MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 1 001

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The package is soft.

She is an RPG villain in the game "How Long Can a Female Star Live".

This is a popular survival game set in the entertainment industry.

Tens of thousands of players challenge every day. She has died countless times through stages such as Weiya falling to her death in a martial arts scene, the crew died of an infectious disease, and elevator failures... In the cabin, she recorded the number of deaths. , piled up an entire space under the bed, and built it five inches high—

Finally, one day, the lazy voice of a male player rang in her ear.

"Close the customs, but that's all."

Bao Ruan Ruan will always remember this sound.

Lazy, casual, casual, relaxed, neither high nor low. That's how he saved her, let her go all the way to the 10,000th level, sit on the throne of the queen, and wear the crown.

If possible, she would like to thank him.

But before she enjoyed it long, she fell from the soft throne.

It's dark in front of you, the game is over, and you can get a new life!

She is wearing it.

Bao Ruanruan came to the new world with only one wish: to live.

The pouring rain, accompanied by the sound of rain and thick fog, poured down.

Lightning and thunder lit up the gloomy sky.

Bao softly opened his eyes, feeling clammy and cold.

The rain was caught in the strong wind and hit her face like a knife.

There is water mist in front of you, and you can't see the world.

"Come in and pack up, move out immediately! Offending Mr. Lu is the end, I warned you already!"

The slightly fat man in the jacket ran angrily from the room to the balcony.

Mr. Lu?

The pages of the book were flipped and exploded in the soft brain.

She seems to have become a 108-line cannon fodder in the entertainment industry in a book.

The male protagonist in the book, Lu Wenyao, a big capital in the entertainment industry, took a fancy to her, signed a love agreement with her, and coaxed Mother Lu who wanted to hold her grandson.

As a result, the 'Bao RuanRuan' fake drama was real, and his heart fell, but Lu Wenyao patted his butt, turned around and got engaged to the actress in the circle, that is, the heroine of the book, and abandoned 'Bao RuanRuan' , and also forced the brokerage company to terminate the contract with her and hid her.

At this moment, the original body can't think about it, it's raining on the balcony, and I want to jump off.

The package is soft: ... cracked.

Why did she enter this kind of dog man dungeon as soon as she was out of the game?

He bears more than a retired queen should bear.

Bao Ruanruan was muttering, and the agent Ji Fei rushed to the balcony and saw that she was about to step on the fence, and hurriedly reached out to grab it.

"You're crazy and want to jump off a building—"

Jumping is impossible.

Faced with the fat unfamiliar hand reaching out to her, her soft eyelids twitched.

She has been running away from the game for many years, and her body reacts faster than logical thinking.

When her big hand was about to touch her, she kicked her left foot, pulled her wet skirt that was too long, and jumped to dodge.

The speed was so fast that the agent Ji Fei didn't even react.

I saw an afterimage flying past his eyes.

He didn't even catch the corner of the shirt, he just hit it empty!


Looking back, Ji Fei saw the girl with a thin white arm with blue veins clinging to the wall. On the rain-soaked white dress, a girl's soft and undulating curves were faintly drawn.

Soft and weak, it seems that the athletic ability just now is an illusion.

Her whole body is only indescribably tender and soft.

Ji Fei's thinking paused for a second.

When he signed her, he was also optimistic about her weak appearance and temperament.

But as soon as she hits the screen, she breaks down.

People are boring, have no professional ability, and are not good at acting in variety shows.

If the company didn't let her catch up with Mr. Lu in exchange for resources, she would have been abandoned.

But she was in love with her brain, entangled Mr. Lu, and created a scandal that Mr. Lu was looking for a mistress and a foster parent, and caused him to be criticized by the company!

When Ji Fei thinks of it, he feels unlucky.

Signed her for one year, but he didn't get the bonus and was fined his salary!

Ji Fei frowned fiercely, "It's best if you don't want to die! Put away your pitiful appearance! You made it all by yourself, why cry!"

After he finished speaking, he glared at the pair of red apricot eyes he expected, which were always black and translucent when crying, like a pool of water.

But... he only saw an elegant figure who took three steps back.

And a pair of beautiful water eyes looking at him, although a little red after crying, but at this moment there is no weakness at all.

Only cautious.



Bao Ruan Ruan Shui carefully and carefully scanned him several times.

"Excuse me, have you had a physical examination in the last month?"

Ji Fei: What?

Bao Ruanruan looked at the original manager, Ji Fei, and saw that his face was dark and yellowish, his neck was thick, beer belly, and there was a buzzing noise when he spoke, accompanied by bad breath.

