MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 92 Warehouse No. 1 (on)

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When Wei Wei Chong received the call, he immediately found Lian Jun and told him that Xu Jie had sneaked out of the hospital. Although I don't want to admit it, at this festival, Xu Jie suddenly disappeared from the hospital. It is a normal person who knows that it is tricky.

"Investigate Xu Jie's whereabouts and her social traces during this time, don't let go of any clues." Lian Jun directed to Yan, and then looked at Wei Chong, coldly said, "This time, when you come in, I plead, I will not let go of your mother easily. You and Xu are best prepared. I am not a good person who can't play even." After talking to the other side, I waved my hand and let He pushed himself away.

When Wei Xing’s expression changed, he stepped to chase, but he was stopped by the next five.

"Stop, please rest in the lounge before the news of the time."

Fei Yujing, who was chased after the next step, frowned and said, "What do you mean? Lianjun can't help but want to put us under house?"

Looking at him, he looked back at him with no expression: "It's just a temporary restriction on your actions. You don't understand the rules. The random action is likely to cause trouble for everyone, so please wait patiently and don't intervene to rescue." ”

In my heart, Fei Yujing, who was looking for a way to save people’s ideas, sinks his face and thinks of the battle between the violent organizations that watched in the L country. Although he is somewhat unwilling, he has to admit that the methods of violent organization It is indeed too much difference with ordinary people. His little energy is not enough to see in the face of extinction.

"Can you guarantee that you can take it back safely?" he asked with a temper.

He nodded affirmatively and replied: "Yes, according to the current clues, the time should be taken away by the violent organization invited by Xu Jie. In the B city, dare to move hands and get people so efficiently. There are few violent organizations, and the investigation is very fast. The value of the time is definitely alive and dead than the death, so it is conservatively estimated that at least within 24 hours, the time is absolutely safe."

Standing in the end, Li Jiuyi couldn't help but step forward and said: "Which person who went out with Xiaojin definitely saw who tied Xiaojin? I know a lot of excellent doctors, I can help you a few more... ..."

"Sorry." When he interrupted him, he said that he had not left any room. "Except for Xu Jie, you all have the suspicion of getting into the hands. Before the time is brought back safely, it will not let you intervene." Things related to the rescue, wait for the news, goodbye." After the instructions, several of the subordinates followed up, let them "send" Fei Yujing several people back to the lounge, and then turned and left.

He said that he was too unremarkable, and Fei Yujing and Li Jiuyi’s expressions became somewhat ugly. When Wei Chong is already going to collapse, he kneels down and raises his forehead and whispers: "If I am careful again..."

"You have something to use carefully." Fei Yujing looked down at her and couldn't look down on his current appearance. "Your mother wants to hurt people. Even if you tie her up, she can still find opportunities. Get up, save now. It’s important to change time. Just the words that you said in the last five years are just farting, and what is safe for 24 hours. Your mom must be going to meet with the people who are going to catch up. Think about your mother’s chances when he sees it. Let's do something about time."

At the time, Wei Chongwen said that his body was stiff and his hands were tightened.

Li Jiuyi’s expression suddenly became pale and said: “The last time Xu Jie asked Xu Chuan to place a violent organization, the request for the list was 'disfigured, broken fingers, want to kill, but must be tortured enough time first', if Let Xu Jie see Xiaojin..."

When the words came out, the atmosphere immediately sank a few degrees.

Fei Yujing took out his mobile phone and wanted to call outside to make a call. When Wei Chong immediately stood up from the ground, he picked up his mobile phone and wanted to call Xu Jie and Xu’s family to find information as much as possible. Li Jiuyi also took it out. Mobile phone, I want to let several brothers who are currently staying in B city rush to the hospital where the second is located.

However, their phone has not been dialed out, and they were interrupted by the next five sects.

"Don't break the little things." The leader of the leader grabbed Li Jiuyi's cell phone and hang up the phone he dialed out. He warned coldly, "B city is intricately complicated. Who knows if you are looking for someone?" There are backers and connections of hostile forces, and you are so chaotic again, don't blame me for being polite to you."

He said that the situation is not impossible. Fei Yujing and other people's expressions have changed. In the end, they all unwillingly put down their mobile phones. In the end, Fei Yujing calmed down and said: "Wait for news, although I don't want to admit it, But it’s really more reliable to be led by Lian Jun to save people than to mess with us."

The three men returned to the lounge under the **** of the five geniuses, each looking for a corner to sit down and wait quietly. When Wei Chong sat down, he kept his head down and could not see his expression. Fei Yujing looked at him for a while, and finally frowned and regained his sight.

