MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1002v2 multiple rules

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  Chapter 1002 Multiple Rules

   Afterwards, the messenger informed Lu Bai of the special incident where he met Yu Hui.

   And looked at Lu Bai seriously and said: "Yu Hui told me that you can help me leave the star cave, right?"

   "It seems that Yu Hui has also learned to be smart and learned to pay on delivery." Lu Bai smiled, and then told the reporter: "I say yes, but you may not believe it."

   "Then it's better to wait here, there is a big show coming up."

   "If you can seize the opportunity, then you can seize the extraction point and leave from the star cave."

   Lu Bai's words stunned the reporter, then he nodded and waited here.

  He has been hovering in the star cave for too long, and he has already lost the confidence to pass the star cave.

  If it wasn't for the fact that he still had a sigh of relief in his heart, I'm afraid he would have been ruined long ago, and then he would choose to strengthen himself to a certain extent before joining a certain organization for the elderly.

  Because of this, after meeting Yu Hui, he chooses to believe in Yu Hui, and travels all the way to help Yu Hui deliver the letter.

   Just as the messenger took a break for a while, there was a sudden loud noise outside.

  Lu Bai pushed open the door, and saw the four horses and the scale man, walking towards this side with his confidants, and sent people to surround the place where Lu Bai lived.

   "I'm sorry, Lu Bai, we need your cooperation in some matters." Si Ma said seriously.

   It's just that the disrespectful message in the words has been revealed.

  After Lu Bai showed off his own weapon-making skills, these people used to be masters of Lu Bai one by one, and their attitudes were not respectful, but now they call Lu Bai by his name.

   "Yes, Master Lu Bai, please don't get excited." In contrast, although the scale man is also full of malice, at least he still maintains some verbal respect.

   Both of them have strong power fluctuations. Obviously, before they came, they used a lot of ability carriers and obtained the top-level abilities of the stars.

  There are even more star-rated people around. After all, in the star cave, power is really not that valuable.

   "You guys are in a hurry." Lu Bai shook his head and looked towards the portal in the distance.

   There is already a group of people flying there, and then intercepting, no one is allowed to enter the depths of the star cave during this period of time.

  The person who intercepted seemed to have noticed Lu Bai's gaze, and grinned, releasing malice towards Lu Bai.

   At the same time, more people are gathering here, and Deng Fa is also bringing many people here.

   And those people are basically travelers. Of course, most of them are 'cannon fodder' who have no future.

  In the outer dimension, although the travelers are still distinguished, they are very different from the travelers on the earth.

  Basically, if one of a race becomes a traveler, then this race will immediately usher in an explosion of travelers.

  On the earth, because the dimensions traveled are basically limited to the fantasy dimensions around the earth, so the number of places to become a traveler is limited.

  The outer dimensions are different. Many natural dimensions have been explored in the outer dimensions, and there are also fantasy dimensions around these natural dimensions, although there may not be as many as the earth.

   All in all, compared with the earth, the resources for dimensional travel are much richer in outer dimensions.

  The number of dimension keys, most of the outer dimension forces are also much more than the earth, and the charging technology is more advanced.

  As long as you have a little background, you can increase the number of travelers.

  And when the quantity of a thing increases, it is likely to be worthless.

  When the number of travelers is large, all kinds of traveler resources are valuable, and there are many more travelers who work hard for resources.

   There are many travelers, because the resonance rate cannot be improved, so they start thinking about retirement or opening the way for future generations.

   Among such people, dead men are the most.

  The traveler has traveled far and wide, seen too many landscapes, and seen too much life and death.

  When one is unable to survive for a long time, one will gradually place hope on the extension of blood.

   This time they entered the Star Cave, they have already obtained a large amount of resources, enough for their blood inheritance to develop relatively perfectly for a period of time after embarking on the path of travelers.

   And if they can help several adults who have mastered the extraction point, catch Lu Bai and leave the star cave, then their blood inheritance will get another richer resource.

   Therefore, at this time, most of the eyes looking at Lu Bai are hot.

   "Lord of the Earth? Hand over the things." The leader is a tall traveler in armor with a huge tail swinging behind him.

  He himself has a star rating, and after coming to the star cave, he also got some ability enhancements.

  At the same time, he is also an insurance, that is, when the evacuation point fails, he can catch Lu Bai, and then leave the star cave in the orthodox way of clearing the star cave.

  From here, it can be seen that the forces of the outer dimension travelers trust this tall traveler.

  Although the experience in the star cave is a secret, and for the sake of the adventurers, information about the original and acquired driving forces will not be easily told to the adventurers.

