MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1050v2 Immortal Curse Backlash

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   A little before this moment.

  In the archipelago practice world, in the original fairy tomb, a powerful aura burst out from it, countless black lights bloomed, and the black air that covered the sky and the sun also spread to the surroundings with the black light.

  In the port not far away, this inexplicable black air has been discovered. They thought it was some high-tech weapon, and immediately sounded the alarm.

  However, what came out of the black smoky land was a burst of wild laughter.


   "I have finally become a fairy, and I am still a real fairy, an unprecedented real fairy!!" Xuan Xuanxuan was full of ambition, only feeling that he had achieved unprecedented success.

  However, he seemed to have sensed something, the smile on his face immediately subsided, his body turned into black air, and he came to the door like a tide.

   There a person is standing there waiting for something.

  This person's body is very windy and frosty, and he can feel a biting chill just by getting close.

   "One page of eternity book!" Xuanxuan Xuanxuan looked at his former senior brother with killing intent in his eyes.

   "It seems that you got what you wanted?" A long Mingshu asked with a smile, without any fear because Xuanxuan Xuanxuan became a true immortal.

  The killing intent in the other party's eyes, in the eyes of a long book, is like a compliment, which makes people feel comfortable.

   "You have been blocked by the head ban for a hundred years, how can you come out!" Xuanxuanxuanxuan didn't answer the question in a long book, but directly asked his senior brother to be accountable.

   "You are no longer the head of the sect, and the ban on the head of the sect will naturally become invalid." A long book also specifically picked the pain to stimulate Xuanxuan Xuanxuan.

   Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Xuanxuan Xuanxuan immediately broke the defense.

   "Then Lin Xi is bullshit!" Xuanxuan Xuanxuan cursed loudly: "A guy who has mastered the magic weapon of the heretic Taoist sect. Now that I have become a real immortal, I should naturally return to the Xuanyi sect to set things right!"

   "You have a long book, and you are wearing a crime, and you dare to rap in front of me!"

   "Hahahaha." A page of Zhang Mingshu was smiling extraordinarily happily at this time, it seemed that Xuanxuan Xuanxuan, who had broken his defense, made him feel an unprecedented joy.

  But then he also explained why he was so bold.

   "Because Lin Xi should already be becoming a fairy at this time, everything is just right!"

  A wordless fear shrouded Xuanxuanxuanxuan's heart, when he heard that everything was just going well, he thought something bad in his heart.

  Everything is just right. This kind of words are basically the concluding remarks of those who have mastered the calculation of cause and effect, and will only say it when the calculation is successful.

  He used to be the same way. After all, as the head of the Xuanyi Sect, although he has a lot of obsession with becoming a fairy, so much so that his obsession becomes a demon.

  But apart from that kind of obsession, Xuanxuanxuanxuan is also a very smart person.

  Before, he had just become a true immortal. Once he was satisfied with his obsession for many years, his righteous ambitions were full, so his heart fluctuated a lot.

   Now that he realized something was wrong, he immediately returned to his normal xinxing back then.

  Unfortunately, it was too late.

  The body of a long book withered quickly, revealing its true face.

   It turned out to be a corpse.

  The corpse exuded unprecedented coercion, colliding with Xuanxuanxuanxuan's power, evenly matched.

   "The thirteen generations of patriarchs... No, you are half-human!"

   "You deceitful thing!" Xuanxuan Xuanxuan cursed.

  He said how could a long book be so honest for so many years.

   It turned out that it had already been secretly replaced by half of his apprentices.

  And judging from the current situation, this kind of replacement is most likely not negotiated with a long book, but a murder replacement.

  A peerless murderer who deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors, murdered his master and betrayed his family.

   And this murderous person, who has been by his side under disguise for so many years, is afraid that he has already been tricked by the other party, overtly and secretly.

   Sure enough, at the very beginning, the strength of the two was equivalent, even Xuanxuanxuan was stronger.

  But with the birth of a certain kind of power fluctuation, Xuanxuanxuan felt that the realm of true immortality he had just achieved became unstable.

   "Back then you plotted against me and made me homeless for half my life, and now I have naturally returned it!" There was no emotion in the eyes of half of the people.

  He has already passed the age of being moved by love.

  The little word was sent to reincarnation by him.

  But from that moment on, he knew that everything about him was calculated by others.

  Xuan San used Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan's hand to calculate himself.

  The little words of reincarnation and reincarnation are no longer his little words, he has already put them down.

   But no matter what, Xuan San and Xuan Xuan Xuanxuan calculated their revenge, and must avenge it!

   Now is the time for revenge!

  Xuanxuan Xuanxuan was stunned for a moment, and saw a door opened, and inside it was the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, thousands of miles of fertile soil, and it was a first-class paradise.

   Before Xuanxuan Xuanxuan could react, he was swallowed by this cave.

   Then the cave sky changed, the big sun hanging above it rotated, the bright moon changed, and the environment of the entire cave sky also changed greatly.

   Strange rocks are jagged, and forests are dense.

   Before Xuanxuan Xuanxuan could react further, he discovered that this cave had changed again.