Now, in this situation, no one can comfort anyone.

In the next hour, Rong Zhou Zhonghe Xiang Ao Ting also rushed to the clubhouse, and then they were forced to stay in the lounge to rest, nowhere to go.

"Let's wait for it all the time." Rong Zhou was so angry that he wanted to slam the door. When Yu Guang swept to sit in the corner, Wei Chong couldn't help but lean over his collar and said with a black face. "How did you look at your mother? When you enter, you can understand the words so clearly. How can you let your mother really touch him? I knew that this will happen today. I should remind you of the time. Stop contacting you!"

"Three brothers!" Towards the court, stepped forward and held Rongzhou down and persuaded him to say, "Let's say a few words, Big Brother is already very difficult, calm down a bit, this is not a big deal..."

"Who should you blame?" Rong Zhou pushed his hand and said: "Is this the wrong time? Is it okay that he has nothing to do to go out and buy food? According to the logic of yours, the last Is this all about blaming him again?"

His words are really poisonous, and the sentence is a bit painful. Fei Yujing’s face sinks and says: “The third child, you calm down! Everyone is half a catty, you are not qualified to blame anyone, sit down, don’t make trouble.”

Rong Zhouzhong heard a stiff expression and irritated to find a recent sofa to sit down.

When Wei Chong was released by him, he sat back on the sofa and continued to lower his head. His eyes were dark and his hands were slowly clenched. If the time went wrong, if...


In the study room, Lian Jun looked at the monitoring screen in the lounge. He pointed a wheelchair armrest and asked: "How is the situation at the No. 1 warehouse?"

When I flipped the information on my mobile phone, I replied: "The warehouse has been completely set up, and the time is getting familiar with the environment. Xu Jie will be there in about half an hour, except for the time when Xu Jie and the tarantula person in charge are negotiating. After about forty-five minutes, she will face up with the time."

Forty-five minutes, plus time to stimulate Xu Jie alone... Lian Jun’s hand with the handrail stopped and said: “After half an hour, when they sent a notice, Wei Chong, they said that time has been found. And then take them to the first warehouse."

As soon as I answered it, I turned and arranged it.

Lian Jun revisited the surveillance screen on the computer and watched the brothers in the house with low air pressure.

I only hope that this time, I can have fun.


The No. 1 warehouse does not actually refer to a real warehouse, but refers to a factory that has been abandoned.

Shijin never knew that there was such a desolate and hidden place in the suburbs of B City. As Lushan walked in, he curiously looked around.

Lushan looked at his performance and deliberately said: "You are not afraid that I am actually a smuggler, ready to take advantage of you to buckle here, use your life to threaten the eternal?"

When I read the words to her, I honestly replied: "I am not afraid, you didn't want to harm me, and half of the people who lie in here are dead. You don't dare to move me." The most important thing is that he is close to Lushan. At the time, the progress bar not only did not rise, but also dropped some, which proves that Lu Shan is his survival factor and will protect him when he is in danger.

"I really don't like you young and slick." Lushan saw that he didn't scare him. He snorted and took him to the big warehouse in the deepest part of the factory. He said, "Go, lie down, I broke the clothes and looked like a wolf. When I was ready, I sent Xu Jie."

When the time came in, he slid in the past, and he rolled his own ash on the spot, then grabbed his hair, lie flat and looked at Lushan, and asked: "Is this enough?"

This series of actions is really **** natural proficiency.

Lushan's face was pumped, and she waved her handlessly, indicating that several of her cronies were **** with a rope and then turned and left.


When I was lying on the ground, I closed my eyes and raised my mind. In my heart, I asked a little death: "Is there a buff that can make me look like a girl? I don’t need to be especially like, let Xu Jie occasionally have hallucinations and see me as Yunjin. The degree will be fine."

Xiaodie quiet for a while, seems to be retrieving data, and then replied: "There are some, but there are sequelae. This kind of change of appearance and buff with confusing effect will put some pressure on your body in a short time. After the buff disappears, you will be uncomfortable for a while."

"Nothing, the aftereffects are sequelae, I can stand it." Time is very happy, then think of something, and ask, "Wait, the sequelae last for a long time? I have to go to the school to report, I have to do it later. Will physical examination and military training have an impact?"

Xiao Die helped him count the time and replied: "It won't affect, the sequelae last up to three days, and the symptoms are gradually reduced."

When I entered the news, I let go of my heart and calm down, waiting for Xu Jie’s arrival.

