MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 131 kill him

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The moonlight was slightly cold, and when I leaned against the single-seat sofa by the window, I looked at the progress bar that was in the brain and was in a dim mood.

What is Lianjun doing now, have you slept?

He thought, holding a satellite phone in his hand, but did not dial the phone to go back.

Little death doubts, said: "Go in, if you want baby, you can call him directly, baby is definitely thinking of you."

"I know, but if he is at rest, he will be arguing with him." Time to answer, after paying attention to Lianjun's progress bar suddenly dropped by 1 point, squatting and then sitting up straight, repeatedly determined the progress bar After really dropping a little, I snorted in surprise.

Since Lianjun began to stun for a long time, his progress bar has been stuck at 500, only going up, and not falling below 500, but now, he can't wait to drag directly to the zero progress bar, the value It turned out to be 499!

What does this prove? Prove that Lian Jun’s body is getting better! Although there is only one point, it is indeed better to go below the dangerous line!

Time can no longer hold back, pick up the phone and skillfully dialed the number of Long Shu, and determined that Lian Jun was awake, and then dialed the number of Lian Jun.

The phone was connected in seconds, and the mobile phone was held. Because it was too excited, I couldn’t speak for a while.

"How is the situation at today's meeting, is it difficult for you?"

The gentle voice of Lian Jun passed over, like the curse was broken, and when he entered, he sighed and said: "It’s very smooth, no one is embarrassing me, you, are you sleeping today? Are you good? eat?"

"There is no snooze, all three meals are delicious, and I watch TV in the afternoon."

Lian Jun’s voice sounded more powerful than the last call. When he was in a big joy, he continued to ask: “What did you say about the dragon? You... can you keep your current situation? Are there any new symptoms? ?"

"No, the active period of toxins has passed, and Uncle Long said that there will be no new symptoms. Do you have a good meal and sleep on board?"

When I remembered that I had messed up my work after I got on the boat, I shifted my mind with a guilty conscience: "Leng Jun, can we change the video call, I want to see you."

Lian Jun was silent for a while, then replied: "Sorry, no, I am a little inconvenient now."

Inconvenient, it must be receiving treatment, or the physical condition does not look good, it is not good to receive video.

The mood of the time has fallen back, and the low voice should be heard.

"The ring." Lian Jun suddenly spoke.

When I entered, "What?"

"The ring you sent, I like it very much." Lian Jun’s voice smiled and said, "I want to see you personally wear it for me."

When I looked into the ring on my own hand, I laughed and said, "When the meeting is over, I will wear it once again after I go back... It’s too late, you have to rest early, good night."

"good night."

The phone hangs up, when I look at the phone, I don’t want to sigh - I want to go back and see Lianjun...

"Go in! Baby's progress bar is still falling at a constant speed! 498!" Sudden surprise suddenly.

"What?" When he was shocked, he looked at the progress bar in his head. After discovering that the progress bar of Lianjun had become 498, he stood up and excitedly and happily turned around in the same place. "What is going on? How has it been falling? Is it true that Uncle Long has developed a new treatment? Isn’t Lianjun going to be better?"

The small death is also a maddening look. He said loudly: "Sure! Baby is better!"

One person and one system made a nutritious conversation in a silly manner, then rushed into the bathroom and took a shower and threw himself into the bed.

"It’s already 497... I can go to bed early and go to bed early. Maybe I wake up, and the progress bar of Lianjun will drop to 400... Sleep and sleep!” When I breathe deep into the breath, I continue to stare at the progress bar and force myself to close. Eyes, with good expectations, forced to fall asleep.


On the other side, on the island.

Lian Jun put his face down on his mobile phone and finally couldn’t help but scream.

Long Shu frowned and stood on one side, could not bear to say: "You say why you are, slowly treatment is not good, you must use the instrument, although this thing can prompt the residual toxins in your body as soon as possible, and then quickly remove the drug, but the process Too much torment, and the burden on the body is also great. I am getting this to give you a thorough cleansing and consolidation of the drug, but it is not for your self-torture now..."

"Nothing, Dr. Shao also said, I can use this now, in fact, it is not too uncomfortable." Lian Jun argued that the cold sweat covered with a little bit of persuasiveness.

Shao Jianping carefully adjusted the instrument value and said: "Mr. Lian, please don't talk, keep your strength, stick to it, it's best not to faint."

Lian Jun heard the words and shut up and adjusted his breath, frowning and forbearing.

Long Shu is irritated, although he knows that Lian Jun can use this instrument now, but as a half-parent who grew up watching Lian Jun, he is still more inclined to let Lian Jun use conservative long-term treatment. Can suffer less sin.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Shao Jianping, his forehead is straightforward. I blame this Shao Jianping, who always likes to play big, and often tells Lianjun something strange! Are the doctors outside like this, and listen to the patients, so how to treat them!

