MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 112 Today also saved life in the wilderness life-saving work 3...

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Saturday, the program almost opened the skylight.

Director Zheng received leave notices from several regular guests in advance and wanted to cry.

Fortunately, he also learned, communicated with Zhang Ce, the director of Survival in the Wilderness next door, and communicated with both TV stations.

Fortunately, the relationship between the TV station is not bad now.

Director Zheng took it upon himself to find Qu Jien, Lan Zhi, Zhou Minwen and others who were on the crew to watch the live broadcast of Bao Ruanruan's wild survival in the hotel room.

This is a win-win mutual drainage.

Commercial cooperation between the two TV stations.

In order to show his sincerity, Director Zheng also picked up an additional TV in the hotel living room.

Two screens, one is a soft-packed live channel, and the other is a feature video of the Wilderness Survival variety show.

Today Saturday, the third episode of the second season of the Wild Survival Variety Show will be broadcast at 12:00 noon.

[Pick-in. 】

[Director Zheng, I'm here to sign, and I'll go back there. 】

[Poor Yimeng, even the five-player game is unsatisfactory today. I came here to see Xiaobao and Brother Lu. 】

【Check in and see the wild flying~】

As soon as the show started, everyone rushed in.

Check in and visit here.

Yimeng has long been a harbor for several resident guests, and old audiences and fans are also used to seeing Director Zheng's face every week.

It is very uncomfortable not to watch Zheng Daoqi laugh for a week.

But today the protagonist is not there, they finished punching the card with a sense of ritual, and they are ready to withdraw.

As a result, I couldn't help laughing and crying.

[Learn from Baobao... Director, you have turned bad. 】

[Laughing skr, Director Zhang next door feels like he will cry later. 】

[Okay, then I'll take two mobile phones and take a look at Sister Lan's reaction~]

[Director Zhang next door, go well. 】

Seeing Director Zheng's show, most of the audience stayed.

Fans also want to take a look, how did Sister Lan Zhi and Brother Cheng Yao explain this live broadcast.

Everyone has restrained the barrage, for fear of affecting the look and feel.

And soon on the screen, the scene of the feature film Wilderness Survival Variety appeared.

Five-member feature film team, this is the third phase.

The firewood at night went out unexpectedly.

Even if it wasn't winter, the five of them woke up with pale faces and were bitten by mosquitoes.

When they wake up early in the morning, they can only endure hunger and go fishing to pick up vegetables and fruits.

But not much.

'As soon as I walked over, the fish swam away. ’

'Not sure if this is edible. ’

'Then I ignite? Uh...dew in the morning, this wood is a little wet. ’

'I have a little left from yesterday, can I use it? ’

'We have to hurry up, last night I slept with Mumu outside, it was really uncomfortable, we must find a way to make a small area for rest... oops! ’

Halfway through speaking, the simple nighttime 'house' built with several wooden sticks in the main film suddenly fell apart and hit a **** the head.

On the spot, half of the group of five people, the mentality collapsed.

In the morning, this poor homeless group made things worse.

The girl who was hit burst into tears.

【If it were me, I would cry too, where will I sleep tonight? 】

The quintet of the feature film is all overcast.

"Baobao found the channel here."

Cheng Yao shouted.

Lan Zhi's eyes lit up immediately, "Let me see, what else they are missing, we can deliver it to them in a few days."

Cheng Yao nodded, "Zhen Xuan and the others still have some muscles, it's okay to be hungry, but Teacher Xueni is very thin, and Feifei has just finished a line dance, so she should be very tired."

Qu Jien also moved his attention to the TV broadcast live in the wilderness.

Finally, Qu Feifei replaced Xiao Mengfei's iodine with salt.

Xiao Mengfei was not very happy and sighed on the sofa, "Who will I replace next?"

Zhou Minwen quickly sat down with the thermos cup, "The wild is still very cruel."

The five people in the feature film are not feeling well.

Everyone's face suddenly became a little worried.

