MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 8 Practice

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"Whatever you are, they are all in the future." 卦 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯

When I was in a bad mood, I grind my teeth and asked: "Then you said, are we really mangoes in these cars?"

"Well, this..." He retracted his hand and asked intimately, "Isn't it tired to enter the small one, do you need to change the class?"

This way of transferring the topic is too uncomfortable!

When he did not care about him, he stepped on the gas pedal and pulled closer to the front car.

In the early hours of the morning, the team deviated from the path and headed for a deep clear road along a road that was clearly cleared. I didn’t have enough experience in driving, and I couldn’t hold the tonnage of the big truck in the dense forest. I was very self-aware and took the initiative.

Just a few hours before the twists and turns, the team finally arrived at the destination of the delivery - a hidden village built deep in the jungle.

A short man who got off the bus and kept at the entrance to the village said a few words. The short-skinned man nodded and took out the whistle and blew it, so a large group of men in camouflage clothes came out from the hidden places in the village. I don’t have to say hello, I’m unloading the truck.

When I observed the men, I found that they had a little bit of military shadows in their hands, and they jumped back and retracted their heads with enthusiasm - jungle, unidentified cargo, half-way interception, suspected military receivers, The delivery task of the second time is obviously not simple. He is still a good fool, but he can't be bored because he is too curious.

卦二余光 noticed the movement of the time, the smile on the face was deeper.

The receiver was unloading quickly, and one metal box with dark green pigments was transported into the village. The truck was almost empty in less than a quarter of an hour. Yu Er and the short-skinned man greeted him and returned to the car.

“Is it sleepy?” Shu two closed the door and asked.

Time to nod: "Sleepy."

"Then you sleep." When he started the truck and smashed a cigarette, he still didn't ignite. "Wait for me."

Time to nod again, glance at the village hidden in the night, lying on the chair, said: "You want to pump, compared to a few mouthfuls of second-hand smoke, I am more afraid of your fatigue driving the car ditch. ”

I smiled and said: "You will drive the car into the ditch." But he took out the lighter and put the smoke.


It was another day of speed driving. In the early morning of the next day, the team returned to the orchard safely.

When I entered the car for two days, I couldn't eat well, I couldn't sleep well. When I got off the bus, I was already in a state of semi-death. I was almost dragged back to the dormitory by the second, and I slept in the bed.

When I felt this, I fell asleep heavily. I woke up at noon the next day, and I was hungry.

There is a canteen in the dormitory building. When I enter the door, I can see the past. When I enter the door, I see the second floor of the table that is eating noodles. I took the initiative and walked over.

He also saw him and smiled and waved at him.

When I sat down to the opposite side, I looked at his spirited appearance and his voice was weak: "How is your spirit so good?"

"It's your spirit is too bad, it's not like a young man." Two shouted the canteen master and gave him a bowl of noodles. He looked up and down when he looked up. He shook his head. "You are now meat." It’s very cute, but the physical quality is really bad. The key moments will be delayed and practiced.”

When I touched my stomach, I was already two times smaller than the beginning. I knew that my physical strength is indeed a big problem. I remembered the eight packs of my last life, picked up the chopsticks and rolled up the noodles. The tone was awkward: "Oh, that Just practice!" The fat has been reduced, and it is true that it should be practiced.

He raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect him to be so simple. He said, "I have a determination. Let's start. The mango garden is on the hill farthest from the dormitory. After you finish your breakfast, you will go around. Let's run a ten lap in the mango garden."

Hey, the noodles that had just been picked up slipped into the bowl and splashed his soup.


Good physical strength and good body can not be practiced in a day or two. When you bite your teeth, you don't need people to supervise. Every day, you consciously go up the mountain and go down the mountain. The body shape is quickly thinned down, the height is also awkward, and the clothes are changed. Small one.

On the wall of the monitoring room, I looked at the time when I ran into another picture from one screen. I sighed: "I have never seen such a high-quality newcomer, and I am conscious and diligent, with strong observation and crisis awareness. In place, the psychological quality is excellent, obedient, should not ask, do not ask, should not look at see, do not conceit, have a sense of proportion ... If you do not know his background, I must think that he is from where the cadet slipped out ""

Lian Jun also looked at the monitor screen and asked: "I asked all the things you asked to ask?"

