MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 108 conversation

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Lian Jun simply did not give Zhang Zhuoyuan a clear chance to clear his thoughts. He once again made a big blow: "Remind you one more thing, there is a 'proximity' in front, and the organizations such as Wumen, Chiba and Snake are in control. The right to speak has controlled the situation, and you want to find an ally like the annihilation. I am afraid that it is an idiotic dream."

Zhang Zhuoyuan heard a shock and thoroughly realized the seriousness of the matter. When he remembered that he had not cooperated with the extinction, they were completely succumbed by the violent organization, and the expression became very ugly. They looked at Lianjun and asked: So what do we do now? Go straight back? But, but..."

"But doing this, you are not too faceless... Do you want to say this?" Lian Jun glanced at his thoughts and said for him the tangledness he could not say.

Zhang Zhuoyuan was somewhat embarrassed and explained with a hard scalp: "It doesn't matter. When I first started acting, the tarantula once handed over to me, hoping to solve the misunderstanding in a positive way, but I didn't care... Tarantula After all, it’s still a legitimate organization with a card. This time it’s broken up directly. It’s okay to say that if this time it’s let go of it, then we will inevitably have to contact it again, this...”

I heard that I really want to turn my eyes, and I feel that the official thing is really super good.

I know that the tarantula still has a legitimate brand. When I decided to hit it, why didn’t I know why I could find a reason to say it? When I cleaned up the black rose, I knew that I would like to give the black rose a hat of horror activity. When I cleaned up the nine eagle, I knew that I would like to give the nine eagle a hook to the foreign forces. When I got to the tarantula, why didn’t I just start doing it? Stupid is not stupid, so confident that you can kill the tarantula once, so that it has no chance to account for this matter?

Really, it’s you who are unreasonable to fight. You are not accepting the negotiations. You can’t beat it now. You want to stop, don’t want the other person to care, don’t want to stand on the side of the loss, or fear that the other person has an idea or you... ...what benefits are given to you, others should be beaten, and then never find fault?

Or, it is because I want to create a illusion that Lianjun is angered as an ally, so I forgot to consider this?

Probably also realized that what he said at this time was too shameful, Zhang Zhuoyuan's voice slowly lowered, the cold sweat on his head became hot sweat, and he did not stop sweating to hide his embarrassment.

The topic has been unknowingly changed from "how to continue to play tarantula" to "when the tarantula is not used, how should the official be rehabilitated?" Lian Jun’s purpose was achieved, he relaxed his posture, and added a cup of tea to Zhang Zhuoyuan. He said, “The director does not have to worry. The official action officer is famous. The tarantula is worthy of his own losses and will not find you trouble for this matter. ”

"The teacher is famous?" Zhang Zhuoyuan stunned, looked up at him, and showed some hope in his eyes. He asked, "What do you think?"

Lian Jun took a sip of his own tea and said: "The reason why violent organizations are divided into legal and illegal is because there is something between the two. If the tarantula hangs a card, then Naturally, it should be subject to official restrictions. Now it has broken its rules and it is normal to be punished."

Zhang Zhuoyuan wondered and asked: "Breaking the rules? The tarantula has been very peaceful during this time, as if it has not done anything out of the ordinary."

"Why haven't you done it? If you haven't done it, then how can you stare at it for no reason? After the Nine Eagles are gone, I remember that you have issued a document that stipulates that between legitimate violent organizations, normal The dispute of interests may be there, but the malicious competition against the leader’s life is absolutely unacceptable. The tarantula not only broke this rule, but also chose to start in the B city of the capital of a country. Punishment is ok.” Lian Jun prompts, then looks at the corner when sitting in the corner.

Time to enter: "???" talk about things, talk about what to do here? I also use the kind of eyes that I mean.

Zhang Zhuoyuan listened to it one by one, and turned his head and looked forward to it. He didn’t know what was going on in his mind. The expression was excited and tangled for a while. He said: "There was a rule set at that time. The tarantula was kidnapped in the B city this time is this little guy..."

Time to look back - you are the little guy!

"Time is my partner, the position is equal to me. It is the deputy leader who is extinct. He is moving me." Lian Jun turned the teacup and quoted Zhang Zhuoyuan's attention. He said, "The partner was robbed and destroyed." The leader was furious, and he went out of the regulations to find the official. He hoped that the official could put the wolf spider down, and it would be easy to clean up the tarantula. The official was struggling, and finally, with the proper punishment of the tarantula, the tarantula saved the legal status... This reason , are you enough to find your face?"

Zhang Zhuoyuan was completely stupid, and he was so excited that he was so excited. This reason is so wonderful. It not only helps the official to find his face, but also makes the official earn a tarantula, forcing the tarantula to be unable to The next thing to look for official 茬!

