MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 125 Social person

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Lian Jun calmed down and waited for a while. When he calmed down, he looked at Long Shu again and asked: "Is it necessary to take medicine as soon as possible?"

Long Shu did not hesitate to reply: "The sooner the better, I know what is in your heart, impossible, I will not use drugs to temporarily suppress the toxins in your body, it is harming you. Good treatment time is not Chinese cabbage. If you raise your body, you will have it again. Your body is not plasticine. You can reshape it as you toss."

Having said that, it seems that there is only one way left in front of the honest.

"That should be treated as soon as possible." Shijin made a decision instead of Lianjun. His expression was serious and his tone could not be refused. "Long Shu, you can arrange it. If Lianjun can't keep up with the April meeting, I will go for him."

When the words came out, the people in the room were all stunned.

"Time to enter!" Lianjun's rare time to improve the voice.

When he looked at him from the side, he firmly said: "It is useless to call me. If you stand in my position, I believe that you will do the same. Lianjun, I am the deputy leader of the extinction, it is you. Personally confirmed by Zhang Zhuoyuan's mouth to other organizations, my identity is enough to replace you in the meeting, you don't want to stop me."

Time advances have many advantages, including the ability to do and persist. Lian Jun looked at the serious expression when he looked at it. All kinds of dissuasion words rolled on his chest, but he couldn’t say a word—he couldn’t wait for the time, he knew this thing very well.

In the end, he only clenched his hand and said: "When you enter, I regret that I pushed you to the stage and let everyone know the weight of your presence here. This year's meeting is no more than usual. Being targeted by the other four, you have no experience, I can't --"

"Then teach me." Shijin interrupted his words and held his hand. "You taught me, and you are so smart, there must be a way to ensure my safety in the rear. I believe in you, and then Lu." Oh, it’s okay."

Lian Jun shut up, frowning and not talking.

Time does not speak, there is no point to retreat.

Long Shu looked at them, but he felt that the advice of the time was very good. From a private point of view, he feels that Lianjun should rely more on time to enter. Time is not a greenhouse flower that needs to be protected. On the contrary, in some things, time progress is more important than most people in this world. And reliable.

“Is it necessary to shorten Mr. Lian’s treatment time?”

The atmosphere was deadlocked, and Li Jiuyi, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa, suddenly opened his mouth.

Everyone was stunned and looked at him sideways. After Long Shu noticed Li Jiuyi, he blinked his eyes and looked up and down.

When Li Jiuqi bent down and picked up the tablet, he put it on the coffee table and stood up and said, "I am a doctor. Although the main attack is not a neurological aspect, my brother is, I may be able to help."

"Five brothers..." When he entered, he called him.

Li Jiuyi smiled at him and appeased: "I'll do it for you, I will help you." After talking about approaching Longshu, he asked, "Can Mr. Lian's case and physical examination report show me?"

Uncle Long did not answer, but looked at Lianjun.

The physical condition of the violent organization leader is generally only known to the personal doctors of the organization leader. The foreign doctors are excellent, and they don’t want to spy too much. Li Jiuzhen is really good, but don’t let the other party help, but it’s not Long’s own. Can decide.

After receiving the inquiring sight of Long Shu, Lian Jun frowned and shook hands when he grasped it and said, "Show him."

"Thank you for your trust." Li Jiuyi looked back at Lianjun. When he saw the time standing next to Lianjun, he was still watching himself. He turned and walked over, and reached out and touched the head of the time. He calmed the road. Don't be afraid, it will be fine."

"Five brothers." When he looked at him, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Li Jiuyi touched his head again, and his movements were a bit rusty and clumsy, but he was very careful. When he saw the time, he did not escape, his face smiled deeper, and he nodded to Lianjun, then turned back to Long’s side and said, “Let’s go, I have to look at the detailed case, time is not waiting.”

Long Shu looked at the Lianjun and the time, and saw that Lianjun did not stop, he nodded and left with Li Jiuyi.

When he entered, he looked at Li Jiuyi and left, and he seized the hand of Lian Jun.


