MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 163 Home (six)

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The two people’s New Year can also be very lively...just strange.

On New Year's Day, worship the ancestors.

When he entered the early morning, he pulled up Lianjun to get up, took him to the cemetery of Jane Jinwen, and swept the grave to Jane. When he was halfway through, Jane’s adoptive father, Jane Chenghua, also came.

Jane Chenghua saw someone in front of his son’s graveyard and stunned him. After seeing who he was, he was so excited that he almost lost his flower in his arms. He ran around and said, “Yes, it’s Xiaojinhe. Mr. Lian?"

When he turned back and looked at him, he smiled with his eyes bent and called: "Grandpa, sorry, I haven't seen you for so long."

Lian Jun also followed, turned to Jane Chenghua nodded and shouted grandfather.

When Jane Chenghua looked at the time, he was red when he blinked. He couldn’t stop laughing on his face, so he cried and laughed. He rubbed his eyes and waved his hand and said: “Don’t say sorry, you young people have their own Life, I understand, you can remember the essay, it is the blessing of the essay, I..." When I said half of what I thought, the words stopped, and I looked down at the legs of Lianjun, and I was a little embarrassed.

He vaguely remembers that the last time he saw this Mr. Lian, the other person was in a wheelchair...

Lian Jun saw him look at his own legs, immediately guessed his mind, took a step forward on his line of sight, took out a card written in advance and handed it over, saying: "In the past two years, I have been accompanying me to treat diseases abroad. So I can't come back to see you, sorry. Now my illness is good, I will stay in the country in time, this is my contact information and my new home address with Xiaojin, new home phone, welcome you to come and be a guest. ”

Jane Chenghua looked at his naturally moving legs, stupidly took the card, took a look at the various number information written on it, looked up at him, suddenly smiled again, smiled and cried, pulled up his sleeves and wiped it. Wiping his face and saying: "Well, just fine, just fine, you are fine."

When I entered the heart, I felt a little soft. I took the old man’s shoulder and patted it.


The three men gave Jane Jinwen a good sweep of the tomb, and then Jin Jin and Lian Jun took a car gift and the old man returned to the orphanage.

After arriving at the orphanage, Shijin and Lianjun distributed most of the gifts in the car to the children, then went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Jane Chenghua with all kinds of ingredients.

Jane Chenghua was very embarrassed. He turned around at the kitchen door and said, "I should have been entertaining you. How can it be that you cook for me? Even the ingredients are brought with you. This is not good."

"We bought more goods in the year before, and we can't finish it, so I want you to help us to consume some points, and there are some younger people waiting to let the elders cook." Shijin smiled and appeased, got up and pulled the old man Sit down on the small stool in front of you and say, "If you can't spare, just help me to peel off the beans, let's talk."

"What is really you are reasonable." Jane Chenghua had no way to do it. He had something to do, and he finally got a little comfortable. He looked down and picked up the beans and began to peel. He asked him about his two years of life.

When I was able to say something that I could say, I focused on my good grades in school, as well as the various firsts I received during military training and training. Jane Chenghua couldn’t help but nod his face, face and face, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Standing in front of the stove, Lianjun listened to the self-blowing, hooked his mouth and put the pickled chicken in the pan.


Lian Jun and Shi Jinjin stayed in the orphanage for a whole day, until the day was completely dark, and in the eyes of Jane Chenghua, with the red envelope of the old man, he went home.

"Let's take a look at my grandfather in the future." When he looked into the rearview mirror, Jane Chenghua, who was slowly getting smaller, couldn't help but sigh.

Lian Jun looked at him sideways and said: "I am with you."

When I responded, I looked at the street outside, remembered the time when I was buried in a foreign country, and the mother who was sleeping in another world. The expression of the adoptive parents who were sleeping in another world was faint, and quickly adjusted and looked down. The red envelope was removed.


On the second day of the New Year, go to relatives.

When I had no relatives, I was dressed in a pajamas and squatted on the sofa. I felt the pain in my stomach and refused to feed the lord. "I haven’t finished this year, my abdominal muscles are gone. No, I don't eat it, don't give it to me."

Lian Jun, who was holding a dish of snacks, looked at his stomach, and saw a little white belly from the crack in the buttonhole. He couldn’t help but bend over and touched it. He pinched it and commented: "It feels good."

When he entered the tiger's body, he rushed over a pillow to protect his stomach, turned his back to face him, and glared at him: "You feel good! My fat is only temporary, temporary!"

