MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 190 Two hundred thousand armor

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  Chapter 190 Two hundred thousand armor

  Time is like flowing water, once gone, it will never be returned.

  Zhang Feng did not expect that the siege of the dark creatures would never stop after it started.

   Even though he destroyed more than half of the dark lairs, relying on the huge base, a large number of dark creatures still flooded in like a tide.

   At least tens of millions of dark creatures enter the arena every day. Such a terrifying number is already more than ten times the number of Sunset Fortress.

   There are not many defensive members in Fortress Sunset.

  Except for the forces possessed by Yuhui Fortress itself, there are also retreating troops from Heihe Fortress and Qingshi Fortress in front.

  The number of people also has hundreds of thousands.

   There are also reinforcements joining in the rear, and the combat members alone have reached the million level.

   This is not a big city in the rear, this is just a fortress.

  If it weren't for the invasion of darkness, where would we see such a scene.

   Tens of millions of dark creatures are attacking Sunset Fortress all the time, constantly consuming the energy, physical strength, and various resources of the members in the fortress.

  Opening the formation of the fort needs energy consumption.

  Eat and drink, also need supplies.

   The medicinal herbs needed for injury, the materials to resist the erosion of darkness, and the spell materials consumed by various skills.

  It can be said that Yuhui Fortress is like a gold swallowing beast every day, constantly eating up a large amount of reserves of the Tianhan Empire.

  Under such an environment, Sunset Fortress did not dare to back down in the slightest, let alone make a little compromise in order to save money.

  Because the Lord of Darkness is outside the city, once the formation of Sunset Fortress is relaxed, it may be the time for the other party to aggressively invade.

   "This guy is just to use up all the reserves in the fortress. When there is no power left, the dark lord will do it himself."

  Zhang Feng stood on the top of the wall, and the yellow turban warriors beside him had already been arranged around by him. Relying on their absolute attribute suppression, they kept killing dark creatures.

  His level has already reached the full level, and even An Yunfeng has also risen to the full level of the third rank following the experience.

  Experience points are no longer of any use to him.

  The trophies dropped by dark creatures are surrounded by countless dark creatures because they are all under the city.

   It is even more impossible for Zhang Feng to leave the protection of the formation in a frenzy to pick up the spoils.

   After all, there is a dark lord who hates him in front of him.

  Even with the protection of the formation, Zhang Feng needs to put up a 120,000-point mentality to avoid the possibility of being killed by the opponent desperately.

  The Third Prince didn't know what he was doing recently.

   Rarely see him coming to the top of the wall.

  The Lord of Darkness is always on the front line, relying on the ability of the Lord to add more attributes to his cannon fodder.

  In short, the current battlefield is like a flesh and blood mill.

   It depends on how long Yuhui Fortress can last before it is wiped out.

  Because judging from the current situation, Sunshine Fortress has almost no possibility of victory.

  Dark Lair is continuously providing troops, while Sunset Fortress can only rely on the reserves these days.

  The creatures in the dark lair are endless and can be manufactured without limit.

  But the reserves of Sunset Fortress are limited.

  Although I hoarded a lot before, there is a limit, which may lead to insufficient quantity, and eventually perish under the endless attacks of dark creatures.

   "No wonder the main task only requires us to persist for three months. It seems that there is no problem at all."

  An Yunfeng sighed.

  She followed behind Zhang Feng, acting as a facade with the angel pet.

   Occasionally throw a healing spell to other people on the periphery, turn on the aura to restore the state, basically there is nothing to do.

   "Fortunately, there is still you, the characteristics of the Yellow Turban Warriors are really a bit too BUG."

  An Yunfeng looked at the more than a hundred yellow scarf warriors wantonly slaughtering the dark creatures rushing on the wall.

  The wall of Sunshine Fortress is much larger than the previous two fortresses.

  Hundreds of yellow turban wrestlers spread out, and they can't occupy many places.

  But in this area, with the presence of Yellow Turban warriors, most people will look more relaxed.

   It can even be used as a rest point in the rotation area, where you can relax.

   "How long until it's over?"

  Zhang Feng has been running around countless times during this time, running day and night for the task.

   After finally coming back, I ran into the dark creatures that continued to attack the city again. I was really a little confused about the time, and I couldn't remember how long it had passed.

   "It's been almost two and a half months."

  An Yunfeng thought about it carefully. This is the bad thing about the dark game. If you don’t remember it, there will be no system to remind you.

  Unless the time is gone, or something is triggered again, the exact time will not be known.

   "Is there half a month left?"

  Zhang Feng muttered in his heart, looking at the dark lord in the distance.

  If it can continue like this, it may be a good thing.

  At the beginning, he still wanted to consider killing the Dark Lord and spend his life to fight once.

  But after several battles, Zhang Feng discovered that the strength of the Dark Lord was a bit terrifying, so powerful that he did not seem to exist in the world.

   Not only the attack is ridiculously high, but the speed is also as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it can directly cross a long distance, which is almost the same as teleportation.

  A lord-level stronghold NPC was smashed into a puddle of mud by the slap of the dark lord in just three seconds.

  The horror of the opponent is clearly visible.

  Even if the Yellow Turban Warriors went up together, they would probably be directly killed by them in a short time.

  It's not an opponent, if you fight alone, you can't even run.

   "Is this the real lord?"

  Zhang Feng sighed, muttering in his heart that others didn't know.

  He was just calculating how much armor he needed to withstand the terrifying attack power of the Dark Lord.

   "You need at least 200,000 armor."

  A frivolous voice rang in Zhang Feng's ear.

  Zhang Feng turned his head and saw that it was the third prince himself.

  He was holding a bunch of grapes in his left hand, stuffing them into his mouth one by one, and said with a smile, "Without 200,000 armor, the Dark Lord's attack would cause serious damage."

  Zhang Feng didn't ask the other party why he knew what he was muttering, because his expression was too obvious, and he could tell what he was thinking at a glance.

   What's more, it's this magic stick who has the secrets and magic calculations.

  Although he has methods such as the ring of phase shielding and divination, the other party has studied the human heart for an unknown number of years, and he is definitely not as good as him with a doctor of psychology.

   It is not difficult to understand people's expressions.

   "200,000 armor, it's impossible to have so much if you kill me."

   Zhang Feng said with a smile.

  But the third prince looked at him fixedly, and said, "You really have no choice but to push it to 200,000 armor?"

  Zhang Feng stopped smiling and looked at the other party: "It seems that you want me to be a meat shield?"

  (end of this chapter)

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