MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 3 Negotiated

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"What is the commonality between the Magic World and the World War II?" Hill and Grant looked at each other and shook their heads. ¥°F vertex novel,

After they had the intention to form a team, they shared their mission experience. The commonality between the magical demon and the world of World War II, apart from the parallel time and space of the Earth, there is not much else.

"Really not, do you think about it?" However, Qin Mei did not recognize Hill and Grant's reaction and continued to ask seriously.

"Yes! There is another common point that you have neglected!" Rand, who was sitting on the side, said suddenly, "I remember that Qin Lun once said that you have been in the world of magic and World War II. Involved in the superstring space and the broken starry war!"

"Yes, it should be this!" Hill and Grant were both bright at the same time.

“Is this related to what you just said?” Hill asked curiously.

"It's related, since you have participated in the war of superstring space and broken starry sky, you should know the difference between the two." Qin Mei said with a smile.

The superstring space is the manager of each dimension space, and the broken starry sky is to strengthen itself by absorbing the world origin of different time and space. Comparing human social relations, it can be said that the former is an official institution and the latter is a grasshopper villain.

Official agencies can recruit employees to be fair, and the villains want to recruit people and they can only sneak. Therefore, the way in which broken starry sky recruits apostles in different time and space is equivalent to the smuggling of criminals who are not allowed in society.

Since the apostles are criminals who sneak into the air, under normal circumstances, the broken starry sky will naturally not let the apostles return to the original birth world. Unless the starry sky is ready, start a war with the superstring space.

"I understand! What you mean is that if we want to enter a parallel time and space of a certain earth, then there is a great chance of participating in space wars."

Hill and others each frown and meditate. They have all experienced space wars. The different worlds are more dangerous than other mission worlds. The most important thing is that what they want to do now requires the task world to be simpler and save the situation.

It is necessary to know that Qin Lun is a high-intelligence genius who is good at taking advantage of the situation. Although the owner is destructive, this character still retains.

In the world of missions that open space warfare, the difficulty is tempting to enter a particular scene. One accidentally, Qin Lun took advantage of the situation and they did not do well.

"Miss Qin Mei, let me just say, what kind of mission world did you prepare for this?" Hansen, who was whispered, suddenly blinked and said faintly, "You are different from us, it should be very early." This is already happening this year!"

Hansen’s words reminded the other three murderers that everyone couldn’t help but sink their faces, and they didn’t like being fooled around.

This group of people is really different from ordinary apostles and reincarnations. Is he always working with such people? The pure child standing on the side of Qin Mei flashed, she remembered some scenes she had been with Qin Lun, and there was a shock in her heart.

During this time, Chunzi slowly gained the trust of Qin Mei. Before that, he knew the plan of Qin Mei.

Hansen did not make a mistake, Qin Mei has already prepared a plan, including a specific mission world. Although she said that she gave up the dominance of the action plan, she was still using the means of roundabout to guide everyone in thinking.

Of course, Qin Mei did not dare to do too much, and everyone can figure it out afterwards. However, afterwards, I wanted to understand that it was useless. At that time, the rhythm of action was controlled by Qin Mei. Hansen and others just saw Qin Mei’s tricks in an instant, which is a bit horrible, indicating that these people are equally difficult.

The mind was broken, and Qin Mei still did not change color, taking a fist-sized crystal ball from the storage space. As soon as this crystal ball was taken out, it attracted the attention of everyone.

The crystal ball is black overall, with a little star inside. The core has a dozen **** that are familiar to everyone. The most central sphere exudes blazing fire and light. There are a total of eight small spheres that rotate around it. The third sphere, which is arranged from the inside to the outside, is a whole blue, like a big water polo.

"The solar system, the earth!" The look of everyone has some complexity, they have not seen this image for a long time.

"Yes, this is a transmission coordinate device similar to the world's tokens. The destination is a certain time and space of the earth." Qin Meijiao said with a smile, "If you don't mind, our next mission world will take it as the coordinate!" ”

“Is there no space war to choose this world?” Rand asked sensitively.

"Well, because there is a transmission coordinate device, there is no space war inside." Qin Mei explained seriously. "But, because it is a world dominated by super-string space, you may not receive the plot task, and The entire stay may be less than ten days!"

"Since you are ready, and we have no clue, we will use this for the time being." Hill took the crystal ball and examined it again, and returned it to Qin Mei. He looked up and said, "However, You have to answer my two questions honestly first. The first is the dangers of the mission world and the places to pay attention to. The second is how to drag Qin Lun into this mission world."

