MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 46 ceremony

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"I have to raise a period of time, but since these two little things have already been detected, then let's hold a ceremony tonight!" Sir Wilson said with a blank expression. Www*

"Hey, don't transfer the topic with two little scorpions. How do you plan to deal with Diana's little scorpion?" Keira Wilson looked at her husband with a disgusted look.

"Oh, dear, since you are so concerned about the existence of Diana, let her also serve as a ritual sacrifice. How do you see it?" Sir Wilson’s face raised a false smile.

"Oh? Are you willing?" Keira asked unexpectedly.

"Of course, always use those dirty slaves, it seems to be a disrespect to the Lord." Sir Wilson smiled coldly, his eyes showed a hint of ridicule. "It’s not enough to just wear Diana. I think it still needs A young white male, I see... the handsome driver who came back from London with you is very good, let me think about it, what is the boy? Jack, right?"

" dare!" When she heard her husband's words, Keira smashed the small eyes that were squeezed into the cracks by the fat, revealing a faint expression.

"As long as it is a sacrifice to the Father, what do I dare, you are a shameless fat woman, do you have enough shame for the Wilson family?" Sir Wilson grabbed his wife's arm, fierce face Almost snarled against her nose.

"You, you hurt me!" Keira's fat body is like a deflated ball, shrinking her neck with fear.

"You can't do it in London. If you bring the **** to Wilson Manor the next time, I will treat you as a sacrifice to the father." The jazz grinned. "All your father said, anyway, we Sooner and later, the believers will go to the Lord’s side to serve, and it seems that there is not much difference between them sooner or later!”

"I, I will change clothes first, then go to the ceremony!" When she heard her husband's words, Keira's pupil was obviously enlarged, and there was a brute force that broke away from Sir Wilson's palm and ran away. Out of the living room.

"Oh, huh~~" Looking at his wife's flustered back, Sir Wilson gave a nervous laughter, and when the laughter stopped, he turned his facelessly and looked down at the Harry brothers and sisters who were holding together.

"Oh, in your eyes, both me and Keira are demons, right?" Sir Wilson’s face showed a hint of sorrow, as if he said to himself, "Of course, I should not blame you, maybe you see It’s the truth. Many years ago, when I reached an agreement with Keira’s father, I was already a demon with a human skin!”

"At that time, I just retired from the army, and only came with a little savings to the new continent, which is known as the land of gold. I contracted the railway project, I had a small newspaper office, and even worked as a mine supervisor... It turns out I am not doing business, and all efforts to reinvigorate the family have failed..."

Thomas Wilson had a faint smile on his face, like an ugly expression crying and crying. "I thought about a dead, but at this time, an old businessman found me. He wants me to marry him that is not very beautiful. The only child, he needs the decent identity of the Wilson family, and I can inherit all the inheritance after his death."

"I thought, why not? Keira is really not beautiful, but it doesn't matter to me. All I want is to reinvigorate the family's glory. Personal marriage is irrelevant. But apart from that, old businessmen still have some problems. He asked me if I dare to kill, and would like to sell the soul to the devil for the sake of prosperity."

Sir Wilson suddenly showed a strange expression that seemed regrettable. "I said that killing is what I said. When I was serving, I sold my soul to the country and killed a lot of people on the battlefield. Now even sell it to the devil. It’s nothing more than changing a master."

"The old man got my answer and just said a word. He said that let me remember what I said. I hope that I will never resent him. Then he wants me to put a photo of myself into a full. In the iron box of the graveyard, it was buried in a crossroad. After I did it, he said that I had received the attention of my father.

Before he dies, I don't have to worry, all the sinful things are done by him. But when he dies, I have to hold a ceremony to worship the Father every three years. The ceremony requires at least killing a pair of boys and girls. The more deaths, the luckier I will be in the next three years, otherwise everything I have now will leave me until I die. ”

Sir Wilson said that it seems to have fallen into long-term memories and silenced.

"What happened later?" Suddenly a childish voice broke the calm. Harry looked down and found out that it was Elaine's question, and quickly caught his sister's mouth.

"Later... Later, the old guy was killed by a rebellious nigga, and he didn't even have time to explain the aftermath. This change also made me forget the things he had warned for a while, resulting in no ritual of worshipping the father for six years. ""

Sir Wilson looked at Elaine and said with a smirk, "The first three years are not serious. However, many industries that have been inherited from the old guys have encountered accidents. I and Kayla have encountered an economic crisis.

