MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 10 invite

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"Ford, really don't consider going on holiday with me?" After seeing Mount Dessert Island, the mainland bridge connecting Arcadia to the mainland, Qin Lun once again sent an invitation from the same industry. ~ small,

"No, your tip can not be earned!" Ford's eyes were full of warning. This series of weird actions by the blond youth in the past more than ten hours finally caused his vigilance.

Of course, he did not doubt other aspects of Qin Lun, but regarded him as a certain a. It is no wonder that black buddies, no matter who is being asked to change food from time to time, go out on holiday and not find beautiful women, always invite men, it will be treated as a.

"Well, you take care!" As the SUV drove past the Continental Bridge and stopped in front of a travel agency, Qin Lun took away his own things and bid farewell to the black guys who had been together for a long time.

This more than ten-hour journey is surprisingly safe. Perhaps Qin Lun reduced the speed of the car, did not go through the gas station, did not mess with things, blocked most of the loopholes, the mysterious force slammed, never looked for him again.

"Sir, are you alone to travel?" Qin Lun just got out of the car, a beautiful woman wearing a uniform of the travel agency staff will take the initiative to meet.

Along the sides of the Continental Bridge on Mount Desert Island, there are many travel agencies and hotels. In the middle part, the island was divided into two parts by an Atlantic fjord.

To the northeast is the main part of Acadia National Park, and another third of the forest is on the southwestern end. There are no big cities on this island, but there are many port towns, such as Mount Desert, Bar Harbor, Tremont and many more.

These port towns are unique in style, and most of the buildings are brick-and-wood structures, which are quite different from the architectural styles of modern cities. In the coastal port area of ​​the island, there are lighthouses that still have an important role to this day.

“Can you provide a more convenient sightseeing car?” Qin Lun asked with a smile. “Also, call me Chris!”

"Of course, Chris, I am Tina! There are several kinds of electric sightseeing cars in our travel agency." The beauty guide's eyes lit up and warmly greeted him, and he took a big bag from Qin Lun.

"Chris, are you traveling alone? What else can you help?" Qin Lun rented a sightseeing car very quickly, and the tour guide asked again with a smile.

"I think I still need a tour guide, it is best to be like you, Miss Tina!" The beautiful staff in front of Qin Lun squinted.

"Sorry, Chris, I will lead a three-day tour group tomorrow!" The beauty guide smiled quietly.

The young man named Chris is very handsome. She doesn't mind what happened to him. It’s just that the travel agency will not allow a female employee to spend the night alone with the male client in the wild. This is against professional ethics. They are not Bangkok or Manila travel companies.

"If you don't mind, you can fight with us tomorrow, and don't need too much money. I will let you leave a wonderful memory in this trip."

"Well, good advice, then what are you recommending tonight?" Qin Lun asked some unwillingly, but he was not for beauty, but for not being hungry.

“The travel agency has a hotel in Bar Harbor. If you don’t want to spend the night at the hotel, you can go to the town of Mount Desert after your meal. On both sides of the forest road to the east of the town, there are many forests specially prepared for travelers. Stay in the camp."

Tina said here, showing a sly expression, deliberately lowered the voice and said, "Of course, if this option, Chris, you must bring more mosquito repellent, the summer night in the forest is very scary!"


In the end, Qin Lun did not go to any restaurant to eat, this is not because he is cautious, but he wants to see in this case, the strange mysterious power has any way to put him to death.

Any mysterious power, including the laws and abilities possessed by the gods, has a similar limitation, that is, they cannot interfere with the autonomy of the intelligent race. People who want to control life, especially those with wisdom, often need to lift this restriction first.

For example: get their fanaticism, or use fear and violence to break their psychological defenses, so that they lose their self-control ability, and then they can take advantage of it.

However, the use of this method often leaves flaws that are difficult to conceal. Especially with the development of science and technology in the human world, the more away from the power of science and technology, the more obvious the traces left behind.

Therefore, Qin Lun’s measures at this time are correct. Although this place is still a national forest park with many tourists, there are not so many artificial creations. The mysterious force wants to put him to death, there are only three ways, tourists, the natural environment, wildlife.

Whether it's possessed by tourists and wildlife, or in the natural environment, there is no doubt that the difficulty is many times higher than in a big city. With Qin Lun's law of the body, his survival rate has greatly increased.

Qin Lun endured the roaring belly and drove the electric sightseeing car on the forest road to the east of Mount Desert.

The shape of this tourist car is similar to that of a golf cart. The model is petite and the chassis is very low. Qin Lun can jump out of the car almost as long as it is one step.

Even so, Qin Lun still looks cautious, the speed is very slow, close to the inside of the driveway, and from time to time look at the environment on both sides of the road. In this environment, a fatal accident can be caused by a car accident, causing the sightseeing car to fall out of some steep slopes; if it is a mountain collapse in a low-lying section, it will directly kill him.

However, perhaps Qin Lun has always been vigilant, until he entered the wild camp, the mysterious force still did not shoot.

Qin Lun grinned, but his heart was more and more excited to look forward to, the mysterious force apparently saw through his little tricks. On this road, the mysterious power is not without a chance, but those opportunities are not very good. Qin Lun’s physical fitness has at least 70% of the escape.

In the first two styles of mysterious power, what He wants is complete control. Even if there is an incident in the public, no one, including the parties, has doubts.

The camping ground in front of Qin Lun has an irregular crescent shape, about 200 meters long and about 50 meters wide. The right side of the camp is close to the Frenchmanfjord in the middle of Mount Desert Island. The beautiful fjord is sparkling in the evening glow and the scenery is beautiful.

On the left side of the camp is the sparse maple forest, which is actually outside the Acadia National Park, and sometimes even some wild animals that come out for food.

When Qin Lun arrived at the camp, the sky was already dim, and the laughter of men and women came from the camp. There are many people visiting Acadia National Park this season. This big island has beautiful scenery, forests, mountains, bays and glaciers.

Visitors can view the scenery, charter fishing, mountain climbing, barbecue, hunting, and the project is rich, suitable for both men and women.

Qin Lun parked the sightseeing car in the public space, and then rented a small brand from the camp manager, carrying a large bag of things and heading for his camp.

The grass he rented was about twenty square meters and he had a barbecue grill. Some corners of the grass have deep iron wedges embedded in the ground, which is used for fixed tents.

Qin Lun quickly set up his own tent and put sleeping bags and other materials inside. However, this is just a superficial effort. He does not really sleep in it. In fact, he could not sleep in the seven days of the world.

For a psychologist, it is easy to control yourself for seven days without sleep, and to maintain strong energy. Of course, the normal person will leave behind after this, and the apostle does not matter.

Qin Lun opened a folding lounger outside the tent and lay on it with a baseball cap to cover his face.

"Hey, are you a person?" It was not long before Qin Lun lay down, and there was a sweet female voice next to him.

He took a baseball cap, and a young woman in a men's shirt and a pair of jeans was standing three meters away, facing his smiling face.

"We have a lot of meat baked over there, do you want to come together?"

Qin Lun just wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, if he was so out of the public, it would be boring to do so for seven days. He knows that he can only stay in this world for seven days, but the mysterious power does not know. If there is no good chance, it may end up being patience until the end of seven days.

"Well, wait a minute, I think I should give everyone a gift." Qin Lun turned into the tent and took out a bottle of fine Scottish whiskey from the inside. This is bought on the road, and it has been opened for a while.

"嘿 Susan, you really called him over!" Seeing Qin Lun came over, several young people in the camp could not help but laugh, one of the black girls is The woman who was next to Qin Lun made a face.

"What's wrong with this?" Qin Lun shrugged in surprise.

"Sorry, man! This is our fault. Just now, Dana and Susan took a gamble and saw if Susan had a charm to invite you to such a handsome guy!" A broad-shoulder youth in the camp was facing Qin Lunsheng. Shot, friendly said.

"Know, I am Wilson! On the left is Luke, the one wearing glasses is Stanson. The beauty on the right is Karin. As for Dana and Susan, I don't think I should introduce it anymore. We are all Stanford students. Come and play here during the summer vacation."

"I am Chris!" Qin Lun smiled indifferently and handed the bottle to Wilson.

"I'm sorry!" Susan looked at Qin Lun with a little embarrassment and took him to the inside.

"It's nice to meet you, Chris!" Several young men and women greeted Qin Lun successively. However, Qin Lun could see that two of them did not seem to welcome him.

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