She tensed.

Hepatitis disease, viral disease, flu, tuberculosis...all have similar symptoms, these diseases can be contagious!

The fatality rate is higher than 0.1%!

In "How Many Days Can a Female Star Live", she died of such infectious diseases 1295 times.

Tormented by illness, even if she had money, she couldn't save her, so she could only lie in bed, suffocate and convulse in pain until she died.

This kind of slow death has not yet stabbed her to death.


Bao Ruan's complexion changed greatly, and she retreated into the center of the living room.

Slim fingers took out a slightly wrinkled mask from the pocket of the wet dress, tightly covering the smooth face, and pressed the metal strip on the edge of the mask with the index finger.

"If you have symptoms of suspected flu, please wear a mask to avoid spreading the virus. Any disease should not be underestimated. It is recommended that you go to the hospital for a detailed examination."

Ji Fei: "?!"

The bag was soft and drenched in the rain.

Although she only understood a small part of the situation, she was not in a hurry. She left Ji Fei in the living room, opened the doors and windows and the fresh air system, and went to the bedroom to change into clean clothes.

Take the hair dryer and dry it.

She seems to have successfully brought out all the survival abilities in the game.

Escape speed, evasion ability…


"Are you okay?" Ji Fei waited impatiently at the door and came to urge her.

The bag blinked softly, and the hair on her hand did not stop.

"Do not dry your hair, it is easy to cause migraines, colds, severe pneumonia, encephalitis, and death. Don't worry."

"...!" Ji Fei had a headache.

At first he felt sick with a cold today, but listening to this now makes him feel bad.

She is a thorn.

How could he think she was easy to control?

Ji Fei's lips twitched.

After finally waiting for her to go to the living room sofa and sit down, Ji Fei took a deep breath and put the termination contract on the coffee table.

But just as she was about to move to the opposite side of her sofa, she was crossed by her hands on her chest.

Da Baa.

"Irregular prevention, two lines of tears for relatives."

Bao Ruanruan has a pair of clear water eyes that are naturally slightly upturned.

"During special periods, please take a seat at an empty seat. You can sit diagonally across from me."

"Hey, wear a mask too."

She pulled out another one and handed it over carefully.

Ji Fei: "..."

Ji Fei glared at her and shifted her position, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, you can read the company's official blog."

He opened the pad's Weibo page.

[How does Huangtai sign this kind of rat shit, I will be black as a Huangtai artist in the future! 】

[Bao Xiaosan said that he is the real girlfriend! Bah, how big is your face? Touch porcelain to our Xinxin? Do you know that it is illegal to spread rumors, go directly to the police station! 】

[Shameless, get out of the entertainment circle! 】

Damn, evil smoke! 】

"Your inappropriate behavior has caused a huge adverse impact on the company. All announcements must be cancelled, and liquidated damages must be paid, including the endorsement of the Red Blood M family who finally negotiated for you before. I will also terminate the contract and pursue compensation for the negative value you caused to the brand." Ji Fei was serious.

Red blood endorsement?

It seems that she is just a close friend of some brand, doing wholesale. There are about twenty close friends.

The bag is soft and raised eyebrows.

"At least you have to compensate the company-"

Bao raised his hand softly, "Stop."

Speaking of this, she is not sleepy.

Working for the game for so many years, she hates this shameless party A the most!

It was them who made her stay with Lu Wenyao, the big boss behind the scenes, and it was they who kicked her away as a ball now.

What more liquidated damages, why such a big face?

Isn't it all the **** they made with Lu Wenyao?

Thinking of the abhorrent behavior of forcing part-time workers to work without pay, and trying to drain the last blood of the workers, Bao Ruanruan wanted to beat them on the head.

"I don't want money, I don't want to die... I don't." Bao Ruanruan sat upright, with firm eyes.

She only has fists.

Ji Fei took a sip of water and almost choked, "Speak well, have you eaten firecrackers today?"

"Cough," Ji Fei returned to the topic, "Now Boss Lu is kind and doesn't want you to compensate. Even if our company wants to terminate the contract with you, Boss Lu also advises us to remember our old feelings."


The package was so soft that I could hardly hold back.

"So, in addition to termination, the company has given you a better choice.

Not only will we not terminate the contract with you, this two-bedroom, one-bedroom apartment in the city center can be given to you directly after three years. "

Bao blinked softly.

In the novel, they actually never thought about breaking the contract with Bao Ruanruan from beginning to end.

Just scare her and get her to agree to go abroad and calm things down. But after they managed to throw her out, they didn't care about her life or death at all.

