MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 85 Breakthrough

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When the plane landed in M, the sky was completely dark.

When he entered the airport, he walked out of the airport and closed his eyes on the back seat of the car.

"Let you don't keep staring at the dense words. Now it's good. You haven't seen Xu Chuan yet. You have to mess yourself up." He took a bottle of water from his small refrigerator to his forehead. On the last post, I asked, "Is there a spirit?"

When the time was shaken by the ice, he hurriedly opened his head and opened the water bottle on his forehead. He said with incompetence: "I don't want to be like this. Xu Chuan is a smart man, he is cautious, his mouth is tight, I don't think of a breakthrough point earlier. He, waited for him to meet him, I am afraid that I will return without success."

"I am afraid of what, I think you are thinking about things too complicated. Xu Chuan is now the ants in our hands. I want to see them at any time. You can’t speak at once. You can always go twice. He will show up sooner or later. Don't worry too much." The second appease, take back the water bottle and unscrew it, and hand him over.

When I was thankful, I took a sip of water and looked at the top of the car, sighing in my heart. Can Lianjun still waiting for him to go back in the B city, he did not have so much time and Xu Chuan consumption, still have to find a quick fix.


The car drove into a hotel opened in M ​​province, and when he gave it, he opened a presidential suite and arranged for him to live in.

"I and Wu Wu will also live on this floor. All the staff on this floor are the guardians who are transferred from the king. The safety can guarantee that you can rest assured." Happening.

When I heard the words, I looked at the tall cleaners passing by in the corridor. The eyebrows were pumped. After thanking the second, I carried the luggage into the house. I closed the door and gave Lianjun a video call for Ping An.

The phone is still connected in seconds. After the screen appeared, Lian Jun first looked at the color of the time. Seeing his expression, he frowned and asked: "What is it, very tired?"

"No." When I was busy, I put my face in my spirit and replied, "I am using my brain too much. When I came, I was thinking about how to open Xu Chuan’s mouth, but I always thought about it all the way. I can't think of a clue."

He has too little information on Xu Chuan's information here. He seems to know a lot of things, but those things are likely to be known to Xu Chuan. After all, Xu Chuan is the confidant of Shi Xingrui. I have experienced those things in the past and I have learned more than him. This time he came to know some information about Xu Jie and the past from Xu Chuan. If Xu Chuan took the policy of silent resistance as he was when he was arrested, then he would be white.

Lian Jun saw him so distressed, his finger point to the wheelchair armrest, and suddenly said: "When you set off, I carefully looked at the information of Xingrui, Xu Chuan and Xu Jie."

When I went into it, I instinctively glanced at the desk table in front of him. I saw several files that I didn’t read, and I slightly raised my eyebrows. I said, "How do you think about it? You still have a lot of documents. It..."

After returning to B City, other people have rested more or less for a while, and only the Lianjun is still a constant document every day, busy. Although he has never asked the work of Lianjun, he can also guess that Lianjun has definitely been overcrowded recently. Now the situation on the road is turbulent due to the disintegration of the Nine Eagles and the Ghosts. There is always the possibility of a conflict, and there is not much time left for the transformation of the security. Before all conflicts erupt, Lianjun must find a way to complete the transformation.

Every time he went to the study, Lian Jun had a job waiting to be processed, and now Lian Jun still has to take the morning time to heal the exercise, and the time becomes more and more useless. Now that Lian Jun took out working hours and helped him read the information, he must work overtime at night.

"There are not many documents sent today, no mistakes. And now that I am back, he can help me share a little." Lian Jun glanced at his thoughts, slowed down the voice to appease him, and then took the information in his hand. Get up and say, "The so-called authorities are fascinated, the bystanders are clear, I say my guess, you can be a reference, of course, I am not going to interfere with your private affairs, just want to give it a try and see if you can help you."

... How can there be such a thoughtful person in this world?

When I saw that Lianjun looked down and looked at the information, my heart was soft, and I couldn’t wait to cross the screen to hold Lianjun’s kiss.

Every time, as long as he has encountered difficulties, Lianjun will either help him voluntarily or secretly, and Lianjun will help him, but he will be very measured and will never interfere with his decision or his affairs. Fingers and feet.

Suddenly I want to go back to Lianjun, if there is no such thing as a break.

"I miss you." He couldn't help but open his mouth and his face was a little bit stunned.

Lian Jun saw the expression of his expression after the information was exhausted. The voice became more and more low, and he said with a slight relief: "I am also."

The two briefly silenced for a while, adjusted their moods and said, "I will go back as soon as possible."

Lian Jun waved the information in his hand and said with a smile, "I am here to help you come back soon."