He nodded quickly and said: "Enough enough, this reason is too good, that is, you may have to grievance, let everyone..."

"Nothing." Lian Jun interrupted his words, his expression was faint. "There is no reputation on the road. There is nothing to add more hatred. Speak up... Isn't that what you most expect to see?" After a cold look, he gave him a look.

"Hey..." Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly picked it up. He couldn't tell if he was arrogant, or meant to give pointers. He said, "I know that in the past few years, you have left too many things for your common goal. You I am ignorant in my heart, but our sincerity..."

"Enough." Lian Jun interrupted his words again, put down the teacup, and suddenly cold attitude. "Good words say 10,000 times, no action, just nonsense. Director Zhang, probably for so many years of smooth sailing to you It has caused the illusion that you forgot one thing. The cleaning of the Tao has always been dominated by my opinion. You took the initiative this time. Although it is the name for me, it still cannot cover up. You gradually ignore my opinion, subconsciously use me as a tool, I am very dissatisfied with the signal that you released. I can help you clean up the mess, but I can't help you clean up countless times. The pay is mutual, If you say something ugly, I can’t see the sincerity of your cooperation at all. I only see your intention to unload and kill."

The atmosphere turned sharply, Zhang Zhuoyuan's hands on his knees tightened, his skin was tight, and the hot sweat on his head became cold again.

One and two squatting in the corner of the study suddenly moved their bodies, each took out a weapon from his pocket and took it in his hand to play it.

Zhang Zhuoyuan saw that they came out from the shadows, and they felt guilty. Only then did they know that there were more than two people in the study room, and they were stiff and even dare not look up to see the expression of Lianjun.

- What did Lianjun find? He said so straightforwardly, is he going to tear his face? Big and big, these years, Lianjun is too cooperative, he actually forgot that Lianjun is the most difficult and dangerous organization leader he has ever encountered.

Some people have forgotten about it recently. They must say something. They can’t lose the ally of Lianjun for the time being.

The tea in the teapot is getting colder. The room is quiet and the needle is audible. Lianjun’s finger points to the wheelchair armrest. Lightly, Zhang Zhuoyuan feels that the finger is like pointing directly to his heart and letting his heart beat. faster and faster.

The atmosphere is getting tighter and tighter. When I found out that the progress bar of Lianjun was slowly rising, I couldn’t help but sit up straight. Although sensible, it is clear that Lian Jun is deliberately exerting pressure on Zhang Zhuoyuan to gain the absolute dominance of cleaning up the Tao in the future, but the feelings make him unable to bear to worry, fearing that the pressure is too much, but it will cause a rebound.

The relationship between the extinction and the official cooperation must not be broken now. The first and the second are definitely not able to start with Zhang Zhuoyuan, otherwise everything will be finished.

"Time to enter." Lianjun suddenly called him.

When the time suddenly returned to God, I found that I actually scratched the skin on the arm of the sofa without knowing it. I quickly released my finger and said, "What, what?"

"Change a pot of hot tea over." Lian Jun gestured to the teapot, the temperature and the temperature.

The progress bar suddenly stopped increasing.

When I entered, I quickly got up and took the teapot in the past. My eyes sneaked between Zhang Zhuoyuan and Lianjun. It’s strange, how the progress bar suddenly doesn’t rise, because Lianjun suddenly mildened. Attitude?

He picked up the teapot and turned around and found Zhang Zhuoyuan secretly looking at himself, his brow wrinkled, and looked back at Lian Jun, a little worried to leave the study with a teapot.

After waiting for the time to leave, Lianjun’s expression was cold.

Zhang Zhuoyuan must have seen it in his heart. Looking at Lianjun, he said seriously: "Jun Shao, this time it is indeed that we are not doing well here. You doubt our sincerity. I am skeptical about whether to continue cooperation. I understand, but I I don't want you to have misunderstandings on our side. Sincerely, we naturally have it. Otherwise, we will not allow your partner to enter the police school. It is not necessary to unload and kill. We are seeking a win-win situation. You are not good for us. I am not willing to do the kind of empty words, only let you do things unilaterally. In this case, this crisis, I represent the official, willing to use the benefits and you to change this smoothly ""

Lian Jun is undecided, a pair has lost trust in him, and his interest is not big.

Zhang Zhuoyuan continued and said: "As far as I know, your partner seems to have something to do with Ruixing. Ruixing is preparing to turn the business focus back to China this year. I may be able to..."

He broke his words in due course and looked at Lian Jun to observe his reaction.

Lian Jun finally looked at him again, blinking his eyes and thinking about it. He suddenly raised his hand and waved his hand at the corner and said: "I want to hear it."

There is a play! Lian Jun really valued his lover.