I don't know how long I have been lying. When I was about to go to sleep, he heard a sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground. The wolf spiders who had been relaxing and chatting on the side stood up and stood up and watched as they guarded him.

The light in the warehouse was a bit dark, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a woman in a long skirt and a medium-sized man parked at the door of the warehouse and talking while passing through the gaps of the guards.

"Let you come today, just to let you check the goods, it is not safe, we must take him for a second transfer, you don't want to move him today, or I will be very troublesome to handle." The medium-sized man said, listen The voice should be the person in charge of the tarantula in B city who had previously negotiated business with Xu Jie.

Xu Jie can't wait to hear the words, "I know it", and step forward.

The people who kept on the side of the time tacitly spread out, revealing the figure of time.

The two looked up, one high and one high, and one wolf lying down, the situation seemed very unfriendly to the time.

"Hello, wild species." Xu Jie seems very satisfied with this angle to look at the time, his face reveals a gentle smile, stretched his legs and kicked the body when kicking, sarcastically, "You are not Say if I dare to move you, you have to take my life, but now you are so embarrassed, the scorpion you squatted, why didn't you protect you?"

Little dead air to the explosion: "She is a baby, I am going to hit her!"

"Calm, feel ready to brush buff for me." Shijin was a bit angry, but still steady, comforting a small death, struggling to sit up, looking up at Xu Jie, grinning brilliantly, "Sure enough You know that you are not so easy to wear soft. Xu Jie, does your son know your little trick? Let me guess... he certainly doesn't know. So what am I going to do now, wait for this, You are the real betrayal."

The smile on Xu Jie's face disappeared. When he looked at it, he smiled and looked at him with a fearless look. He suddenly pulled out a folding fruit knife from his pocket and rushed toward him. He said: "Wild species, close your mouth." !"

Little dead scream: "Slow down and enter! Run!"

Time is very calm to roll on the spot, avoiding Xu Jie, which is full of loopholes, the rope on the leg does not know when he was loosened by his legs, and he took advantage of Xu Jie’s foot.

Xu Jie wore high-heeled shoes and was stung by an unstable one. She leaned back directly on the ground and the fruit knife in her hand fell to the side.

The person in charge of the tarantula saw the face in front of the face, first let the subordinates re-engage the time, then bent over and rudely picked up Xu Jie, directly gave her a slap, and said coldly: "How was I before?" I told you, don't think that you are a customer, I don't dare to do anything to you, dare to create trouble for me, I let you come in and hang out! Come to the individual, give me a good search for her, see her No other weapons!"

Immediately after the tarantula standing behind him, he sighed and held Xu Jie up and searched her up and down. She searched her for a very sharp sharp eyebrow knives.

"Get out! Don't touch me with your dirty hands! Go away!" When Xu Jie suffered this kind of insult, he was struggling with madness.

The person in charge sneered and gave her a slap and said: "Dirty hands? You think that this old-fashioned and vicious old woman will be a clean thing in our eyes! Don't toast and not eat fine wine, I dare to take my warning to the wind, I cut your ears!"

Xu Jie was threatened by his downs and downs, and he was so trembled that he wanted to break out, but he was afraid of the bad momentum that the other party exuded, and he dared not play the prestige again. He endured this tone and pulled out a Unsightly smile, said: "I just can't help it for a while... let go, I have to go check."

The person in charge frowned at her and determined that she was really honest. Only then showed her to let go of her and retreated to the side.

Xu Jie touched the face that had been hit with two slaps, turned and looked at the hatred and looked back to the ground when he was re-tied.

Time is going to be ruined by Lu Shan’s wonderful operation. Seeing Xu Jie look over, he does not hide his gloating, and smiles and says: “What is going on, how is this customer than me? The kidnapped person is still unseen? You look at you, look at me again, who is the trick at the end?"

Xu Jie’s expression was distorted, and she couldn’t help but raise her hand and wanted to give her a slap in the face.

"Hey!" The person in charge snorted.

Xu Jie's body was stiff, and he looked at him sideways and unwillingly let go of his hand.

When I saw it, I smiled and smiled and slowly faded my expression. Coolly said: "You are not asking me who is '傍', why didn't you protect me? You are wrong, he has been protecting I, the tarantula people don't dare to do it to me now, because I have such a boyfriend. And you, obviously spent money, but in turn have to be angry, why is this? Recognize Xu Jie, you are losing Give it to me, and I have been losing. What you have tried hard to find, my mother can only get it by smiling at the father. Everything you fight for your son, I only say something to my father. If you want, you can grab it all. Even if your father is dead now, you seem to have won, but as long as I say no to you, he can find you a fight and also take the shares of Ruixing. Return it to me, you said, have you lived a life that failed?"