Then Shijin also laughed, and the tiredness of his face was swept away. He walked to the sofa and lay down. He found a bracket and put the tablet upright facing himself. He said, "Then you said, I listed one. In the afternoon, the line is big, and you can help me develop my ideas."

Lian Jun looked at the cozy look of his lying down, let go of his heart, and put down the information and said: "My guess is three: one, Xu Chuan and Xu Jie are relatives, but Xu Chuan should not be Xu Jie's long-term ally; Xu Chuan has been doing things for the time, but there may be a crisis of trust between him and Shishangrui. Shiliu is prepared for Xu Chuan. Third, combining the above two points, I suspect that Xu Chuan does not know you. The relationship between the mother and Jane."

When I listened, I couldn’t lie down. I sat up and said with a sigh of relief: "How did you come to these conclusions? The information was not written." He can now because he does not know how much information Xu Chuan has mastered. It is not allowed to determine the entry point of the conversation between Xu Chuan and Xu Jie. If the speculations of Lianjun are established, then he still wants to cut in, and it is enough to bomb the information of Xu Chuan.

Lian Jun looked at his big eyes and looked a little silly expression, explaining in detail: "The change of interest will not lie, I will not only look at the survey data, but also read the various interests of Ruixing from its establishment to the present. Judging from the changes in the equity and income distribution of Ruixing, Xu Chuan and Shi Xingrui’s absolute trust in each other was from the time when Ruixing established Ruixing, and when Xu Jie was born, Wei Chong was half a year later. After that, Xu Chuan from Shi Xingrui’s interest partner and lawyer became a simple lawyer. Popularly speaking, it was before this time that Shishang was doing business with Xu Chuan, and the two were mutually beneficial, and at this point in time. After that, Shihang Rui became hired Xu Chuan, and the simple above-level status gave Xu Chuan a salary."

Ruixing's information?

When I entered the accident, I suddenly realized it. How did he forget that Ruixing, as the center of interest that everyone is staring at, can carry a lot of secrets. He had been concerned about the investigation of information before, but ignored such a large information provider.

He patted his head, converged his thoughts and thought about the words of Lianjun again. The attention was fixed on one of them. When Xu Jie was born, Wei Chong was half a year later. Isn’t that time when Rui Rui abandoned Xu Jie?

When he revisited the survey data in the afternoon, he found out that if he really counted it, Xu Jie could be regarded as a special one among many women. In addition to Yunjin, other women are waiting for the other party to abandon the child. When they are born, they will come back and take a look. Only Xu Jie is different. When she was born, she was born after Wei Chong, even like The same family of three, and Xu Jie lived together for half a year.

He never doubted this before. He felt that it was because he was a father for the first time. He still had a little conscience in his heart, so he would show a little "long love" to Xu Jie, but now it seems It seems that it is not.

Therefore, this time node must have something happened, which led to the time when Rui abandoned Xu Jie and gave Xu Chuan a "downgrade", but what happened was definitely not too serious, and did not touch the restricted area of ​​the time, otherwise Rui had already opened the two.

What will it be... He thought, couldn't help but look up at Lianjun.

Lian Jun quietly waited for him to finish thinking, seeing him and looking up again, only to explain, "As for Xu Chuan and Xu Jie's relationship, from Xu Chuan, Wei Chonghe treated the other brothers with no difference, and He clearly has the opportunity to do things with the widow of Shiliu, but he has never acted. He and Xu Jie should only be at a certain time, because there have been several cooperations between relatives and interests, and long-term collusion is definitely There is no such thing. Xu Chuan is loyal to the business in the business. I don’t talk about the previous period that we don’t understand. If Xu Chuan does cooperate with Xu Jie, then this cooperation must be dead at the time. After the establishment."

Shi Jin immediately took his thoughts away from his words, recalled what Xu Chuan had done over the years, agreed with his speculation, and said: "Really, Xu Chuan has been doing my best for my dad before my father was born. ”

"But Shishangrui is not completely trusting Xu Chuan." Lianjun’s tone is affirmative, and he took a few more materials and asked him to look at it. "Xu Chuan is not only an excellent lawyer, but also an excellent businessman. During the expansion period, I experienced many industrial structural transformations. When I was able to use Xu Chuan, I could use it, but he did not use it. Instead, he chose Xu Tianhua, who was obviously dissident, to become a deputy. After that, Shihang Rui only gave some pure interests and false status to Xu Chuan, and did not give him rights. In business, this is still the case, then he will definitely not be in the most persistent emotional affairs of Shiliu. More information was disclosed to Xu Chuan."

