MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 193 A dark lord with 200 million health points! and the Lord of Three Million

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  Chapter 193 The dark lord with 200 million health points! And 300 million protagonists!

  The Lord of Darkness stood in front of the Fortress of Yuhui, without thinking that he would rush in first and completely destroy the entire fortress.

   When the fortress has a formation, it is very dangerous to rush in.

   And just using cannon fodder to consume various resources in the fortress again and again, and quietly waiting for the end of the battle, wouldn't it be a better choice?

  According to the dark lord's own estimation, within three to five days at most, the resource reserves of Sunset Fortress will not be able to sustain it

   At that time, without the protection of the array, Yuhui Fortress will be completely reduced to a toy in his hands, which can be easily destroyed.

  But this day, when the Dark Lord was about to see how much energy the Sunshine Fortress had, he vaguely saw a figure flying into the sky from the top of the city wall.

  The target is...your rear?

  At this moment, the dark lord's eyeballs were about to turn red.

  If I hadn't been inattentive before, I let a thief run behind me, destroying nearly half of the dark lair.

  The Yuhui Fortress at this moment has already been directly destroyed by dark creatures, so why would there be so much delay.

   And looking at the figure of the little thief at this moment, it seems that he wants to repeat his old tricks to destroy his remaining dark lairs, thereby alleviating the current predicament of the fortress.


  The Dark Lord snorted coldly in his heart.

  If you do this half a month in advance, there may be a glimmer of hope.

  But now the resources in the fortress have been stretched to such an extent, even if all the dark creatures are completely destroyed now, as long as I am here, the formation of the sunset fortress will not dare to stop.

  Although it will not consume as many resources as when there are dark creatures attacking the city now, it is nothing more than waiting a few days longer.

  The Dark Lord stood up with a sneer.

  Although this is also despair, but the dark lair is his own thing, it was destroyed for no reason, and he lost a lot.

   Besides, that little thief must die!

  Looking at Zhang Feng, the Dark Lord gritted his teeth, wanting to go crazy.

  He has enough understanding of Zhang Feng.

  Since the East China Sea Islands, he has faintly started to cause some troubles for himself.

  From beginning to end, if it weren't for this person, darkness would have already engulfed the earth.

   New and old hatreds welled up in my heart, this guy is sure to die today!

  The Dark Lord took a closer look at his surroundings. The other party was cautious and showed no signs of acting.

  There are no other masters around, so it shouldn't be a trap.

   Then now, kill you!

  The Lord of Darkness left his seat in an instant, and appeared in front of Zhang Feng with a whoosh.

   Without further ado, he punched the opponent directly, without giving him any chance to speak.

  With a bang, Zhang Feng was hit directly into the ground.

  The huge power is like launching a missile, completely destroying the entire ground.

  But the next second, the Dark Lord saw Zhang Feng lying on the ground.

  Looking at the other party's smug smile, the Dark Lord couldn't detect it well.

  But at the moment when he was about to leave, he felt as if his body was imprisoned by something, and he couldn't leave at all.

  It turned out that the moment the Dark Lord suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Feng and punched him.

   Zhang Feng, who had been preparing for a long time, directly used the duelist's shackles on him.

   It was precisely because of this that Zhang Feng was so easily punched and fell to the ground by the opponent, otherwise he would have been able to make a little defensive move no matter how bad it was.

"You are dead."

  Zhang Feng laughed loudly, and released Fang Ruohai and the others from the demiplane.


  Fang Ruohai didn't hesitate at all, and directly swung the one-handed sword he had prepared in his hand, "There is no reason to talk to such a demon heretic, let's stand shoulder to shoulder!"

   Puff puff!

  When Fang Ruohai swung the one-handed sword, three colors of red, yellow and green suddenly appeared on the Dark Lord's body.

  It looks extremely disgusting when piled up together, but for Zhang Feng and others, it is a great good thing.

   This is the alchemist's poison skill, which poisons the target.

  The red toxin reduces the opponent's health, the yellow toxin reduces the opponent's physical defense, and the green toxin slows down the opponent's speed.

  Of course, even with the poison in his body, it didn't have any effective effect on the Dark Lord.

   But in this kind of battle, if you can weaken the opponent a little, that's a little bit.

   Zhang Feng muttered to the opponent, and also threw a series of multiple missiles in his hand.

   But without exception, they were all dodged by the dark lord in an instant.

   Even with the slowing effect of the green toxin, the speed of the dark lord far exceeds the moment when Zhang Feng's spell takes effect.


  Suddenly, Luo Anping, who also came out, shot a heavy arrow.

   If the mine exploded, it flew to the side of the dark lord and exploded.

  Countless fragments shot in all directions like marbles.

   Every fragment can easily penetrate steel.

   But for the Dark Lord, it was nothing but an itching.

  The opponent ignored the terrible explosion damage and just looked at Zhang Feng.

   "Tie yourself to me?"

  The Dark Lord laughed cruelly, "This is really interesting, do you think you can kill me by relying on these idiots?"

  The Lord of Darkness patted his chest haha: "I don't even look at it, how big is the gap between you and me."

   "It's pretty big."

   Zhang Feng looked at the blood volume of the dark lord, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

  Fang Ruohai's strongest lord-level BOSS, each has six to seven million, and the health value has reached the top of the lord-level BOSS.

  But at this moment, the blood volume of the dark lord is so terrifying that people doubt life.

   "Is the 200 million blood volume a bit too exaggerated?"

   What appeared in front of Zhang Feng at this moment was the life value of the Dark Lord!

  At first, he thought that the dark lord only had 2 million health points, and felt that this was a bit abnormal.

  This is a dark lord, not a cat or a dog, with 2 million health points, who is he looking down on?

  But the reason why I thought it was 2 million at first was because 20 million health points were a bit too scary.

   It is several times more than any lord-level boss he has seen.

   And the more terrifying time was when Zhang Feng thought that the 20 million was the Dark Lord BOSS.

  The uneasiness in his heart still made him unable to bear the number once, and this time he was finally at a loss.

   200 million health points?

   It is ten times more than the 20 million life points that he thought was a bit exaggerated before!

  However, so what if it is 200 million life points?

  Zhang Feng snorted coldly.

  You have a life value of 200 million, and I have already surpassed this number!

  He is not lying!

  Under the effect of the holy light link, almost all the life points of summoned creatures can be counted as part of him.

  One yellow turban wrestler has more than one million health points, and more than 200 yellow turban wrestlers have more than 300 million health points.

  Under the Holy Light link, it means that Zhang Feng has a shield with more than 300 million HP!

  Come on, let's see who can resist!

  (end of this chapter)