The New Year holiday suddenly ended. Li Jiuyi was replaced by Bai Dazhen, and he plunged into the laboratory. He also received all the fun of the game, and hardened the Lianjun to attend the meeting preparation class.

It is clear that Lianjun has not relented, but the matter of Lianjun’s immediate treatment has spread rapidly. The atmosphere of relaxation on the island has been swept away, and an invisible tension has permeated.

"The process of the annual meeting is the same. You participated once in the past year. I will not explain too much in this regard. It is not difficult to attend the meeting. It is difficult to contact the official and the game with the leaders of the organizations. They are all People are fine, you should pay attention not to be overwhelmed by them, if there is a conflict at the meeting, or after the meeting is tracked and sneak attack..." Lian Jun pressed down the worry and explained, looking at the opposite side with a pen and paper to take notes seriously, suddenly stopped The words.

When he looked up doubtfully, he looked up at him.

"When you enter, I will never let you take a place for me to go to a meeting." Lian Jun puts on the information in front of him, and it is rare to be irrational. "Zhang Zhuoyuan and Lu Shan are fine. Although they can't help you, they will not be difficult for you at least." However, Meng Qing of the Menmen and Qi Yun of Chiba are not good to send. Yuan Peng, a snake tooth, is an idiot that cannot control his temper. This year, no more than before, this past is the target, in case They suddenly got into trouble, then you --"

"Leng Jun." Shijin leaned into his hand and said seriously, "Leng Jun, you know, those people will not be stupid to move me under the official eyelids, and they have formed an alliance, this meeting Their main purpose should be to test us, not to do it directly to me. Don’t say anything to let you know that you will attend the meeting, Meng Qing will not recognize them, then they will definitely attack this, to extinguish The reason why the leader did not attend the meeting was to ask the official to destroy the card. The business integration is not over yet, and the killing can not be played, so I can only go, I am your partner, the deputy leader you recognize, except you, They will only recognize my identity."

Time analysis is very thorough, but Lianjun is not happy at all. Anyone who personally pushes his lover to a dangerous stage will not feel happy. He held the hand in his hand and held his face without speaking.

When he entered, he stood up and leaned over to hold his face, forcing him to look at himself and seriously: "Leng Jun, I want you to stay with me for a lifetime, even if it is just for me, can you care more about yourself?" a little?"

Lian Jun looked at him, his fingers tightened and relaxed, relaxed and tightened, suddenly stood up, pulled him hard and hugged him into his arms.

When he entered, he comforted and hugged him, silently comforting.

For a long time, Lian Jun’s tight body relaxed a little, and took a deep breath to force himself to restore his senses. He loosened his touch and touched his face and said: “...I will contact Lu Xun and let her stay in Meng Qing’s side. Let's fight for the meeting smoothly."

Finally, I am relieved.

When I entered the heart, I was happy and nodded. I said, "Okay, in fact, this meeting is really not dangerous. You don't have to be too nervous. If you have them, they will help me."

Lian Jun looked at the time when he was obviously relieved. He touched his face and couldn’t help but hold him into his arms again. It’s useless. His body is too useless. If you are less than ten years old, why should you go through it for him?

When he saw that he was holding his own strength, he was getting tighter and he patted him calmly and comfortably. He said, "Don't worry, I will come back safely."

"...not the next time." Lian Jun whispered, his fingers pressed to white, "I will never have another time."


One day later, Long Shu finalized the medication time - one week later. In the following week, Lian Jun needs to avoid taboos and regular injections of auxiliary drugs to prepare for formal drug use.

Li Jiuyi is still boring in the lab to look at the cases and various materials of Lian Jun. You can't expect him to suddenly turn the tide and shorten the treatment time of Lian Jun to one month. After all, he is not the main doctor, so he still does Time to enter instead of the gentleman to go to the meeting.

After the decision, Lianjun’s efficiency was immediately higher. He first called the first-class person to open a meeting, let them start preparing for the meeting this year, and then contacted Zhang Zhuoyuan urgently, telling him that he was absent from the meeting because of his physical condition.

Zhang Zhuoyuan directly frightened, and asked him in detail about his physical condition. After knowing that he was only physically infected with the disease, he was not relieved of illness and was relieved. Then he euphemistically asked him if he needed medical help.