She doesn't speak the language abroad, has no friends, and washes her face in tears every day in the room. Two months later, I went to school to study, and I was tricked by foreign youths into getting du, and after becoming delirious, I contracted a disease at one time, and finally died tragically in a foreign land.

When Bao Ruan thought about it, his face turned pale, and his little heart was pounding.

There are always bad guys trying to harm me!

"No," Bao Ruanluan stood up, "Go yourself."

Ji Fei's face changed greatly, "Don't know what's wrong! If it weren't for Mr. Lu's face, I would have terminated the contract with you at the beginning of the year-"

Bao nodded softly, "Well, I want to terminate the contract, isn't it just moving? Hurry up, it's lunch time."

If you eat after lunch, it is easy to have stomach problems.

"Can you sign the termination contract for me before twelve o'clock? I'll pack it first, and you can apply for the official seal."

Ji Fei: "!"

An hour later, pack softly and softly, bring a bank card with little deposit, and walk out of Hongrun Community.

In the distance, you can see a coffee shop serving lunch on the corner of the road.

At the intersection, the open-air seat of the new Internet celebrity coffee shop, a pair of straight long legs stretched loosely from the table.

Slender fingers with distinct knuckles, turning the cards on the table.

"Laughing to death, Huangtai issued an announcement that the contract with the love brain was softly terminated. If you were Xue Ge, how could you not let a beautiful woman come this far? First, the level is too bad, it's like a cloud and mud compared to you."

"Brother, look, you are so much better than Huangtai's agent, there is no need to bet with Uncle Xue—"

Before he finished speaking, a sign flew towards the talking hoodie man, and he hurriedly avoided.

"It's the old man who wants to bet me, find out."

The lazy voice sounded displeased.

Uninhibited, showing a bit of indifference.

The index finger pointed at the mole at the end of Peach Blossom's eye, "Hang up the sign, go to the store and stand by the door."


"The first person to talk to you, I'll sign her."

Chen Feng tightened the drawstring of the hoodie with one hand and was surprised, "Will it be too casual? It's not that you failed to win the popularity, so you should go back and inherit the family property? Brother Xue, you are going to lose to Uncle Xue. ?"

Xue Jing's long legs overlapped, her peach blossom eyes narrowed lazily, "I, will I lose?"

Chen Feng opened his mouth.

When he was still studying in college honestly, Brother Xue had already regarded the entertainment industry as a side business, and his school grades were all excellent. In a few years, he became the rumored dragon who sees nothing but the end.' Underground' ace broker.

He does not participate in entertainment in the circle, nor does he name a brokerage company, but he chooses whoever is popular, creating a myth of invincibility in the industry.

Many brokerage companies tried to recruit him, but failed.

Failure is normal, because no one could have imagined that the guy who created the myth would be the heir to the Xue family who ranks among the top ten in Asia's richest list!

A real descendant of high-class big capital, running to be a broker, of course, does not want to work for anyone, and does not want to listen to any company.

Not to mention, he himself is a 'personality' guy who hasn't opened for three years, and when he starts work depends on his mood.

Chen Feng watched helplessly, Xue Jing had never worked part-time as a broker in the past three years.

But this time, because I didn't want to inherit the family's property, I suddenly made a bet with the family and wanted to go out again.

It's really, gold and silver, don't give it to him!

Chen Feng touched his nose, but had no choice but to pick up the cardboard that Xue Jing threw over.

"I put up this sign, someone will come?"

After he finished speaking, he saw a line of handsome dragons and phoenixes dancing on the cardboard: [The mobile phone was stolen, I have no money to go home, please help. ]


When he didn't say.

"As long as it is a person, Brother Xue can be popular." After Chen Feng smiled awkwardly, he suddenly got, "But does it have to be a kind person?"

This eliminates the possibility of bad actors, brilliant!

Xue Jing leaned back, closed her eyes, and pressed a tissue with her long fingers to cover her sullen peach blossom eyes.

"And, not illiterate."

"It turns out!" Chen Feng admired.

But just after hanging up the sign, they were about to wait, and a figure covered the dazzling sunlight falling on Xue Jing's face.

A voice so clean and free of impurities rang in their ears.

"Mr. with a sign on your body, please move it a little, can you?"

"According to the "Code for Fire Protection of Building Design", no obstacles should be placed within 1.4 meters of the exit. Otherwise, if a fire occurs, everyone will not be able to escape, which will cause casualties."

"Can you stand away?"

Xue Jing opened her peach blossom eyes and saw the back of a fluorescent powder wearing a hat and a thick scarf.

"Brother Xue, does this count?"


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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy