MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 144 Wanpu

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Since Shijin’s boyfriend came to pick up, Liu Yong’s plan to continue playing in the afternoon naturally ruined.

Shi Jin expressed his apology. Liu Yong and Luo Donghao said that it doesn't matter. Everyone didn't sleep well last night. They definitely didn't have the spirit in the afternoon. Instead of playing with their spirits, they didn't make another appointment.

Lian Jun was very sorry for disturbing their party. He invited the two to play in the "friends' club" next week, saying that there is a good equipment in the gunhouse. You can play a simulation game inside.

Liu Yong immediately came to the spirit, and he should make an invitation. Luo Donghao also loosened some expressions, a little happy - I thought that during the summer vacation, the time will probably only come out to play this trick, and I did not expect to agree on it so soon, this result is not bad.

After discussing the specific meeting time of the next party, everyone said goodbye to each other, and when they entered the car with Lianjun.

Liu Yong and Luo Donghao sent them away, and then they looked at each other and tacitly raised the business cards that were handed to them when they introduced themselves.

"The chairman of Wanpu Company...etc., I think the name of Wanpu is a bit familiar." Liu Yong frowned, thinking and taking out the phone number of the phone.

Luo Donghao also felt that the name was a bit familiar, frowning and thinking, what flashed in his head, stunned, glanced in the direction of the car leaving, and confirmed the business card, and instantly, spit out Tolerance, put down the business card and said: "Of course you will feel familiar... In the first half of the year, wasn't there a big cooperation case? The Ruixing Group suddenly got involved in the new energy industry. At that time, the teacher gave us a mouthful when he was in class. The foreign company that cooperates with Ruixing is called Wanpu."

Such a reminder, Liu Yong also remembered, said: "It is the supernova company that heard that the resource background is super strong, only two years have been established, but the scale is super large...etc. No, Lianjun is so young, should not It would be the chairman of a big company, it should be just the name of the company."

Luo Donghao silently glanced at him and said: "The big brother of time is called Shiwei Chong."

"Ah?" Liu Yong was confused and couldn't keep up with his ideas.

Luo Donghao knew that he didn't pay much attention to economic news, so he had to make his words more straightforward: "The boss of the Ruixing Group is called Shiwei Chong. When you enter the birthday gift, you are not on a gift. Have you seen this name? Now Ruixing has suddenly broken into the energy industry and has cooperated with such a new company. Why do you think?"

"At the time, I saw it..." Liu Yong frowned, and then he later understood what he meant. He shocked and raised his voice. He said, "What you mean is that time is the one." ""

Luo Donghao quickly grabbed his mouth and glanced around, and lowered his voice and said: "Small voice, time does not seem to let others know his relationship with Ruixing, don't shout."

Liu Yong was busy and nodded. He pulled his hand and turned to look at him. He also lowered his voice. He said with excitement: "Is it really the young master of Ruixing? So the two companies will cooperate because of the time? Ha Haha, what are the economic and environmental policies chosen by the outside world, I think about it now... Scorpio, I remember that the gossip news said that the young master of Ruixing is a fat man, but it’s not fat at all!"

Was the focus on the fat man?

Luo Donghao looked at him silently, looked at the business card in his hand, and frowned slightly - I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that this honest man is not just an ordinary businessman, and his temperament is too special.


After the door was closed, I immediately sat in the pupil's position and honestly admitted: "I'm sorry, I stayed up late last night."

Lian Jun is ready to hold his movements, take back his hand, look at his low head and ask, "What time is it?"

"Three points... Then they chatted with Donghao and chatted until four o'clock." When he looked up, he looked at him carefully and explained, "Everyone took the first activity yesterday, too excited, not deliberately staying up late. ”

Lian Jun’s brow wrinkled: “Have you slept in a room last night?”

When I put in my eyebrows, I was dumbfounded in my heart, nodded hard to the scalp, and then stressed: "Don't sleep a bed! We have three sets of suites, there are three beds inside!"

Lian Jun’s expression was barely good, and he looked at his slightly awkward face because of lack of sleep. He reached out and touched it and asked, “Have you had fun yesterday?”

Time is a bit inaccurate. He is asking if he is talking casually. He is still talking nonsense. He simply does not answer and ask: "Leng Jun, are you angry?"

Lian Jun’s eyes moved and asked: “Why do you ask?”

"I came out to play, I stayed up late, I didn't call you last night, and I didn't send a text message..." Shijin said that he felt that he was over-exposed, looked at the expression of Lianjun, and did not intend to mention himself. When I bought the unharmonious items, I tentatively asked, "Would you pick me up, is it because of anger?"