They all took the time to watch Bao Ruanruan's personal live broadcast and knew what experts said about her.

—The last few days are the biggest test in the wild.

As soon as the live broadcast screen came out, the worry on their faces froze.

"Clink for our health~"

Bao Ruan Ruan's pleasant and melodious voice immediately sounded in the live broadcast.

On the TV, Bao Ruan Ruan, Qu Feifei, Yang Xueni, Lu Wenxi and Zhen Xuan were sitting around a small wooden table.

Sitting on the meadow, Bao Ruanruan is surrounded by 2.5L disinfectant alcohol.

She wears a cap, but her fair face is rosy.

Raise the bamboo cup in her hand.

There were four cups of bamboo tea on the table, and the others also picked it up with a smile.

Bump together.

"Cheers to health~"

"Today's lunch~"

"Cheers to my little mug!"

Everyone took a sip and was very happy.

As soon as Yang Xueni put down the bamboo cup, her expression changed, "Has the edge of the cup been wiped with alcohol? I seem to have forgotten."

Zhen Xuan raised his hand and smiled naively, "I have disinfected everyone."

[Hahaha, gradually packaged. 】

[Everyone is a safety committee! 】

Five people basking in the sun, surrounded by a prototype waterside bamboo house.

Yang Xueni leaned against a bamboo wall, her legs stretched out from the raised half-meter-high bamboo house, and she could almost step on the stones in the flowing water below with her bare feet.

Squinting, she held the bamboo cup and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Good, except no sunscreen."

Lu Wenxi also put down the cup.

Zhen Xuan simply lay down on the ground, "Well, it's quite cool inside the bamboo."

Qu Feifei nodded, obviously very comfortable.


[! 】

[After watching the feature film and watching the live broadcast, it was really shocking. 】

The five people in Yimeng didn't know how to comment, "Well, it's pretty good."

【Hahahaha! 】

"Finished? Let's start work."

The bag in front of the camera put down the teacup first.

The five people in the wilderness looked at each other and put down their cups.


Lu Wenxi stood up, "I and Zhen Xuan built the bamboo wall on the east side of the bamboo house."

Zhen Xuan stretched out his hand and compared his biceps, "If you don't exercise, the muscles will disappear! Leave it alone, I will do it all!"

"You just follow the instructions," Qu Feifei was a little worried, "don't demolish the house."

"How is that possible?" Zhen Xuan laughed.

Turn around to look at the soft bag who is still sitting in front of the table.

"Sister Ruan Ruan, tell us again, how did you get it?"

Lu Wenxi: "…"

Qu Feifei&Xue Ni Yang: "...!"

[…take away my silly child. 】

[What can I do if there is no small bag! 】

Qu Feifei and Yang Xueni looked at each other, "Then let's kill the fish and make dried fish."


Yang Xueni stood up, and finally picked up the softly wrapped large knife, and hesitated for a while looking at the sharp edge.

"Shall I kill?" Bao Ruan Ruan wanted to stand up.

But Yang Xueni gritted her teeth, "No, my next role is the cook."

When Bao Ruanruan heard it, he thought of the way he was performing that was repeatedly denied by Wen Dao, his face collapsed, and he immediately sat down again.

She deeply realized the difficulty of performing.

It would be great if there was a way to exercise and learn.

"I'll ask you for dinner, Nini."

Yang Xueni: "!"

【Nini: I take back the foreword. 】

Lu Wenxi, who was carrying a bamboo, looked back worriedly, "We don't have much supplies, don't waste food."

Zhen Xuan also touched his nose, "Mr. Xue Ni, you must cook it well, we didn't bring any medicine."

Qu Feifei couldn't help laughing, "Would you like me to come for dinner? Teacher Xue Ni, let's see what to do first?"

Yang Xueni blushed.

【Nini, be strong. 】

【The things that Nini can't live with are famous all over the world? 】

In the camera, Bao Ruanruan nodded in relief.

She held the bamboo cup, took a sip of hot water, and stretched her brows and eyes.

