MTL - Dear Mr. Lu-Chapter 57

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It wrote what Luo Wencheng mainly did in the past week, whether he encountered any difficulties, and how his mental state was.

One email a week, Lu Chong doesn't seem to make himself like a voyeur, he has people following Luo Wencheng just to ensure his safety, so that he won't be troubled by unknown dangers, poverty, and unfamiliarity.

But he reads the emails every week very carefully.

He lived a fulfilling, busy and hard life. People around him who have never been troubled by food, clothing, housing and transportation are now working hard for money every day.

Bartending, painting, cooking, who doesn't work hard, his shoulder is not good, can he stand it?

And his illness, is it better? Or is it more serious?

Lu Chong pressed his forehead, and in the end it was the same as the previous few times. After repeated consideration, he didn't intend to interfere, but he asked Zhou Qian to arrange two people on his side to go to the place where Zhang Qihui was to investigate the situation first. .

Finding a loved one is a good thing, but if the loved one is not a good one or will cause trouble, it is good to be prepared.

Luo Wencheng stayed in M ​​City for another 20 days, saved up enough money, and finished and sent out the drawings for the competition, before finally leaving.

When he checked out, the hotel manager was quite reluctant. He spent more than 10,000 yuan on accommodation in his hotel for more than a month, and he went out early and returned late. He also gave me a small gift.

Luo Wencheng couldn't laugh or cry, this is a very delicate glass bedside lamp, and there are two sentences written on the box: There is always someone waiting for you to go home. There is always a light that shines for you.

"I'm heartbroken, old man."

Luo Wencheng patted the lamp and left it on the bus.

The bus went straight to the bullet train station, and five hours later, at around two o'clock in the afternoon, he got off the bullet train, and this was another strange small city.

The office did not give Luo Wencheng a specific address, but gave him a copy of Zhang Qihui's long-term lease of the car, proving that Zhang Qihui had been working as a taxi driver here for a long time, pulling goods and bringing people around.

Luo Wencheng thought about going to this rental car company to find out the news.

"Yongxing Town, Yongxing Town is short of one person!"

"Is there any in Xitou Town? Let's go now!"


In the small square in front of the exit, minivans and Wuling cars were parked in a mess, and the owners greeted customers enthusiastically with their loud voices. Luo Wencheng had checked several buses before going to the destination, Xitou Town, and he was a little tired. , I didn't want to squeeze the bus, and I didn't see a more formal-looking taxi in my sight range.

He hesitated whether to stay nearby for one night or go to Xitou Town today. Seeing that the time was still there, he walked towards one of the Wuling cars: "Xitou Town?"

"Hey, Xitou Town, you get in the car and leave!" the owner of the car said hurriedly.

At first glance, Luo Wencheng saw that he looked familiar, but he couldn't tell where he was familiar. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said to get in the car. The other party hurriedly put his drawing board in the back of the car, moving cautiously, and then quickly came over to open the door for Luo Wencheng.

Luo Wencheng sat in the back seat. The car was very neat and tidy, and the back seat was also fitted with a small neck pillow, which was very comfortable. Seeing that the driver really started the car immediately, Luo Wencheng couldn't help asking: "Don't pull two more people?"

"Hey, it's a bit late today. I'm rushing back to pick up the child. Sit for a while. It's nearly two hours away." The driver said with a smile.

Luo Wencheng didn't expect that this car really only took him alone. He didn't know the place where he was born. He didn't know if he was taken away by him, and he didn't dare to sleep. He asked casually: "Are you picking up the child yourself?"

"I don't usually pick up, let them go home by themselves. Isn't it the child's birthday today? I promised to take them to pick out cakes." The driver's chatterbox also opened up, "Actually, I was soliciting customers in the town, and today there is a The guests have a lot of luggage and are in a hurry, and the chartered car fee is high, so I drove to the city. I thought I would wait another two minutes, but if there were no guests, I would go back with an empty car. I didn't expect to wait for you."

Luo Wencheng smiled faintly: "That's quite a fate."

"I think that thing just now is a drawing board? Are you a painter?"

"Not a painter, just a painter."

"That's amazing. You are a creative person. No wonder I think you have an unusual temperament. Where are you going to Xitou Town?"

"Find someone." Luo Wencheng said vaguely, "Just put me in the busiest place when the time comes."

After saying this, he leaned there and swiped his phone boredly, and was drowsy, when the driver's phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up and gave a hello.


Luo Wencheng raised his eyes abruptly.

The sound coming from the mobile phone didn't spread out obviously, but Luo Wencheng's hearing is very good, so he could hear those two words clearly.


Luo Wencheng looked at the side face of the driver on the phone, and remembered where the familiarity came from.

He took out the copy of the leased vehicle from his bag, and there was a one-inch bareheaded photo in the upper right corner.

Although it is a very blurred and distorted picture after copying, it is somewhat similar to the driver in the front seat.

In particular, the copy shows that the rented car is also Wuling.

Luo Wencheng waited for the driver to finish the phone call, and then asked calmly, "Master, you are Geng this year."

"48 years old."

"48 years old? That kid shouldn't be too young."

The driver said unpreparedly: "The older one is almost twenty, and the two younger ones are less than ten years old."