"The question is clear." The second answer, I don't know what I thought of, my face showed a strange expression that I want to laugh at and laugh at. "It is a coincidence that he mixed into our contact point and lived in the mountainside hut. According to him, When he first arrived in Y province, he didn’t have enough money to stay at the hotel. After inquiring about it for a long time, I heard that the small park outside of us could enter without a ticket. I went there to spend the night, and when I strolled, I saw the house on the mountainside. ""

Seeing the mountainside from the park, this eye is indeed sharp enough.

Lian Jun’s manual movement on the wheelchair armrest said: “Continue.”

卦 忍 忍 忍 , , , 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ All of them are strict, he is afraid that the boss will not let him do the top game in it. After some field visits, I finally selected the small mahjong that looks like a very loose management."

The three who had been silent for a while couldn’t help but asked: "Then he wandered outside our base..."

He finally laughed and replied: "He is the chicken that we are cultivating in the mountains. I heard that on the day of the arrest of him, he still has a pot of chicken soup in his house."

Rao was calm and steady, and he couldn’t help but smile. He opened his mouth and finally sighed: "Then he has a bit of a fate with them."

"Who said no, he is also unlucky." When he remembered, he talked about the look of resentment at these moments, and the smile could not stop.

Lian Jun’s mouth is also slightly hooked, but this point is very shallow and no one notices. He no longer looked at the monitor screen, turned the wheelchair and turned, and told him: "After his physical strength is up to standard, let him teach him how to shoot and fight, and then bring him to see me."

Let me teach you? You can take a new person for a long time.

One of the two peers looked at each other and nodded.

On the mountain, when the time is full, it is sweating, and the hand is holding the knee. I look at the progress bar that suddenly drops back to 700 in the brain. I wonder: "How suddenly dropped?" After the last shipment, his progress bar Slowly returned to the 720 from almost full value, and stayed at the value of the time that Wei Chong stayed after the phone call. Although this time has been reduced due to his body shape change, it is always above 710.

The little death is also very doubtful. I guess: "Is it going to be the time of the latitude? You didn't call to remind him of his assistant."

When I thought about it, I wiped my sweat and replied: "Probably, forget it, keep running, today's mission has not been completed."

In a blink of an eye, in this month's time, Shijin insisted on running up the mountain every day, people were thin, and they were stunned, and everyone in the dormitory building gradually became familiar with it. In the middle of the game, he followed the squad two times to "mango". Every time he went there, it was different, but he never went to the first place, and he was not in danger.

Now he has completely lost the appearance of just reborn, the once-stained delicate flower beauty men's curly hair turned into a neat black straight short hair, white skin tanned into wheat color, no fat squeeze, facial features It became clear and three-dimensional, with a handsome eyebrow and a red-toothed white hair. It was particularly ridiculous to laugh.

Both of them were shocked. I didn’t expect that the appearance of the time was actually a small fresh meat hanging. Every time I teased his smile with a milky taste.

After the shape has been completely changed, the progress bar of the time has dropped to 690, and the safety line has been properly entered. The progress bar on the side of Lianjun also did not rise any more, even after the stomach was raised, slowly returned to 600.

Shijin had some doubts about this, until he heard that Yu San had accidentally mentioned that he had gone out with his mission, and after the orchard, he did not understand why the progress bar of Lianjun was stagnant.

He tried to inquire about the second thing from the second and the third, but the two were both fine and tight, and he was afraid that the question was too deep and suspicious, so he only got some special superficial information, no big use. .

In this way, the days suddenly stabilized and leisurely, and even had a feeling of quiet years, but obviously, this kind of silence is just an illusion, the progress bar does not disappear, and the stability is like a flower in the mirror. If you don't pay attention, you will be gone.

One morning, the hour was suddenly awakened by the eager tone of death: "Go in, wake up! The progress bar suddenly began to rise, you and the baby are! Your rise to 700, baby's rose to 750 , and continue to increase, there must be something wrong!"

When I entered my heart, I fell asleep, and quickly jumped out of bed, went to the window and glanced outside. The eye-point found that the direction of the orchard door seemed to be shaking, busy wearing clothes, but just holding the phone with the door. The second one that came out touched it.

"What's wrong?" When I saw it, I didn't look good. I asked quickly.

卦 皱 皱 , , , , , 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱

Are you back? !

When I was in my heart, I took a look at the two progress bars that were still rising in my mind and said, "I am with you."

No. 2 nod, no longer delay, while calling the infirmary, while walking quickly toward the outside.

Read The Duke's Passion