Lian Jun hooked his lips, picked up a new snack from the plate, bit it in half, then bent down to hold the face and kissed it.

The two exchanged a kiss with the sweetness of glutinous rice and red beans. When they entered the body, they lost their defense against the stomach. Lian Jun touched the situation and gently squeezed the soft meat on his stomach. He whispered in his ear: "If you exercise more, you won't gain weight."

When you are full of confusion, how much exercise?

"Then let's go jogging outside." He naively proposed.

Lian Jun put the snack dish on the coffee table on one side, kissed his good-looking eyes, put his hand on his stomach down, and opened his waistband: "I said... it is indoor sports."

When I entered, I opened my eyes and said, "Hey?" Where is your hand touching?


The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day... until the beginning of the tenth, the days of progress have been very hot. He has a bit of a soft leg, a bit of kidney pain, and a little bit of painful joy - the original exercise is much more, it will really be thin...

In the early eleventh, most of the working parties in the country have already finished their holidays and returned to work. As the chairman of Wanpu, Lianjun finally found out that he still had a lot of employees to rely on him to eat, and decided to check the layout of the branch building.

Lian Jun asked if he would like to go together. When he went crazy, he shook his head and refused. He said that he had to carry out physical rehabilitation training at home and prepare for the start of school. Lian Jun touched his face, touched his lower back, did not say anything, kissed him sideways and left.

When he got into the air, he sighed back on the sofa with his waist and sighed with sighs - start school soon, and make a life.

In a blink of an eye, the New Year is over and the school is just around the corner. Lian Jun has become more and more busy, taking a lot of documents home every day, and no longer has the energy to toss. When I saw it, I felt distressed, and I was a little worried.

He is about to start school soon. He has to live on campus after school. He can only come back after the weekend. Lian Jun lives alone in this empty community. How lonely and lonely he is, maybe no one will find it at home... ...

The more he wanted to worry, the more he couldn’t sit still. He couldn’t help but search for a reliable property company on the Internet. He could turn it over and he was discouraged – please ask a strange team to come to the community. Lianjun might say Even the family doesn't want to go back, just sleep in the company...

How to do.

He stupidly looked at the ceiling, and heard the doorbell ringing.

Oh, it must be an auditory hallucination, how the doorbell will ring, and there will be no guests at home.

He turned over and picked up his mobile phone to continue flipping, thinking about whether he could find a property company that had previously had a relationship with the smear. The result turned over and the doorbell became clearer.


He blinked, then slammed up, dumbfounded - the doorbell seemed to be really ringing!

He was busy wearing slippers and went to the entrance, opened a videophone, and saw a man with an exaggerated fisherman hat, flipping his head down, and completely unable to see his face, standing at the gate of the villa area.

"Which?" he asked doubtingly. Is it a sales promotion?

"Is there a property in the property?" A familiar voice sounded, and then a poster was sent to the camera. It was the one that was posted at the door. "I came to apply."

Hearing this voice, the mouth of the time grew up a little bit, and looked at the poster with the screen full of it. After a while, the card trembled and said: "You, you say another word."

The poster was removed, and a smiling face appeared on the screen. The person came forward with a serious statement: "This boss, are you sure you want to interview me on the videophone?"

Surprise always squats when people are unprepared, and then walks for two seconds, then rushes toward the gate, ran two steps and turned back, saying incomprehensibly to the screen: "Don't go, Don't leave, just stay there, I will come right away!" After a hard smashing of the sour nose, the bulkhead rushed toward the gate of the community.

The weather in late winter and early spring, the temperature is still low, when the time is only wearing a home service, it should be cold, but when he ran to the gate, he actually sweated a forehead.

The gate of the villa area was carved and hollowed out. Through the hollowed-out pattern gap, he saw the outside facing the door and stood with a man in a casual outfit with a suitcase at his feet. He slammed in the footsteps, then rushed over more quickly, and opened the door in a hurry. The eyes of the blind man seemed to block something and called: "Hey, hey..."

When the people heard the voice turned around, they smiled deeper into the line of sight, and the eyes were a little red. They said, "Boss, my name is Chen Bin, my home is sixth, you can call me Chen Liu, I am coming. Apply for a property."

It’s six! It’s really six! I didn't expect the first one to come back to him.

