MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 112 cake

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After a few days, Lu Shan and Zhang Zhuoyuan finally showed a compromise attitude, agreed to reconciliation, and began to help the official to clean up the G province's messy economy. However, she did not completely deflate. Although she agreed to reconciliation, it did help the official, but it directly shut down a large number of peripheral enterprises that had been sealed before, and packaged all the goods detained at the port. Going to Baodao, I am not going to sell it anymore. It means a bit of broken cans.

Zhang Zhuoyuan looked frightened, fearing that the tarantula was not convinced in his heart, brewing to retaliate against the official, busy contacting Lianjun, wanting him to take his idea. Lianjun used "the tarantula should be intended to integrate strength, remove damaged branches, try to retain strength, and smoothly conclude with the alliance of Wumen and Chiba", appease Zhang Zhuoyuan, and then hinted that he recently paid more attention to snake teeth.

"Snake teeth?" Zhang Zhuoyuan heard doubts and asked, "What happened to the snake tooth? Has it not been withdrawn from the G province?"

"It did withdraw from the G province, but turned to the island, and my branch members saw the snake tooth ship on the sea near the island." Lianjun explained, indicating that he was ready in advance. The information was sent to the official mailbox, and then continued, "Look at your mailbox, I asked the following people to follow the snake tooth boats for a few days and found that they often lingered on the tarantula's cargo transportation line."

Zhang Zhuoyuan is not stupid. When he listened to the cargo transportation line, he realized what he was doing. When he opened the computer to check the e-mail sent by Lian Jun, he frowned and said: "The snake tooth is the goods that want to rob the tarantula? It is the one I sent before. Is the document windy?"

"The documents you issued are only forbidding malicious competition between organizations. Even if the snake tooth now robs the tarantula, it only moves the tarantula's property, not the leader's life, so it is not a taboo."

Zhang Zhuoyuan was smothered by the words of Lian Jun. If he squatted and swallowed the words of the python, he quickly opened the mail and looked at the contents. Seeing only a few ordinary ships on the photo, he was a bit suspicious and said: Is this really a snake's boat? How do you recognize it?"

"We naturally have our methods." Lian Jun is not a person who knows everything, and directly confuses his problems. Then he said, "If the snake tooth really wants to grab the goods, then this transportation line. There will definitely be conflicts. You should contact the tarantula to ask about the time of departure of their goods, and clean up the route in time so that other innocent cargo ships are smashed and pooled. The current economy of the province can't keep up with the turmoil."

Zhang Zhuoyuan heard the words and asked: "Do you let me pay attention to snake teeth, just because of this?" Isn't it to stop this?

"Otherwise?" Lianjun asked, faintly said, "It’s just a batch of goods. Whether or not it has been robbed does not affect the strength of the tarantula. Conflicts between violent organizations are commonplace and do not affect the balance of the four. Next, how do they toss how to toss, I don't have much energy to manage."

Zhang Zhuoyuan heard a toothache, and said it is difficult: "You can directly collide in the near sea, our position here..."

"You have to ask the snake teeth ready to start. In the case of knowing the official position, you decided to rob the tarant, and even choose to do it on the transportation line. Does it have the official place? In the eyes, but I can understand the snake tooth this time, it expands too fast, the funds can not keep up, no longer add funds, it is estimated that it will collapse from the inside." Lian Jun said, the tone is like today The weather is very good, very flat and cold.

Zhang Zhuoyuan is very sure that Lianjun is still a bit angry with the official. He dare not touch his mold. He tries to use the suggestion tone to say: "So, isn’t it just better to let it crash? Maybe we can help the tarantula stop it. Snake tooth this time the cargo..."

"It can be stopped, but it is not necessary." Lian Jun replied, explaining, "If the snake tooth continues to expand so smoothly, then in order not to let it expand too fast, it is okay to properly suppress it, but it is too straightforward to make it collapse. It’s a big organization, and it’s not too difficult to find a way to absorb funds. We can stop this time, next time? It’s unrealistic to keep staring at it. Now is the key moment, we better not too Distracted."

Zhang Zhuoyuan Shen Shen, asked: "So let it be allowed?"

"As long as it doesn't try to bite the other three organizations and break the current balance of power, let it be nothing. The four of them will definitely want to form an alliance. Now the more they conflict, the more trust they have after the alliance. Low, the situation is more favorable to us. The tarant, the Wumen, the leader of Chiba are cautious and savvy, and in their alliance, there needs to be a dictator like Yuan Peng, the leader of the snake tooth. The enemy is too united. It's not a good thing, it's very necessary for the snake tooth to be a mouse."

