MTL - Dear Mr. Lu-Chapter 67

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Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

underground laboratory.

Luo Wencheng has been trapped here for more than two months.

That day when he came out of the memory of fifteen years old, his consciousness returned to his current body, but he was still very weak, and he was rarely even awake.

The system told him that this was because he was already dead. Fang Bude, that is, the medicine that Professor De Lang gave him to save him, or the small device implanted in his heart, It's all something in the experimental stage, which has caused his current physical condition to be up and down.

Luo Wencheng asked what a lunatic wanted to do to him, to save him so much trouble, the system told him Professor De Lang's plan, but then said: "Don't worry, these methods of his are not good for you. Invalid."

If it is said that Professor De Lang's methods are half a level above the level of this society, then the level of the system is completely above this civilized world. Luo Wencheng's emotions were taken away by the system. A half-hearted old professor would think about this aspect How can it be possible to write about him?

What he can do now is Luo Wencheng's body.

But also because of this, once he finds out that Luo Wencheng is not under his control at all, let alone a perfect experimental subject, and cannot even respond to any of his methods, he will definitely give up Luo Wencheng, then Luo Wencheng will only have A dead end.

So Luo Wencheng had to pretend, pretend to be what that yellow-haired old man wanted. During this time, once he is in better condition, the other party will pull him to do the experiment.

He put on a VR glasses for Luo Wencheng, in which there are various happy, sad, tragic, fearful, various scenes, and various extreme stimuli, in order to examine his reaction.

Luo Wencheng's current state is unable to sense the outside world, so he should be completely without fluctuations, and what he shows is indeed without fluctuations.

Sometimes Professor De Lang would let him just stand or sit for a whole day, he can’t feel dissatisfied without emotion, he can only feel hungry and tired, but at this time he should also be unable to express himself, so it is often He collapsed to the limit.

Later, Professor De Lang would show him the photos of people Luo Wencheng knew, including those of Luo Wenhao, Luo Wenjun, his college classmates, those of Wei Xingheng, and Lu Chong.

When Luo Wencheng saw these things, his brainwaves remained unchanged, but if Professor De Lang pointed to a photo and asked him to name the other person, he could say it accurately.

Day after day, except for conditioned reflex and instinct, Luo Wencheng became more and more like a robot.

Finally one day, Professor De Lang announced that the experiment was successful. He hired a hypnotist to hypnotize Luo Wencheng for the last time.

Luo Wencheng's consciousness was pulled out of his body by the system again, and he looked indifferently at the hypnotist below who instilled in him "must obey all orders of Professor De Lang", "Professor De Lang is his Lord, his God, and everything about him" , "His life is bestowed by Professor De Lang", like watching a clown perform there.

When everything was over and he returned to his body, he heard the system's icy voice say: "I can only help you so far, your new life begins now, and you have to rely on yourself in the future. I must remind you , your current body is only temporarily maintaining normal functions, and if you want to live for a long time, you must rely on the other party's means."

No matter how Luo Wencheng was resurrected, he must continue to live in the same way.

For example, the first time he died, the system used its energy to save him. At that time, the energy of the system was almost exhausted, and the price was that he was deprived of his memory, and continued to live according to the trajectory of his destiny until he died.

The second time, he exchanged his love and hope for a chance to be reborn, and his memory was not erased, but the price was that he had to continue to exchange love and hope throughout his life in order to continue living.

Ultimately he doesn't make it, so he dies again.

And the third time, it was Professor De Lang who revived him. Although the old man was very disgusting and hated, he couldn't change his whole life. Drugs, the fact.

This is the price of resurrection. The existence of the system only provided him with such a possibility. If he hadn't followed Zhang Qingsong and been brought back by Zhang Qingsong, and Professor De Lang hadn't chosen to save him, he would be dead by now. Or if it was someone else who saved him, he wouldn't be able to survive without Professor De Lang's methods.

The conditions for resurrection are harsh, and the price is also huge.

After saying this, the system didn't make any more sound. Luo Wencheng knew that it had either left or hibernated, and it would never appear again.

It's a pity that he still doesn't know the origin of this system and why he was chosen to help.

Luo Wencheng's consciousness closed his eyes, and the next moment his body opened them.