I looked at the bamboo cups on the table.

Bao Ruanruan bent over to pick up a small stone, took Yang Xueni's bamboo cup beside him, and slashed a few times at the bottom.

Qu Feifei, Zhen Xuan…

After a while, she raised her face and moved her neck.

When Yang Xueni screamed and killed the fish and made a suffocating sound, Bao Ruanruan put down the last cup.

Grinned and stood up, "I'm going to replenish the fish bank!"

Under the camera.

Five cups close together.

Poor carver on the bottom, lightly carved rough shapes - snowmen, little wings, books...

[Ouch, snowman! Nini~]

【Wings fly! 】

[The book is our announcement~]

[The book is Brother Lu, Lu Wenxi! The loudspeaker is Zhen Xuan's propaganda! 】

[? ? The loudspeaker must be Lu Wenxi, loud! 】

[? ? ? Stop talking, let's fight! 】


The live broadcast and feature film channel of Wilderness Survival are two completely different styles.

The audience will appreciate it after watching it for a while.

[They are a team thing, who else doesn't know? 】

[The head of the safety committee, with 4 members, fully showed us how to survive in the wilderness. 】

[Suddenly no worries. 】

[I can watch 100 episodes of this kind of wilderness survival! 】

The live broadcast was uninterrupted, including a five-person team, and gradually completed a bamboo house that can accommodate five people.

An earthen stove was built, and the food for three days was collected for five people.

Accurately calculate the alcohol, rice and salt they can consume every day…

Every day is organized.

Some people did not like the experts said, on the third and fourth day, they gradually suffered physical and psychological torture, but became more 'strong'.

Even Yang Xueni can cook a fish by herself.

Lu Wenxi and Zhen Xuan both learned to go to bed early and get up early.

Qu Feifei teaches you the basics of martial arts every morning.

Ruanruan Bao is responsible for explaining the knowledge of survival in the wild.

Their mental state is getting better day by day.

Fans are relieved.

As the second weekend is approaching, the movie "Snow Mountain Rescue" is finally scheduled for release.

Yang Xueni, Bao Ruanruan fans, and other audience members are all in a tangle.

【Should I continue to watch the live broadcast or watch the movie? Or watch a movie while peeking at the live broadcast? 】

【Snowman is too difficult, how about you soft fans? 】

[@Snowman, is drawing lots. 】


There is always a metaphysical party.

[Xiao Xiao fans decided to buy tickets to support~ Thank you two teachers for taking care of Xiao Xiao. 】

【Feifei Fan thanks Teacher Bao for saving Feifei, now it's our turn to watch Teacher Bao being rescued! 】

This is support.

[Full of CP, must watch! I'm going to watch the live broadcast, and it's played on silent in the cinema, I'm too busy. 】

This is love and hate.

[Sit and wait for you to watch, I will wait for the end of the live broadcast, anyway, there will be films in a few days. 】

There are also many intellectuals.

For a while, everyone split up.

In addition to Bao Ruanruan and Yang Xueni fans, the acting skills of the other leading actors also attracted many moviegoers and critics.

On the night of the premiere, movie review articles appeared on the Internet, as well as comments from passers-by and audiences.

#Blood! #

#The rescue content is professional, the whole process is thrilling and moving! #

#Crossing the snow peak to pick you up~#

#The protection ropeway built with life#

#The starring actors have undergone 33 days of rescue training and presented the truth#

On the second day, Doufen scored 8.3, which is very good.

Praise the film's special effects, the exciting rhythm, and the acting skills of the starring team everywhere.

The main creative team, producer and director of "Snow Mountain Rescue" were interviewed.

There are also online groups of actors.

Only Yang Xueni, the heroine, did not release a marketing message and did not interact with the film crew.

And the supporting cast of this movie is soft and soft.

But even so, many movie critics and audiences mentioned them.