  This kind of information, as long as anyone who knows it, will keep it secret.

  If you have this kind of cognition without reaching that level, then you will only cognition build, and after the corresponding perspective appears, you will fall into madness.

  Just like Dongshan Shi back then, he almost went crazy after realizing that the human world is only a part of the abyss.

  This is also the reason why those who have cleared the Star Cave are silent about the method of clearing the Star Cave.

  Once it is said, I am afraid that lunatics will be mass-produced.

  However, not everyone is not qualified to know the truth.

  Some people can gradually realize this after reaching the star level, and such people are called natural day-level seeds.

  In this case, it is natural to be able to tell the opponent how to clear the star cave, and it can basically ensure that this individual can clear the star cave and come out.

  The tall traveler in front of me is named Mu Qing.

   It is a genius traveler of a certain force in the outer dimension. After reaching the star level, it is considered to be absolutely capable of reaching the day-level existence.

   In addition, other outer dimension forces also dispatched similar geniuses, brought a bunch of traveler cannon fodder, and formed a siege on Lu Bai.

   It's just that Mu Qing frowned at this moment, and noticed something was wrong.

  They have detailed information and intelligence about Lu Bai.

   It is hard to overestimate such a person who can take advantage of the fire and successfully become the master of the earth among a bunch of extra-dimensional forces.

  But now such an existence is squatting here like this, waiting for them to capture.

   This is indeed a bit unreasonable.

  But at this time, some changes seemed to explain Mu Qing's doubts a little bit.

  I saw that most of the people who surrounded Lu Bai's residence had the black snake mark behind their ears at the same time, and then aimed their weapons and attacks at their original leader Sima and Scaled Man.

  The two looked at all this a little at a loss.

  The scale man immediately scolded Lu Bai for being despicable, and secretly plotting against the subordinates of his allies.

  The four horses on the other side also cursed secretly, but they were trying to find a chance to survive.

   Then took the lead and launched an attack on Lu Bai.

   At this time, all their people have betrayed, and only those outside who offered a reward to Lu Bai can still become helpers.

  Fortunately, they still saved a hand before. Before they came to capture Lu Bai, they used the ability carrier to raise themselves to the top of the star.

  But at this moment, something huge flashed behind Lu Bai.

   Everything in front of me seems to be just a corner of that huge thing.

   Then the scarlet air spread to the surroundings, and the destructiveness began to bloom.

   Mu Qing also noticed something, without any pause, he launched an attack on Lu Bai.

   A large amount of streamer turned into halos, spreading from his body, and then layered on Lu Bai's body.

  Life oppression, range limitation, increased energy inertia, voice deformity, somatosensory distortion, excrement expansion, menstrual period premature explosion...

  All kinds of negative states aimed at life continue to fall on Lu Bai and most of the people around him.

   This is Mu Qing's ability to debuff other things.

  Why people think that he is a natural day-level seed, that is because after he entered the moon-level, he began to study a skill that can only be used at the moon-level.

  Empowerment of heaven and earth - multiple rules.

  Normal monthly level, at this stage, if you use the heaven and earth empowerment, you can only give the surrounding environment a 'rule'.

  Basically, it is related to the power that I am most familiar with.

  If you want to change the given rules, you need to change the previously given rules, which are basically at the same time and place, and can only exist in one kind of self-given rules.

  Even if many people reach the star.

  However, the technique of multiple rules allows people to assign different rules to the same place at the same time, forming multiple heaven and earth empowerments.

  Under this suppressive ability, a month-level individual who has mastered this skill is basically invincible at the month level.

   It’s just this kind of skill, even for most star-rated individuals, it is difficult to control it. This is not only because of strength, but also because of a deeper understanding of rules and inner knowledge.

   And Mu Qing is a genius in this area. He has successfully mastered this technique and seamlessly integrated it into his own combat system.

  After reaching the star, the existence of the star is also perfectly integrated into this system.

   At the moment when the battle started, multiple rules were given, and with the help of these multiple rules, the huge interference power of infection was controlled.

  Mu Qing's rule oppression, although it sounds vulgar, is really useful for living things.

   Many people around Lu Bai felt that many problems appeared at that moment.

   Under this kind of oppression, the combat power was almost directly reduced by half.

  At the same time, he can also finely control the rules of heaven and earth empowerment for the crowd. For the people on his side, he can keep the other party from being affected.

  So even though Lu Bai had a lot of demons under him, they fell into a disadvantage following Mu Qing's move.

   This is Mu Qing's dominance as a traveler genius!

   The first update.

   The character Mu Qing comes from the book friend Mu Qinger.



  (end of this chapter)

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