MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1036v2 you lack awe of me

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   "Lu Bai!" The bearded man and the others quickly stood on guard, reaching out to hold the weapon, as if they could strike at any time.

   But Lu Bai didn't care about these dirty things from Xuanyi's family. These people basically do dirty work for Xuanyi's family.

  The identity in the sect is very delicate, and when necessary, he can betray Xuan Yi's sect and take away the blame.

  It's a pity that Xuan Yi's heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper.

  Some things do not have results without hard work, not impossible, but not.

  The two sets of immortal rituals of Xuan Yimen are just rituals arranged by immortals.

   Most self-protection, but if you want to stir up trouble, that's overthinking.

  Under such circumstances, Xuan Yimen holds the title of the oldest sect of cultivating immortals, and clings to the so-called glory.

  Obviously in the same area, other sects with immortals have already risen, but they still want to fight head-on with each other.

  This kind of behavior is too unwise anyway.

  In this case, it is the right thing to do to develop disciples and practice with peace of mind.

  Anyway, Xuanyi Sect has a lot of classics on becoming immortals. As long as the time comes, there will always be a genius who can become immortal.

   As a result, with one operation, the seeds of becoming immortals betrayed the sect, and at the same time, there were still many black materials secretly left behind by the sect. Although it was suppressed and covered up by Jinlian Mountain, there will always be a day when it will be exposed.

   It can only be said that Xuan Yimen is too eager for quick success.

  The background of the Xuanyi Sect requires immortals to truly open it, so in order to have immortals, they can't wait for them to use their own background to make troubles, putting the cart before the horse and putting the cart before the horse.

  So, now Lu Bai doesn't look down on most people in Xuanyi Sect, but only focuses on Lin Xi.

  Lin Xi, a relatively pure person, has not been disturbed by too many external objects, and can face up to his heart relatively straightforwardly.

  Before meeting Xi Ling, he could say that apart from revenge, he was focused on becoming a fairy.

  After meeting Xi Ling, he grasped his own emotions, so he gave up becoming an immortal, but wanted to give an explanation to the sect, so he came to the archipelago.

  That's right, although Lin Xi didn't realize that most of the things that happened to him were the hands of Xuanyi's sect, but he knew the atmosphere in the sect and the style of the master Xuanxuan Xuanxuan.

  For example, here in the archipelago, I happened to meet Xuan Yimen's companions and close people.

  For example, these companions of Xuanyi Sect have been secretly leading themselves into the sect before.

  When Lin Xi told Xi Ling, when I come back, I will marry you, it meant that he had given up many things that cultivators would risk their lives to pursue.

   Lu Bai himself appreciates such an individual who can look directly at his inner feelings and give up his external desires.

  Of course, this kind of appreciation does not prevent Lu Bai from continuing to plot against Lin Xi.

  For example, he is very clear that Lin Xi has no turning back when things are up to now, and he has no chance to give up. He is even more aware of some of Lin Xi's flaws.

  For example, Lin Xi is a disciple of Xuanyi Sect. This sect has only traitors and has not quit.

   Join Xuanyi Sect, then the title of Xuanyi Sect disciple is lifelong.

  The influence of the head of the Xuanyi Sect on him, whether it is on the surface or in the dark, will not be less.

  So it is impossible for Lin Xi to give up and obtain the inheritance of the fairy tomb.

  Lin Xi also knew very well in her heart that Shimen had already arranged for this set of immortal rituals for a long time.

  As a disciple of Xuanyi Sect, I cannot and is not allowed to give up this set of immortal rituals.

   "I refuse." Lin Xi's answer was very concise and powerful.

  Seeing this scene, Lu Bai shook his head, then ignored Lin Xi, and looked at the true Taoists behind him.

   During this period of time, Lu Bai really convinced these people, and then he took them all back into the true way.

  Of course, those who don’t want to, are all scattered like smoke now.

   "I'll leave it to you. My promise is always valid. As long as you can obtain the immortal ritual inside, I will help you get rid of the trouble."

  Those who are really Daoists could only nod their heads, and approached Lin Xi and the others.

  They were also aggrieved. After being tricked by the half of the people, they only wanted to catch the heir of the half of the people and get rescued, but they didn't expect that Lu Bai might have a darker heart than the half of the people.

   Half of the people are at least half human, but the **** Lu Bai is not human.

  They are completely sure that Lu Bai is not the reincarnation of half of the people, let alone the heir of the half of the people.

   Lu Bai is not a human being!

  Accompanied by this thought, Zhendao's remaining defeated soldiers chased after Lin Xi.

   At the critical moment, Lin Xi found a way to enter the fairy tomb.

  Using his own blood, he was able to enlarge the fairy artifact that opened the door before, and then the fairy artifact emitted a circle of light, successfully avoiding the river.

  Seizing this opportunity, Lin Xi and the others successfully escaped into the fairy tomb.