As if he had received his resentment, Shao Jianping suddenly looked at him and said: "Dr. Long, maintaining the mental health of the patient is also a part of the treatment, and your concern is chaotic."

Uncle Long was so mad that he was twitching, and he didn’t answer, and turned around and went out of the ward.


Early in the morning, Shijin was disappointed to find that the progress bar of Lianjun only dropped to 490, which was the difference between the sky and the earth. But he quickly got up again, and he started to pack himself up. It doesn't matter, if there is a drop, it means that it is getting better! Slowly, slowly, Lianjun’s body is destined to be slow to raise and raise, and it is urgent.

The content of the meeting on the second day was relatively easy. It was a discussion and analysis of the current situation of all illegal violent organizations in China. When I entered the meeting room, I took a lot of information and sat down.

The leaders of the various departments silently moved their sights, looked at him, and looked at the information in his hand, and his heart was very itch.

What will the information collected by Fei Yujing be? Too curious, if they can, they even want to peek around.

The only ruling condition, Lu Shan, noticed everyone's situation. I remembered the conversation with yesterday and the time, and I couldn't help but squint in my heart. The stupid organization leader, I didn't know when I was playing. Those who are in the hands of the time are indeed the information, but they are not the kind of information they think, but the basic introduction materials of the leaders of major organizations and organizations. This is the basic situation of confessing and familiarizing with the organizations on the spot.

Time-in is just doing something that all the novices will do, even worse than most newcomers. Before they come to the front line, they remember to get familiar with the enemy, but those predecessors are moving toward Fei Yu. Jing said a plausible sentence, and all kinds of nervous guesses...

Can't think, I want to feel like laughing.

Lushan grabbed the lower half of her face and made a look of disappointment, turning her eyes away.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhang Zhuoyuan pointed out in the first place the major non-legitimate violent organizations active in the country this year, which explained their general situation and bad behavior, and then began to encourage the legitimate leaders of the organizations to come to the task and help the official. Kill these tumor tissues together.

The following organization leaders have responded, some are stupid, some drowning fish want to catch fat fish, some want to push the enemy out to die, each has their own calculations. When I used the light to see everyone's reaction in my eyes, I raised the information in my hand and put it on the back of the chair to start playing the phone.

Zhang Zhuoyuan: "..." You are better off sleeping!

Meng Qing, who was sitting across from him, couldn’t help but open his mouth and said: "The deputy leader, suppressing and clearing non-legitimate violent organizations is also one of our obligations. Are you not so good?"

When I kept on my hands, I looked up at him and said, "It’s not very good, but to tell the truth, I have just been the deputy leader who has just been annihilated. It’s not long before the attitude of the illegal organization is dealt with. I have to tell me in detail, so in order to avoid saying more mistakes, I have to do this, but don't worry, after that, Lianjun will contact the director directly on this part, and never forget his obligations."

Contact separately.

Everyone is holding on to this word, if you think about it.

Meng Qing nodded and said: "It turns out that it seems that the deputy leader is only responsible for some of the affairs of the extinction."

"Well, after all, I am still a student. I have to go to school. I don't have much time to help Lianjun share the work." When I entered the mouth, I frowned. "In fact, this year's meeting was a class, even The reports have not gone, and I will not let me come over next year."

what? student? Awkward class?

The heads of the organization are a bit silly – the students and the skipping classes represent the everyday vocabulary of the normal world. How many years have they heard of it? ten years? Twenty years?

It’s not right, this is not the point. The key point is that if you are a student, then is it possible to find out which school you have been studying for at least half a year? This is a great thing! A deputy chief leader with a fixed track is better than a deputy leader who is uncertain in his investigation!

Meng Qing did not expect that when he entered, he would shake his information so easily. He looked at him up and down and tried to continue to talk: "When you look at the age of the deputy leader, you should go to college. I heard that. The deputy chief was raised in the M country. As far as I know, the school in the M country..."

Time hastily waved his hand and said: "No, I am studying at home, I read the police-"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly coughed up in shock, and coughed the information in his hand and made a loud noise. He said loudly, "Be quiet, concentrate on the meeting, don't talk during the meeting."

When I press the action of the mobile phone to stop, I feel like I have a mouthful, frowning and looking at Meng Qing, sideways sideways, bowing down and continuing to play the phone.

Meng Qing took a look at Zhang Zhuoyuan who was obviously speaking when he stopped. When he turned around in his mind, he entered the last word of "Police" and looked at Qiyun.

Qi Yun was amazed and made a phone call gesture.

The morning meeting ended smoothly. After lunch, Meng Qing and Qi Yun passed a phone call.

"Is the warning word correct?"

