it.

  He intends to leave a detailed search, but his heart still rejects his idea.

   "It doesn't matter if you just get those things by hand, but if you stay here now, some hidden missions may come out in this place."

   "Although I am looking forward to the rewards given by the hidden missions, but this time the map is related to the Dark Lord, and we must not increase the difficulty of the main line needlessly."

   Zhang Feng thought for a moment, and immediately took action.

   Pull out the Sumeru Stone directly from the base, no matter whether there are any other secrets here, directly throw the Sumeru Stone into the demiplane, and tell the bearded man to leave.

   But the bearded man is too curious about this place.

  He made a gesture to ask Zhang Feng to wait a moment.

   Then he picked up a few pieces of metal from the ground, wiped off the dust on them, and frowned for a moment.

  But in the end, he got nothing, shook his head and put it in his arms, and then followed Zhang Feng back to the cave in the middle of the sky, and returned to the original entrance together.

  Not long after Zhang Feng and the others left, above the collapsed base, the space was faintly distorted, and an extremely huge black-haired arm loomed.

   But after struggling for a while, it returned to silence.

  The submarine base lost its movement and fell into endless darkness.

  On the other side, Zhang Feng and Beard, who walked out of the cave, saw the increasing number of Dark Sea Clan by the sea.

  These seafood creatures with harpoons and spears in their hands rushed towards the two people on the shore like a tide.

   "Fortunately, I came out quickly. If I stay, I'm afraid I will be surrounded by these guys."

  Although the strength of the Dark Sea Clan rushing over was low, there were not many of them at level 100. It should be that some of the nearby Sea Clans were summoned.

  Their purpose of coming here is only one, which is to delay Zhang Feng and the others and prevent them from leaving.

  The purpose is to wait for the powerful dark sea tribe mobilized from afar to come.

  Although the bearded man is not afraid of these guys, it would be quite annoying if he was surrounded by these guys in the previous cave.

   "Come in, we should go."

  Zhang Feng opened the demiplane, and greeted the bearded man.

  The bearded man chuckled, and immediately got in.

  He already knew Zhang Feng's speed, so he naturally understood that the opponent would not care about these little things that were still charging.

   Zhang Feng, who was flying high, really looked down on these guys.

  He just summoned two flaming eagles at random, and asked them to set a few fires here to slaughter these dark sea people.

  He flapped his wings and left here quickly.

   Zhang Feng, who was high in the sky, looked at the Dark Sea Clan constantly pouring out of the sea below, showing a triumphant smile.

   In this game, being able to fly is a great thing.

  Even if it is the lord level, or even a higher level, very few people can do things like flying.

  In addition to using spells, one must at least reach the legendary level to do so.

   And it's only part of the profession.

   For example, cannon fodder like soldiers is basically difficult to do.

   "Oh, hurt the warrior class again..."

   Zhang Feng murmured in his heart.

  Although he was a warrior in his previous life, this kind of self-deprecation is not good.

   But this time he can fly, which is exciting.

   It didn't take much time to get back to Turtle Island.

  When Zhang Feng landed from the sky, the island owners of God Turtle Island disappeared.

   Obviously they didn't know that Zhang Feng could fly so fast.

   In such a short period of time, he actually went to Shenguang Island and got the Sumeru Stone back.

   Waiting until Zhang Feng fell from the sky above God Turtle Island and triggered the alarm system here, the island owners rushed over in surprise, wanting to ask the result of the matter.

   "Don't worry, everyone, this time the space is big enough!"

  The bearded man who came out of the demiplane showed a satisfied smile.

  After he entered the demiplane, he was measuring the space inside the demiplane, excluding his original 10,000 square meters.

  The entire demiplane has expanded its scope by more than ten times.

   Fully increased the size of more than 200,000 square meters.

  The newly increased land area, due to the lack of land for burial and green plants, reveals a sense of barrenness and barrenness.

   In the future, Zhang Feng will need to take care of this place and fill in more soil.

  However, 200,000 square meters may seem like a large number, but it is really nothing.

   You can know by conversion, this is equivalent to 300 mu of land, 20 hectares in area.

   Although it is possible to accommodate more than 300,000 people, the actual location is definitely not loose.

  One person can't even allocate one square meter of area, and can't even bring more salutes.

   "The area is almost enough, but it needs to be tiring for everyone to stand one more time."

  Whisker and several other island owners carefully planned in the demiplane, and found that such a large area is enough to take everyone away.

  Although you may suffer some crimes, as long as you can escape this death, I believe many people will be willing.

   "If you squeeze, you can bring some more important goods, and then you can live better in the empire."

  An island owner said frankly, and then let go of the heavy burden, and smiled slightly, "No matter what, this time there is finally a chance for relief."

  The other island owners looked at each other and smiled, then quickly gathered everyone, quickly entered this half-plane, and made preparations to escape from here.

  Zhang Feng just opened the door to the demiplane, allowing everyone on the Turtle Island to walk in.

  Because the gate of the demiplane is opened enough, the flow of people entering is not slow.

  You can enter thousands of people in one minute.

   Even so, it will take several hours.

  This is also the reason why it is said that everyone should suffer and stand more.

   Those who entered first had to stand for at least ten hours before they could leave this half-plane again.

  (end of this chapter)

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