   And people who are really Taoist, although there is no fairy weapon to open the way.

  But each of them is at least a three-hole true cultivation, and even once had a major cultivation of the three-flower realm.

  Although they were all tricked by half of the people, they still had a bit of background, and soon found a way to cross the river.

   But Lu Bai did not enter the fairy tomb.

  Because Lu Bai already knew clearly what was in the fairy tomb through the causal line arranged by half of the people.

  Xuan Yimen cannot succeed, half of them are immortals after all.

  The gap between immortals and immortal rituals is like the gap between humans and puppets.

  People from the Xuanyi sect, because they have mastered two sets of immortal rituals, and there have been two immortals in the sect, they have a certain understanding of immortals, but it is because of these cognitions that they lack a certain awe for immortals.

   "You seem to lack awe towards me!" Lu Bai turned around and looked at the old Taoist who Shi Shi came over there.

  Holding a golden radiance, like a sharp sword, he was aiming it at Lu Bai.

   "No, you should be in awe of us!" Xuanxuanxuanxuan looked at Lu Bai, and there were thin golden lines on his body that were invisible to ordinary people and were expanding.

   "Only the traitors in the Xuanyi family did not quit."

   "Any member of the Xuanyi Sect will be on the 'roster' for life."

   "Including half of the people, including you, Lu Bai!"

   "Karma will bind you to it, no matter how strong you are, you should be in awe of me, the head of the Xuanyi sect!"

   "Now!" Xuanxuanxuanxuan seemed to have transformed into a fairy at this moment, and the powerful oppressive force, following the cause and effect, gathered on the roster of the Xuanyi sect.

  That roster is another set of immortal rituals of Xuan Yimen, and it is also the first immortal, the roster of immortals forged by Xuan San on the basis of Xuan Yimen.

  This roster is based on the inheritance of the immortal law as cause and effect, and then uses cause and effect to control everything.

   Among them, those who have the strongest control are precisely the disciples of the Xuanyi Sect, followed by those who have practiced the Immortal Art of the Xuanyi Sect.

  Then there are those who are affected by the Xuanyi Sect Immortal Law.

   With the identity of Xuanyi Sect's oldest sect of cultivating immortals, and its influence in creating the era of cultivating immortals.

  Most of the immortal cultivators, counting up algebra, probably have something to do with Xuan Yimen.

   And as long as there is a relationship, the roster can affect them.

   It is precisely because of this immortal ritual that Xuan Yimen has always been so 'arrogant'.

  They are the ancestors of Taoism in this world. No matter how others are blue, as long as they come from their blue sky, then everything is under their control and control.

   "It's a pity that this roster can only be controlled by an immortal, isn't it?" Lu Bai ignored the coercion and said with a smile.

   "You are not a fairy, you can't even open that roster to see if half of the people are dead or not."

   "Well, although you are a bit stupid, you are not so impulsive."

   "Let your allies come out." Lu Bai's eyes were full of disregard for Xuanxuan.

   And this point just hurt Xuanxuan Xuanxuan's heart.

  He was born in the Xuanyi Sect, and he is considered to be the master of the Xuanyi Sect's ZTE.

  After Xuan San became a fairy, the last time he showed up, he transformed a disciple into a fairy.

  At that time, Xuan Yimen, although unable to reproduce this kind of transformation, they also recorded the transformation method through a secret method.

  When the second immortal appeared, he also studied it, but in the end, although there were some results, it was nothing.

  After becoming immortals, they all became a little weird and chose to keep silent about many things.

  But those results are enough, they used them on the baby, so there is the current Xuanxuan Xuanxuan.

   Unfortunately, there is still a problem with the secret method, or the problem has not been resolved.

   That's what he feels, as long as he goes to Feixian, then he will die in Feixian tribulation 100% of the time.

  So Xuanxuanxuanxuan has been trying to find a way to solve her own problems these years.

  Half-person is an attempt, and the new set of immortal rituals behind Lin Xi is also an attempt.

  Now, working with these people is also trying.

  A bit of black mist floated in the air, and then twisted to form the bodies of three people.

  The three of them were all wearing masks and black robes that seemed to be able to absorb some light, exuding a cold aura all over their bodies.

  Lu Bai felt something familiar from them.

   "Sure enough, luring the snake out of the hole still has some effect. Where are the people behind you?" Lu Bai asked.

  These three black-robed masked people smell very similar to star aphids, and they belong to that lone star larva!

   "Led the snake out of the hole?" One of the black-robed men looked like two cold rays, and his voice was sharp and overlapping, like the sonic boom of a poor-quality microphone, which was uncomfortable.

   "This is just your own death!"

  The next moment, everyone shot.

   At the moment of the shot, Lu Bai could feel that many eyes fell on them.

   Cause and effect one by one, start to change! (end of this chapter)

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