Lian Jun said that it is not necessary. He only solemnly asked Zhang Zhuoyuan to take care of him when he took part in the meeting during the meeting, and he must ensure the safety of the time.

At present, Lian Jun is the ancestor in Zhang Zhuoyuan's heart. For the requirements of Lian Jun, he is naturally full of responsibilities, and he will continue to take care of it.

After getting the official side, Lian Jun contacted Lu Shan again, and he was about to start treatment soon. He said that he would replace him at the meeting.

Lushan’s reaction was somewhat similar to that of Zhang Zhuoyuan. He also stunned and immediately raised his voice and said, “Wait, you are sure that you are going to treat, not something? You don’t lie to me, lie to me. The price is very serious."

"Do not lie to you, this meeting will replace me when you go, you take care of him a little more." Lian Jun rarely softly tone, solemnly said, "Reckless, time is very important to me, he can't go wrong."

Lushan was quiet for a while, then calmed down and said: "I know I know, there is me, don't worry too much, relax your heart and cure it... You kid, for so many years, finally give I reported a good news. I have been afraid of these years, and I am afraid that you will walk in front of me..."

She said that the sound behind her was a little hoarse, and she was obviously trying to suppress her emotions.

Lian Jun’s heart was soft and he whispered: “Reckless, you have worked hard these years.”

"Whether it’s hard and hard to work, is it harder to live?" Lushan quickly adjusted her mood and said, "You are safe to heal, when you look at me, I promise Meng Qing." I don't dare to take him."

"Thank you for your recklessness, you must also pay attention to safety." Lian Jun solemnly thanked.

After ending the call with Lushan, Lian Jun put down his mobile phone and looked at the sofa. He was burying his head and looking at all kinds of materials. He stood up and leaned forward to touch his head.

When he entered the document, he looked back at him and looked up at him. He smiled and asked, "Give me a good bodyguard?"

"Yeah." Lian Jun bent over and hugged him and said, "I will get better soon... then pick you up."

When the time came in, he hugged his back and patted him gently.


In the evening, Lianjun injected the first dose of auxiliary drugs. At this point, the treatment officially began, and it was no longer interrupted.

This night, Lianjun did not sleep well, and the pain of long-lost legs afflicted him for one night. Time-in-time also spent the night with him, and for the first time he tasted the feeling of courage.

"This is just an auxiliary drug. When it is officially used, what will it hurt?" When he whispered, his eyes were straight.

Xiao Han comforted: "The baby's progress bar has dropped significantly after the injection of the drug, which is a good thing..."

"I know." When he entered his face, he closed his eyes. "He hasn't shivered for a long time... I just feel that I am too useless, I can't help at all."

Xiaodeng didn’t know how to comfort himself. He only repeated: “It’s going to be a good one. It’s definitely the hardest at first, it’s going to be alright...”

Time Jin also knows that everything will be fine, but... He looks at the bed, even if he is asleep, he always frowns, his palms tightened - but the process of getting better is too painful, such a process It is too difficult to marry for three months or even six months. For the first time, he gave birth to a malicious idea that he wanted to dig up the body of the dragon and swear the anger.

At noon that day, Li Jiuyi finally came out of the lab. He took the initiative to find the stalwart who just woke up and talked with him once. Three days later, a helicopter landed at the island airport and sent a man who was about forty years old and looked serious.

"This is Shao Jianping, my master brother, and also a doctor. I am looking at the nerves. After reviewing Mr. Lian’s case and body report and the physical data of each treatment stage, I found that Mr. Lian’s treatment plan can be optimized. Local. Neurological problems, my master knows more than I do, so I asked him to help." Li Jiuyi explained the introduction, and looked at Shao Jianping, first pointed to the time, introduced, "This is my brother. "When you enter." Then he pointed to Lianjun. "This is Lianjun. This time, this patient is also my brother's boyfriend. He has started treatment and his legs have a very serious pain response to the auxiliary drugs."

Shao Jianping was the kind of doctor who was very responsible. Listening to Li Jiuyu said that even the chills didn't care about it. He sinned against Lianjun. He bent over and carefully examined Lianjun's legs. He frowned and asked: " Is the pain persistent?"