Professor De Lang and the hypnotist were standing beside his bed.

Luo Wencheng knows that his current identity is still Luo Wencheng, and he has all the memories and cognitions of Luo Wencheng, but at the same time, an overriding instruction has been added to his cognition, that is, he must obey Professor De Lang Yes, under such a major premise, other people should all be living dead objects in his eyes, just like npc in the game.

He thought for a while, kept a calm face, stood up from the bed, did not look at the hypnotist next to him, bowed his head slightly to Professor De Lang, and made a gesture of submission: "Master."

Professor De Lang laughed, and shouted almost without image: "I succeeded! I succeeded!" He rubbed his hands excitedly, looked at Luo Wencheng with golden eyes, looked him up and down from left to right, and asked :"Who are you?"

"Luo Wencheng."

"who am I?"

"Professor DeLong."

"Who are you to me?"

"I am your slave."

"what are you going to do?"

"Obey all your orders."

"Kneel down."

Luo Wencheng simply knelt down.

Professor De Lang laughed again, and Zhang Qingsong was also laughing behind him. Such a person who once chased him and nearly killed him, now surrenders in front of his eyes, like a dog, this feeling is really refreshing.

But the next moment Professor De Lang pointed at Zhang Qingsong: "Who is he?"

Luo Wencheng raised his head: "I want to kill the person."

"Why did you kill him?"


"Then you didn't kill him now, how do you feel?"

Luo Wencheng thought for a while: "Get angry."

He said he was angry, but there was no anger on his face. Professor De Lang said to him: "Why can't I see it, show me when you are angry."

Luo Wencheng frowned, lowered his face, his eyes were gloomy and fiery, as if he could jump up from the ground at any time and blow Zhang Qingsong's dog's head off.

Zhang Qingsong couldn't help but took two steps back in fear, his face turned pale with fright.

Professor De Lang laughed loudly, and suddenly his face sank again: "How did you know the name Fang Bude?"

Luo Wencheng's face turned blank again, and he said indifferently, "I don't know."

"Oh, do you really not know, or do you pretend you don't know?" Professor De Lang pulled his hair and made him look up at himself, "Don't lie to me."

Luo Wencheng looked at him with pure eyes, and repeated: "I don't know, I didn't lie to you."

Professor De Lang looked at him for a while, then said, "Smile for me."

Luo Wencheng curled the corner of his mouth. Then he was asked to show a variety of expressions, which he could do, but they were all a bit stiff and unnatural.

The hypnotist next to him said: "His current nervous response is still a little slow, and he needs special training to allow him to combine his current mental state with past memories so that people can't see the flaws. But if he wants to fully recover It’s impossible to get back to the way it was before, after all, he only has memories of the past and has no emotions, and all the emotional expressions he makes now are illusions made by his brain controlling his body.”

Professor De Lang nodded: "That is to say, we still need to continue to observe."

The hypnotist said, "Should I hand him over to the boss?"

"No, the ones given to the boss must be the most perfect ones, and I have to look more."

"But I'm afraid I can't see the problem just looking at it this way."

"Then let him out and let him enter a normal life. I can monitor and observe him all the time to judge whether he is qualified or not?"

"Does he seem to be sick?"

"Yes, it looks like it's a heart attack, but I can't find any organic disease, but I have to completely rely on the special pacemaker and medicine I invented to live. This is the most troublesome point, but it is also the most useful "Professor De Lang said proudly, "Once I find that he is unqualified, I just need to press a button in a remote place to stop the small pacemaker in his heart, and the heart of this experimental subject will immediately fail. A car running on gas, like an air conditioner without electricity, stops beating immediately, and there is no need to bother to use other means to control him, don’t you think it’s perfect?”

The two were discussing enthusiastically, Luo Wenchen was still kneeling on the ground, his expression blank, motionless, like a sculpture. But he is trying his best to understand the conversation between the two. His English is not very good, and the two speak too fast. He can only understand about one-third of the conversation, but with his own understanding, he can understand the general up.

In other words, the key is not drugs, but a pacemaker that sounds like black technology?

"But you want to put him back in the original environment, right? I heard that the people behind him are very powerful, isn't it too risky?" the hypnotist said.