#Yang Xueni made me change a lot, the coquettish peony and the tough vines switch seamlessly#

#The aftertaste at the end made me unable to get up from my seat. #

#In the last three seconds, the deputy captain looked at the girl who closed her eyes and smiled in the snow... Both of them contributed high-quality acting skills! #

Most of the people praised him, and even Bao Ruanruan, who had been 'falling to the ground' not long after his appearance, was praised.

Cinema's super wide screen with clear picture quality.

Whether it is the soft and shaky body movements, or the powerless falling into the snow, the snow crystals on the eyelashes trembling, and the faint shaking of the corners of the mouth, all of them can be seen.

These performance details, the more magnified, the more touching.

In the final scene, Bao was lying softly in the snow, taking off his protective glasses and hat.

The black hair was scattered in the snow, and the strict mountaineering clothes were unzipped, revealing the faint green sweater inside.

The scarf is half-understood, her swan-like slender neck is faintly visible.

But a thin layer of snow frost mercilessly and cruelly condensed on her fair skin.

After the initial wave of film reviews in full swing, everyone came back to their senses and started a heated debate about the girl covered in ice and snow.

—Was Bao Ruan Ruan finally rescued?

[She has been **** abnormally, her body is low temperature, she begins to take off her coat, she is unconscious, can't feel the cold, and there is a problem with the adjustment center. More bad luck! 】

[…No, she only opened the zipper, indicating that the low temperature phenomenon has not been around for a long time! 】

Of course, the movie didn't shoot the follow-up, you can also imagine that she was rescued. 】

[The face is full of ice...the frostbite is serious. 】

There are also good people on Weibo, who posted a poll.

#The female college student was rescued VS the female college student died#

Vote civilly.

This is too busy for fans of Ruan Ruan and other viewers who haven't had time to watch.

Most of the soft fans want to wait for her 10-day challenge to end, and then go to the cinema to support the box office because they want to watch the survival of the wilderness.

Passers-by are waiting to see the first batch of viewing reviews, and wait for the weekend to go to the cinema.

But unexpectedly, the ending of the movie circulating on the Internet turned out to be a spoiler, and it also involved the open-ended issue of choosing between HE and BE.

A random swipe or Weibo is a poignant picture of the last clip of the movie.

Looking at the online poll again, 73% of college students died, and everyone felt that she was not rescued.

Soft fans are overdrawn in advance.

Passers-by felt a little curious.

Those who do not believe in evil will buy tickets to see it.

When I saw it, I burst into tears.

When the deputy rescue captain played by Yang Xueni, crossed the snowy mountain, and saw the poignant girl who was 'sleeping' softly covered by ice and snow, a low sobbing sounded in many movie rooms.

"5555 She couldn't have been saved."

"Captain, hurry up and save her!"

"No, she's still alive! She's still laughing, she clearly still has a yearning for life..."

The movie is over, neither the soft fans nor the general audience want to leave, and they want to see if there are any easter eggs.

The result was only a rolling list of cast and crew in total darkness.

And the last line of subtitles for the movie.

#The original script is...Elevation Survey Mountaineering Team. A total of 13 people were rescued, of which 4 were rescued and the rest were buried in the snow-capped mountains. #

The ending of BE revealed by this text broke the hearts of soft fans and moviegoers overnight.

Many Up masters who explained the movie at station C released the movie review video of "Snow Mountain Rescue" for the first time.

On the barrage, the audience shouted uncontrollably.

Film discussion, fly with the audience's tears.

【I want Dzogchen! 】

There is no saving in this life, take a picture of the next life~]

For four consecutive days, the box office of the movie has been rising, and it has gradually reached the first place in this quarter, surpassing the performance of the previous summer movies.

The bean score has gradually increased to 8.5 points.

When Saturday came, word of mouth fermented and the box office surged.

The number of viewers exceeded 60 million with the live channel of Survival in the Wild that day.

[I heard that this is the after-sales service of Snow Mountain Rescue? 】

[I heard that the movie eggs are here, you must come to Kang. 】


[Damn, my eyes hurt when I cry, I want after-sales! Give me life! 】

A group of people who had just watched the movie rushed in. It happened that everyone was not going to work or school on Saturday, so they happened to be able to watch a live broadcast.