Lianjun explained, and concluded: "In short, the snake tooth organization needs to pay more attention to it, don't let it develop too smoothly, but don't care too much, as long as it does not touch the other three, just let it toss. ”

Zhang Zhuoyuan listened to the top, and he admired Lianjun. He was full of enthusiasm and said: "Or you have a vision, then I will not care about the snake tooth robbing the cargo. I will make people clear the route. ""

"Well, it’s hard." Lianjun hang up after talking, look at the tablet with a video call, and say to the opposite Lushan, "That's it. If the snake tooth is just a robbery, don't touch the island." Then you will bite it, take this handle and try to delay the timing of its alliance with the Meridian and Chiba. If the snakes move your interest in the island, then you will go directly to the official to know that they Will help you in the first place, and the third and fifth will also take the opportunity to help you revenge."

For the first time, Lushan saw that Lian Jun and Zhang Zhuoyuan had a separate discussion. They talked about Zhang Zhuoyuan in a few words and talked about it. The hard life led Zhang Zhuoyuan to ask the topic from "Wolf spiders are secretly making moths, whether to guard against them" Twisted to the "snake tooth, this organization is a mouse, you must stare, you can not let it damage the other three", only feel that the scalp is numb.

This guy is a monster, it’s great that he is not his enemy.

"No, no problem, then my goods can go out of Hong Kong?" Her voice was inexplicably dry.

"Exit, drag on for so long, the snake tooth should be too late. Remember to reveal the movement of the snake teeth to Wumen and Chiba to know that their leader will know how to do it."

Lushan quickly rushed to hang up the phone and wipe the cold sweat on her head.

Under the good-looking human skin of Lian Jun, there will be no hidden things like alien creatures...


In the study, when I saw that Lianjun had finished talking, I was busy holding a few documents in hand and rushed to the face of Lianjun. I said a little nervously: "I have done it, look at it."

Lian Jun’s cold expression quickly turned away, and the file was turned over again. The corner of his mouth slowly lifted up and boasted: “Yes, you have a solid understanding of what Mr. Feng taught.”

Shi Jin was relieved and asked: "Can I help you share some of the work?"

Lian Jun transferred the topic and asked: "What do you want for dinner?"

The expression of the time was awkward and asked: "Is it still not?"

“Learning needs to be gradual and slow.” Lian Jun appease, looking through the window and looking at the beach outside, asked, “Will your third brother come to eat today?”

Shi Jinwen also glanced at the beach outside the window, his face smiled lightly, and replied: "Should not, yesterday starred in some card games, the progress of the crew dragged a little, he had to help there."

"Not happy?" Lian Jun asked.

When I entered the line of sight, I saw Lian Jun’s eyes and sat down on the desk opposite him. He shook his head and said, “It’s not unhappy, I just can’t afford to do anything.”

Lian Jun fingered the desktop, directly slipped out of the desk, stopped on his side, reached for his waist and leaned over to kiss him.

When you blink into your eyes, close your eyes and let him kiss.

Breathing, breath exchange. This is a kiss with a soothing kiss. After a kiss, Lian Jun smiled and licked the rosy lips. He said, "There is no spirit. If it is in peacetime, I kiss you like this, you have already rushed over." ""

Time rebuttal: "Not every time... oh."

Lian Jun kissed him up, his hand slid back along his back, then moved down a little, opened his clothes and gently touched it.

The lips are released and the breath is free. The gentle broken kiss moved from the cheek to the ear, and the earlobe was gently bitten. When I entered the time, I didn’t have any spirit. At this time, I was ignited and ignited. I reached out and hugged the lord and touched his belt.


The study door was suddenly ringed.

Lian Jun and Shi Jinjin’s movements were all in a row, the two looked at each other, one eye took regret, and one did not react.

"Wait for the evening." Lian Jun kissed the lips when he kissed him, helped him to pick up the clothes and the messy hair, and took care of himself, then called in.

When I didn't hear the response immediately after knocking on the door, I probably understood what was going on inside now. I regretted that I would like to leave when I left. The voice of Lian Jun came out, very calm and dull.

Did he misunderstand?

I was a little bit awkward, and I tightened my mind and unscrewed the door. When I saw that I was sitting at the desk and burying my head and turning the file, Lianjun sat next to him. The two of them just looked at the class and immediately spurned their thoughts in their hearts. Pure self, steady voice report: "Mr. Rong is coming."

Is Rongzhou coming?

When you enter the side, look at the door.

