MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 974v2 Soul friction and the abyss

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  Chapter 974 Soul internal friction and the abyss

  Some people with poor psychological quality may even be frightened crazy on the spot if they suddenly learn about this perspective.

  I saw that the soul is like a marionette, which is involved by countless things. Every change in power can drive the soul to undergo certain internal changes, which will make you have some different thoughts.

  And if you look carefully, you will find that, apart from the soul, everything around you is actually involved in this kind of involvement.

  Many things that seem to be accidental now seem to have become inevitable amidst this involvement.

  The word 'freedom' has become an unimaginable luxury here.

  This is still Lu Bai, Lu Bai can sense that because of the involvement of multiple forces, the power of the nether world is in the middle, allowing himself to be relatively free, at least most of the thoughts and actions Lu Bai can guarantee are from himself.

  If it is someone else, then it is very likely that the idea is not even thought out by yourself.

  What is the sudden interest, the sudden interest, the sudden inspiration of an idea, these things are basically produced by the pulling of these threads.

  With the change of perspective, Lu Bai observed all things with great interest, and then gradually had a certain understanding in his heart, and his cognition of cause and effect was also strengthened.

  Many past knowledge needs to be updated to a certain extent in the face of this perspective.

   This is also the problem.

  Ordinary people observe the world by first discovering a certain phenomenon through perception, and then according to the phenomenon, accumulate experience, summarize knowledge, and finally gain cognition.

  However, in the extraordinary world, you can only observe the surface of many phenomena, and your cognition is also very shallow.

   Only when your cognition really fits a certain factor, the things you can observe will increase.

  In this case, you will never be able to guarantee that the world in front of you is the true appearance of this world.

  It is also difficult for you to confirm whether your cognition has reached a perfect level, and you have been able to observe all aspects of the world.

  But no matter what, this is something that must be experienced on the path of refining the truth.

  A microscopic thing, viewed from different angles, will find that it has different characteristics, and once you miss a certain characteristic, but your enemy happens to be able to observe that point, then this point will become a fatal flaw.

  The macroscopic star path does not have this trouble.

Because, when you have enough things, then these things must actually contain that phenomenon. When you can make them self-consistent, even if you don't have this kind of cognition, your defense or attack The ability, in fact, has already been possessed.

  Of course, those who really have the advantage are still those who walk on two legs.

  Lu Bai has acquired new cognition and a new perspective. From this perspective, when he examines everything he had before, he will gain many new gains.

   In other words, Lu Bo has iterated again.

   The realm of perfection has been improved again.

   At this time, Lu Bai also found that he didn't care much during this time, and his resonance rate actually reached 63% step by step.

  Lu Bai is already fully capable of using this to push himself to the moon level.

   But at this time, Lu Bai was not in a hurry.

   There are too many places in the Star Cave where you can examine your innate and acquired nature, and then find a path that suits you best.

  After being promoted to a level, Lu Bai began to pack his spoils.

  First of all, the most important thing is the three marks.

  Dodi, Lear, and Arthur.

  The three marks have the three abilities of coordinating the operation of power, mobilizing the power of the loser, and maintaining the power as a whole.

  The combination of the three is actually a function that takes something as the core and then mobilizes the power to the greatest extent.

  Follow Lu Bai to collect the three marks together.

  At the same time, at this time, the three boundaries also began to shake in an all-round way. The three parties who were fighting each other realized something at this moment.

  No one thought that this hundred-year boundary war would come to fruition so quickly.

  Lu Bai also had a feeling at this time, he was able to combine the three marks into one, and from then on he would become the master of the three realms.

  In the future, as long as he goes deep into the Star Cave, Lu Bai can use this mark to enter the Three Realms for a repair on each floor.

   It is equivalent to creating your own back garden in the star cave.

  At the same time, there is another option, which is to bring these three marks out of this boundary and absorb the essence inside.

   Then he will have some ability to strengthen the connection between things.

  However, the three boundaries will be reset accordingly, and many things inside will also change, and Lu Bai will never encounter this incident again.

  If he hadn’t obtained that original perspective, Lu Bai might have chosen the first option.

  The resources of these three boundaries are too rich. In the future, each floor can be entered once. Then Lu Bai can guarantee that he will not develop too badly when he explores the star cave in the future.

   This is definitely a huge guarantee for clearing the Star Cave.

  But under the original perspective, everything looks different.

  In the soul, in fact, there is internal friction all the time.

  In addition to dealing with the exploitation of various real dimensions, the soul also needs to face many competitions brought about by various driving forces.