  Countless familiar breaths flickered and drilled into his body.

  A wave of obsession and resentment erupted from his body, and his thoughts were instantly engulfed.

  At the beginning, he was very talented, he was the seed of immortality, but other people could become immortals, but he couldn't.

   This resentment has been haunting him.

  That's why after being deprived of the status of the head of the Xuanyi Sect, he risked his life.

Using the environment of the fairy tomb, combined with his obsession, he absorbed the resentment of those who failed to become immortals in the sect for countless years, as well as the "death energy" brought about by the death of the immortal in the tomb of the fairy, and then used his resentment to create a fairy similar to the fairy. 'Tao poison', so he succeeded in becoming a fairy.

  However, unlike the previous immortals, the immortals were given the Tao poison by Tianxin because of their transformation.

  And it was because his obsession similar to dao poison reached a certain level that he in turn promoted his own transformation and became a fairy.

   This kind of immortal, without that kind of spiritual metamorphosis, will not be tortured by the division of spirit and mortal self.

   He is completely based on his own past, so he claims to be a true immortal.

   But now it seems that this true immortal also has a pitfall, that is, the resentment of not being able to become an immortal, which originally had no specific direction.

  But now that wave of resentment seems to have found the source of their failure to become immortals, and the extra restlessness of each one directly engulfed Xuanxuan Xuanxuan.

  The whole person seems to have turned into a spell, flying out of this changing cave.

  Lin Xi became a fairy in one step, and when the fairy blood in his body was shining brightly, there was also a fairy curse blooming on his body.

  Xuan San was about to activate the Immortal Curse on the opponent, cursing this junior to death.

  But found that the Immortal Mantra does not activate automatically.

  Lin Xi's cave opened a big hole.

   Judging from the scale of this cave, it should be inherited from Lin Jiena II's cave.

  Before Xuan San analyzed it clearly, there was a mass of dark things inside, rushing out of it.

  The resentment was soaring, and all kinds of curse power broke out at this moment.

   "Immortal Curse!" Xuan San immediately recognized what this dark mass was.

   As soon as my heart jumped, the Immortal Curse came back!

  The Immortal Curse has something to do with Dao Poison.

  Dao poison comes from Cape, and Cape is a kind of obsession.

  Clinging to everything in the past, unwilling to change, gradually breaking away from the ever-changing social groups, becoming a "freak", this is the true meaning of Haijiao.

  Xuan San took the obsession from it, combined the obsession with immortality and Taoism, and made this immortal curse.

  The more immortal the obsession, the hotter the Tao poison will be.

  So, under the Immortal Curse, the closer one is to becoming an immortal, the easier it is to be affected by the Tao poison, and thus die.

  For countless years, only Lin Jie successfully circumvented this threshold and became a fairy, but he was still cursed to death after the second became a fairy.

   "Which fool is this, absorbing the resentment of Lin Jie after being cursed to death, and condensing himself into the counter-curse of the Immortal Curse!" Xuan San's face changed, and he almost cursed.

  The dark mass came straight to Xuan San's face.

  The moon disc also quietly disappeared, turned into a stream of light, and circled behind Xuan San.

  Xuan San's eyes were fixed, his body was full of immortality, and countless powers bloomed.

  A layer of golden light has already shone, blocking the backlashing fairy curse.

  At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out, a leaf flew out and turned into a spirit boat.

  The water at the bottom of the boat is rippling, and the closer the moon is, the more pressure you will feel.

  The water light seems to have an infinite universe inside, which can withstand the power of a thousand junctures.

  But before Xuan San could fight back, Ah Tang had already rammed him head-on.

  The pure killing intent gathered on the blood-stained knife, and on it was the most terrifying killing intent.

  Because of being manipulated, he killed all the people close to him.

   Then he was given up controlling, and thus realized the killing caused by his own thought, thus destroying and splitting himself.

  The Immortal Ah Tang possesses the purest killing power.

   Kill and kill yourself!

  At this moment, Ah Tang has given up everything about himself, and completely turned to the human side.

   And at the cost of this side's life, he swung such a knife.

   The golden light shield in front of Xuan San's body was torn apart instantly, and the scarlet killing intent was about to pierce into his body in the blink of an eye.

  But as the strongest immortal, Xuan San naturally doesn't only have this means.

  His eyes fixed, and suddenly a book flew from a distance and fell into his hands.

  On the book, a large number of causal lines are constantly pulling, making Ah Tang a puppet again.

   "You were born by me, and your karma naturally comes from me. You and you, how could you resist me!" Xuan San held the roster, with more karma lines blooming.

  The immortality in this world originated from Xuan Yi, but the great achievement was from Xuan San who was the first to become an immortal.

  Why did he guard against the immortal individuals behind Xuanyi Sect? It was to prevent them from robbing him of the immortal resources.

  As well as distributing the 'authority' of Xuanyimen, the leading sect.

  Has authority, everything in the world comes from him, he can be the source of everything, and he is the center of the law net of cause and effect.

   Can control everything with cause and effect! (end of this chapter)