"I also listen to the police word, not the economic process, nor the financial gold, it is the police."

“Is it a landscape?”

"If it is the landscape, Zhang Zhuoyuan will not be the reaction."

The two were silent, and then they said in unison: "This time the problem is too big / there is a problem."

The two of them glanced at each other for a few seconds of silence. Then Meng Qing opened his mouth and asked, "What do you think?"

Qi Yun replied: "According to the information currently known, the background of this time is: the young master of Ruixing, the younger brother of the university, the employer or relative of Fei Yujing. He has too many chips in his hand. There are too many interests that can be brought to Lianjun. From our standpoint, his appearance is very bad."

Meng Qing said: "It is necessary to first determine the nature of the school that is going to study at this time. At this festival, it is not suitable to further deepen the relationship with the official."

Qi Yun meditated and asked: "Lao Meng, do you say that this time will be the information that was deliberately revealed, and we will only pay attention to him and neglect the innocent? Lianjun did not participate in this event this year, will it not? Is there anything else hidden?"

"such as?"

"For example, Lianjun does not want to come to the meeting, but can't come. Lianjun's body has not been good. He is sick. It may be true. Maybe it is still serious. Time is a good for covering himself. The situation deliberately introduced the blind eye method."

Meng Qing frowned and said: "I also thought about this possibility, but whether it is a blind eye or not, the things revealed by Shijin are always true. In terms of the background of the time, even if the honest man is really out, it is extinguished. Strength can't be weak in a short period of time. If time is really a person in the system, then even if there is no honest lord, it may even get the official acceptance and become stronger. From this point of view There is nothing wrong with Lianjun, which is more beneficial to us than something."

Qi Yun is silent, thinking about it.

"Zhang Zhuoyuan’s attitude towards time is also very suspicious. It’s too much maintenance. I am more worried about one possibility now.”

"What is it possible?"

"Assume that time is the official person who is placed next to Lianjun. The purpose is to infiltrate from the inside, and the official has penetrated successfully. Now I am testing the water to replace the change..."

Qi Yun understood what he meant, and his expression sank. He said: "It’s really like what the official will do when it is infiltrated from the inside, but will it be so stupid? Is it a young man?"

"The hero is saddened by the beauty, and the Lianjun is still young." Meng Qing said for a few seconds, "I don't think it's helpful, then look at the situation, I will contact Lushan to see if she can still enter the set from time to time." What is the word."

Qi Yun sighed, hung up the phone, looked through the window to the direction of the official ship, frowning and contemplating.


In the afternoon, at the beginning of the meeting, Shijin took the information as a mat and slept on the conference table.

Lu Shan, who was told by Meng Qing: "..."

Meng Qing, who is ready to observe the relationship between Zhang Jin and Zhang Zhuoyuan: "..."

Ready to find opportunities and chat with each other, Qiyun: "..."

When I went to sleep, it was an afternoon. The whole process didn't move. It was like a corpse. Until Zhang Zhuoyuan announced that the meeting was over, he sat up straight and picked up the information. He first got up and left the meeting room.

The other leaders looked at him with a sly expression. Qi Yun followed up, speeded up the pace and rushed to the meal, and then spit on the enemy. As soon as he approached, he saw the arrival of the court. Come over, the first sentence is: "I have already asked my old comrades in the police school to inquire about it, because the students who have the task of absenteeism training can also calculate credits, do not affect graduation, don't worry."

Shi Jin was relieved and smiled and said: "That's good, I thought I had to make up the credits, but I missed the first training session at the university. It's a pity."

Reconciled to Ao Ting: "Nothing, there will be opportunities in the future."

The two brothers walked away as they spoke, and Qi Yun stood in the same place, digesting the words just to the court, frowning and turning away.


After walking through the corner, the smile on the face was removed and asked: "Is it clear that Qiyun heard it?"

Nodded to Ao Ting, frowning asked: "Why should you deliberately disclose your school information? This will affect your safety."

"It doesn't matter, I won't have anything. The most important thing now is to help out and win the time." Time to answer, moved a little stiff neck for one afternoon, said, "I read the police school to reveal the news. Those people should think more about it... Yes, the second brother, why are they not on the deck?"

"They are waiting for you in the restaurant." Answered to Auding, looking at his face with a tired look, raising his hand and touching his head.


Qi Yun really thinks more, and thinks more than the time advance plan. Immediately after returning to the ship, he immediately contacted three other allies to exchange information.

"Out of the task, the police school, I am sure to hear these two words. A police school student suddenly became a partner of Lianjun. Lianjun also married him, sent him a large amount of assets, and brought him up. The position of the deputy leader, even the meeting let him come to participate, this set of rhetoric, do you believe?"

"Do not believe." Yuan Peng replied.

Lu Shan and Meng Qing did not speak.

