MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1054v2 Ancestors twine Lone Star mode!

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  Chapter 1054 Ancestral Entanglement · Lone Star Mode!

  Xuan Sanxian Wang, replacing the outlier A Shi, became the master of this world, which is a causal replacement.

   In other words, the existence that opened up this world at the beginning has become Xuan San Immortal King in terms of cause and effect.

  So, the three swords that the outlier Ah Shi received at the beginning also became the three swords that Xuan San received.

  The Lone Star Clan, which was born under the influence of things in the star cave, essentially, although originally still belonged to the real fairy king Ashi, but in name, it has already transitioned to Xuansan fairy king.

   In other words, Xuan San Immortal King is already the ancestor of the Lone Star Clan.

   It is precisely because of this causal connection that Lone Star Yuhui can use the power of Xuan San Immortal King so easily.

   This trick is also known as ancestor winding!

  Although Xuan Sanxian Wang is only the lord of the world in name, he was forcibly dragged by the power of Tianya to transform and sublimate before.

  After metamorphosis and sublimation, Xuansan Immortal King still has two brushes.

  Although after sublimation, he suffered the three swords in the past and died, but this happened just right.

  The current Xuan San probably possesses a virtual Japanese-level personality, which was then separated and turned into a corpse of the Immortal King, which can be regarded as a weapon with Japanese-level characteristics.

  In the hands of Lone Star Yuhui, the corpse of Immortal King Xuansan has turned into a large amount of black material wriggling, which is the state of being corrupted and weaponized.

   As for Lone Star Yuhui, a similar black substance also appeared on his body, and a wave of power emerged from his whole body.

   Then this force, after reaching a certain connection with the outside world, returned to him again, and then poured into every corner of his body.

  In the afterglow of the lone star at this moment, the energy in the body is undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

   Lone Star Mode!

  The outlier symbolizes the relationship of loneliness.

   Among the four major interpersonal relationships, loneliness is the most special kind of interpersonal relationship.

  After the outliers left the group, they still encountered many aliens, and these people still had communication with the outliers.

  In this kind of communication, there are many other kinds of interpersonal relationships.

  But the interpersonal relationship that occupies the mainstream of outliers is still loneliness.

  Lonely does not mean that there are no other people around you, but that other people are not enough to make you open your mind to accept and rely on.

  By substituting this loneliness into strength, one's own energy can acquire a certain 'autonomous' nature.

  With this nature, energy can self-proliferate and explode, constantly plundering various energies from the outside world, and its own energy will also have a certain degree of omnipotence in this case.

  Because of loneliness, these things can only be controlled by oneself.

  Lone Star Yuhui, with the help of part of the corpse of Immortal King Xuansan, obtained the authority to select the origin of this world.

   Then directly plunder the original power of the world in the Lone Star mode, and constantly multiply its own power.

  The original Lone Star Afterglow, at most, only reached the initial star stage.

   After the Lone Star Mode is enabled, its energy level is soaring rapidly, and it has reached the star peak in a while, and it continues to increase.

  Its original human form also quickly faded at this moment, turning into a lightless planet-like existence.

  The bigger its body size, the more growth it will bring in the Lone Star mode. Every ray of energy in its body is like a greedy long snake, constantly plundering everything in the outside world.

  This kind of energy even seems to have its own thinking and consciousness, and its combat methods have been greatly improved.

   And this energy form is actually the embryonic form of the star aphid.

  Even if it is a subsidiary race of the Lone Star, such as the star aphid, it is also an accessory that the Lone Star has bred by itself. Compared with independent species, they now seem to be more like a creature that the Lone Star plays by itself.

   The symbiotic relationship between the lone star and the star aphid is more like a house-like play.

   Lone Star Afterglow, who has activated the Lone Star Mode, launched an aggressive attack on the outside world.

  Every ray of energy is attacking the survivors.

   Even just a ray of energy can make the survivors feel unprecedented pressure.

  Because of this energy, it seems to have a higher 'omnipotence' than these immortals.

  From the perspective of transformation alone, this ray of lone star energy is more like a fairy than them.

  Especially when the opponent has the corpse of the Immortal King, he has the greatest authority in this world.

   Within this purview, its solitude has the highest priority.

  At this moment, the sense of oppression brought by Lone Star reached the extreme.

  Lu Bai even felt that the ghosts and fairies around him were drifting away and trembling, as if they would disperse into smoke at any moment, and be swallowed and absorbed by the lone star.

  The smoke transformed by the ghost fairy is constantly twisting and changing, and the energy colliding with almost ten to one can annihilate the opponent's ray of lone star energy.

   Other immortals are in worse condition than him.

  What is the ratio? Therefore, this Zhengyang Immortal, he must collide with energy fifty to one in order to fight against a ray of Lone Star energy.

   It's just a confrontation. If he wants to annihilate the opponent's energy like Lu Bai, he can't do it at all.

