MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 105 I saved my life today (the first update)

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Let's start with a dream, this time everyone found out that the filming location of the show team has changed.

It is no longer Jiangcheng, but Yanjing.

The audience wanted to ask the reason, but was interrupted by two things.

"Congratulations, little bag."

Director Zheng stood in front of the live broadcast camera with a smile and congratulated her for the first time.

"I just got the latest news, the female teacher you played in "Minshan Mountain" won the Best Supporting Actress nomination for the Bairong Award."

Originally, the program group did not need to mention it.

But Zheng Mingchang really likes soft bags, so he made an advertisement for her by the way.

Viewers who haven't watched it, if you are interested, you can search and watch it.

When I heard the package soft, I was surprised in front of the camera.

After being surprised, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The joy on her little face couldn't be concealed.

"Really? Thank you all for your recognition of me, the judges of the Bairong Award, the crew of "Minxian Mountain", and the director Wei for his guidance and congratulations to me at the time. Teacher Chen…"

"I wish your career and body a long life than Nanshan."

Director Zheng: "...!"

[hhhh, Xiaobao, are you giving your acceptance speech now? 】

[Nomination is also progress, children can learn well, Ma Ma can rest assured~]

The package is soft and soft.

As a teacher, I have struggled for most of my life in Minshan Mountain, and finally settled there for the elderly.

She is one of the few longevity characters, with a happy ending, and the world is full of peach and plum.

She is still in the play, modifying many unhealthy habits that breed bacteria for children.

This is a role she personally likes very much, and she also enjoys a piece of acting work.

"Congratulations, bag." Xiao Mengfei came to hug her immediately.

Others also wished her the prize.

Only Lu Wenxi fell behind and didn't say anything.

A face squeezed hard, and a gregarious smile was barely squeezed out.

【I made the embarrassment of others again. 】

[Hey. 】

【What else? Who gave him the surname Lu? 】

[It's okay, now it's a second blow, I experienced it once last time. 】

Fans are joking.

But soon Zheng Mingchang turned serious and looked at Lu Wenxi.

"Next, our guest Lu Wenxi has something to announce."

[? 】

"First of all, I'm sorry to my friends, fans, and my team members."

Lu Wenxi closed his eyes.

Look into the camera.

"I've decided to say goodbye to everyone after all the announcements that have been signed so far."

[! 】

"Exit from the entertainment industry and return to..." Lu Wenxi's eyes were dark and he stood up straight, "Go back and take my responsibility."

[Huh? 】

[No! No! 】

[! Although I have always said that you don't know how to live, I still like watching you in variety shows! Very interesting! 】

[5555 I want to cry. 】

Think clearly! 】

【What shall we do then? 】

After Lu Wenxi finished speaking, he fell silent for a while.

Back to the corner again, obviously reluctant to speak.

Zhen Xuan next to him hooked his shoulder, "I don't want to, but I support your decision, brother."

The barrage wailed instantly, especially the land fans and the group fans, who were about to collapse.

The message came too suddenly.

Although they already had psychological expectations, it was still difficult to accept.

"Go back to inherit tens of billions of properties? Hey, be happy. If you find a brand spokesperson in the future, look at us brothers."

Cheng Yao is active.

Zhou Minwen has also seen many ups and downs in the circle.

Immediately he joked.

"That's right, look at your brother Zhou, many of your endorsement positions are still vacant."

"Waiting for your invitation."

Lu Wenxi glanced at them gratefully and was moved.

The land powder on the barrage is ooh.

【Thank you Brother Zhou, thank you Brother Cheng Yao, 555, so in the future we can only see my goose at the endorsement signing ceremony? 】

【Meet again as a business manager in the future? Brother, oooo! 】

Sorry, I cried and laughed. 】

Fans have long expected that Lu Wenxi will go back to inherit the family business after all.

I just didn't expect this day to come so early.

I was sad and sad, but a leisurely voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"When are you going to retire?"

Bao Ruan Ruan suddenly asked.

She read Xue Jing's Centennial Plan.

Xue Jing intends to let go at the age of 50 and give way to young people to manage the business.

The goal of semi-retirement at the age of sixty, and full retirement at the age of sixty-five.

So, at the age of fifty, he plans to continue to come back to be her agent.

Looking at Lu Wenxi now with a sad face, as if there is no future in the future, Bao Ruan can't help but speak.

"If you retire from the company at fifty, you can come back."

"At that time, we were still able to walk, and we could be a grandparents and grandparents and then go to Hengshan Village's pension program."

Lu Wenxi: "!"

[! 】

Suddenly, it doesn't seem so sad anymore.

Lu Wenxi also seemed to have a sense of picture in front of him.

He is still young, four years younger than his eldest brother.

Even if he goes back to inherit the family business and assume family responsibilities, when he is fifty years old, can't he be the same as his father, prepare to retire, find a successor?

If he works harder, maybe twenty years later, before he is forty-five, he can come back and continue doing what he loves.

And in recent years, even if he can't dance, he can still invest in other men's and women's groups.

Maybe you can also be a judge on the show…

Thinking about it, Lu Wenxi saw a future that was not entirely dark.

His dream is not annihilated, it is just a slow progress in another way, and it will be realized after some time.

[@Director Zheng, did you hear me? Wealth password, senior variety show, arrange it. 】

【Director Zheng, don’t retire! 】

"Actually, after you go back, you won't be happy anymore."

Qu Feifei summed it up brilliantly.

"Go home, you are at the top of the food chain, unlike in our variety show..."

She took a peek at her soft eyes.

Lu Wenxi: "!"

There was a little bit of joy.

[hhhh, I was crying, but now I'm laughing. 】

[Help, I actually listened, and I feel pretty good... But I will miss my brother. 】

"You can report everyone's safety and start a live broadcast or something."

On this point, Bao Ruanruan just finished his birthday live broadcast, so he has a right to speak.

"It's also very popular with live streaming now."

Lu Wenxi: "…"

Other companies are looking for anchors to bring goods and artists to endorse.

Their brand is his own endorsement and his own sale!

Save the artist endorsement fee and the anchor fee!

“You not only have the first-hand safety performance data of the product, but you can also dance in the live broadcast room and bring your own traffic.”

When Bao Ruanruan said it, he was very envious and gave a thumbs up.

"The first anchor who will bring goods in the future."

Lu Wenxi: "!"

I want to go back now (bushi).

The sadness of leaving the circle has been diluted.

[Brother, you listen to the bag, yes! In the future, Lujia's products will not be bought if you don't bring them live on your own! 】

[It makes sense, as expected of Bao Qingtian~ Clear thinking! 】

A serious farewell that was originally called the Lufan earthquake suddenly changed its flavor.

From mourning at the beginning, to laughter and expectation.

Another future appointment.

"Cough cough, I will finish recording all "Yi Meng" this season before leaving."

Lu Wenxuan listened to everyone's comfort and longing, and felt that he didn't quit the circle now, and he was embarrassed.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bao Ruanruan.

I was a little disappointed to find her fair face.


"Hey, who would have thought that a small life-saving book used to be worth twice as much now."


"Hey, I shouldn't have used his life-saving book so easily, or now, I can ask the future CEO of Lu Group to do three things for me."

"There are only two wishes left."

Bao Ruanruan was whispering to Zhen Xuan secretly.


Lu Wenxi: "!"

【Hahahaha! 】

【Soft: Even if you quit the circle and go back to inherit the family business, you are still my beast. 】

[Small package: Don’t think that if you quit the circle, you can get out of control. 】


Being so troubled by her, the audience completely hahaha.

Lu Wenxi let go of all the knots in her past.

Zheng Mingchang finally stood up and announced this week's guest assignments.

"We counted everyone's wishes this week and selected a content suitable for all guests."

After finishing speaking, each guest was given a task card.

"A total of 13483 viewers, I hope you can experience the same daily work as them."

"Two-day work internship, approved by the boss, counts as task completion."

Xiao Mengfei opened with Cheng Yao and found that one was HR and the other was finance.

Zhen Xuan and Lu Wenxi are in the marketing department, while Yang Xueni and Zhou Minwen are in the public relations department.

"These are the positions that the audience voted for and think you are more suitable."

Director Zheng finished speaking, Bao RuanRuan in front of the screen also opened her task card.

Blink softly and blink again.

Seems to suspect that I have read it wrong and raises her hand to ask questions.

"Okay, let's go." Director Zheng didn't even dare to look at her.

The camera turned to the soft task card, and there were two big words.



[Security committee package, suitable for you. 】

[Sorry, Xiaobao, I also contributed a valuable vote. 】

Bao Ruanruan felt that the audience had misunderstood her again.

What happened?

"Is it the kind of dangerous job that has to cover people's guns?"


"...Xiaobao, you have to believe in Yanjing's public security work." Zheng Dao's words were serious.

Bao softly pursed her lips, "I believe it, but my flesh and blood may be a little panic."

【Hahahaha! 】

[What did the bag do wrong? 】

But Zheng Dao quickly evacuated the scene.

The place where they originally gathered was on a bus.

"Teachers, please get off the bus now and report to the personnel department."

Live the footage, get off the car, and spin around.

Suddenly, the towering glass wall building came into view.

The barrage has been called.

【Finance center! 】

[Oops, where I pass by at work. 】

【This is Taihe Building? 】

[? Landmark? Did you all recognize it? 】

【Taihe Group, where I work! I should have known earlier, I will be working overtime today! 】

【Wow, is your sister still missing a sister? 】

Several guests got out of the car.

They were holding their task cards and were a little confused.

"First go to the personnel department to report, get a temporary job license, sign a non-compete agreement and a confidentiality agreement, and then report to each department."

Xiao Mengfei read it.

Lu Wenxi held the task card with a tangled face.

Taihe, Yanjing Xuejia's company.

This is one of his old man's opponents.

One south and one north, there have been overlapping businesses in recent years, and it is inevitable to fight.

Today he is an intern in Taihe. Once he signs the non-compete agreement, he will no longer be able to work in the same industry that is in competition with Taihe.

All the guest artists, he is the only one, the future company person.


Can't do this.

"Then don't sign, this show is really embarrassing you, you go, don't do this content."

Bao Ruan Ruan gives suggestions in good faith.

"The audience will be considerate of you."

Lu Wenxi felt sad.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical time, it was the software package that realized his dilemma.

But before he turned to talk to the assistant director, Bao Ruanruan also handed him the task card in his hand.

Lu Wenxi: "?"

"Because you were angry with the show team for embarrassing you, before you left, you snatched away my mission card by the way."

Lu Wenxi: "??"

"You don't do the show alone, it's very awkward, so you want me to accompany you."

Bao said softly, and jammed his bodyguard mission into the gap between his fingers that he had not answered.

"Hey, I love peace."

"You can only take the card, and there is no resistance."

Lu Wenxi: "!"

Are you still a person?

【Hahaha or laugh until cramps! 】

[Speaking of variety show effects, Lu Bao is really invincible! 】


Bao Ruan softly waved his hand and asked Lu Wenxi to find the assistant director.

She put her hands in her pockets comfortably.

No more weird cards!

Without a task card, she would have no way to report to the personnel department, and she would not have to do such a dangerous thing as a bodyguard.

Bao Ruanruan just wanted to praise her wit.

Two minutes later.

"Mr. Bao," the assistant director led Lu Wenxi to chase after him, smiling bitterly, "Remember the theme of our shot?"

As long as I'm thick-skinned, I'm not afraid of anything.

The bag softly supports the forehead.

[Package: Amnesia...]

[Headache, where am I? 】

In the end, Bao Ruanruan was mercilessly pushed into the Office of the Personnel Department by the assistant director.