Zhang Zhuoyuan greatly relieved his breath and promised several preferential corporate support policies. Then he implicitly said: "The economic aspects are not under my control. How can I support Ruixing? I have to go back to find professionals to plan well. Now that the tarantula has burned its eyebrows, why don't we talk about this first?"

Lian Jun showed a smile and smiled. "Director, don't give me a blank check, I will be angry."

Zhang Zhuoyuan was shaken by his heart, and he said that he was absolutely impossible. He offered to sign a contract with him.

The expression on Lianjun’s face was mildened and said: “I will find someone to draft the agreement. I have to bother you to help me sign the word. Now it’s important to deal with the tarantula, director, what do you want? Do, please."

It can be considered a loose mouth!

Zhang Zhuoyuan is simply being squandered by the loose rhythm of Lian Jun, and he is busy turning the topic to the tarantula, for fear that he will mess with something else.


When I waited for a cup of tea to enter the study room, the atmosphere in the study room had eased. Zhang Zhuoyuan and Lian Jun were together to calmly talk about the things about the tarantula, and the first and second stations. Going back to the corner, even Lianjun’s progress bar has fallen back to its original value, as if the previous dark tide was just his illusion.

How is this going?

When I went into the coffee table, I put the teapot on the coffee table. I observed the expressions of Lianjun and Zhang Zhuoyuan. I didn’t see anything special. I went back to my seat in one step and three.

About half an hour later, the negotiation between Lianjun and Zhang Zhuoyuan came to an end. Zhang Zhuoyuan finally resumed his usual relaxed appearance. He said with gratitude to Lianjun: "That's what you should do this time, it's hard for you."

Lian Jun’s swinging hand indicates nothing, and the face looks exhausted and euphemistically delivers guests.

Zhang Zhuoyuan did not seem to see his exhaustion. Suddenly the topic turned and said: "Leng Jun, you said that you want to balance the four organizations such as Wumen. After that, balance is maintained. At the same time, they are also balanced. After getting a certain time to recuperate, each damage will slowly repair and disappear with the passage of time, and the strength will resume growth. At that time, isn't the situation worse for the extinction? From this aspect, the tarantula does not seem to be moving. ""

When I heard the frowning - things have been settled, but Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly raised this, looking for it?

The expression on Lian Jun’s face was light, and he looked back at Zhang Zhuoyuan and his eyes were dark.

Zhang Zhuoyuan and his eyes, his expression is still gentle, but the gesture of not getting the answer and never stopping is very obvious.

The atmosphere in the room sank again, and Lian Jun did not speak, so Zhang Zhuoyuan’s eyes slowly became sharp.

In the corner, Yi Yi and Yu Er looked at each other and saw the pity in the other's eyes. Zhang Zhuoyuan, the old fox, was once confused by the monarch, but the fox is a fox. If you relax a little, you can retrieve it. Reasonable, found loopholes.

That's right, the whole bunch of situation problems that Lianjun began to analyze, there is actually the biggest loophole in it. That is, after the tarantula is released, the enemy will be destroyed one more than the tarantula. For the extinction, the tarantula is a pair of three, and the tarantula is a pair of four. From the standpoint of the outsider, the tarantula is actually more dangerous than the tarantula.

"Now kill the tarantula, you will be one-on-three in the future. Now don't play tarantula, you are a pair of four in the future. Lianjun, I am not doubting the correctness of your decision, I am just worried about the future. You also said However, the alliance of several other organizations is inevitable. Compared with the three-in-one alliance, do you think it is better to let go of the tarantula and face the four-in-one alliance?" Zhang Zhuoyuan asked, the tone of speech is long, and one is The future of fear is gone.

"Are you doing something wrong?" Lian Jun finally made a noise, as if he had seen all his thoughts, and his mouth was cold and cold, he said, "At the moment you decide to stand in your camp, it is doomed." It will disappear, and there is still something to be said in the future. The situation is not a simple addition and subtraction, the destruction of strength, the meridian, Chiba, Snake, and the heyday of the strength of the wolf spider. In the case of the noon, Chiba, Snake, and Tarantula, each of which has its own strength, it is a wise person who can see that it is a big winner. There is also a time difference, a war of war and a collective melee. The difference... Director Zhang, don't try to test me again, my patience is limited. If you say this is to force me to express my position, then I can only say that you have used the wrong method."

Zhang Zhuoyuan’s expression was stiff and he couldn’t speak.

"Also, don't say that you don't know that the heads of the three gates of the Meridian, Chiba, and Snake have come to the province of G. If you play the tarantula now, you must not only try to do anything under the madness of the tarantula. Preserving the strength, you have to guard against the midnight gate, Chiba, and the snake's teeth to put a dark arrow behind. This is not a one-to-one problem, it is a problem that will not be dragged to death."