When he looked into his hand, he painted all kinds of income statistics. The spirit of Xuexue’s spirits began to look dizzy and he looked away from his eyes and said: “So you conclude that Xu Chuan should not know me. The relationship between the mother and Jane Jinwen?"

Lian Jun put down the information and nodded, "Well, but this is just my guess, not the result that has been determined."

Shi Jinjin felt that he speculated that it was probably true, bowed his head and thoughts continued to diverge.

The relationship between Yunjin and Jane Jinwen is too secret. Shiliu is so heavy in Jane’s text. After experiencing the stimuli of finding a substitute for many times, he will definitely be young and still young. There are still too many unknowns. The perfect substitute is especially important. Xu Chuan, as a subordinate who once had a "stain", will certainly not tell him the true situation of Yunjin.

When he crossed the timeline in the car this afternoon, he had come to a conclusion that Xu Chuan should have taken Jane Jinwen as a friend during the few years of contact with Jane Jinwen. This is seen from Xu Chuan. After he leans down, the overly intense reaction can be inferred. Even his heart has a hypothesis - Xu Chuan will also like Jane. However, he was a little uncertain afterwards. After all, he has never heard of a man who will continue to help his rivals after his favorite person dies.

However, if all the above information is true, Xu Chuan does not know the relationship between Yunjin and Jane Jinwen. Xu Chuan even has a different mind on Jane Jinwen. The cooperation between Xu Chuan and Xu Jie does not have the meaning he first thought. Reliable, then if he tells Xu Chuan directly, he is the nephew of Jane Jinwen...

He couldn't help but slammed the sofa cushion and excitedly looked at Lianjun – what breakthrough point to look for, and directly use information to defeat Xu Chuan's heart defense line!

Lian Jun leaned back in the back of the chair and waited for his thoughts to end. He saw his eyes brightly looking at the past, knowing that he had figured it out, and his mouth was pulled up and asked: "Can you sleep well today?"

"You can sleep very well!" When the time fluttered past the screen, he snorted a little, and said happily, "Baby, you are so smart!"

Lian Jun raised an eyebrow: "Baby?"

When I entered the face, I made a cry. I just made his question into a statement, and then transferred the topic and said: "You are not allowed to work overtime to approve documents today. If you can't finish it, you can stay until tomorrow and sleep on time."

Lian Jun took a look at the time, no longer teased him, and in turn shouted: "Then you have to rest early."

"No problem!" When he promised, he whispered a few words with him, and then reluctantly hung up the phone.


Upon dawn, after eating breakfast the next morning, I took a ride to the M Provincial Prison.

When he saw him with a relaxed face, he even had a feeling of numbness and was shocked. He asked: "You are not worried about the conversation with Xu Chuan, and you give up on yourself?"

"What is self-defeating, I have found foreign aid, and I have already been opened up by Ren Duo." When I did not raise my head, I touched Zhang Xin brand and then directly Hu.

I don’t have to think about it. Who knows when the foreign aid in the import is turned over, and turned a white eye on the back of the chair. He whispered: "Is it better to ask for help early? I have to die on my own, knowing that my brain is not radiant... ”

When you enter your ears, the legs are a shadowless foot of Foshan.


The prison was on the outskirts of M. After about an hour's drive, the car stopped at the prison gate.

When he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call, it was not long before a uniformed man came out and personally led them into jail and took them to the visiting room.

"Xu Chuan, this prisoner is very strange. Since he came here, he has been alone, not communicating with other prisoners, not accepting visits, not accepting outside calls, rejecting foreign letters, and resisting the network opening activities once a week... short, all the things related to social, he refused. He became very silent, he was reading when he was fine, and he always read the books, which is very well managed and very close." Walking and explaining, the brow is always wrinkled. "This time it is forced to accept your visit. He himself is very resistant. You are better prepared, he will never cooperate with your conversation."

Time did not expect Xu Chuan to be in this state in prison, frowning, thanked the prison guard for reminding him, looking at the visiting room that had appeared in the line of sight, reaching into the pocket and touching the photos placed inside. Slightly spit out a breath.


The iron door hoared and opened, and when it entered, it entered the visiting room and looked at the only figure in the room.

Xu Chuan heard the opening of the door and looked up. When he saw the moment, he blinked for a moment, and quickly recovered to the Qingming. He looked down again and looked at the hand he was holding under the table. He said: "All said that the winner is king, defeated. Hey, you are looking for it now, you want to whip the body?"

When I walked in, I sat down opposite him and replied: "I don't have the hobby of whiplash, and I don't hate you. I came here to figure out something and want to tell you something."