"Some risks are worth taking. Only by putting him in the most familiar environment can we really see the problem. If this model is successful, it will be the most successful brainwashing, and we can even change the world." Professor De Lang Said vigorously, "Hurry up and train him, I can't wait to accept the results."

end of december.

The weather this year is very unusual. Winter in Haining came very early. It was already very cold at the end of December. There was even a light snowfall this morning.

People were either cursing the ghostly weather, or rejoicing that it had finally snowed in Haining, which had rarely seen snow once.

The streets are very lively, and tomorrow is New Year's Day. People who are on holiday today either rush back to Haining from other places, or leave Haining to go to their hometowns in other places to have a short reunion with their families. In short, the streets are full of traffic and very lively.

And these bustles had nothing to do with Lu's villa.

It has been more than three months, and there is a dead silence here. Obviously there are people living here, but it seems like a dead city. The servants didn't dare to pant loudly when they were doing things, even the small fountain in the courtyard didn't seem to dare to spray so happily, and the flowers in the flower beds didn't dare to bloom so brightly.

The villa seemed to be sucked out of life by something.

Lu Chong has not had a good night's sleep in the past three months, and he is constantly looking for someone.

After being blocked for two days, Haining couldn't help going out after getting nothing. His search area also spread from Haining City to the outside. As the only clue, the eighteen generations of Zhang Qingsong's ancestors have been wiped out. All the teachers, classmates, and neighbors related to him have been investigated thoroughly, and even issued a high-priced reward order, but there is still nothing to gain.

Zhang Qingsong seemed to have evaporated from this world without leaving a trace.

The same is true for Luo Wencheng.

Lu Chong is still holding on, but he feels that he can't hold on any longer.

He is going crazy.

And on this day, this afternoon, he finally got a piece of real news, the person was found!

He was almost stunned for a moment before he stood up suddenly, and walked out with a blank mind.

Fortunately, he didn't need to drive the car. By the time he reached his destination, he had already calmed down.

This is a fairly famous tourist attraction in Haining, called Fangshan. The car drove up along the winding winding mountain road. When it was really impossible to drive, the group got out of the car and walked.

On the mountain at an altitude of 500 meters, the wind is very strong, the air is very humid, and the temperature is much lower than that below.

"Is the person still up there?" Lu Chong asked while walking quickly up the mountain.

"Yes, it's on the top. He stood there motionless and didn't respond to calling him. We didn't dare to act rashly." It was Zhou Yishan who spoke. Of course he didn't find the person, but after he found the person, he was the first to report to him. Here, as the only person who has never had a conflict with Luo Wencheng or had no "difficulties" with him, he has gained Lu Chong's greatest trust in finding someone.

The winding and slippery mountain road finally climbed to the top, and a tall and thin figure in a dark green long coat was seen standing there in the distance.

It is a rocky land, surrounded by chain-link fences, and several stone tables and benches have been built. It is the highest place in Fangshan Mountain and the best view. On weekdays, many people will come here specially to take pictures or take pictures, but today's weather, This place is somewhat dangerous.

Lu Chong recognized the figure at first glance, and at the same time, he also saw that he seemed a little different from before.

He told the others to stop, and he walked along a row of chains, on the slippery, and in some places covered with moss, rocky ground.

Then, stepped on the slightly flat ground.

"Wen Cheng." He called softly, resisting the urge to rush up to hug this person, and walked slowly to his side.

Luo Wencheng didn't look back at him, and continued to look down at the vast mountains, the clouds and birds in the mountains, and the white flowing water in the valley. He said calmly: "It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

Lu Chong turned his head and looked at the man who had not heard from him for more than three months. He didn't seem to have changed much, except that he was a little thinner. A few snowflakes fell on the ends of his hair and eyebrows and melted instantly, making him look a little bit different. Glass-like coldness, unreal.

He had a lot of questions to ask, but in the end they all changed to one sentence: "Are you back?"

Luo Wencheng turned his head slightly to look at him, his amber eyes seemed to be stained with the snow mist in the mountains, he seemed very close, yet seemed far away, he smiled slightly: "Yes, I'm back."

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