When the time went in, then rushed over and hugged him, and blocked a thousand words in his throat. In the end, he only said: "Six... six uncles! Six uncles! How come you come back, how come you come back!" ”

He slammed his eyes in tears, insisted on laughing, raised his hand and hugged him, and asked: "Boss, has my interview been over?"

How could it be!

When he tightened his arms and wanted to cry and wanted to laugh, he couldn't help but patted his shoulders a few times.


An hour later, Lianjun’s car drove into the yard. He was rushing into the villa with an urgent underground car. When he saw the time sitting on the sofa in the living room, he asked in the past: "What's wrong, where is it uncomfortable? How is the eyes so red? Is it fever?" His forehead.

When I was embarrassed, I screamed at the crying eyes. I got up and took his hand and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable. The phone is lying to you. In fact, I called you back because I asked the community for a property. ""

"Property?" Lian Jun stunned, then frowned slightly, asked, "How come you suddenly..."

Shi Jin explained: "I am going to start school soon. There is only one person in the community. How can I do it? Rest assured, the property I asked for is very powerful. Not only can we manage our community, but we can also be a housekeeper and go to school. Take care of you when you are."

Personal care?

Lian Jun’s brow wrinkles more tightly, thinking that time should be too worried that he made such a reckless decision, and he lowered his expression and said: “Don’t worry so much, don’t worry, I can take care of myself, property. Things, we still wait for the greening to finish..."

"But I think this property is really suitable." When Zhong Jin interrupted him, he finally couldn’t help himself, smiled and held his shoulder and turned to his side and said, "And the person in charge of the property I have I got home."

Received home?

Lian Jun re-wrinkled his eyebrows and turned passively. He noticed that he stood alone behind him, and his expression suddenly sank. He looked at the past with a little defense, and then he felt stiff after seeing each other's appearance.

On the sixth day, he took off his fisherman's hat on his head. His eyes were red and his face was smiling. He said, "Jun Shao, I am coming back... You are a little fat, so good."

Lian Jun’s tight body relaxed a little, and then he said nothing, took the initiative and hugged him.

He was busy hugged him and patted him on the back. He said, "Just young, let me take care of you. I have already done the formalities, nothing."

Lian Jun closed his eyes and rarely exposed his emotions. His voice was hoarse and said: "Welcome back... thank you."


After the return of the Sixth Sixth, Lianjun’s mood was visible to the naked eye. Shi Jin finally let go of his heart and put his attention back to the upcoming school.

On the day of school, Lian Jun specially vacated the time and personally sent him back to school. He pleaded with courage and gave the two men the driver.

"Six uncle, you should not call me when you are outside, don't call Lian Junjun less, it's too strange." When he entered the car, he couldn't help but swear, "You can call our name." ”

Sixth glanced at them from the rearview mirror. When they saw Lianjun, they nodded. They agreed with the words of the time, and they were stiff. They said, "I know, small, small, cheap, cheap... boss."

Shijin immediately laughed and said: "What is the boss of the cheap, it is too strange."

I was a little annoyed, and I looked at the honesty from the rearview mirror and said, "I am not accustomed to this..."

"Get it slowly." Lian Jun appease, and then pinched the mouth when he entered. "No six uncles."

When I was busy, I laughed and said that I was no longer in trouble. I was screamed by the natural uncle of Lian Jun, and I couldn’t help but step on the gas pedal and smashed the speed.

So when the time broke, I laughed again.


This is the first time that Lian Jun entered the school without any scruples when he returned to school. He walked very slowly, his expression was very serious, and he tried to observe the scenery along the way, imagining the way he lived in it.

Shi Jin accompanied him slowly, holding his hand, detailing each building and facilities along the road, saying what he had done in it, what he had learned, or what had happened.

The two were too unconcerned, and they did not find that all the students passing by were looking at them if they could.

He was behind the two, and he looked at the amazing and curious look of others. His heart was proud and sad--seeing that his time and his youth are so dazzling and excellent! Finally, he looked at the youngest who grew up and could walk in the crowd like this.

God bless.

He raised his hand and wiped his eyes, feeling that he was really old, always easy to be so sad.


Seeing that Lianjun appeared in the dormitory, Liu Yong and Luo Donghao greeted them with a warm enthusiasm after a brief embarrassment. After seeing the appearance of Lianjun’s home, they were not afraid of Lianjun.

On the sixth day, I watched the appearance of Lian Jun and the friends of Shijin who naturally talked. After accidental surprise, I couldn’t help but wipe my eyes.

"Six uncles, your eyes are crying red." Shijin deliberately scraped him over.