  From here, we can know why those life forms in the real dimension are inherently powerful.

  Because there is basically only the first driving force in their souls, and they will basically not be contaminated with other acquired driving forces.

   Therefore, their souls will not be internalized, even if they are not individuals like high-level necromancers who break free from the exploitation of the rules of the real dimension, they are born with various special powers that emerge from the soul.

  The essence of the three imprints is to enable Lu Bai to strengthen his own soul connection, relieve this internal friction to the greatest extent, and then upgrade a self-constructed core.

  This kind of improvement cannot be replaced by the three boundaries that can only be used in the star cave, and some resources in the boundary.

  So Lu Bai chose the second option without hesitation.

  Of course, Lu Bai is not in a hurry before making a formal choice.

  Once the selection is started, the event will be ended, and then it will face the end.

  Before that, Lu Bai could at least harvest a wave.

   Jinfeng and Dashu have collected resources over the years, and they can still find ways to obtain them.

  The resources of the big tree may be more troublesome, but the resources of the golden wind are not a big problem.

  Because when the other party quietly gave him the Lear mark, he also gave Lu Bai the storage location of these things for free.

  This is called knowing how to be a human being.

  At least for now, the Yuanyuan behind Jinfeng still has a chance to come back.

  The primordial behind the big tree has been swallowed by You Ming. Unless You Ming wants to use him for something, others will not even remember him.

  Lu Bai was soon discovered by various forces in the three boundaries, and then these people basically chose to besiege Lu Bai, trying to **** the three boundary marks from Lu Bai.

   There are even many good players among them.

   There are also many guys, who can be seen as adventurers from the Star Cave.

   It's a pity that the current Lu Bai is much stronger than before.

  The body of the holy dragon disappeared, and the body of the evil dragon almost swept away these people with its scarlet evil power.

  After quickly collecting some of the resources stored by Goldwind, Lu Bai parted ways with Bjorn, telling Bjorn not to forget to look for him later.

  Bringing three marks, he flew towards the edge of the continent, and soon crossed the border and left the incident.

  There are many things trembling slightly in the three imprints in the hand at this moment, and then a large number of light particles fly out of them, and the three boundaries change rapidly during this process.

   In the end, only some basic energy changes remained in Lu Bai's hands, which were integrated into Lu Bai's body.

  Suddenly, Lu Bai's body of the evil dragon and the body of the holy dragon became much more harmonious.

  【Imprint: Based on a core concept, synchronize your own power and external power to a certain extent! 】

  There is still a layer of gap between this ability and himself, but Lu Bai believes that after returning to the zero-level curing station and curing it, he can get a great improvement.

  After the incident of the Hundred Years Boundary War, Lu Bai discovered that there were almost no events on the fourth floor of the Star Cave that could resist his horizontal push.

  All kinds of incidents on the fourth floor have become small tools to check for leaks and fill in gaps, helping Lu Bai discover some minor problems on his road to becoming a star, and then make up for them.

  Pushing all the way, Lu Bai has reached the fifth floor of the Star Cave.

The fifth floor is just like Dashu said before, it is a businessman, Lu Bai can get a lot of abilities here, but it is not very useful to Lu Bai now, and there is no special battle event on the fifth floor, Lu Bai will enter soon up the sixth floor.

   And on the sixth floor, Lu Bai also felt a familiar atmosphere.

   "Abyss? From this point of view, my second driving force is the abyss?" Lu Bai took a deep breath.

   Then he discovered that although his huge evil dragon body still existed, it couldn't be mobilized for the time being.

  On the contrary, I seem to have sunk into another body, locked in a small, cramped space. Although there is still a close connection with my evil dragon body, it seems to be separated by a dimension.

   Then Lu Bai felt that something carrying a lot of abyssal breath covered the small space that bound him.

   Strains of abyssal power came in from the outside world, and this force could not be rejected by Lu Bai, so it continued to promote Lu Bai's development.

  As Lu cypress developed to a certain extent, the space that bound Lu cypress was naturally broken by Lu cypress' huge size.

   There are no eyes and only some basic senses can be used to perceive other faint life breaths and the surrounding environment.

  I seem to be at the seaside, on the beach and reefs, surrounded by a large number of egg-shaped life forms, and in the distance is a huge wave of abyss breath.

   "Did I get **** into the abyss?"

  Lu Bai frowned...Sorry, his body is just a worm now, let alone his brows, he doesn't even have a head now.

  Now he only has a chubby body of a bug, and a big **** mouth, and his body is frantically urging Lu Bai to absorb more external energy.

   The first update.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion