MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 29 Lie addiction

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"Who is that raw face? Is it a temporary helper you called?" An old-fashioned butler with a big back pulled the chef Meilanda aside and pointed to the pool next to the "唰唰唰" cutting vegetables. Qin Lun asked.

With Qin Lun's cold weapon mastery and eyesight, it is really overkill to cut vegetables. The proficiency of cutting vegetables is no wonder that the old housekeeper will think that he is a helper invited by the cook.

"Chris, no, he is..." Melanda shook the fat on her face and whispered the history of Qin Lun. "Tony said that without this young man, he couldn't make those horses. What's more, today The lord wants to entertain the guests, the kitchen is a little too busy, and it really needs people."

"Muff? Master is looking for a professional groom, but people of unknown origin..." Parker's old housekeeper frowned slightly and fell silent.

"Don't worry, Tony greeted him and didn't promise to work for him. Just staying with the servant for dinner, I heard that the child was hungry for a few more!" The fat cook was a bit of a mother-in-law, and said with sympathy.

"Okay!" The old butler finally nodded and agreed to ignore the episode in the kitchen.

The English people of this era, especially the nobility, can be said to be evil in the North American continent. The Indians were slaughtered, the black triangles were sold, and a group of black slaves and Chinese workers were used as livestock. All of them were anti-human activities.

However, in other respects, they are very gentlemen. In view of the fact that Qin Lun helped the manor a little busy, his identity was an English white, and the old housekeeper would not let him return empty-handed. Otherwise, it seems that the owner of the manor is too embarrassed, and a good British butler will not let the master cast such a reputation.

The night outside the kitchen window is getting thicker and thicker, and a bright moon soon rises to the treetops.

Qin Lun pulled a plate of guests to eat the rest of the lamb, while listening to the whisper of the maid.

He came very well. Today seems to be the day when Sir Wilson invited some important guests. The maids in the kitchen were busy and the servants had long dressed in decent tuxedos to go to the banquet hall to serve the guests.

For the servants, it is a symbol of the status of the manor that can serve the guests in the banquet hall. In this case, only Parker Butler and some close-knit personal and servants can come to entertain, and the new servants and slaves are unlikely to appear in the banquet hall.

Qin Lun has experienced various kinds of aristocratic etiquette training in the past. There are elves and human society. Even the aristocratic etiquette of the earth's back-view has been carefully studied. I remembered when I saw some movies in the film and I was a waiter who sneaked into the aristocratic ballroom.

A true aristocratic banquet, even if it is a banquet held in the palace hall, the guests can only accommodate hundreds of people. The waiters responsible for the reception are roughly twenty-one, so twenty or thirty people, and basically all are high-ranking servants. Cooked.

Unless there are a lot of people to cover, the strange waiter in the hall is just as eye-catching as the nephew of the monk's head.

As for the high-level banquet in modern society, is it necessary to confuse the conference, and the waiters in it are all temporary workers in the hotel. There may be few formal ceremonies. In the era of feudal aristocracy, that is the level of the nouveau riche of the country.

In the aristocratic manor, the servants usually ate after the owner had finished eating, and the ingredients used were the leftovers.

However, when the aristocrats hold large-scale banquets, they usually go to the middle of the night, even overnight. Therefore, the servants will dine in batches during the banquet, and many servants will take the leftovers of the host and guests directly.

Of course, in many cases, the waiters in the banquet hall will directly fill most of the plates, which will be used as “leftovers” to return to the kitchen.

The mutton that Qin Lun now eats is given to him by Melanda. When I first brought it, I almost moved a few chopsticks, and half of it was given to another cook.

Qin Lun naturally wouldn't mind someone helping him to test the poison. He said that he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Under the special care of the **** of death, he was still eating at a wild camp in Mount Desert Island.

The roar of the manor slowly subsided, some guests stayed in the manor, and others took the carriage away. After the host and the guests were arranged, the servants finally took a break.

At this time, Parker Steward found Tony Qin again with Tony.

"Chris, thank you very much, today helped a lot!" The old butler gentleman owed a debt, and took a five-shilling silver coin from the inner pocket of the dress and handed it to Qin Lun. "But you know, this performance and Can't help you stay at Wilson Manor, this is the reward for your help today, please take it."

"Oh, oh..." Qin Lun's face was a little red, and his face was overwhelmed. He wiped his hands over the sweatshirt over and over again, and finally turned to Tony behind the old housekeeper.

However, I don't know why, Tony was squinting at this time, just looking down at his toes, and there was no sign of help for Qin Lun.

Qin Lun’s face finally showed a trace of despair. The pitiful look made the young maids who were watching the distance in the distance feel distressed. He lowered his head and said with a mosquito-like voice, "Thank you, very Glad I can help, but the money is no longer needed. Today I have eaten a lot of food that I can't eat for a lifetime, enough to make me pay."

Qin Lun said that he looked up and tilted his mouth to reveal a young man's unique reluctance. "I will leave immediately. In the next few days, I will find a job in Montetown. If Wilson Manor still needs help, I hope Mr. Guan Jia. Can give me a chance."

He said that he pulled off his apron and grabbed the corner of the bag and walked to the right side of the kitchen. There was an exit to the side door of the manor.

An honest and strong young man, if really like Tony said, may be a good choice for the new groom! Parker’s old housekeeper stuffed the silver coins back into his shirt pocket and watched Qin’s dejected back flashing.

"It's already so late, where do you want to go?" Just as Qin Lun is about to step out of the kitchen door, there is a saying from the old housekeeper behind him. "If you leave now, Sir Alex Ferguson will probably say that I am not tomorrow." Close to human sentiment, you will stay at the manor tonight!"

Qin Lun turned and looked at the old butler with a blank look.

The old butler slightly raised his chin, and the old-fashioned face finally showed a smile. "The original manor is a stranger who will not hire a foreigner, but we also need a new groom. I can give you a chance to try, if you pick up In the next two months, you have done a good job in the stable, then I will recommend Sir Alex to leave you..."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Guan Jia!" Jing Lun’s eyes burst out in the blink of an eye, almost flashing the old butler and Tony behind him. Everyone in the kitchen seemed to be infected with the joy of this young man. A few young maids who watched even secretly clapped their hands.

It was only a night of joint work, and they all liked this simple and hard-working handsome young man.

"That... I will go to the stable to sleep now!" Qin Lun raised the baggage and eagerly wanted to go out.

"No, the slaves have already fed the horses and nights, and let's talk about it tomorrow!" Parker's old housekeeper thought about it and continued. "I remember that there is a room in the male servant's room. You go there to sleep today, Anne Maid's maid. Will bring you a set of bedding."


"Hey, Chris, congratulations!" From the kitchen, Tony chased Qin Lun from behind and said with a smile, "I have thought that you will accept the silver coin for a second."

"Ah? Is it because I took the money, and the housekeeper will not leave me?" Qin Lun asked with amazement.

"No, the old housekeeper will stay with you for one night, but it won't be so easy for you to try the mafu position. Maybe you will introduce some of the town's handymen tomorrow, and check if you have a month or two." Tony patted Qin Lun’s shoulders are pretending to be inscrutable.

"Thank you very much, Tony!" Qin Lun was sincerely grateful.

"No, I will remember to help me more in the future." The young servant swayed his hand in disappointment. "I will go to sleep first. You should not be too excited at night. To get up early tomorrow, the old butler does not like others to be late."

"Hmm!" Qin Lun looked at his innocent smile and pushed away his servant room.

After closing the door, Qin Lun’s lips slowly began to rise, and the big mouth cracked a new moon. The white teeth shone under the oil lamp, and the simple and thick smile instantly turned into evil. Silent laughter.

This round of performance made him extremely satisfied, almost for the first time to experience the supreme pleasure of killing. It’s so easy to play these kind people with applause, making him as enjoyable as taking drugs.

"It's a pity! The stay time is too little, otherwise it will be good to play for a few more days!" Qin Lun sighed and threw the used bedding onto the bed. He just lay quietly, waiting for everyone in the servant's room to go to sleep.

"Hou~" The oil lamp on the window sill was blown out by a starlight in the darkness is like a yin and yang fish pattern. It is the left eye of Qin Lun who uses the gaze aura.

He looked at the walls of the room, and the perspective ability allowed him to see the movements of the servant's room.

Everyone fell asleep, but he was a squid and slammed up from the bed, carefully glanced out the window and gently opened the door.

After the servant's room on the first floor of the main building of the manor is out, it is the living room. There is a curved staircase on each side of the hall to go upstairs, the second floor is the room of Parker butler and the higher servant, and the third floor is the room of the two small masters of the guest and the manor.

Qin Lun’s goal is on the top four or five floors, where is the most important room in the room today, as well as the bedroom of the owner’s Wilson couple.

Although he has not been exposed to Wilson himself, Qin Lun now knows that he has not found the wrong person. Sir Wilson does have problems.

Because when he was helping in the kitchen, he got a lot of clues from the talks of the servants, especially the information about the guests who visited today...


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