Lian Jun looked at him with a cautious look. The point when he came to his heart was dull. He stretched his arms and hugged him. He replied with a slow tone: "No, I just came because I missed you... sorry, bothering you. A party with friends." He doesn't like such an impatient self, but he can't keep calm in the face of time.

When you look into your eyes.

So gentle?

"You really are not angry?" he asked carefully.

Lian Jun shook his head, gently touched the back of his head, and hugged him with satisfaction - from last night, he wanted to enter when he was so hugged.

The care of the face disappeared a little bit, the eyebrows flew up a little, and asked: "So you pick me up, really just because you miss me?" It doesn't matter if he stays up late and buys disharmony items?

Lian Jun simply retired and took his face and kissed him.

When the tight heartstring was loose, he hugged him and kissed him, and his heart was like a honey. The original Lianjun thought of him. He left for one night, and Lianjun wanted to pick him up. lovely! This kind of honest is so cute!

The two men grinned for a while, then they couldn’t get in, they were fat, and they happily looked up and down on the shoulders of Lianjun’s shoulders and said: “How do you think of dressing up like this? Really handsome!"

Lian Jun smiled and touched his face and said: "In the presence of such a picture in front of your friends, they should be easy to accept some... time advance." He suddenly called very seriously.

When the time was called, he was shaken in his heart, and he saw a pair of words to say. The heart that had just fallen was lifted up and raised. He said: "How, what?" Is it sweet? Come to the stick?

"I'm sorry." Lian Jun solemnly apologized.

Time to enter: "...ah?"

"Sorry, because of my sake, I have sacrificed too much." Lian Jun took his hand and rubbed the ring on his finger. "When you were away, I thought a lot. Since the relationship was confirmed, It’s always the pace you are cooperating with, you sacrificed your studies, gave up your life, and reduced your chances of getting along with friends, just to take care of me... Sorry, selfishly trapped you in my world. in."

When I looked into Lian Jun’s gentle eyes with awkward eyes, he said, “What do you say indiscriminately... I don’t think that those are sacrifices, obviously you have been taking care of me, you are not selfish.”

"Let your eyes have only me, this is a kind of selfishness." Lian Jun clenched his hand, and his heart was sorely hurting for the words to be spoken, but his mouth said in a word, "This is not right, You are willing to give up a lot of things to choose to accommodate me. It is your thoughtfulness, but I can't take it for granted. You should also have your own life... Time to enter, wait, wait until all the dust settles, I will put The ordinary life that belongs to you is returned to you. The opportunity to get along with your family, the friends who make friends, the free and easy life, the things that you lose because of me now, I will try my best to return -"

"Leng Jun!" When I couldn't listen, I frowned and held his hand. The more and more inexplicable, "I don't understand what life is lost because of you. Are we not supporting each other until today?" Obviously, I am disregarding your arrangement. I have to stick to you from time to time. How can I be said by you now? It seems that you are forcing me to stay with you. I have never felt that you have trapped me. Only in your world, family or friends, I have always been in contact. You even took care of my family for me. I just helped my friend and invited them to the club. There is no more thoughtful and considerate lover in this world. Why do you deny yourself?"

Support each other, the most thoughtful and considerate... Lian Jun’s heart was stunned for a night, so it’s so easy to get into the two words. When he looked at the incomprehensible and disapproved face, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but reach out again and hugged him into his arms and buried his face in his neck.

Was it in the heart, did he get along with them like this? This is always the case. Every time I enter, he will throw him a lot of security when he is uneasy, so that he has no chance to go through the pain.

"Leng Jun." When he entered, he became more and more worried. He raised his hand and hugged him. He worried and asked, "Is it wrong for me to misunderstand, or is there anyone who tells you something messy? Why are you suddenly? I want to... Is it the second brother? He blames you for tying me to your side? You don’t listen to him. Sometimes he’s talking about what he’s thinking is not the same thing, even if he says something ugly, The intention is definitely not like that, I will go to talk to him -"

"Not what he said." Lian Jun sorted out his emotions, raised his hand and pressed him in his arms, satisfactorily licked his forehead with his chin, and his voice softened. "Sorry, I am thinking about it." Yesterday, you suddenly asked to go out. I have just been separated for so long. You have never done this before, so I thought a little more... Sorry, I am obviously bigger than you, but still so immature."

