MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1009v2 Demon God Lubo

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  Chapter 1009 Demon God Lu Bai

  Mu Qing and the others immediately became serious.

  Although they were involved in this incident and needed to face unknown dangers, they never forgot their purpose, which was to capture Lu Bai and obtain the sovereignty of the earth from him.

   This is their task, and if they fail, they will have to bear a lot of responsibility.

  Although, as a genius, even if he takes responsibility, he doesn't have to worry about being liquidated.

   But they themselves cannot accept failure.

   All the way to this day, they are used to success.

   And also firmly believe that no matter how difficult things are, they will succeed.

  This kind of self-confidence may be a kind of blindness, but it needs to be maintained.

   Mu Qing has met too many geniuses along the way.

   Some of those geniuses even surpassed him, but after failing once, their spirit was affected, and he left them far behind, and it became difficult to catch up with him from then on.

   "Have you met Lu Bai? Where is he?" Mu Qing grabbed a person who was contaminated by Lu Bai's breath and asked hastily.

  This time is the best chance to defeat Lu Bai.

  The other party changed the rules of the Star Cave this time, which is indeed too surprising, but Mu Qing does not believe that Lu Bai did not pay the price.

  The most basic price is that the power of Lu Bai's scarlet dragon completely disappeared as it turned into a burning star.

  Now, Lu Bai has a high probability of only mastering his own power that has just reached the moon level.

  Once surrounded by all of them, Lu Bai will never be able to stand up again.

  No matter how special Lu Bai is, it will become a stepping stone for Mu Qing.

   "Lu Bai! Where is Lu Bai??" However, the person caught by Mu Qing didn't seem to recover from the panic.

  After hearing Lu Bai's name, he immediately struggled continuously, and at the same time his expression became extremely weird.

  He had a peaceful expression on his face, but his body was struggling constantly, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

  The muscles on the face are constantly beating, but they seem to be confined in a frame and cannot be freed.

  Finally, the person in front of him actually began to have lightening on his body, and his body turned into rays of light bit by bit.

   "Dimensional pollution!" Mu Qing looked serious, and quickly stabilized his mind, then used his strength to protect himself, and carefully looked at the individual that was constantly photochemical.

  The pollution of the real dimension is not as serious as imagined in the outer dimension.

   There is more or less that.

   These pollutions, in general, will not expand wantonly, and will only maintain a normal diffusion state.

  The situation on the earth where a little pollution will cause all parties to be vigilant is a special state.

  One is because the earth is located in the Sea of ​​Constellations, and the other is because the earth has become the collection of the thousand-dimensional god.

  The outer dimension has a higher tolerance for the pollution of the real dimension, but it is only a little more tolerant. That is because the problem is hidden in a deeper place, and what is manifested is only ringworm, so people in the outer dimension ignore them.

   But when this kind of pollution starts to proliferate like crazy, they will even enter a state of emergency.

  For example, the one in front of you can cause a life to directly produce alienated pollution. They will panic when they encounter it, and then seek ways to prevent pollution!

  The surrounding crowd also quickly moved away.

   There were even a few people who ran out with the other party. After seeing the other party's light, their eyes revealed panic, but their faces gradually became peaceful, and then turned into light.

  As if in a chain of actions, these people all began to act.

   "Lu Bai, what have you done?" Mu Qing led the people away, watching the direction they came with vigilant eyes.

  At this point, his thoughts about chasing and killing Lu Bai could not help but stop a little, and some changes occurred.

   "Judging from that person's situation, it seems that Lu Bai also has a problem, but the problem is in the real dimension." Mu Qing thought while biting her fingernails.

   "Even if we don't look for him, the possibility of him surviving will become very small. Even if he survives, he may not be him. This may make the collection earth give up him, the master of the earth."

   "Although the sovereignty of the earth cannot be obtained in this way, the death and change of the lord of the earth will also cause certain loopholes."

   "We forced Lu Bai to death and gave up because of the pollution of the real dimension, which is also an acceptable result."

  Mu Qing's eyes flickered, and then she asked herself.

   "What if Lu Bai survived the pollution of the real dimension?"

   "Impossible, even people who just meet Lu Bai by chance can automatically alienate and die due to pollution. It is impossible for Lu Bai, the source of pollution, to break free from it!"

  Mu Qing asked and answered by himself, but no matter how he comforted himself, he couldn't accept it, so he led the people away and ignored Lu Bai.

  I have to admit that, even if it was only a short time of contact, Mu Qing has a feeling towards Lu Bai, which is very complicated, but Mu Qing can confirm that one of the feelings is fear.