"Go, it should be for dinner." Lian Jun took away the documents in his hand and appeased, "I will go to you after I have finished my work... Don't think about it, I have been there."

Looking into his gentle and reliable look, he couldn't help but stretch his arms and hug him.


Today, Rong Zhouzhong wore a simple black T-shirt, no glasses, although the hair was still brown and rolled because of the need for filming, but it was a bit messy, and the whole person’s temperament finally moved closer to the nature. .

"The film is over?" When he entered, he greeted him and sat opposite him.

Rong Zhouzhong saw him coming over, sitting a little bit positively and replied: "No, there is a night scene at night, and it will be finished after filming my play."

When he entered the moment, he understood his intentions and asked: "Tonight?"

"If you want to." Rong Zhouzhong replied, always looking at him, his eyes are rare and quiet, his expression is also a rare calm.

Time can't describe his feelings at this time, a bit stunned, a little want to escape, but also wants to directly violently rise up, and then let Rongzhou smash a meal, not let him reveal such an expression that does not conform to his character.

"Then, tonight, there is a video room on the second floor, which can be used normally. I am ready to watch the film. I can start watching at any time. Do you want to eat late at night? I let the kitchen aunt prepare."

Rong Zhouzhong said: "Then let's cake."


There was a brief docking of memory, and both knew what the film represented. They looked at each other, but they couldn’t see the true emotions from the other’s eyes. Everyone seemed to suddenly wear a mask called politeness, knowing that the front is hurting each other’s blood. At this time, they must first stabilize. The last illusion of peace.

Rong Zhou suddenly avoided the line of sight of the time, got up and left, the steps were a bit big, and the speed was a bit fast.

Time did not retain him, listening to the footsteps of his departure, until the voice gradually disappeared, only to look at the direction of the gazebo, find the back of the long walk on the long bridge in Rongzhou, and quietly watched him leave.


After dinner, I sat in the edge of the Long Bridge, looking at the direction of the crew, watching them film with a clairvoyance buff.

Yesterday, after starring in the afternoon of the card, I finally found the feeling. Today, the crew will be transferred to the ship. After the starring growth, the enemy will be chased from the ship to the sea. When the sea falls, she remembers the teacher’s death in the sea and broke through the plot of the demons.

This episode is very important, and it is the key to the psychological transformation of the protagonist. Rong Zhouzhong will appear again in the identity of the demon and the starring illusion, and star in the endless sea. In order to make this dialogue more impactful, the director asked that Rong Zhouzhong must keep his body in a wet state. He was soaked in the water, with a "water ghost" posture as if standing in the water, and floating in the sea. The starring speech on it.

Before taking this scene that is destined to be very tormented, Rong Zhouzhong still needs to be with the starring, and the clothes are still not wet. Before the light of the evening disappears, after the starring out of the demons, the teacher played by Rong Zhouzhong Get rid of the "water ghost" appearance, and restore the scene where the gentle face is gradually disappearing.

The scene was filmed on the beach, connecting the plot to wake up after getting rid of the demons and finding that he was rescued by the waves on the beach.

When I looked into Rongzhou, I was bathed in the warm light of the evening. I gently bid farewell to the starring performance of the crying, and turned slowly into the picture at the end of the light. I suddenly remembered the birthday party at that time, the original owner and Rong Zhou. Blow out the picture of the candle together.

At that time, Shirui stood on the other side of the table and personally took a video camera to record the picture of the original birthday. The original master hardly took Rongzhou together to celebrate the reason for Rongzhou to get the film emperor, and gave Rong Zhouzhong another cake and blow the candle with him.

Two cakes, two people, each blowing out their own candles, standing together to receive the blessings of the family, the scene looks like they are having a birthday at the same time. Their common father stood at the opposite side of the table and smiled lovingly, and the figure had a brief overlap with the thousands of ordinary fathers who loved children.

The original Lord blew out the candle and smiled, looking sideways at his most dazzling third brother. He thought that the third brother would be happy, but he saw that under the smoke rising after the candle was extinguished, the eyes of the third brother were half-hanging, and the beautiful peach eyes were all sad, gray, It’s like a little light.

It was only a short moment. When the smoke dissipated, the third brother smiled happily. He leaned over and said thank you to him. Happy birthday.

It seems that from that day on, the third brother slowly became the current Rongzhou. He seems to have stripped out his most sensitive and soft part from his body. He became the current "you make me not happy, I It must be less happy than you.