Time to pick up again, then slowly frown, asked: "I suddenly asked to go out, make you sad?"

"No, I just thought about it myself." Lian Jun loosened him, leaned over and kissed his lips, and said softly, "I will love you when I am."

When he looked at his gentle eyebrows, he noticed that he had a layer of pale black circles under his eyes. He remembered his various performances before, and couldn’t help but make up for him. He was saddened by his own thoughts after he left last night. The picture, my heart is sour, then my brain is hot, raise my hand and push him away. I grabbed my backpack with my backhand and said, "I am not right. I should not have been in the case of us for half a month. If you don't report and buffer it in advance, you will suddenly ask for it."

Lian Jun was pushed a bit, then shook his head and said: "Do not blame you, you will want to go out to play with friends is normal, my body is already good, you really do not have to -"

"No!" When he increased his voice and interrupted his words, he pulled his backpack and said, "I don't think that you are in good health, so it doesn't matter if you go out! In fact, I came out to buy these. I am embarrassed to say that... although I really want to play with Liu Yong, but if I am not eager to buy these, I will not go out so urgently!"

The brush is pulled, the zipper is pulled open, and a lot of packaging is colorful, and the above-mentioned colorful things are exposed.

Little death painfully closed his consciousness.

Lianjun bowed his head and looked at the pile of things in the backpack. The warmth on his face disappeared a little bit, and his eyes slammed dangerously. He first confirmed that the baffle of the rear seat of the car was indeed raised. Then I reached out and picked up a box of discordant things, looking forward to the time, my lips groaning, my throat whispering: "Well?"

The person who likes to look at it with that kind of thing, enters into a man with a functional function, and of course he is immediately ignorant. He coughed down with a low cough, and said in a serious way: "You didn't have me with me on the night of the date... So I thought about whether you want me to take the initiative, then I... what, let's go to the resort to take a summer break. The mountain spring pool there is good." He said that he looked at the three-inch under the navel of the singer, and played the hooligan seriously.


Lian Jun folded his legs and silently suppressed his emotions. He turned a small box in his hand and confirmed: "You left me out, just to buy this?"

Shijin is actually very embarrassed to continue to talk to Lianjun, but the words have already opened. In order not to continue to let Lianjun think about it, he chose honesty with a cheeky face and nodded: "Yes, I bought several kinds, absolutely It’s enough for us for the first time.”

Actually dare to nod.

Very good, actually in order to buy this kind of thing, regardless of the possible danger outside, even trying to not even protect the personnel, leaving him alone.

Lian Jun put the small box with the exquisite packaging back into the backpack, pulled the zipper, and the backpack took it to his side. The tone was not ups and downs and said: "I don't like to use this."

Time did not realize that the crisis had arrived, and said very honestly: "No, this is bought for my own use, and you are bottled."


Lian Jun squatted and looked at him sideways. His sight was not like a joke face. The string that belongs to reason in the brain finally broke. He lifted his hand and knocked down the car baffle. He looked at him and said, "Go to Wanpu Garden."

As soon as I heard the sound, I began to adjust the route positioning.

"Wanpu Garden, what is that?"

Lian Jun looked at him, his mouth slightly raised, and replied: "Our future home."


Lianjun has many residences and footholds, clubs, small islands, sanatoriums... His identity is destined to be a place where he will not be lacking in his life, but none of those places is home.

He seems to be vast and vast, but the reality is that he has no place to live. When he entered with him, he naturally lived in such a way. Although time-in, there is always no mention of every place where he lives, and there are countless times in the speech that the clubhouse is their home, but not, the family is not like this. A real home, will not let the time to face the phone calls of friends on the address, after a short period of hesitation, chose to use a haha ​​way to fool this question.

Night clubs, such a place, how could it be who's home, here is clearly a place where bad guys and official officials use to talk about things, a dark place that can't be announced.

When I saw the expression of a sigh of relief because of the friend's inquiry in the past, Lian Jun realized that I could not continue this way. Time is just an ordinary person. He should have an ordinary background that can be talked freely. An ordinary lover who can directly introduce himself to a friend and does not need to cover his professional background, an ordinary life that does not need to be prepared for danger at all times. The environment, and an ordinary, can be honestly told to someone else's home. Time should not be for him, to separate the sacrifice of life to this point.

Therefore, he secretly prepared the Wanpu Garden.

Wanpu, one of the thousands of ordinary people, this is the new life he prepared for himself, and the most important gift he wants to give to the time, that is his starting point and destination for their new future.

