MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 94 Rand's outbreak

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The snake's first phagocytic ability is only two possibilities. Is it time and space, and it is time and space.

Compared with higher-order spatiotemporal dimensions, the possibility of spatio-temporal shift is greater. After all, the Zall priest has used this magical technique very easily.

No matter which one is possible, after being sucked in, everyone will not come back in a short time. Even if it is a long-distance space-time shift, if it is thrown into a powerful biological nest by a drow priest, or inside a dungeon, it will basically die.

"Explosives!" The black robes of the Weiss team, Romon, lifted the staff in his hand, and the robe of the mage hunted. A powerful element waved like a wave, and even flew two away from him. The nearest dwarf warrior.

A little bit of orange and yellow light came together from all directions, and a basketball-sized blazing ray was quickly lit up above the jewel at the top of the staff. The rich fire element caused the surrounding temperature to rise sharply. With Romon's one-handed wave, the blazing light was turned into an orange-yellow light and sprayed toward the front. novel w.qul.

As soon as the light broke away from the top of the staff, it swelled and became a huge pillar of fire with a diameter comparable to the bullet train, dragging a long flame to the head of the mouth with its mouth open.

"Not enough!" Also as a fire fighting profession, Rand, who has a stronger fire control ability than the Master, just felt the power of this fire magic, as if he had foreseen the result of the collision between the Fire Column and the Snake Head.

In the magic system of the world of Feren, the blast is equivalent to the three-ring spell. This is a popular magic that the fire magician will learn after the fireball. The skill system that is converted into an apostle is almost a C+ level magic skill.

However, this blast of Romon is clearly beyond the power of the three-ring spell, he may have specifically improved this magic. Judging from the power of the current performance, it is almost more than the magic strength of the five rings, which belongs to the B+ level magic skill.

The black robe mage as a second-order apostle should have been regarded as his powerful skill.

However, even if the skill level of the B+ level is reached, I am afraid that it will not completely offset the space-time magic that the Zoro priest gives the snake's first whip.

Perhaps the dwarves who saw the expedition team were mostly middle and high-level physics occupations, so the time and space magic used by the Zall priest was at least A-level skill comparable to the seven-ring spell. In other words, this is a quasi-forbidden curse that weakens the scope and duration of the attack.

This kind of magic is a nemesis of physical melee occupations. Most of the time, you can only use magic skills to compete. Do you want to end the duration of the spell, and use the magical power of the power to interrupt the frequency of space-time magic. Other than that, the other methods have little effect.

Romon's choice is not wrong, but the power of the spell is still a little lacking.

If the other members of the expedition team can cooperate with each other and use several attacking skills that do not interfere with each other, it will almost be enough to break the space-time magic. At this time, everyone is unsteady, and a few people who can use magic skills can't cooperate with the blast.

Similar to the female pastor, Hill, Ilistin, etc., although they can also use their own spells, it is easy to interfere with each other, but the magic power is even smaller.

What's more, at present, apart from Rand, other people can't foresee that the blasting technique can't offset the space-time magic. They don't have the high fire element sensing ability of Rand.

Thinking of this, Rand glanced at the corner of his eye, and he and Weiss covered Gilliam behind him. Seeing the hesitation of the old dwarf's face, he immediately made a choice.

Gilliam is a legendary strongman. Although he is a physics professional, if he is fully committed, he will definitely be able to break the magic of time and space. Only in this way, the Zall priest will immediately notice him, and the next battle will be very difficult to surprise.

These two drow priests are very difficult, and a single time and space magician makes them burnt. If you don't solve one first, you will have to fight together, and you will definitely die. It is obviously not the time for the old dwarfs to take the shot.

The next moment, Randping stretched out his hands and leaned against Yan Zhu, pulling back like a basketball. Yan Zhu seems to have been inexplicably guided, and the original straight track actually took a bend and shot at him.

However, because the phagocytic suction of the snake head still exists, the Yan column just wraps around the C shape, and turns away from Rand and rushes to the snake head again.

Just for Rand, this is enough. When Yan Zhu passed him in front of him, Rand helped a drum and spit out a red flame from his mouth, which suddenly merged with Yan Zhu.

The shape of the glass ball of fire glass is very similar to the "high concentration of fire element core" that Qin Lun once handed over to Rand, but the volume is much smaller. Qin Lun’s “highly concentrated fire element core” bought from the Sanweiyu Club is actually one of the belief totems of the worship of fire.

The bronze statue of Ahura Mazda, which Rand used to get in the world of hunters, is the supreme **** of worshipping fire, and the core of his current second-class career "lava head".

However, the bronze statue of Ahula Mazda was not an apostle object, it was absorbed into the body by Rand and became part of the body of the law.

Rand is able to condense lava **** out of thin air, relying on this part of the law. The belief totem that looks like the core of the fire element can condense the energy of the fire element that can perform A+ level skills every three natural days.

