MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 203 The king of the world, identity choice

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  Chapter 203 King of the World, Identity Selection

  The race of angels can be considered very good in the dark game.

  Like demons, they are all advanced races, born with powerful magic abilities and attribute templates far exceeding normal races.

   It must be said that Zhang Feng is very lucky to have a lair that produces angels.

  It's a pity that this also needs to wait until he turns four to play a role, so now I can only look at it to satisfy my greed.

   "It's a pity, now I can't even get acquainted with the lair in advance."

  Zhang Feng sighed with some regret. He also wanted to know if he could be like that dark lord, a dark lair could produce countless creatures.

  Whether it is made directly like this, or what materials are needed, these are still just a mystery.

   They had to wait until Zhang Feng turned 4 before he could find out.

   "This small world already has its own ecological cycle, and no longer needs an energy core for simulation."

  Zhang Feng looked at the sky, the sun of the small world was like a tiny basketball, moving slowly in the air, spreading sunlight and heat.

   "Then this small world should have a name."

  He pondered for a while, then scratched his hair.

   Didn't think about it.

   "Forget it, let's talk about it later."

  Zhang Feng is not very suitable for naming. After thinking about it for a long time, he just thinks about the world of light, the world of angels, and so on. They are all set according to what they see.

  Leave these things to An Yunfeng to worry about, he doesn't care.

   Walking out of the small world, An Yunfeng had already disappeared.

  She went to inquire about other players to see if there was anything suitable for them to buy.

   For example, soul crystallization.

   This thing has a price but no market, and it is difficult to buy it from other players.

   But points are really more important. Some people are really in short supply, so they can save some soul crystals and sell them.

  Of course, the price is also surprisingly high.

   "I inquired about it from other players, and the price of soul crystals is all around 300 points, so it's hard to lower the price."

  After waiting for a few hours, An Yunfeng came back and told Zhang Feng that she had really found some people who were going to sell the soul crystals.

  The price is naturally not low, but Zhang Feng now has almost 2 million points in total, so he still cares about this.

   Then An Yunfeng brought over those who wanted to sell soul crystals.

   There are quite a few people.

   Apart from some old players, there are more new players who just entered the game.

  They have gone through a few simple map tasks, and obtained some small and medium-sized soul crystals through map evaluation.

  I am reluctant to use it myself, and I don’t have good passive skills. Some people even haven’t changed jobs, so they can’t use it even if they want to.

  So when I heard that someone wanted to buy this thing, I immediately rushed over and ran over to prepare to sell it.

   It's also a good time for Zhang Feng to choose. If two or three more maps pass, the newcomers will know the preciousness of the soul crystal, and they will not want to make a move.

   I spent some points to buy the soul crystal, but it wasn't much.

   After all, he is a newcomer, and his evaluation is not high, so the number of soul crystals he got is naturally not many.

  Together, there are more than 300 points, which is not enough to increase the level of legion power by another level.

  However, Zhang Feng was not prepared to increase the strength of the legion.

  Level 5 legion strength is enough, wait for time to upgrade later.

   What Zhang Feng needs to improve this time is his passive skill of casting spells without materials.

   This thing is only level 1 now, and it can exempt spell materials below 10 points.

   But with Zhang Feng's level gradually increasing, he has even reached the third turn now, and the materials required for many spells have exceeded 10 points.

   During the second turn, it is mainly to play defensive counterattacks, and you can buy the required spell materials from the quartermaster.

  But it is impossible to be lucky every time in the future, and we still need to make preparations in advance.

  Although the soul strength of more than 300 points is not high, it is not a problem to upgrade a few levels to cast spells without materials.

  Upgrade material-free casting to level 5, which can exempt materials with less than 500 points.

  500 points is a lot of money.

   Except for a very few spells that require expensive materials, basically all spell materials required for skills below rank four can be exempted.

  After dealing with the passive skills, Zhang Feng and An Yunfeng didn't have much to do.

  The next thing they need to do is very simple.

  One is to go to the advanced training ground to spend points to improve the proficiency of your skills.

  The other is to take a good rest and wash away the exhaustion from facing the dark lord in the Death Mountain.

  As for the Dark Lord, Zhang Feng was very peaceful because he personally participated in the battle.

   But for An Yunfeng, the powerful posture of the dark lord still made her feel a little afraid of the lord-level existence.

   Zhang Feng has been calming her down these days, preparing her for the day when she can become a lord herself.

  Time just passed by like this.

  The number of human players in the main city is not small, and many of them have some communication.

  Some people also sent invitations to Zhang Feng and An Yunfeng. After all, the third-rank professional players are already the top human players in the main city.

  An Yunfeng would go over to have a look when he was free, but Zhang Feng was completely unwilling.

   Because these things are meaningless to him, many people don't even know if they can meet after the next map.

  The current communication is nothing more than making my future self more sad.

   There are no players strong enough to rush to the top to withstand the falling sky. Relying on these players alone will not have a good ending.

   Just like before he was reborn.

  An Yunfeng didn't know Zhang Feng's thoughts, but she didn't have any persuasion or guidance.

  In her opinion, no matter what Zhang Feng did, it was the right choice.

  A player who can kill a lord-level boss at the second turn is countless times stronger than these players who are only at the third turn at most.

   Catering to these people is just self-deprecation, and it is enough for a person with no strength to socialize.

  This time, Zhang Feng and the others took an extra long break.

   For more than 40 days in a row, there has been no new map information.

   It seems that the world of setting keywords is not easy to choose, and it takes a lot of time.

  Many players have already entered their own map world, and soon only Zhang Feng and An Yunfeng are left in the main city.

  Finally, after waiting for almost two months, the news from the system finally came.

  【Please note that your next map has been selected! 】

  【(King of the Four Seas), please prepare accordingly! 】

  【Please choose the identity to enter (King of the Four Seas). 】

  Accompanied by the system's prompt, the interface in front of Zhang Feng was quickly pulled down.

  But to his surprise, the interface in front of him didn't offer many identity choices.

   Only two.

  【Pirates (0 points)】

  【Navy (0 points)】

  (end of this chapter)

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