卦6 uncomfortably coughed and reached out and rushed him: "Go and go, less noise." After finishing, he couldn't help but laugh.


The days have become safe and normal.

When the time goes to ordinary general school to go to school, the ordinary holiday home, and then ordinary land ... ... found that the community has changed.

When I went home on the first weekend, I found a lot of security and cleaning staff in the community. They are all sturdy and inferior. When they see the time, they will immediately and cautiously stop calling him. When I entered the corner of my mouth and twitched, I realized that these people were all dug up from where.

When I went home on the second weekend, I found a lot of cameras inside and out of the community, and there were security guards on the patrol. The explanation was: The security work cannot be lost.

Time to enter: "..." This security is too exaggerated.

On the third weekend, Shijin discovered that all the infrastructure in the community had been overhauled, and was equipped with a full range of management personnel, basketball courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, etc., which were officially put into use.

When I entered... I immediately took the Lianjun to the tennis court and sipped a sweat.

On the fourth weekend, the small supermarket in the community opened.

Time to enter: "...this, is it necessary?" The owner added a community of three people who only had six people. It seems that there is no need for a supermarket.

"I want it." He took a tablet and slammed the schedule and bills. "There will be more owners in the future. These are necessary, and when the brothers below are tired and thirsty, We can't always let them go to the supermarket outside to buy things, it's too much trouble."

When thinking about it, Yu Guang swept the number on his bill, his eyes wide open, and he couldn’t believe it: "Is it costly to arrange a community?"

"Well? You said this." He took a look at the bill on the tablet and said, "This is not the money of the property. It is the money that Jun Shao gave me to build the staff quarters. The people I recruited are all." Because... for some reason, because there is no family member and no one can find a place to stay, Jun is so distressed that they want to pay for building a dormitory to settle down."

When I heard the silence, I remembered that a security guard lacked a few fingers and licked my lips. He said, "That is better, I don't have enough money."

He looked at him with relief and sighed: "There are more and more bosses in the world..."

When I got into the face, I lifted my arm and grabbed his neck. I slowly tried: "I said that I can’t call Jun Shao and Shi Shao, how can you forget six uncles! Also, the property team must have The appearance of the property team, smile service understand! Now the atmosphere of the community, I dare not ask friends to come back to play!"

After living in a stable life, he was a little bit fatter and was uncomfortable. He said with a sigh of relief: "I know that I know, when... Xiaojin, you are quick!"

Another weekend, when I entered the community, I finally found out that there was something more in the community. I was relieved and just stepped back to the villa and I met the oncoming patrol security guard.

"Time--" security guards are about to call people, shouting half of the hard-boiled, smiled and said, "Mr. Mr., you are coming back from school, you have to have fun on the weekend."

When I entered a squat, I almost fell to the ground, took a look at the fierce smile on the security guard's face, raised my hand and grabbed my chest. I felt that the word "smile service" had a misunderstanding.


After the temperature rose again, Wanpu Garden finally began to green, and Liu and the team's Zhang Gong met at the door of the community.

One sentence: "You..."

Zhang Gong said: "I..."

The two men looked at each other deeply, then smiled and hugged.

When I came over to find Zhang Gong’s old time, I saw a mist in the side, then violently reacted and shouted: "Zhang Laotou, you lied to me!"


On the birthday of Lianjun, when he went to the counselor, he went out for a vacation and went home to give Lianjun a birthday cake and a hearty meal. Lian Jun smiled and blew his birthday candle, and kissed him with a grateful kiss.

After dinner, Lian Jun and the time to join hands in the community scattered. From time to time, they will encounter patrolling security teams and cleaning staff who are ready to work. Everyone nods and greets each other, and the atmosphere is natural and casual.

When I entered the team, the security guard left and smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is used to life here."

"Yeah." Lian Jun should have a voice, watching the villa still empty along the road, his eyes slightly stunned.

When he noticed, he squeezed his hand and pulled back his attention. He said: "Six uncles have chosen the villa next door to stay in us. Recently, it seems to be arranged quickly. Do we have to give a gift to the new home?" he?"

Lian Jun returned to God, looked at him, nodded and said: "The gift must be sent, pick it together."

"Okay." Shijin clenched his hand. After the meeting, he added: "In the future, we will definitely pick up a lot of such gifts and send them out."

Lian Jun understood what he meant, smiled, raised his hand and put it on his lips.

Read The Duke's Passion