Xu Chuan didn't look at him. He said coldly: "There is nothing to say between me and you."

"If I say that Jane is my fault, do you still think that there is nothing to say between us?" When he entered the door, he stared at Xu Chuan's face and observed his expression.

Xu Chuan was a glimpse, then he raised his head and tried to stand up. He was shocked and asked, "What are you talking about? Whose name did you just say? You said who is yours! You are not qualified to call him. The name, the play of your counterfeit goods -"

When I entered two photos, I pushed them over and said: "These two people are Wei Ming and Guan Jiajia. They are the parents of Mr. Jane and my mother. This is a picture of Mr. Jane when he was a child. This is a picture of my mother when I was a child. Xu Chuan, if it is not blood, do you think there will be two people in this world who are almost exactly the same when they were young?"

Xu Chuan looked down at the photo on the table, his eyes wide open, his hands on the chair struggling, trying to pick up the photos.

"More than photos, I have detailed birth information for Mr. Jane and my mother. If you want to see it, I can show it to you." Shijin then reached out and took all the photos on the table, and deliberately took photos of Jane’s text. Stay in the end and take it away.

Xu Chuan is almost a good eye to see the photos of Jane Jinwen, his eyes are a little scary.

When I saw the mood, I was very complicated. I sighed in my heart. Sure enough, Xu Chuan’s feelings for Jane’s text were different.

"Now, do you still think that there is nothing to say between us?" Shijin deliberately indifferent tone, holding the photo face down and holding it at hand, looking at the sight and followed Xu Chu, who pointed to his face, Said, "When I last met, you said that I don't deserve this face. I also said that my most like his place is the lips. At that time, I thought that you said 'he' is actually 'her', referring to my mother. Now think about it, it’s actually referring to Mr. Jane."

Xu Chuan looked at his face, his expression was a little bit tense, his body swayed, and he suddenly fell back to the chair and said, "I have nothing to say to you... even if you have a blood relationship with the text, You are not him, you will never be."

When I wrinkled my frown, I knew that it was impossible to die.

"Of course I am not Mr. Jane, and I will never be Mr. Jane." He leaned back into the back of his chair and folded his hands over his abdomen. He had a shadow of a cheap man. "But I am the nephew of Mr. Jane. It was his last blood relative in this world. It is not the opposite. When I checked this information, I went to see Mr. Jan’s adoptive father. It was a very kind and great old man. He always appreciated you. But he doesn't know, in fact, you are just a liar, a liar who helps the devil to monitor Mr. Jane."

Xu Chuan’s body was shaking, and the palm of his hand was clenched, but he still did not speak.

"I promised him to help him find out Mr. Jane's life, to understand the relationship between my mother and Mr. Jane, and promised that if I finally investigated the result, I did have a blood relationship with Mr. Jane, then I will Go to the door and tell him the truth, and join him to go to Mr. Jane for a scent."

Xu Chuan suddenly looked up and looked into the past, and said, "You are not worthy."

When I entered the sneer, I stood up and let Xiaodie brush myself a buff and said, "Why am I not worthy? My mother is a victim. I have not done anything to be sorry for Mr. Jane. Of course I will scream him! Give him a scent! But you are different. You are a liar who approaches him with purpose. He is the accomplice who helps the devil to imprison him. The real unworthy person is you! You even want to help others kill me. Killed Mr. Jane’s last **** relative in this world! Let me think about it. If Mr. Jane knows that your friend wants to kill his loved one, what reaction will he have? Disgust? Hate? Oh, no, Mr. Jane. A good person, how could there be such a negative emotion, he will probably only disappoint you, it will be very sad, and I will never want to see you again."

Xu Chuan’s expression became more and more terrible as the speed of the speech speed increased. When he looked at the aggressive appearance, he saw that Jane Jinwen was watching him disappointingly, his heart was tight, and he tried again. Pulled the handcuffs on the wrist and shook his head and said, "No! No, I don't, I--"

"Shut up!" When he slammed his words, he looked at his eyes and said with a soft voice, "Xu Chuan, Mr. Jane’s adoptive father is already old, and he can only live for up to ten years. Ten years later, You are in prison, the only person in the world who can go to sweep the tomb for Mr. Jane and give him the incense, only me, do you really want me to die?"

Xu Chuan’s pupil slammed hard, his chest swelled and he looked straight at him for a long time. He suddenly took his breath and took a deep breath. He sat back on the chair and said in a mute: “Photo... I want a photo of the text, my hand The photos in the photo were taken away when they were in prison."

When I got into my eyes, I sat back in the chair and turned over the photo on the table. I pulled it out and pushed it forward.

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