"The guess of Lao Meng's morning may be correct. Time is the official chess piece inserted by Lian Jun. The official wants to control it through him. I don't know if you noticed it, when I entered this time, I only took the second ship. Lianjun’s most reliance on confidant has never appeared. I think Lianjun may have been under house arrest.” Qi Yun said his thoughts.

Lushan retorted: "If the time is really the official piece, then he showed us all the information in such a high-profile way. What is it to do? If he and the official have a conspiracy, then the information is not more Are you hiding? Qi Yun, Meng Qing, you have too much heart, I think that when you talk about it, you are telling the truth. He is not an official person. He just happens to be in contact with the official, and he just happened to read the police school. There are just a few good relatives. I am still biased towards the fact that this is a speculation that Lianjun has launched. Lianjun may be hung up. He wants to enter such a high-profile performance and wants to scare us. We found that it was wrong, and took the opportunity to beat him. So we should be overwhelmed by this time. When you enter, you will not care, there is nothing to care about."

"Lu Shan, don't be tempted, how can there be so many in this world, you haven't calmed down recently." Meng Qing ordered her, then eased her tone and said, "But what you said is also reasonable. Performance is too high-profile, unlike the official style."

Yuan Peng suddenly said: "Guess so much to do, kill him not on the line."

"What?" Lushan first opened her mouth and found her tone too excited and busy concealing. "You forgot how I was officially targeted, are you crazy?"

"Afraid of anything, as long as you don't let the official know that we are not doing it." Yuan Peng's tone is very indifferent, but also with a little coldness. "Whether the side of the **** sits, he will affect the situation." He helped the prince or the official, and the result was only one - the annihilation and the official tying into one. At that time, who would still be dying, what would we end up with? It was a waste of time. If you guessed it, if you let the time become an official piece, or if you succeeded in helping the Lianjun to fool the past, it would be better to kill him directly. It’s all possible, and by the way, explore the real situation."

Qi Yun and Meng Qing did not speak. Obviously, they actually played this idea in their hearts.

Lushan’s heart sank, but he made an angry look on his face. He sneered: “Kill him? It’s easy to say, who is the risk? I’m not calm, you are, being kidnapped by a child, not losing Shame!"

Meng Qing couldn't listen to her. The voice was a little bit deeper. She said: "Lu Shan, Yuan Peng's suggestion is more radical, but it is indeed the best solution at the moment. The background is too strong, no matter who he is. Which side to help, can't stay."

Qi Yun also opened his mouth and said: "After the meeting is the best opportunity."

Seeing that their minds have been set, Lushan’s heart is rolling in the heart, but the face is not exposed. Ironically, “You are crazy. They all said that it is the best choice to kill now... forget it, you love to kill. Just kill it, I only ask for one point. Don’t kill the last one, but shake off our four houses. I don’t want to give the official second Zhengda Guangming excuses!”

"You are not safe." Yuan Peng spoke again, with the pleasure of pressing Lushan. "I am the best at killing people."


Time to find that his progress bar has gone up, or a one-time increase to 600.

The little death is scared to death, and asks: "Go in, what does this mean, are the bad guys playing your idea?"

"It should be, after all, I am so valuable." When I looked at my progress bar, there was no fluctuation in my heart. "Let's wait for the reckless news."

A few minutes later, Lushan’s phone came over.

"Bad boy, you played too much." Lushan said that it was a reprimand, and the speed of speech was a little faster. "When you read the news of the police school, the two guys Qi Yun and Meng Qing began to diverge indefinitely. Even if you are the official chess piece inserted by Lianjun, the official wants to control it through you, so that the conclusions of the situation on the road are all made out. Your strategy is very successful, and they are not concerned about how to be honest. I want to get you with one heart, is this what you want?"

When you go back to the road: "This is fine."

"Is it so good? I thought that Lianjun would be daring enough. As a result, you are more daring than he is. They decided to look for opportunities after the meeting. Yuan Peng took the initiative to take the opportunity, no matter how They don't want to put your variable safely back to Lianjun. Do you still feel good?"

"Reassured, nothing, I guess things will develop like this, so I have already prepared to prepare for it in advance." Time to appease, reminded, "Reckless, you should cooperate with them a little, don't let them doubt, protect yourself."

"You guys..." Lushan listened to him and said that he had to respond to it, and his heart was a little loose, and he frowned. "Then you are careful, you have problems telling me, keep in touch."

When the time came in, he hanged the phone, took a look at his progress bar, and clenched his fist.

Now everyone’s attention has been moved to him. As long as he has escaped the four pursuits and tried to reinvent the enemy, then at this meeting, he can at least help the Lianjun to win a month. Breathing time.

Perfect, the next step is hard.

He let go of his hand, found out the number of the first one, and dialed a phone call.

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