Lian Jun’s mouth is flattened, and his attitude returns to bad again: “Do you think that the balance of the four is so good? After you think that balance, the four will develop in peace and development. The step by step is pushed to the opposite of all organizations, you are now It’s such a big fanfare to kill hatred. After the tarantula calms down, what else will be done, can you guess? At that time, in addition to killing them, can I have other choices? In this way, I try to save my strength and try to save time. Where is the problem? Director Zhang, the situation in the future is so easy to understand. Do you even need me to help you analyze this? You really don’t want to brain, or really Treat me as a fool!"

Zhang Zhuoyuan’s expression is even stiffer. I didn’t think that Lian Jun’s heart understood everything. He said: “Leng Jun, I don’t mean this. I just worry that after the tarantula is released, it will be more difficult to kill one pair of four.”

"Difficult? No, at that time, things are really simple." Lianjun suddenly faded and didn't want to be too entangled. "Director, I never expected to survive in a pair of four." After that, I can still protect it... You don’t want my attitude, then I will tell you my attitude now. Pray that the four will form an alliance as soon as possible. At that time, you will not have to put your hands on it. And they have gone with them together."

"The same return -" Zhang Zhuoyuan slammed his eyes and looked at Lian Jun unbelievably.

Time is also a shock in my heart, looking at the honesty.

Lian Jun raised his hand to support his chin and said faintly: "There are only a few big fish left, and only the fire that was ignited during the heyday, can be burned all at once, leaving no trouble. At that time, there is no more on the road. The big organization that can balance with the official, there are only a few small tricks that can be taken care of. You can solve it by raising your hand. Director, this is my sincerity and determination. I already have consciousness, but you still seem to be still hesitate."

Zhang Zhuoyuan’s inner shock, said: “You...”

Lian Jun suddenly turned his head and called: "Time to enter."

Time has come to me.

"I am tired, push me back to the room to rest." Lianjun bowed his head and held his forehead, a pair of people who did not want to continue talking.

When he got into the wheelchair, he pushed him out of the study.


The conversation lasted for too long, and Lian Jun missed his nap time. When he helped him to lie down on the bed, sitting at the bed to help him pull the quilt, his brow was locked.

"Frightened?" Lian Jun took his hand on the side of the bed and got a kiss at hand.

Shi Jin honestly nodded and said: "Although I knew that you were going to let the other organizations go with the same organization, I really heard that you said it in the tone of preparing to die. I am still a bit unacceptable... you will not die, right?"

"Of course, I just said that just to force Zhang Zhuoyuan." Lianjun sat up and touched his hair, pulled him into his arms and hugged him, comfortably following his back and shouted, "I have you." How can I be willing to die."

When I got back, hugged him and tightened his arms.


Zhang Zhuoyuan has been staying in the study without going. He was really shocked by the words of Lianjun--the jade was burned. Although Lianjun used to express this intention, but because the extinction has been steadily transforming, he never took these things seriously, only thought that he was honest. Like other savage gang leaders, say something nice to change.

After today's conversation, he can no longer deceive himself. Lian Jun is serious. He has already written the ending for the other frontline organizations and is waiting quietly for the arrival of the final chapter.

In the face of this determination of the other side, his various temptations are too despicable and ridiculous.

After a long stay, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and started to call out, one by one. Some conversations were short, some talked for a long time, some were noisy, and some made him sound better.

When Lian Jun wakes up and returns to the study, Zhang Zhuoyuan has said that his mobile phone has no electricity. He changed his mind like a core. He changed his previous tightness and became gentle and kind. When he saw Lian Jun, he took the initiative to meet the former concern and solemnly apologized.

"This time we are arrogant, I am very sorry, I am tired, I am sorry, this kind of thing will never happen again. In addition, I have just discussed with the above, and all the decisions and majors for the major violent organizations in the future. The direction of the grasp may have to bother you."

Zhang Zhuoyuan said that his posture was very low.

Lian Jun did not soften, still looked at him with a little distrust and cold.

Zhang Zhuoyuan smiled bitterly and said: "I will use my actions to prove my sincerity of apology." After politely saying goodbye, he waited for a moment and nodded. He turned and left.

Hey, the study door is closed.

Shi Jin immediately looked down at Lian Jun and asked: "So this conversation... is it?"

"Great success!" 卦 二 Removed the serious mask, rushed over his shoulder and smiled at the invisible eye. "Zhang Zhuoyuan was completely led by Jun Shao, and after a conversation, the tarantula saved. The benefits have been won, and the right to speak in the future has also been won, one stone and three birds, beautiful!"

Lian Jun glanced at the second warning, indicating that the second time when he released, and then grasped the hand when he entered, his face also showed a smile, said, "Become, you can contact Lu Hao for the next step. ""

The final melee is finally officially kicked off.