   Only when Yang Qi is used, the situation will be better,

  It's a pity that Immortal Zhengyang's cognition of Yang Qi is too low-end, and he can't use it to an extremely efficient level.

  The other immortals are similar, most of them can't deal with the Lone Star energy, so they can only use more mana to fight against each other, and then barely save their lives.

   At the same time, there are more lone star energy, heading towards Xiao Ci and A Shi below.

   These two people also need to be transformed to make them completely mortal.

  Half of the figure flashed, and it had already appeared in front of Xiao Ci and the others.

  He didn't glance at Xiao Ci, just stood in front of him, and then the remaining half of his body was completely turned into smoke, and then formed a protection against the energy of Lone Star.

  The appearance of it turning into smoke is somewhat similar to Lu Bai's ghost fairy and Xuanxuan Xuanxuan's real fairy.

  The number one ghost fairy in this world is not the one refined by Lu Bai at all, but a half-human.

  In order to reincarnate Xiaoci, he gave up his immortal side.

  Handed over his cave, even his immortal essence, to Xiao Ci, but kept all the Tao poison on him.

  So only half of him is left, and the remaining half is a ghost formed by Tao poison.

  Because of the Tao poison, he is actually similar to the real immortal.

  Because of this, he was able to secretly design to turn Xuanxuan into a real fairy.

  Because of the situation where everything is lost and only obsession and Taoism are left, he is the first to realize it.

  Xiao Ci looked at the person who died in front of him, only feeling slightly sad, but more at a loss.

  After reincarnation, she is no longer the person cherished by half of the people, and now she is just a mortal who is no longer a fairy.

  After Ah Shi was deprived of her personality, she breathed a sigh of relief, held Xiao Ci's hand, and fled towards Lu Bai.

   At this time, Wu Zhenxiu also got up from the state of pretending to be dead on the ground, ignored the ashes on his body, and ran directly to cover Xiaoci.

   "I'm just wishing too much after all." The body of the half-human ghost died quickly under the energy of the lone star.

   Regarding this, half of the people did not have too much panic in their hearts, only deep worries.

  Worried about whether Xiaoci can escape the obliteration of Lone Star, and whether this world is suitable for Xiaoci to live in.

  Half of the people have already vaguely guessed about this situation.

  That's why when I met Lu Bai, an outsider fairy, I realized that Lu Bai's path was completely different from the orthodox fairy path, so I asked Lu Bai to follow the path.

  Perhaps Xiaoci can get rid of those disturbances, go to the outside world to survive, and not forget everything after reincarnation.

  If... if you can remember me a little bit, that would be even better!

  Little word to escape, while running, turned his head back, looked at the smoke, even though it was extremely broken, he still blocked all the attacks of Lone Star on them, then turned his head and continued to run.

   Then he felt a pain in his body, something in his body was shattering, and then a complete cave full of candy was sensed by Xiaoci, as if the air was filled with the sweet smell of candy.

   "He's dead!" Xiao Ci said suddenly, some tears seemed to flow from the corners of his eyes because of the pain.

  A Shi nodded, pulling Xiao Ci to run faster.

  As A Shi, he really can't do anything about it. He could use the Tianxin personality before, even if he died, he could reappear and condense into a new A Shi.

  But now, even his personality has been deprived, and his last strength is just the body of such an ordinary person.

   As for death, Ah Shi has already seen through it.

  But he was unwilling to be tampered with the last bit of his past as a human being just like this by Lone Star.

   What's more, the situation of Xiaoci is estimated to be even more miserable.

  She used to be a natural immortal, although she used the power of the cape to stabilize her human part.

  But the essence of immortality in her body has not disappeared, and the half-human cave is still in her body.

   This is actually a trace of the past, and Lone Star will probably erase all of this.

  The small words will completely lose all the past and present life.

  This kind of thing is too cruel.

  So Ash pulled Xiaoci, joined Wu Zhenxiu, and hid behind Lu Bai.

  He lost his Tianxin personality and most of his past as an immortal king, but he still retained some of his knowledge.

  Although the main force of Lone Star's attack is Lu Bai, Ah Shi knows that the only one who can reverse the situation is Lu Bai.

   Lu Bai's current situation is not easy.

  The afterglow of the lonely star can be said to have taken advantage of the right time, place and people.

  The corpse of the Immortal King is in the hands of the opponent, and he has mastered the high-level authority of this world, unless the Immortal King is resurrected, he can surpass the opponent.

  In addition, Lu Bai's own state is also not right. In order to get rid of the original influence, he forcibly mixed in the struggle of the real dimension, which has caused him to be in a weak state until now.

  If it was the heyday, it might be possible to fight head-to-head.

   "This fourth-degree human body is cursed!" At the beginning, none of the fourth-degree human enemies Lu Bai encountered was in a complete state. Now Lu Bai occupies the body of a fourth-degree human, and he himself fights against the enemy in a weak state.

   First update, sorry, a few minutes late.



  (end of this chapter)