"The parallel time and space of the earth is basically a low-devil world. With our strength, there is not much danger." Qin Mei blinked. "Of course, the task world I took out is a bit special, it belongs to the moment. Enter the world of the devil's low magical peak, because it has its own number of dimension planes..."

"What are the dimensions of the dimension?" Hill and others frowned, and Grant glanced at his companions and asked for everyone.

"When you were in the Earth Federation, should you have heard of all kinds of ancient myths?" Qin Mei smacked his mouth and said with a playful voice, "If I say that there is a **** in this world, some of them are ancient myths." It is real, do you believe it?"

"This is also called the low magic world?" The people shook their heads with a smile.

There is a god--the world is still a low-devil world, even if there is only one god, the threat to the apostles is not the same. This woman is really embarrassed, and if she doesn't ask, she estimates that she will not tell the truth.

"Of course it is a low devil, because the human being is not strong overall, it has been lowered by the world evaluation!" Qin Mei smiled slyly. "As for my brother, you can rest assured that I will pull him into this mission world!"

"Then we have no problem, let us know when you are ready!" Hill glanced at the others and nodded at the girl.

After several people reached an agreement, Qin Mei let Hill and others enter the regiment. To the surprise of the murderers, this girl who entered the broken starry sky is shorter than their time, and actually has a silver team of ten people.

This silver team is definitely not the way to go, Hill and others secretly guessed that the members of the original team were not killed by her, or have been expelled. In fact, Hill and others are right. The team originally belonged to the bright team. After Qin Mei died in the pit, he defrauded the head of the team.

"Charm, do you really want to enter the world again?" When the two men walked out of the Golden Jubilee Cup, the pure son finally couldn't help but ask, "You are in that world, but the key target of the death list?"

"For my brother, I have to go!" Qin Mei’s face showed a hint of helplessness for the first time. "My brother is too smart. Any scene of disguise can’t be seen through his eyes. Only the true to unique scene can touch. He! There are many mission worlds with such conditions, but I only have one at hand!

What's more, there are not a few days to stay in the time and space of using the world's tokens, and we must find him first to save my brother. I am afraid that only this world is the most suitable, because only it will actively gather all the rebels and apostles, and let trouble find us. ”

"That's unique scene? You mean the event when he was eight?" Pure son asked both curiously and cautiously.

"Not only the event when he was eight years old, but also twelve years old, fifteen years old... All the unforgettable scenes in his memory!" Qin Mei’s eyes showed a smile. "His gangs are very powerful, but After all, they are all people who are not good at expressing emotions, they will ignore certain things, and there is no such delicate and sensitive mind for our girls."

"My brother is not an ordinary person. He looks at things differently. The scene of disguise is not working. Only the scenes in his mind are unique. We can't arrange them."

Seeing the pure child thoughtfully, Qin Mei continued, "Since the artificial arrangement can't work, then only enter the brother's brain to directly reproduce those scenes. In other words, you need a mental hypnosis master who can hypnot your brother. But do you think there is such a person among the apostles or reincarnations?"

Chunzi shook his head and shook his head. She and Qin Mei had observed Qin Lun for a long time and knew him very well. This man is thoughtful and insightful, and he is a master of psychology. It is basically impossible to hypnotize or deceive him.

In the gospel world ~ ~ Qin Mei and his indirect fight has proved this. At the time, Qin Mei tried to destroy him and the lost squad beyond the wormhole of the universe by destroying the commemorative spaceship of the faith, but he still chased it.

In the end, Qin Mei had to choose to avoid in order to avoid meeting with him. This is the only time that the pure son has seen the evil spirits frustrated, but this brother control is not only not unhappy, it seems to be very excited.

To deal with such people, small flowers can only be self-inflicted. If you have the ability to hypnotize Qin Lun, then there is only a **** who is directly at the level of the law.

"Oh, yes, you don't have to follow me this time! In that world, with your IQ, it really lives soon!" Qin Mei suddenly turned his head and said.

"Thank you for Charm!" Pure son bitterly, don't know if he should be happy, or he should be depressed.

"Cut, lie to you! You are such a big brother, how can you not go, know that my brother had spent a lot of effort to save you down..." Qin Mei smiled and pinched the pure child expression Muran's face, "Reassuring, sister will protect you!"

"... dead brother control girl, after so long, still stunned!" Waiting for Qin Mei to go a little farther, the pure son secretly slammed his feet.