  Mu Qing was afraid of Lu Bai's future, even if it was the pollution of the real dimension, he couldn't overcome his fear of Lu Bai.

  However, he also possesses a sense of reason, and clearly knows that getting rid of Lu Bai before he grows up is the best way to face fear.

  That's why he was so eager to find Lu Bai.

   "Trust your own judgment!" At this moment, Mu Lu stood by Mu Qing's side and gave her support, as did the other companions.

   "Be firm, we will meet Lu Bai in the next incident." After receiving support, Mu Qing finally made up her mind.

  They have already explored some of the laws of the current Star Cave. As long as there is something firm in your heart, then the Star Cave will most likely lead you there.

  Especially, the person they encountered before also encountered Lu Bai in another incident, which shows that Lu Bai is actually not too far away from them.

   "Understood!" All the companions trusted Mu Qing, and this trust became Mu Qing's courage to face everything.

  The incident in front of them naturally couldn't trouble Mu Qing and the others, so they quickly solved it, and washed all the places that could generate abilities inside, and strengthened their strength again.

  The group of them left the boundary of this incident together.

  The scenery changes, everything flows, and they stand on the land of new events.

   "Mu Qing?" The voice in her ear made Mu Qing vigilant.

  But soon he let go of his vigilance a little bit, because although those who called their names were competitors, they could generally be regarded as companions.

   "Liu Lizi!" Mu Qing looked at the opponent and the sword of the empire beside him.

   In addition, I also saw many adventurers from the empire and the death squads they sent.

   At this time, all the two groups gathered together. Except for Skyhunter, their main force to encircle and suppress Lu Bai this time was almost gathered.

  But the name 'Lu Bai' appeared in the thought.

  Suddenly, a change occurred in the whole incident.

  Everything is at this moment, radiating an odd radiance.

   Then several halos rose from a distance, covered the sky, and stacked together in the sky to form concentric circles.

  Mu Qing and Liu Lizi became vigilant at the same time.

   Then they saw a Demon God.

   No, to be precise, a demon **** saw them.

  At this time, they realized that something was wrong with their position.

  Everything seems to have stopped changing, as if time has stood still at a certain moment.

  At the same time, a deadly chill emanated from everywhere. While they were observing, they were also being observed by other things.

   Eyes desire, sand in eyes, constant meditation!

  Thanks to her own fighting habits, Mu Qing instinctively covered her surroundings with the power of heaven and earth and the infection of existence before, including herself and her companions.

  That's why we can fight against this force that stops everything.

   On the other side, Liu Lizi and the sword of the empire have been stagnated in place at this time, and there is no way to break free from that stagnation.

  They also didn't expect that Lu Bai's ability would have such a large range of influence. Although they started to be vigilant when they noticed the abnormality, they were still a step behind.

  Afterwards, Mu Qing saw Lu Bai, the one who seemed to exist in every place between the heaven and the earth, and also seemed to be wandering outside the world, slowly muttering something to them.

  He couldn't hear the sound, as if the sound was beyond the frequency he could hear.

  Perhaps this is because everything is at a standstill, so the sound cannot pass through it.

  But soon, he discovered his mistake.

  I didn't know when, a layer of patina appeared on his body, together with everything around him.

   And this layer of patina is getting thicker and thicker.

   Desired ears · Ringing in ears · Ukiyo-e!

  Mu Qing continued to exert her own strength to fight against the patina covered layer upon layer.

  He has general information about Lu Bai, and he knows that this patina is just a carrier of the other party's voice. When Lu Bai needs it, these patinas will be transformed into voice release.

  Although they have all kinds of protection methods, those protection methods are only to protect Lu Bai before, not Lu Bai who is like a **** and a demon now.

  So it is necessary to clear the verdigris before Lu Bai detonates them.

   It's just that now, everything has become extremely difficult.

  Most of his strength is used to fight against the Persistence and Jingguan. If he doesn't fully support the empowerment of heaven and earth and the infection of existence, then even they will be trapped in time stagnation.

   "Hurry up, hurry up!" Mu Qing kept squeezing her own strength, and then expelled the alien patina on her body.

  At this moment, he felt like a bug wrapped in pine resin, struggling constantly.

   But all these struggles are useless, as the pine resin solidifies, he will also become a piece of amber.

  Mu Qing was a little desperate, it was a wrong choice to come to Lu Bai.

  This choice is likely to lead them all to a dead end.

   "Hmph!" But at this moment, a loud voice resounded, causing Mu Qing and the others to peel off their patina at the same time.

   The second update.



  (end of this chapter)