MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 197 A barrage of red objects

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  Chapter 197 One after another red items

  Although the Yellow Turban Supermodel is a bit serious, his attributes are becoming more and more unbelievable.

   But in fact, Zhang Feng has gradually lost interest in Yellow Turban Warriors.

   This thing is absolutely invincible in low-end rounds, and hitting wooden stakes can deal shocking damage.

  But in high-end rounds, such as the battle of the dark lord, it completely becomes a target and has almost no effect.

  Slow movements and long swings before casting spells made it impossible for the output of the Yellow Turban Warrior to hit the boss at all.

   To put it simply, it is invincible to abuse food, and it is uncomfortable to fight the boss.

  Of course, Zhang Feng himself is in the same situation now.

   After all, he is only a second-rank now, facing a speed-type boss of a fourth-rank, he really feels extremely restrained.

  He can only wait until he reaches Rank 4 to see if there is a suitable way to deal with it.

  The first dark seal works well, worthy of the title of red level.

  The second red item is no longer equipment.

  【Seed of the World】

  The effect is that a demiplane can be sublimated into a small world.

   "Demiplane? Small world?"

  Don't talk about others, Zhang Feng himself feels a little bit unclear.

   "So, just use it and see?"

  Zhang Feng was a little curious. He happened to have a demiplane here. If he sublimated into a small world, there might be some benefits.

  So he used it directly, and the next moment, the originally quiet demiplane shut down with a roar.

  Zhang Feng couldn't open it anymore, and then screamed.

   "Fuck, fuck, it won't destroy my demiplane!"

   Zhang Feng couldn't help but scream, there are countless good things in his demiplane.

   Even his pet angel is still inside. He was originally planning to fight the dark lord for a long time, and when the time was almost up, he called out to maintain the state of the holy light link.

  The only consolation now is that An Yunfeng is not inside, and now he is staying at Yuhui Fortress to be bored with his other yellow scarf warriors.

   "The demiplane is sublimating, and the duration is 30 minutes."

  Zhang Feng glanced at the armguard of the ancient, which marked the remaining time for the demiplane to sublimate the small world.

   Half an hour, I can accept it, just wait.

  Zhang Feng looked at the last red item.

   This is a scroll, it looks a little unremarkable, but it actually makes Zhang Feng's heart beat.

   "This is... pointing to the map transfer volume?"

  【Point to the Map Teleportation Volume】: Used when returning to the main city and before entering the next map release stage.

   Before using the item, please determine the corresponding associated words.

   After use, the item disappears, and the next map will enter the associated word map world.

   "This thing is really amazing!"

   Zhang Feng took a deep breath, and then let it out heavily.

  How should I put it, the upper and lower limits of the teleportation volume pointing to the map are very large.

  For ordinary players, pointing to the map transfer volume may be to let themselves have a safe and comfortable world for a while.

   And for those top powerhouses, this is an artifact to make themselves a step further.

  According to your own characteristics and needs, choose to enter the suitable world. After you come out next time, you will almost be able to reborn and have a new start.

  In fact, pointing to the map is not uncommon, and there is such a thing in the lowest level blue level.

  However, for other teleportation volumes that point to the map, the corresponding associated words have basically been specified.

  The red-level teleportation scroll can be defined by yourself.

   "So, what kind of map world do I need?"

  Zhang Feng put away the teleportation scroll and began to think.

  His current attributes have reached an extremely terrifying level, so the need for attributes is not so urgent.

   It can even be said that he just needs to wait quietly until the fourth turn, and then look at his own path according to the situation.

   "No, I really have a need to complete."

  Zhang Feng muttered to himself.

   What he lacks now is his own lifespan.

   This time he directly sacrificed his life span of almost 400 years for the map.

   This is not a small number, a second-turn professional only has so many years in total.

  Although Zhang Feng obtained a round number, he only had three to five years to live.

   Therefore, it is imminent to obtain more life span.

  Although going back three turns can give you 200 years of life, but it is good to get more.

   "It's decided, after the third turn, find a suitable world to get back the lifespan, and by the way, upgrade to the requirement of the fourth turn."

   Zhang Feng thought about it, and quickly determined the target.

  The three red items have already fallen into his hands, and he is very happy.

  As for other trophies, almost all of them will be thrown to other people in the future.

   A few golden items, those suitable for paladins, are specially placed, and they can be thrown to An Yunfeng to choose by himself.

   Vibrating his wings, Zhang Feng returned directly to the wall of Fortress Yuhui.

  An Yunfeng, who had been waiting here for a long time, threw himself into his arms, laughing and cheering.

  Zhang Feng took a special look at the other players, and they were also cheering enthusiastically, celebrating that he had finally won this war.

  Although many people don't really care about it, because the dark lord was killed by other people, they didn't get any benefits.

   But Zhang Feng told them from the bottom of his heart that if he didn't die, few of you guys would be able to go back alive, and all of you would have to die here.

  Although he was roaring in his heart, Zhang Feng just looked at all this with a smile on his face.

  At the same time, deep in his heart, a spontaneous satisfaction surged up.

  In any case, the map where only a few people escaped was completely changed this time through my own hands.

  The excitement brought about by this sense of satisfaction made him feel a little overwhelmed.

  At this time, Zhang Feng realized that the main task had been completed.

  The dark lords are dead, they no longer need to resist the invasion of dark creatures for three months, and directly won the victory.

   In addition, everyone also received a corresponding hidden mission reward as a reward for ending the main mission early.

  But Zhang Feng got a lot of hidden missions.

   After all, he was the one who personally killed the Dark Lord and saved the whole world.

  Zhang Feng didn't bother to count how many hidden missions he got after killing the Dark Lord.

  He just glanced at the honor points in the path of the eye, which has increased by as much as 600 points, which shows how high the hidden task rewards are.

   "However, it's a bit strange. The honor points obtained by killing the Dark Lord are actually more than those brought back by the Immortals. Is there any trick in it?"

   While Zhang Feng was thinking about this matter, suddenly a soldier passed through the cheering crowd and came to him.

   "The third prince welcomes you!"

  (end of this chapter)

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