"You shut up!" Xu Jie was distorted by his expression and wanted to go forward.

The person who stood in front of him immediately reached out and stopped Xu Jie and looked at her with warning.

Xu Jie couldn't stand it, and pushed them and said: "Who are you helping? The stock of Ruixing still wants it! You have to pay for it!"

"They are of course helping the interests, who can give them benefits, who they will help, and vice versa, who will damage their interests, who will be unlucky." Without the head of the tarantula, the time is first opened. Looked at Xu Jie, "What is the stock of Ruixing in your hand? If there is me, what does the tarantula want to find a good lord? I can even directly put the entire Swiss bank, do you forget? Ruixing has been repaid to me by Shiwei. Xu Jie, advise you not to take yourself too seriously, as long as you give enough benefits, I can even let them kill you."

Xu Jie’s body was shocked, and he was shocked and shocked to see the tarantula’s subordinates who stopped him. He took a step back and looked back at the person in charge at the back. He said, “You can’t do business without being so credible...”

"This kid is right. Whoever gives me benefits, I will help anyone, so I advise you to be honest. The principle of Taoist people is not so secure." The person in charge was cold and cold, and did not give Xu Jie a face.

Xu Jie looked white and looked back at the time. He bit his teeth and suddenly calmed down. He asked, "When are you going to make a second transfer?"

Ok? Actually calmed down?

It’s a bit of an accident, and it’s a bit boring.

The person in charge looked at the time and replied: "After an hour, we have to clean up the route of retreat."

She can afford it for an hour. Xu Jie slowed down and asked: "Can I stay here and wait for the transfer?"

The person in charge nodded: "Of course, but you are not allowed to mess."

"I know." Xu Jie should go down, look at the time, raise his hand and sort out the messy hair and clothes, and smile calmly. "I don't do it, I just want to talk to the time."

When I saw her smile, I counted the time and smiled. She said, "I just want to talk to you." After that, let Xiaodie brush himself a buff.

Xu Jie only felt that the figure of the time was slowly dimming, and it turned into a cloud-like appearance. When the heart jerked back, when he looked back, he still went forward, frowned, and doubted himself. Is it too tired to have an illusion?


The head of the tarantula left, leaving Xu Jie, who was sitting on the floor, sitting in the chair, and several guards staying in the storeroom.

Time into the first opening and asked: "What do you want to talk about?"

Xu Jie raised his legs and dialed his hair. He replied: "It's better to talk about your mother's death?"

"Yes." Shijin did not lose his coolness after hearing this, but he smiled and asked kindly. "If you want to talk, it is better to let my mom come out and recall with you." past?"

Xu Jie’s expression was stiff, and the erected Erlang’s legs were put down. When she looked at the time, she seemed to see the shadow of Yunjin, and she was still looking at herself, breathing, and her legs were almost soft. In the chair, he pulled his mouth and said, "I don’t want to be a ghost. What age? This kind of trick that fools children, do you think someone will be fooled?"

"What is the **** of ghosts, can you be so jokes?" Time to answer, endure the discomfort of the buff upper body, remember the death of the original mother, how suddenly the maliciousness in my heart could not stop, faintly asked, "Xu Jie The nurse who took care of my mother that year, did you still find her whereabouts? After midnight dreams, you are not afraid that she will suddenly stand up and take out all the scandals you have done in the past?"

Xu Jie’s heart jumped and looked at the time without fear. He said, “What do you know!”

"Know what?" When I asked, I raised my chin and looked at her. I gathered all my expressions and said coldly. "I know all the scandals you have done. Xu Jie, do you know how desperate is?"


On the road not far from the No. 1 warehouse, the five brothers of the family were sitting in the middle of the van, watching the first-class people bring the equipment and get off, and they were anxious.

Rong Zhouzhong looked at the Lianjun sitting opposite and asked: "Can we only watch here?"

"Reality is not acting, I want to go on my life, you go." Lian Jun replied indifferently, and after he got off the bus, he ordered the door to close.

The sound of the first-class report on the outside of the car was uploaded from the car communication device. It didn't take long for the crossfire to sound. In addition to Fei Yujing and Xiangting, the remaining few had never seen a violent organization. All the time brothers frowned.

Gunshots, screams, orderly commands, explosions... No one in the car spoke, and Rongzhou’s middle-class people looked straight into the abandoned factory building that seemed to have a fire, not far away. The expression becomes a ugly one - when you enter, is this a dangerous world?

When Wei Chong is also looking at the side, his eyes are dark.