MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 10 010

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The July production crew was quite hot when they encountered ancient costumes and hair extensions.

Thanks to Han Mo's physique, he doesn't sweat easily.

Usually, even if there is no air conditioner in indoor scenes, but there is a blower and a small fan, he thinks it is okay.

But today he hasn't changed into the three-layer robe, and hasn't draped the long hair of the hood, but his chest feels stuffy for a while, and his face has a faint heat.

Because there is a kind of hot face, it is called wronged.

He's...a little hot right now.

Because I was wronged twice.

The main actor's dressing room is separated from the supporting role's dressing room.

As soon as Han Mo sat down, he was greeted by the female lead.

"Why is Mr. Han's face a little red? Are you sunbathing?"

Han Mo: “…”

"It happens that I have an endorsement of the sunscreen, Mr. Han, please take one, SPF50, suitable for red and sensitive skin."

Secondary insertion.

Han Mo's eyes twitched, "No, thank you."

He closed his eyes and rested.

After a while, the phone vibrated.

【Lu Wenxi: Brother Han, have you seen the package is soft? Be careful, don't let her get close! My brother was determined to have nothing to do with her, and she still posted it crazily. Be careful, you will become unfortunate if you get entangled! 】

Han Mo's heart skipped a beat.


This must be avoided.

Last time he was on a variety show with an actress, and he was tied to a marketing account to fry CP, and it was only after a year of her love exposure that she was successfully released.

Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of the rope for ten years.

He is scared now.

Not to mention that there is a precedent for soft bags, she made Lu Wenyao and Tang Yuxin's engagement ceremony a joke in the circle.

Although Lu Wenxi believes in his brother's character, many people in the circle think that Lu Wenyao is not clean enough, and that he failed to take the top three. Lu Wenyao has indeed stepped on two boats.

Han Mo doesn't want to be a detective to find out the truth.

I don't want my artist to lose morality and become everyone's gossip.

Han Mo immediately paid attention.

"Mr. Han, everything is ready!"

Han Mo walked out of the dressing room and was extra careful today, keeping a certain distance from each opposite sex.

But his face was always as gentle as the spring breeze, and people didn't notice anything strange.

Until the camera…

This is a group play.

Ask the demon concubine's top ten crimes and put the demon concubine into the cold palace.

The lighting set of the crew used dark yellow and red as dim as dyed ink, implying the end of the villain and the end of the road.

In the bleak background, a group of actresses who played palace concubines were in their seats, wearing luxurious and beautiful clothes, wearing golden hairpins and emeralds on their heads, which also seemed to be covered with a layer of gray.

She turned her eyes slightly, a pair of watery phoenix eyes that sparkled like pure gems, and looked at people pitifully.

This pair of eyes can talk, it is so wrong.

It seems that she is blamed by the world, not her evil.


Han Mo couldn't fix him as soon as he saw it.

Unspeakable goose bumps climbed up from the tailbone!

Is this a demon concubine?

She looks like an innocent good person framed by a demon concubine!

This was the first time he met Bao Ruan Ruan.

I saw the photos before and knew she was beautiful.

But he never imagined that a girl who always wanted to rely on unspoken rules would have such a weak, deer-like slender look!

He has seen the video of her performance before, crying and laughing, her eyes are dull when she is emotional, as if she is blind, she has no talent and skills in acting, and it is even more black than the average young rookie.

So... this pitiful appearance is her true color?

The girl who made Lu Wenxi scolded and avoided is so harmless?

It's hard for a man to be harsh on these innocent eyes.

"Mr. Han, let's start the play once we're done."

Han Mo snapped back to his senses, alarm bells ringing in his heart!

He was careless!

A girl who can entangle with Lu Wenyao, apart from her appearance, must have an extraordinary scheming!

'Be careful, don't let her get close... Being entangled by her will make you unfortunate! ’

Lu Wenxi's text message reminder reverberated in my mind.

Han Mo looked at Bao Ruan's eyes, and instantly became vigilant.

He was about to look away cautiously, but who would have thought, Bao Ruanruan looked straight at him.

Standing behind the broad-shouldered assistant director.

She even picked up the script and covered her own face for a second.

Han Mo: "???"

How about getting close?


This is hiding... him?

"Surely he's staring at me."

The package is soft and silent.

This Han Mo stared at her as soon as she appeared.

It's the same 'malicious' scrutiny that made her scalp tingle.

There is always a bad guy trying to harm her.

She is obviously just an ordinary migrant worker, just want to earn some money honestly, wash herself slowly, and quit the circle safely and healthily, why is it so difficult?

Bao Ruanruan just wants to put - don't harm Lao Tzu, four big characters, and stick them on his body in bold, so that all evils will retreat.

"What about the soft bag? Come here, I'll tell you about the scene."

The assistant director waved and wanted to explain to her.

In the end, he moved his hand to the audience for a long time, but he didn't move. When he turned his head, he realized that she was already behind him.

And she was simple and obedient, she had already heard him say it.

The assistant director was stunned.

Even Han Mo, who came over, looked at her 'early seat' in a complicated way, revealing some deep thoughts.

But the act of listening attentively, coupled with the fact that she is holding the corner of the skirt and cherishing the costume, the little bird with a white face and slightly pink eyebrows, makes the assistant director's desire to guide instantly The explosion has changed Han Mo, who has always been strict with his work attitude.

So willing to listen to people's teaching and willing to learn, how can acting be so poor?

No one taught me before?

"What you cry in this scene is the key point. Your crimes are exposed, years of ambition are all in vain, and it is impossible to be favored again. At this moment, you are unwilling to reconcile Desperate, and afraid of being punished. After all, when the emperor was angry, millions of corpses were buried..."

A million corpses, blood splattered three feet.


There is a picture.

Wrap the soft spine and cool down.

She remembered that in the game, she had met a strong man who was suspected of being mentally ill. He clearly passed by, but the other party showed a knife and stabbed her.

Blood all over her hands and eyes.

She shivered instantly.

Before the opponent attacks, you must control the opponent in advance!

Associate Director: "Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Bao Ruanruan nodded solemnly and took a deep breath.

Her serious look made the assistant director very pleased.

The assistant director raised his hand, "Ok, then you go out with Mr. Han first. When the phone is turned on, you rush over and kneel before him—"

Before he finished speaking, a slender figure flew up in front of him, so fast that he could hardly see it clearly.

When I turned around, I saw Han Mo's expression was dull, and it was too late to catch her...

Associate Director: "!"

I have never seen such an obedient person!

She's too fast.

In an instant, his nine-clawed golden dragon's robe belt and jade-embedded belt were tightly grasped by a pair of small white hands.

The soft fingers, almost through the fabric, felt a sense of oppression.

Han Mo: "!"

His face changed drastically.

She avoided him just now, so she was trying to escape!

She is here waiting for him!

Han Mo struggled for a while, but couldn't break free of her hand.

He shouted angrily, "Let go!"

But he lowered his head, but looked into a pair of panicked beautiful eyes full of fear, desire for survival, and regret.

Bao soft pink lips, the voice is tragic and stern, "Chen and concubine sin will not die...!"

She doesn't want to die.

The strong subtext came out from these talking eyes.

It seems that death is her biggest fear, as long as she lives, she is willing to exchange everything.

Han Mo was lost for a moment.

The assistant director kept nodding beside him, "Yes, very tense, cry, cry now!"

Speaking of crying this time, Han Mo woke up.

But just as he was thinking, if she can't cry, and firmly opposes her using eye drops...

He was ruthless, and saw a pale face with pear flowers and rain.

On her delicate and small forehead, there were even a few crystal beads of sweat, which dampened her jet-black bangs.

In a pair of panicked eyes, as if the pearls were broken, the tears kept flowing out, sliding down the small face of the snow muscle.

She also had vivid red eyes, and there was a trace of pity at the end of her eyes.

"Forgive me!"

Deafening cry, as if infused with soul.

And the concubine who is afraid of death, become one!

She became a character.

The character became her.

This moment is impeccable!

Han. Very demanding. Be ready to black face at any time. Mo: "...!"

Read The Duke's Passion