MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 119 notes

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After some careful thinking, when I look at the courier brother who is happy with the whole list, I ask: "Can I refuse these couriers?"

Express courier brother a stiff, look at him, suddenly held his forehead sideways, sighed sadly.

Time to enter: "...What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Express courier shook his head and sighed and said, "These couriers can of course be rejected, but because these are international express delivery, do you understand it? Generally, the courier after rejection is to be returned to the sender. Do you understand?"

When you get into the fog: "Then go back, do you need me to pay the postage?"

"Let's take a look at the place where these couriers are sent." The courier brother waved inwards.

Time went inexplicably, and the sights swept over the mailing information on the courier, and the expression slowly broke down.

"I found out, these couriers are not sent from one place. This sender is also very powerful, actually counting the logistics speed of each region and here, it is hard to get these couriers to a day, if you refused Where are these things returned, will someone still sign for these things? The person who sent you the courier seems to be... um, run around the world."

When I was silent, I remembered that after the matter in the L country was finished, I really began to fly around the world. I couldn’t help but sigh and sighed, and reached out to the courier brother, saying: "Working hard, list Give it to me, I have received these couriers."


Liu Yong and Luo Donghao were caught by the time, and came to the school gate to help him deliver the express. Liu Yong listened to the horror of the time, and also specially got a small cart carrying sports equipment from the sports goods warehouse.

The three men slammed the courier into the stroller, and then passed the curiosity of the students along the road, passed through the playground canteen, and sent the courier to the dormitory.

The roommates who were in the bedroom were all in. When they entered the door, they pushed the cart to the wall. They were embarrassed to say hello to them: "Sorry, you may have to take up a public area. I will organize these things." Will be sent to the hosting room for hosting, will not be put for too long."

The roommates said that there was nothing. The line of sight swept away on the stroller after entering the room, with curiosity and a little subtle emotion.

When they arrived at the birthday, they all knew it. When they returned to the bedroom on Sunday, they also ate the cake they left for them. The cake tastes good, but the better one is the pile of gifts that piled up on the bed. Just a cursory sweep, they saw a lot of things they were interested in in the pile of gifts, such as game consoles, game discs, limited edition albums, and so on. At that time, Jinjin was "dividing" with Liu Yong and Luo Donghao, and did not mean to call them together. It's not that they want those things, but they are treated differently by time. They are a little weird.

Then at noon today, the time entered and signed several super cool gun models. I heard that it was his brother, that is, the birthday gift given to him by the instructor with a military training during military training. The boys didn't like the gun model. They looked really hot, but they were too embarrassed to go to play. In the end, they could only watch Liu Yong and Luo Donghao at the invitation of the time, holding those models to play. .

Now, the time has actually received the courier, and still a lot.

It’s probably also a birthday present from here... People and people are really different. The young masters born with gold spoons are too far away from ordinary people – they have a little idea in mind. .

The atmosphere in the bedroom was a bit strange. Liu Yong and Luo Donghao looked at each other and ignored them. They took the initiative to ask for help. Shi Jin also wanted to organize these things quickly, so they stayed with them to help.

More than a dozen couriers, three people split a few, and soon they were completely dismantled. The biggest one in the box is really a book, but unlike the hard-to-find high-end books that I thought of, the inside is actually a picture book. There are various styles in various countries and regions. The only common point is that they are One is very beautiful.

"Wow, these are simply artworks." Liu Yong carefully opened a picture book with two A4 papers, full of surprises. "The text on the book cover is not understood. Which country is the language?" Just looking at the picture, the content does not seem to be difficult to understand, this... well, this seems to be telling a story about a small tribe."

Shi Jin was also a bit surprised. He touched the picture books and remembered the famous specialties and special items that were purchased from all over the country when they were sent to the original owner. The mood was subtle.

It’s still different. The gift from Fei Yujing is obviously more intimate. The previous Fei Yujing will not collect the picture books of so many countries, and count the time to pack them together.

He suddenly and strangely understood the idea that Fei Yujing chose to send these picture books. Every region, the thing that best shows the local culture is definitely the artistic treasures of books, music, historical stories and ancestors passed down by the ancestors, and there is not much text in the picture book, telling stories with pictures, even if it is not too People who understand local texts can also understand the content and are very useful cultural communication tools.

Is that what he thinks? Is Fei Yujing so careful?

"This big box has only one such small lamp?" Luo Donghao suddenly said, and from another box filled with foam and shockproof cotton, he took out a glass that was wrapped tightly with cotton **** and newspapers. Small lights come.