"Mr. Bao, the personnel of the personnel department know you."

"Without a task card, you can report by swiping your face."

Package: "…"

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, and the ancients can't afford me."

Associate Director: “…”

He pretended not to hear.

The staff are immune to the soft-packed languages.

Turning his head, he informed Lu Wenxi.

"The boss of Taihe believes that everyone can make progress together, and the market and consumers are by no means exclusive to one company."

"So Xiao Lu, if you are worried, you can not sign a non-compete agreement."

Lu Wenxi was taken aback.

[Taihe atmosphere. 】

[It's just a two-day internship, so I can't get in touch with the core secrets. 】

[My family, Lu Gezi, learn more from other seniors and become a successful businessman in the future! 】

In the lively barrage, several guests received their badges.

Guests act individually and report to different departments.

The live room also opened a separate channel for personal direct shooting.

The two most popular live channels today are Lu Wenxi and Bao Ruanruan.

The former is about to withdraw from the circle, so take a look at it.

The latter...the artist is a bodyguard, and you have never seen it before.

Even Bao Ruanruan felt absurd.

I took over the temporary labor contract from the lady of the personnel department, and I just want to cry.

But she caught sight of the full name of Party A on the contract—

Taihe Vision Co., Ltd.

The struggle on Bao Ruan's face stopped for half a second.

"Is your boss surnamed Xue?"

"Yes, our president is Mr. Xue Bokang."

The lady of the personnel department replied with a smile.

"Mr. Bao, you know our company very well."

Of course I do.

Bao's soft fair face nodded.

The company of werewolf bosses.

In Tianyancha, she has seen Xue Bokang's name, legal person status, or some parent and subsidiary companies that she has invested in.

It turned out that she was at the head of a werewolf today.

Bao Ruanruan did not expect that he would touch the core of the werewolf so quickly!

"You, Mr. Xue, are quite famous. I have heard of him."

[? 】

[Bag, you know too much. 】

[He is relatively low-key in capital, but he is very rich in real estate. 】

【Nanlu Beixue~】

"Miss, how are your company benefits? Do you work overtime?"

Bao Ruanruan found himself inside the enemy.

The first time, adjust the status.

Take useful information carefully.

Company welfare, employee care → werewolf temperament.

"Our company's benefits are good, Mr. Bao, you are here at a wrong time. Yesterday Friday, we just organized the benefits of old Chinese medicine practitioners to give you free pulse consultation."

Bao opened his mouth softly.

[Soft: Assistant Director, you said that there is such a benefit! I came yesterday~]

“We have employee physical examinations every year. In addition, we also have an annual team building vacation tour, so that everyone can relax at the end of the year. Teacher Bao, it is a pity that you are not here at the end of the year.”

The soft mouth opened wider.

Unexpectedly, the werewolf head is such a leader who cares for the health of his subordinates.

For a while, she could not feel the slightest hostility.

Just want to join.

Bao Ruanruan squeezed the temporary labor contract for a moment, and fell into a daze.

【The soft cub drools. 】

[Soft: Hengshan Village Tourism Survey, why did I go to Sedum Company? I should come to Taihe! Regret JPG]

"Teacher Bao, don't worry, we don't need to work overtime for every position. Everyone's work situation is different."

"If you work overtime, there will be overtime meals and overtime pay."

"After 11:00 pm, you can apply to go to the company hotel downstairs for free check-in."

Bao Ruanruan took a deep breath, raised his hand, and covered his chest.

【Hahaha! 】

【It's over, stop talking! Otherwise, what if she works in Taihe and doesn't want to leave? 】


The package accepts a bunch of information softly.

Concluded that a werewolf head won her heart.

At this moment, she was also agitated in her soul.

"By the way, my guarantee today..." The last word of Baoluan's automatic silencer, "Who am I protecting today?"

The lady of the personnel department smiled mysteriously, "You mentioned it just now, our President Xue."

Package is soft: "!"

[! 】

[! ? 】

Read The Duke's Passion