Luo Wencheng observed him, thinking that his age was right, his facial features were right, his skin wasn't too dark, but he drove all the year round, and he couldn't get much darker. His Mandarin was very standard, and he didn't have an accent, but the accent was perfectly fine. corrected. Height, only a little shorter than myself, about 1.75 meters.

"Master, what's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang."

Luo Wencheng confirmed it in his heart.

He was in a complicated mood, could it be such a coincidence?

For the rest of the journey, Luo Wencheng has been secretly observing the driver, who is suspected to be his biological father.

The interior of the car and the clothes are very tidy. It can be seen that he is a person who pays attention to hygiene, but the clothes are washed white, which shows that

Thrifty or poor financial situation.

The service is thoughtful, the attitude is kind, and the attitude of speaking is relatively low. This does not mean that he has such a personality, but it may be that he values ​​customers and this job.

There was no family portrait or anything like that in the car, but according to him, there were at least three children.

Luo Wencheng lowered his eyes slightly, but he didn't have any feelings in his heart. It would be best for this person to live well. Originally, he just came here to seek peace of mind.

When we drove to Xitou Town, it was said that it was past 4:30. The driver obviously became anxious and checked the time frequently.

Luo Wencheng thought, this is about the point when elementary school ends.

"How about I take you to the business center? It's the busiest place at this time, and there's a lot of food."

Luo Wencheng said: "No need, aren't you going to pick up the kids? I'll be going to and from the school by the way."

"That's fine." The driver was very happy, so he didn't have to take a detour, and went directly to school just in time for school to end.

Five minutes later, Luo Wencheng got off at the No. 1 Primary School in Xitou Town, put his drawing board on his back, and sat down at a noodle restaurant diagonally opposite the school gate.

From here, you can just see the Wuling car, mixed with a group of cars and battery cars waiting to pick up the children, it looks a bit dusty.

The students poured out one after another, and the school gate was noisy and crowded, but Luo Wencheng still clearly saw two boys and girls of average size running out of the campus hand in hand, standing in the Wuling car in the distance. The driver next to him beckoned, the driver went over and touched the heads of the two, and then the three of them got into the car together.

"Your beef noodles." The proprietress brought over a large bowl of beef noodles. The amount of beef was particularly sufficient. She looked at Luo Wencheng with some curiosity. The young man was very delicate. He just sat there and did nothing. A particularly educated feeling, just looking at it and I like it in my heart: "I've never seen you before, are you from another place?"

"Hmm." Luo Wencheng took a pinch of noodles, and suddenly thought of something: "Madam, please ask me something, have you ever heard of recruiting teachers in the elementary school opposite?"

"Are you a teacher? What do you teach?"

"Art, music, too."

The proprietress thought for a while, "I haven't heard of it, and this semester is almost over, even if there is a shortage of teachers, you won't be recruiting at this time, right?"

Luo Wencheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's true."

Luo Wencheng found a small hotel near the school to live in. The next day, he thought about ways to get closer to his goal. Unexpectedly, when he went out early in the morning, he saw a brand new recruitment notice at the door of the hotel.

The No. 1 Primary School in Xitou Town is going to open a summer art interest class and recruit an art teacher?

Luo Wencheng vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he went to school anyway.

The assessment that the principal, the teaching director, and the leader of the art group participated in was very formal for a small town elementary school. After the assessment was over, he was asked to go back and wait for the notice. He was called a day later to say that he was hired. He went to class in the afternoon, leading the last art class of class one of the third grade, because the original art teacher was not feeling well and asked for leave.

Luo Wencheng hung up the phone and thought for a while, if that's what he thought...

With that guess in mind, he walked into the teacher of class one, three years in the afternoon and saw that the two children of the driver were sitting upright in the classroom yesterday, holding the student roster for comparison. The girl's name was Zhang Yutong, and the boy's name was Zhang Yuyang. , is a pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

He put down the roster, lowered his head and smiled, and said to the children: "Your teacher Liu is on leave. I am your substitute teacher. My surname is Luo. Today is the final exam for your art class. The exam topic is..."

While invigilating the exam, Luo Wencheng was dealing with some children's minor problems, while observing two children surnamed Zhang. He couldn't be sure of their identities without such a situation, but he could be completely sure of their identities after such a situation.

He looked at the two children, and picked up his phone to take a picture of his face, vaguely seeing very few similar traces.

He doesn't look much like Zhang Qihui, maybe he looks a little more like his mother? However, many children are not quite like their parents, and there are very few who can tell that they are related by blood just from their appearance.

And after being reborn, because of the pain every day, while his body was being detoxified and combed, his appearance also underwent some hard-to-detect changes, which could not be seen with the naked eye, but if you take out the photos of him when he was just released from prison and compare them Compared with now, it is actually not the same, and the overall feeling is probably a lot more refined.

A class ended soon, and Luo Wencheng returned to the office with a stack of drawing paper. The art team leader asked, "Have you seen any good seedlings suitable for entering the interest class?"

Luo Wencheng saw a trace of nervousness in his eyes, and his limbs were a little stiff. He took out two pieces of drawing paper, smiled and said, "Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuqing are good at drawing."

"Ah, they." The team leader looked a little surprised, "They are really cute and smart, but their family conditions are not very good. I heard that they will help the family with things during the holidays. Their parents may not let them participate."

"What can such a small child do? Can you tell me about their family?"

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