Liu Yong heard the sound and looked at it. Then he saw a low-pitched surprise after seeing the lamp. He said, "This is the lamp painted in the picture book! The lamp used in the tribe to sacrifice, the book says that as long as the lamp is under the lamp After sleeping for seven days, the lamp **** will realize a wish of the lighting person."

Luo Donghao: "Ah? Really the same?"

"The same, you see, the jewel made of lamp beads, the seven different patterns of the lamp face, the lamppost wrapped by the flower of destiny... this seems to be a switch, you screw it." Liu Yong pointed to the glazed lamp base A flower on the top.

Luo Donghao looked forward to the time and asked: "Is it ok?"

When he looked into the delicate old glass lamp in his hand, he got up and stretched out and twisted the flower.

The card whistle, the glass lamp lights up, the lamp beads made by the gemstones begin to rotate, and the light passes through the different lights of the seven colors, and the seven abstract paintings of the dragonfly are illuminated. There is music coming from the lamp, which is lined with the gentle turning light. And the picture on the lamp, like telling a distant story.

"...too beautiful! This gift is awesome. It is like sending a legend of a foreign country to you. Time to enter, this is the gift of who sent you, the idea is really amazing!" Liu Yong was too excited.

Luo Donghao thought of something else, glanced at the other opened boxes and said: "The things in these boxes will not all be drawn in the picture book."

Liu Yong squatted, then immediately crouched down and began to flip things in other boxes.

An hour later, all the people in the bedroom looked at the various exotic things on the table, and could not find words.

"It’s really all right, and the music discs are attached to the back of each picture book. The story becomes a reality." Liu Yong murmured, looking forward to the time, asked, "Who are these gifts for you? This person is really... it’s so romantic.”

Romantic, Fei Yujing, the kind of supremacy of the people, there will still be a romantic day.

When I entered the brain, I was a little blank. I looked at the beautiful picture books and the gifts corresponding to the picture books. I said, "The person who gave the gift is my second brother. He...he is always running around the world for professional reasons, so he can buy it. Something interesting."

"These things should not be bought if you want to buy them." Luo Donghao slightly recovered his reason and said objectively, "This kind of thing that is almost an art piece can't be made without thinking. Especially the glass." The lights, the gems used above are all true, the shape is very old, and it feels like a collection."

"Maybe it is." Shijin was a bit distracted, and there was something in his head that wanted to flood out, stirring him out of his mind. After realizing this, he was shocked. He promptly licked himself and let his brain wake up. He threw away the memories and emotions that he wanted to take the opportunity to look forward to. Looking at Liu Yong and Luo Donghao, he smiled and said, "I The second brother gave me some unpractical things, and I had to sort out the cabinets for them. It was too much trouble."

Liu Yong couldn't stand it and smothered his neck. He envied and hated and said: "Don't be in the blessings, I don't know how to be blessed, such a great gift, others can't help it! Say you have a few brothers, this is all There are a few more!"

Time hastened for mercy and said: "There are only a few, there are only five... well, I will appreciate these gifts with gratitude, help me to collect them, I have to transport them. The hosting room is on."

Liu Yong heard the exaggerated screams, and thought that the artworks should not be thrown into the custodial room. When he let go, he pushed forward and carefully put everything on the table back into the box.


It was a bit uncomfortable to go to sleep at this night. He had a dream. In his dream, he slept under the lamp for seven days. He successfully saw the vaguely demon god, and then made a wish with sincerity.

"To be with your brother and father forever."

A child’s serious wish echoed in his mind. When he opened his eyes, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling for a while before he got up and touched the phone to look at the time. Seeing that it’s almost time to get up and attend morning training, wipe I put my face and quilt out of bed.

At noon, Shi Jin was called out by the guard.

"Hey, courier, you are in class, the phone can't get through, I will help you sign the courier."

The guardian is very enthusiastic, but when he enters his heart, he is a little bit broken.

There are several boxes, and the sender is Shiwei Chong. Time does not understand, the semi-enclosed environment of the mental hospital, when Wei Xing is how to prepare a gift, or a few boxes!

Liu Yong didn't know where it came from, and he was holding a small cart in his hand. He smiled as he turned into a smile. "I know that you are coming to the door to get a courier. Look, I will help you push the car out."

Thank you, you are such a good friend.

When I entered the cart, I moved silently.