However, this model of warm boiled frogs did not make us wake up. So in the second three years, I and Keira’s children, Harry and Elaine, died of illness. It was not until then that we remembered what the old guy had said in the past. It turned out that it was not a joke..."

Sir Wilson slowly bowed his head and said in a low voice. "In the seventh year, we... made up the ceremony. The effect is very clear. The plantation that is on the verge of bankruptcy is harvesting immediately, and we have blocked the financial loopholes."

"But... the death of Harry and Elaine is too big for us! My marriage, which was originally harmonious with Keira, broke down. We blamed each other and immersed in the grief of the funeral. I started looking for a mistress, she Use money to seduce young and handsome men..."

"You deserve it, you will definitely go to **** in the future!"

Sir Wilson looked at Elaine with a look of indignation in surprise. This adopted young girl made him feel the age-old maturity for the first time.

"Yes, I and Keira are both alive, but you and your brother are probably going to **** next to us!" The man stretched out his hands with a blank expression, and the strong palms held the two. Neck.

"Damn!" As Harry's consciousness slowly lost, Qin Lun's vision slowly blurred, making him feel annoyed. But there is another kind of force that forcibly suppresses his emotions and prevents him from erupting, lest he withdraw from Harry's consciousness and can no longer participate in this story.


After a crazy wait, Harry finally wakes up from a coma, and Qin Lun’s vision is slowly clear again.

He found that Harry's body did not receive any damage, but was tied to a stake, and sister Elaine was on another stake beside the boy. They are no longer in the living room of the manor, and the surrounding environment seems to be the roof of the manor.

Although the time is still in the middle of the night, Qin Lun found that the surrounding is very bright, it seems that even the temperature is a little abnormal.

Harry’s mind was soon completely awake and began to look around. He and Elaine painted a huge six-pointed star array, the quirky paint with a strong **** smell, seems to be some kind of blood painted, that is, not knowing whether it is a livestock or a human.

A large group of people were holding torches at this time and stood around the six-pointed star. Qin Lun did not know them, but from the perspective of these people holding fires, guns and axe, it should be the manor supervision team that Thomas Wilson mentioned.

Like the Wilson Manor, a plantation that uses a lot of slaves, the supervisory team is essential. The slave violence of this era is not a joke. If a measure is not right, it is possible to pay for the entire estate.

Qin Lun found a parker in the crowd with a look of disappointment, the old man may not participate in the evil activities of the Wilsons. However, he also has no ability to resist, and he can only endure condemnation of conscience and choose to turn a blind eye.

Except for Parker Butler, the other servants of the manor did not appear. Qin Lun guessed that ordinary servants, including Tony, did not know the evil ritual.

Otherwise, there will not be only one old Parker here. Perhaps those servants have been given medicine, or they are temporarily under house arrest, and they do not know what happened on the roof in their rooms.

Black slave violence~ Movement is a good excuse, even if more people die tonight, even if the Hari brothers and sisters temporarily "disappear" for a while, even if the servants guessed the truth, they could not prove this night in front of outsiders. Things that happened.

"Brother, do you see?" Elaine seemed to wake up, and his eyes turned to Harri's side.

The boy struggled to turn his head and found that there were several wooden stakes behind him. Several of them were tied with a few **** heads, covered in blood slaves, including men and women. There are also two stakes tied to Susan and another handsome young probably the unlucky driver Jack in the mouth of Sir Wilson.

"Uncle Kanda, Uncle Hobby... Sorry!" Harry looked at a few black slaves who were blood, and finally cried.

"Oh, little Harry, cough, you have been arrested, I thought you were betrayed us..." Hearing Harry’s voice, one of the strong blacks slowly opened his eyes and vomited blood while Smiled.

"No need to apologize, boy, our black slaves are different from your two white children. You can survive if you escape from the manor, and we will be caught and hanged sooner or later. My only regret is that I could not die." Kill more whites...

It seems that they are going to burn us alive, or hope that we can return to our hometown after we die..." The **** eyes are somewhat blurred. "How many years have I forgotten what the grassland is in my hometown?" Look like? ”

"Here, here is the place, why am I here?" A female black slave next to the **** man suddenly woke up and began to scream in panic.

Upon hearing her voice, Susan snorted and opened her eyes. She suddenly cried out, "Dana, are you, Dana, I am Susan, I am Susan!"

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