Lian Jun shook his head and replied: "It is declining."

Shao Jianping's wrinkled brow loosened a bit and asked: "Which is your doctor? I want to know more about your treatment plan and the current physical condition."

Lian Jun called the sound of the uncle, and Uncle Long came out from behind and made a conversation with Shao Jianping.

When the two went to communicate, they watched them walk away, bent over to help Lian Jun put the clothes well, and after receiving a comforting touch from Lian Jun, he smiled at him and straightened up to look at Li Jiuyi, and got up and hugged the past. Said: "Five brothers, thank you." Shao Jianping, the doctor of the status, actually said that please come over, Li Jiuyi must have abolished a lot of heart for this, owed a big man.

Li Jiuyi was shackled, then quickly hugged him back and patted him on the back awkwardly. He said, "No thanks... Xiaojin, Mr. Lian’s situation is too complicated, I can’t immediately reduce his Treatment time, can only temporarily find a way to make him easier to treat... I didn't help you, sorry."

"No, you have already helped a lot." When I remembered that I couldn't sleep in the night of these days, my eyes were a little hot. "Five brothers, thank you very much." It can be very painful to relieve the pain. He Now I only hope that Lianjun can sleep well.

Li Jiuyi was most sensitive to his emotions. He noticed that he had a nasal sound in his voice. He immediately panicked and patted him carefully and carefully, scolding him in a mess.

Lian Jun looked at this kind of time, bowed his head and touched his legs, his eyes dimmed - in the end, he still worried about the time.

After Shao Jianping came, Lianjun finally slept in peace and stability. Compared with Long Shu, Shao Jianping was much more daring. He had seen more complicated neurological disorders than Long Shu, and he knew how to relieve the suffering of patients. Long Shu is a sigh of relief. He has been distressed over the past few days to relieve the pain of Lian Jun. Li Jiu-Jun invited Shao Jianping, which really helped a lot.

Everyone was relieved, especially when they were in, he was so happy that he couldn’t make up for the afternoon with the help of Lian Jun.

After another two days, another helicopter landed at the Xiaodao Airport while Lianjun’s work was slowly returning to the right track.

When he entered the big eyes and looked at the Fei Yujing who was led into the study room, he was scared that his notes almost fell. He was shocked and asked: "Two brothers, how are you here?"

"I have cooperated with Lianjun, and of course I came to work." Fei Yujing replied, stepped forward to his head and then looked at Lianjun and asked, "This year's meeting has decided to let the time enter one. Has the person gone?"

Lian Jun nodded and replied: "I have already greeted the official side."

Fei Yujing frowned, bowed his head and looked at the silly face, and said: "Then I will accompany him."

When I went back to God, I frowned and said, "No! Second brother, you are busy with business integration. You don't need you for the meeting."

"The adults talk, the children don't interrupt." Fei Yujing knocked his forehead and looked at Lianjun. "The energy connection can be directly given to you. Those people are experienced, and these are very efficient. You can be sure to help you get the energy done before the meeting starts. So, after dealing with the business, I want to accompany this stupid brother to the meeting to see the excitement, can you?"

Lian Jun took a look at the time and wanted to stop the time of Fei Yujing, saying: "If the time promised to bring you, I have no opinion."

"Of course he will promise." Fei Yujing directly ignored the protests of the time, and continued to ask, "Where is the study room assigned to me, take me there. By the way, send me a copy of all the information related to business integration. I need to get on track as soon as possible."

Lian Jun called out a sigh of relief and said: "Take a lawyer to go to the small study room next door, and bring the arranged information."

Look at the nod, and tell Fei Yujing to come with yourself.

"Small advance, eat together at night." Fei Yujing took another look when he took a picture, then turned around and left with a slap, it was said to come and go.

When he entered the closed study door, he touched the head that he was repeatedly devastated by Fei Yujing. Afterwards, he reacted and said: "Bastard! You will not listen to people, am I air?" Just ignore me, don't think I will take you to a meeting! You dream!"