After returning to the dormitory, Liu Yong slammed his hand and said with great enthusiasm: "Well, let's take a look at what kind of birthday gift I received today! Come, Shouxing, you come. The first box!" said when he reached the front of a utility knife.

When the eyebrows were pumped, they took the knife and dragged the box closest to him and took it apart.

"This is... notebook?" Liu Yong wondered.

"Obviously a notebook." Luo Donghao, who came to help halfway, definitely answered.

When I entered, I took a look at the top of a soft leather notebook and opened it to see it.

Liu Yong tried to sneak in and saw that the time did not stop, so he dropped his gaze on the title page that only wrote a line of words, and read: "Give younger brothers, when weaving ...... and so on, how do you like this name? I feel a bit familiar?"

Luo Donghao also frowned, and then thought of something, his eyes suddenly widened, and dare to look forward to the time: "You, you are Rui -"

Time has already known that things are not good. I saw the notebook and reached out and held Luo Donghao’s shoulder. He said, "There are still a few boxes. You have helped me to dismantle it."

Luo Donghao received a hint and quickly shut up, and glanced at the roommates who seemed to have no time to look at this room. They swallowed back to the throat and silently knocked on the name of Wei Chong while still thinking. Liu Yong, he shifted his attention with other topics.

The box was quickly dismantled, and when the contents were counted, it was found that the things that Wei Chong sent over could be roughly divided into three categories: knowledge, wealth, and connections.

When Wei Chong probably learned from the Lianjun that he was learning enterprise management, he specially sorted out some practical books and personal experience summary notes and sent them, and recommended several good management courses. For the time advance, each course is accompanied by detailed introduction materials and lecturer information, indicating that if you are interested in the time, you can always contact these lecturers, and all of them have already greeted them.

In addition, Shiwei Chong also sent a report on the income of the funds that had been established by their brothers for five years, and sent some of the proceeds to the report with the birthday red envelope.

In the end, Shijin found a thick piece of information in the box containing the report. It was the information of all the subordinates used by Wei Chong. Now these subordinates are scattered in the branches and departments of Ruixing. Chong do things, and now, Shi Wei Chong sent their materials to his hands.

When I thought about it, I picked up the first notebook and turned it to the first page.

[Management company, in addition to the most basic things, the most important thing to learn is how to manage people's hearts. 】

Over there, Liu Yong is holding a management book that is very difficult to look at, and he stupidly said: "Scorpio, these books actually all remember notes, the focus is clearly and clearly, too hard... time advance, Are you going to inherit the family company after graduation, all of them are management books..."

Time-in-room roommates are also stupid. Looking at the pile of things on the table, the first time I realized so deeply that time is different from them. When they enter and usually have what they are destined for, they are all It may not be possible to struggle for a lifetime. Those rumors are too stupid, and the time they actually have is much more than the rumors that are full of ambiguity, and the time is still so good, and there are countless people who are cultivating him to a better way... It is not an object that can be embarrassed at all.

When I stepped in, I put the notebook back and looked at the things in front of me. The palms slowly tightened. Knowledge, wealth, connections, and even life experience, Shiwei Chong is leaning on his resources and blood in his hand. This is a birthday present, which is simply to dedicate life! After staying in the hospital for so long, Shiwei Chong has been recuperating for so long, just learned and figured this out?

He suddenly felt very angry, and he was angry with himself. But he quickly realized that the emotion was wrong, frowning and exporting, and the head began to sort out these things, ready to put them all into the custodial room.

Liu Yong and Luo Donghao returned to God from the impact of this "high-spirited" birthday present. When they saw the time, they had to put these things into the trusteeship room. They were busy holding down his shoulders.

"Don't let go of the custody room." Liu Yong looked at the books full of notes and said, "These things are too heavy. It's better to carry them with you. You, you put them together and lock them in your cupboard." Let's go."

Luo Donghao also nodded and said: "There is some information in this area is very important. If it is lost or broken, it will be bad. You can lock it with you."

The time-in action was forced to stop, frowning at the notes handwritten in the box, adjusting the mood, and letting go of the hand: "...that's listening to you."


I went to sleep in the middle of the night, and after awakening the next morning, he was very stunned for a while, then he took a sigh of relief and got out of bed - no dreams, no messy memories, too good. It is.

During the morning training, Shijin found that there were always people around him who looked around from time to time, obviously talking about something. He frowned, pressed the doubts, and found Liu Yong and Luo Donghao after the morning training, and went to the cafeteria with them.