"The actor really is the most suitable career for him." Shi Jin said, looking at the distance to prepare for boarding the boat to shoot the last scene of the game, Rong Zhou, the voice is inaudible. "He can be an actor, it is so good." ""

If there is no actor shield, there is no movie world that can be used to express emotions. Rongzhou will probably become the second Li Jiuyi. No, maybe it will be the second time, Wei Chong may not be able to do it anyway. In the continent.

The more you look through those memories, the more he understands that injuries are always mutual. Intentional damage is damage, and unintentional damage is also damage. They are both victims and perpetrators, and no one is right.

When the ship sailed, the time came back to God. Only then did the crew find that the crew had boarded the ship and set off to take the lead in the drama of the sea.

He instinctively looked at the deck of the ship and wanted to find the familiar figure. As a result, he didn't have to look for him. The man stood very prominently on the deck and could see it. He was holding a pair of telescopes. Look at this side.

When the peek was caught, I was shocked, and I looked down and looked back. Then I reacted and looked at the buff with the clairvoyance. The surface looks like I’m just looking at the scenery. There is no need to avoid it at all.

Great idea.

He was a little stiff, he didn't dare to look up and he didn't dare. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. He put on a look at the scenery and looked tired. He got up and walked toward the villa.


When I entered the house for half an hour, I estimated that the crew had already started shooting, and then I went out of the villa. I found a good position on the terrace and continued to peek at the big business - although he did not know himself. Why is it so obsessive to peek at the filming in Rongzhou.

The sky was completely dark. When the time came, let the little death brush up the night vision buff, and then took out the snacks sent by Rong Zhou, and watched it while eating.

Rong Zhou has already got water, and he is giving a speech to the main life on a life-saving board. It looks very serious. The staff was busy around the two, and the director was checking the safety equipment used in Rongzhou.

After about ten minutes, the preparations were finally completed, and the main character floated up on the water, posing a numbness without any desire for survival. In the middle of the continent, the tool was half-hanged in the water and slowly adjusted the body posture. Although there are staff members wearing diving suits hiding under the water to help him stabilize his balance, it is still very difficult to stand in the water without any problems in this situation.

Fortunately, the weather is very strong tonight, the moon is very round, the light that is sprinkled is cold and natural, very in line with the mood of the plot, and there is no wind, the sea is very calm, did not give the film to the hind legs.

Finally, after another ten minutes, the play officially started.

When I sit in too far, I can only see the picture, I can't hear the sound, and because of the location, I can only see the side face in Rongzhou. But this is enough. What he wants now is just to see Rongzhou. It is not important to see it clearly.

The "Fantasy" in the play comforts and encourages the starring occasions, and sometimes asks coldly, sometimes wants to save the students from the water, and sometimes wants to pull the students into **** together, and when they are outside, they seem to have changed themselves into the same. The posture slowly changed from sitting to leaning, from leaning to squatting, and finally moved the rattan table over and squatted on it.

I don't know how long it took, when I went to eat snacks, I was full, but the drama in Rongzhou was not finished.

During the short break, Rong Zhou sat on the rest of the lifeboat, draped in a blanket, reprimanded against the starring frown, starring in another boat, frustrated and listening.

The shooting didn't seem very smooth.

Time to think like this, looking at Rong Zhou’s eyebrows and anger, and slowly closing his eyes. Has anyone told Rong Zhouzhong that his serious anger is actually terrible, than the time latitude? Chonghe Fei Yujing is even more terrible.

It is really fierce.


Lian Jun opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and when the wheelchair arrived, he entered the side and covered the blanket to him.

He stood behind him with concern and asked: "Just young, do you want to take less time?"

"No." Lianjun replied, carefully helping to enter the blanket, and when he touched it, even if he fell asleep, he seemed to have a worried face. He said, "This is what he and Rong Zhou are doing. He said that he should wait for it. If you watch a movie together in the continent, let him wait."

"But it will be sick." He is still very worried, and even wants to sigh.

Everyone can see the abnormality of this time, but I don't know how to comfort. Everything changed from the beginning of Rong Zhou. The wrong time is definitely related to Rong Zhouzhong, but it is not easy to ask questions about the complicated family environment.

"Less time has changed like a person, always in a daze, sitting on the long bridge is a whole day..." He said, seeing the eyes of Lian Jun looking into the moment, he silently closed his mouth.

Everyone can see what comes out, how can you not see when Jun is so concerned?

"...I am going to let people move two screens and block the wind." He changed his mouth and then turned and went to do it.

Lian Jun watched him leave, then took back his gaze and looked at the time, touched the face of the time, leaned over and hugged him, leaned his face against his face and gently rubbed it.

"Hurry up." He whispered and sighed. "Don't forget that I have been there."

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