Next door, faintly heard a snoring Fei Yujing footsteps, then if nothing happens to enter the small study, the line of sight in the study, found that there are many high school textbooks on the bookshelf, eyes, asked: "This study Who used it before?"

"Time to enter, he followed the teacher in the organization before the college entrance examination to fill up the class for a while." He answered.


Fei Yujing stepped into the study room and walked to the bookshelf. He took a high school textbook and flipped it over. He found a composition paper with a piece of paper. He took it out and found that it was actually an abandoned composition with zero score. The title is "Remember a Family Wilderness" and I can't help but laugh.

Zero-point composition, how to do it in time.

Laughing and smiling, he faded his expression, and when he looked at the composition paper, he entered the paper and had a very different handwriting in the past. He slowly closed the book. This kind of essay topic, how can the children of the family be possible? Will get points.

"Childish essay topic." He commented blankly, inserted the textbook back into the bookshelf, went to the desk and put down his briefcase, looked at him and asked, "Where is the information?"

I took a USB flash drive and put it on the table.


The big study room, when looking into the side of the eye, looked at Lianjun, silently questioning.

Lian Jun and his eyes, he whispered: "I did not ask him to accompany you to the meeting."

When I saw him like this, my heart was full of anger, and I touched his slightly embarrassed face. I was dissatisfied: "What are you doing so urgently to handle these tasks, and you will take Fei Yujing in advance, you The most important thing now is to rest well..."

"I have a good rest in these two days, don't worry." Lian Jun appease, hold his hand and kiss him.

"How can you not worry, you guys must be in the body when they can still support, try to deal with some work ideas as much as possible..." When he saw him, he used his relatives to perfuse himself, and pinched it a little. His hand, but could not bear to do anything more excessive, burying his head in his pile of documents, looking for a few copies of what he can handle, sit down and turn it around, and use his actions to help him reduce the burden.

Lian Jun saw his heart soft and reached out and touched his head.


At dinner, Fei Yujing saw Li Jiuyi, and he knew that Li Jiuzhen was actually on the island, and he was always on the island. He looked at Li Jiuyi, who tried to keep his face as if nothing had happened. He said faintly: "The old five is very good."

Li Jiuyi concentrated on eating and pretended not to hear what he was saying.

"With the big brother, they reported peace, they have been unable to contact you, they are very worried." Fei Yujing is not embarrassing him, but turned to the obvious sulking time, knowingly ask, "Is angry?"

Shi Jin also concentrated on eating, pretending that he had already been paralyzed. Anyway, Lian Jun was avoiding and controlling his diet in the past few days. He did not eat with him. He wanted to eat this meal.

Fei Yujing leaned back on the chair and looked at the two younger brothers who were disobedient in front of him. They just laughed and said, "Don't give me a stupid, talk."

"I won't take you to the meeting, you are too annoying." Time to "obey" the opening.

Li Jiuyi heard that the chopsticks had been paused, and he took a glance at Fei Yujing. It was like fearing that Yu Jing did not hear it clearly. He followed the "interpretation" again: "Second brother, Xiaojin is bothering you."

Fei Yujing is really laughing this time - qi, put a chopsticks and said: "It’s useless, it’s useless, I want to let Lianjun’s heart and mind cure, you better give me Take it, not only me, you are better to bring the fifth child, the doctor must be staying to take care of the eternal, you go to the meeting, there is no reliable doctor around you can not."

Li Jiuyi heard a word, blinked, and immediately turned his back. He said seriously: "Xiao Jin, the second brother is right. It is too dangerous for you to go to a meeting alone, or bring me and my second brother."

The situation turned sharply, and the allies instantly became the enemy's doglegs. When I went into a meal, I didn’t swallow and almost smothered myself. I didn’t dare to look at Li Jiuyi. I wanted to lick him and I was afraid of hurting his fragile boy’s heart. Finally, he looked at Fei Yujing and spit it out from his teeth. Two words: "Despicable."

"Let's learn more." Fei Yujing reveals a smile that belongs to the society, and pitifully gives him a piece of fish. He said, "Let's eat more, fish and brain."

When I entered, I almost couldn't hold back the chopsticks on his face.

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