"How do I find out that everyone is watching me, is it just starting to pass on some messy things outside, because those express?" asked Liu Yong when he was porridge.

Liu Yong snorted and said: "I blame your group of roommates, and talked a lot about them. Now the second class and the third class know that you have received a lot of expensive gifts on your birthday. Hey, don't you I care, they are discovering that you are indeed a walking golden master, and you are uncomfortable in your heart."

"What is the young master of the golden doll, will you talk?" When he entered, he turned around and knew that it was the express delivery, and the heart was clear and the egg hurt.

"If you say that your birthday is today, will there be a courier today?" Luo Donghao asked casually.

When the time came to the expression, the expression was a bit stiff, and I figured it out in my heart. I found that in addition to Rong Zhouzhong, who sent his birthday present in advance, the remaining four brothers, Shi Wei Chong, Fei Yujing, and Ao Ting have already sent The gift came over, and now there is only Li Jiuyi there is no movement.

However, Li Jiuyi should not send it. After all, the guy used to pick up the weapon and tried to kill him directly. Although the other party gave up, he also showed his attitude to him...

"It should be gone." He said nothing.

Liu Yong and Luo Donghao read the words and looked at him, and then instantly understood - yes, that is, there will be more.


In the watching of Liu Yong and Luo Donghao's enthusiasm, after the morning class, the mobile phone of the time rang.

"Express?" Luo Donghao asked.

Liu Yong is very excited: "Would you like to push a small cart?"

When I looked at the name of the caller who was flashing on the mobile phone, I shook my head and shook my head and said: "Not a courier, it is my fifth brother."


When he ran to the school gate, he saw Li Jiuqi, standing outside the guard, and frowned quickly. He asked, "How come you?"

This time, Li Jiuyi was a refreshing dress of an ordinary college student. He wore a dark coffee coat and black jeans. He wore a black bag and half of his face was buried in a scarf. It looked mild and harmless. When he saw it, he came in and looked up and looked at the uniform when he looked up. Then he smiled and said, "Small, happy birthday."

When he entered, he smiled and frowned, and asked: "When did you come to City B, have you had lunch?"

Li Jiuyong seriously said: "Your school doctor is my relative's relatives."

"What?" When you are confused.

"I asked him. He said that your class didn't have a class in the first quarter of this afternoon. The lunch break was a long time... So can you do it temporarily? Big Brother, they asked me to give you a good birthday and ask me to at least ask for it. Take you to a big meal." Li Jiuyi asked, because the appearance is not aggressive, so when the soft tone of speech, inexplicably a little taste of pleading.

When you go into the goose bumps, you have to get up. Ask: "Big brothers asking for them?"

"Well, they all have things, can't go back to B city, so please give it to me." Li Jiuyi replied, seeing the time into the neck, thinking of something, busy bowing out of the backpack and pulling out a scarf, reaching out to help when carefully Around, smiled and said, "Give you a birthday present."

The scarf is very soft, probably put it on the side of Li Jiuyi for a long time, and a little bit of his breath. When I was a little embarrassed, I raised my hand and touched it, and then I found the scarf I wore on the black line. It was the same as the one worn by Li Jiuyi’s neck.

"I don't quite pick a gift. Don't you like this?" Li Jiuyi saw that his expression was wrong and asked a little embarrassedly.

"...No, this is very good." When I answered, I really felt that this scarf was quite good. After being bombarded by various valuable and heavy gifts of other brothers, this scarf is really normal and moving.

"Would you like to go to dinner?" Li Jiuyan asked, indicating the outside of the school.

I thought about it for a while, and finally I saw that the scarf and Li Jiuyu were waiting for the ear to be frozen. However, he was very careful. After the invitation, he immediately let the little dead moments in his heart. Once he was stimulated by Li Jiuzhen to show signs of memory or emotion, he immediately burst into tears and learned to call the ducks.

Small death: "..."

Not only that, but he also called Lian Jun and said that he had to go out and eat with Li Jiuyi.

After all the arrangements, he took out the approval for the counselor, and Li Jiuyi went out of school.

Li Jiuyu led the time to a low-key black car and asked him: "I like it?"

Time is very afraid that he took out a key and handed it over. He quickly said: "I don't have a driver's license, I can't drive, so I don't know much about the car. I can't see the car's good or bad, I can't talk about it or hate it."

Li Jiuyi looked at him sideways, took a key from his pocket and opened the lock. He got on the car first and whispered, "Oh."

Time to enter: "..." He seemed to hear the broken voice of the young man.

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