The car is driving at a constant speed into a villa area that has not yet been built and temporarily blocked. All the way through the main road that had just been repaired for a long time, through a meadow and garden that had not yet had time to complete the greening, bypassing an artificial pond that had not yet had time to fill the water, and finally stopped in front of a beautiful villa.

Lian Jun slammed into the backpack and got off the train first, then went around when he entered the door, opened the door, took his hand and led him out, took him to the door of the villa, and locked the door after the operation. Put his hand on the fingerprint lock on the door.

"Welcome home."

Wiping, fingerprint authentication is completed, and the door opens.

When I saw the interior of the villa and the semi-finished state of the outer area, the warm decoration was completely different. I turned to look at Lianjun. Some said slyly: "Here... home? Ours? We will live here later. ?"

He used to think that the words of Lianjun were joking...

"Well. The greening outside has not been finished yet. I originally wanted to wait for all the things here to bring you over." Lianjun replied, holding him into the door, closing the door, bending over and taking him from the shoe cabinet. Slippers, said, "It’s only been a long time since the renovation, and many things are not ready yet."

When I changed into the slippers, I went into the living room and turned around. I found a mahjong table that had not been opened before the corner of the hall. The eyes turned brightly and looked at Lianjun. I asked, "You still Bought a mahjong table?"

Lian Jun nodded, was infected with his happy look, and his mouth was hooked up.

"Too handsome!" Time can't help but boast, carefully turn around on the first floor, then quickly ran toward the second floor, one room to see the past, and finally pushed open the master bedroom The door.

A spacious room with a full-length floor-to-ceiling window, soft carpets, and complete furnishings, simple and warm decor. When I entered, I pressed the bed where the sheets were quilted and said: "The beds are all laid out... Is it just arranged? Isn't the other rooms even the furniture?"

He said that he noticed that there was a small five-pointed star badge in the middle of the bed. He couldn’t help but smile. He reached out and took it up: "There is still a pillow." I remembered that I had sent a gentleman. With this almost styling badge, my heart was a little moved, turning my head and looking at the cheap man behind him, asked, "Is this custom made?"

After Lianjun, he entered the room one step at a time. He closed the door of the room with his backhand and replied: "Well, let him find someone to do."

When I entered, I smiled and said: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"nice! You love it."

When I turned back, I didn't notice the details of the door closing. After I put down my pillow, I went to look at other places in the room.

Lian Jun took advantage of his efforts to turn around, put the backpack on the bedside table, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and pulled the curtains.

The light source was blocked, and the light in the room immediately darkened and became paralyzed.

When I entered, I turned my head and looked at Lian Jun.

"Time to enter." Lian Jun called him and waved at him. "Come and see, do you like this curtain pattern? If you don't like it, I will change it."

Ah, the original curtain is for this.

When he entered, he walked over and grabbed the curtains and looked at it carefully. He said, "You don't have to change, this pattern is very good, the color is good, I like this color."

Lian Jun grabbed the hand that he was holding the curtain, gently took it, pulled him into his arms, wrapped around his waist, and hit his forehead with his forehead, calling: "Time to enter."

This tone... When I entered my heart, I trembled and looked up at him.

"I kept thinking, for the first time, we couldn’t just be in a place where we just lived, not even lived." Lian Jun said, loosening his wrist and touching his Face, low voice, gentle tone, "Because you are important, I don't want to slow you down."

The time did not consciously hold the breath, finally realized what, the line of sight fell on his lips with pale lips, and the throat rolled up and down.

"But I didn't think that my behavior would make you misunderstand." Lian Jun released his face again, put his hand on his back, a little bit down, and finally landed in his back waist. Gently knead, "Also, you are so young, your body is very healthy, it will be normal to be anxious... I am not right, I apologize."

You are not at all like an apology!

When the time was pushed, the hair on the back of the back was erected. The body was not arrogant and eager to move. The instinct to feel the danger made him feel that the current cheap is not suitable for closeness. He was careful to squat back and said: "No. No need to apologize, I...oh."

Lian Jun put pressure on the small table by the window, bowed his mouth and gently licked his throat and said: "Now it is less than two in the afternoon, there are still several hours away from the dark... rest assured, You will have a good night's sleep."

How many hours?

When I entered the tiger's body, I said, "Don't, I was too tired after staying up late last night. The shower was just... um."

Lian Jun sealed his protest with a kiss, touched his clothes, kneaded at his sensitive points, and completely softened his kisses, only to recede a little, and said: "Reassuring The things you bought, I will use them well on you."