Of course, being able to condense so much energy does not mean that Rand can display A+ level fire magic. After he got the totem of this faith, he also incorporated it into the body of the law and became one of the rules. This symbol can increase the power of the lava ball in his body and speed up the casting.

If Rand condenses the fireball symbols of the totem of the faith alone, then the fused lava ball will almost reach the A-level skill.

It’s just that Rand usually doesn’t do this. Because it is necessary to condense the law symbols, but also to control the lava ball, the casting time is too long, the mana consumption is too large, and the skill cooling time is too long.

However, at this time, Master Romon has used a powerful blast, he only needs to condense the fireball symbol of the totem, which greatly saves mana cost and cast time.

After the fusion of the fire beads after the inflammation of the column, suddenly rose and shrunk, as if a heart is in the body is moving. At the top of the high-speed movement, the top of the water droplets appeared on the top of the dragon, and the surface of the Yan column also showed a piece of fiery red scale. The former minister had two three-toed dragon claws, which turned into a snake-shaped swaying head in an instant. Dragon.

By the time the Yanlong 窜 窜 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 , , , , , , , , , , 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 蛇 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎

Class A fire control - the dragon of the lava head!

"Boom!" After the dragon and the snake collided, a dazzling flash of light made everyone involuntarily close their eyes.

The shock wave after the explosion almost flew out everyone in the field. Because the dragon attacked the snake head from bottom to top, the upward explosion was the most powerful. Almost instantaneously, the tapered dome of the labyrinth hall was broken, and numerous gravel smashed down. The center of the site was completely covered by dust and fog.

After Rand was blown off by the blast wave, when he was in control of Yanlong, his mind was so expensive that he couldn’t climb even if he climbed.

However, he is not worried about being attacked by the enemy. Although he did not know the opposite situation, he believed that the Zall priest would not feel good. After all, this is a strong confrontation between the two A-level skills.

"Good job!" At the same time that Rand fell to the ground, a sound like a ant language came from the ear, just waiting for him to turn back, but did not see any figures.

"Ah~~" Just as the dust and the wind tumbling, there was a scream of screaming on the opposite side, and the voice was filled with the fear and despair that could not be suppressed.

"Ha ha ha!" Accompanied by this scream, there was a cynical fight in the dust, and Gilliam's refreshing laughter.

The old dwarf sneak attacked! All members of the expedition immediately presented an exciting idea. In this case, ignoring the explosion shock wave does not retreat, I am afraid that only Gilliam, who is a legendary fighter, can do it.

No matter how powerful the priest's magical skills are, if the violent madness of Gilliam is sneak up, the three axes will go down, not dead or disabled.

"嗷~嗷~" Gilliam’s successful sneak attack made the dwarves morale, and they raised the axe and rushed toward the opposite side of the dust.

The apostles were cautious. Qin Lun and Hill were vigilantly guarding Rand, and Weiss and others did not rush to the first time. Instead, Ilistin and Idria two beautiful women don’t want to have eyebrows, one turned into a giant bear, and the other with a door-to-door Hummer~ knife rushed up.

When the dust and fog disappeared, the opposite situation finally entered the vision of the apostles.

I saw two of the two drow priests, the young Zall priest, whose body was broken into two pieces, and the intestines flowed to the ground. It should have been smashed by Glimam. She glared at her eyes, but her pupils had no focal length, and it was obviously dead.

Another old Zall priest was forced to retreat by Gilliam, and he couldn’t even shoot his hand for a moment. As for the remaining Zall Warriors and the spiders, they were also entangled in the dwarves.

This battle, which was originally unpredictable and unpredictable, is beginning to tilt toward the Dwarf Discovery Team.

Weiss and others smiled and smiled, and each rushed with a smile. This kind of good thing that not only increases the contribution of the task, but also is equivalent to cheap, they are unwilling.

"I am much Let's go too!" Rand finally supported and stood up, but his face was still pale as paper.

"Block them!" Zall priest glanced at the audience, his eyes flashing, and while escaping from Gilliam's attack, he lifted his staff and the magical skills that had been stored in the staff instantly came out. A blood-red light wave was born out of thin air, covering all members of the party.

Stimulated by blood red light waves, the remaining spider spirits violently began to attack indiscriminately around them. The drow samurai is a pair of eyes, and actually throws away the enemies that are fighting, collectively attacking Gilliam who entangles the Zall priest.

The old dwarf was shocked and extremely reluctant to give up chasing the Drow priest, a jump off the battle circle.

However, I got rid of the Zall priests that Gilliam was entangled, but did not counterattack as everyone imagined. She was full of sinister scorpions, and glanced at the two defected elves in the rear portal, whispering a curse in her mouth.

After the end of the demon command, an elliptical space-time portal opened in front of the Zall priest. The Zall priest did not look at the spidering spirits and the drow warriors who were still fighting, and stepped directly into the portal.

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