In the Wilderness Survival, this live broadcast theme made the black hole in the hearts of the uneasy moviegoers repaired.

Isn’t this harsh environment a sequel to Snow Mountain Rescue?

Now everyone thinks that this is really what the snowman fans and soft fans said about the movie after-sales.

I didn't come to the wrong place.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for them to see the scene in the live broadcast room—

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sweet girl was sleeping soundly in the bamboo house.

[Open screen crit! 】

[My God, the snow on my face is gone, my breath. 】

[Wake up, open your eyes! 】

[Deputy captain, come and save people~]

The barrage shouted loudly.

However, as soon as the live broadcast camera turned, I saw Yang Xueni, the heroic deputy captain who had just been in the movie theater. At this moment, she appeared without makeup, and her facial features were bright, but she was also sleeping beside the girl at the moment.

Yang Xueni also turned over, seemingly dissatisfied with the sun on her face.

Take a small half of the cotton cloth wrapped around her soft body to cover her eyebrows.

[! 】

[! 】

【I didn’t expect you to be such a vice-captain…】

[The snow has melted, vice-captain, you are like this. 】

[Easter egg: The vice-captain became good friends with college students. 】

"Not up yet?"

"Mr. Xue Ni said just now that she won't sleep."

"It's okay, let them sleep, I'll sleep for a while, don't call me."

There are other people talking quietly next to you.

I soon woke up with a soft nap.

She slowly opened her eyes, blocked the sunlight with her hands, and sat up in a daze.

For a while, I looked at the camera.

The sleepiness in her eyes gradually faded, becoming clear and bright, shining like starlight.


She raised her face and slowly straightened her two slender arms.



Satisfaction after a nap, written all over her fair little face.

In high spirits, she got up from the ground.

Walk a few steps from side to side, hey, stretch your legs in place.

The long legs stand on the bamboo wall, almost 150 degrees!

[! 】

[! 】

【You are such a female college student! 】

For a second, Xueni Yang behind her also groaned and got up.

"What time is it."

"Are you going to make dinner?"

Pack soft side head, "It's still early."

Yang Xueni nodded, "Then I'll exercise first."

In a second, he placed his legs on the empty wall on the side of the bag.

Leg and Lajin.

【Ouch~ This easter egg is so fragrant~】

【I'm not sad anymore, ah, I'm all right! 】

【I can do it again! comrades~]

【Perfect, best easter eggs! Crazy likes! 】

[Today I live in the interaction between the captain and the college students, don't pull me up~]

The injured viewers were healed in this live broadcast of Survival in the Wild.

The soft fans and snowman fans who cried and cried in the movie theater saw the interaction between the two in the live broadcast and laughed for a second, thinking of all kinds of interesting things about learning CP.

【There are three days left for the live broadcast? 】

【The challenge is almost over. 】

【Yes, sisters, hold on, three days are almost here! 】

【Come on, we can win! 】

【Come on~】


Director Zhang Ce stood 50 meters in front of the bamboo house and looked down at the phone screen.

The corners of her mouth twitched.

Come on?

Come on, Bao Ruan Ruan is going to bring these four people and build the earth embryo house of the villa! ?

Zhang Ce supported his forehead and turned to look at the assistant director behind him.

The assistant director encouraged him through gritted teeth, "Go on, director."

Zhang Ce: “…”

Finally, he bravely walked towards the live broadcast area.

The live audience hadn't seen him yet, but in front of the camera, the stretched bag was soft and he put down his right leg vigilantly.

After Bao Ruanruan stuck out his small face, he was surprised, "Director Zhang?"

[The director will not come to make them more difficult. 】

[Don't! 】

Zhang Ce, who gradually appeared in the camera, greeted Bao Ruanruan.

The attitude is very kind.

"Mr. Bao, our program team announced that your ten-day challenge was successful ahead of schedule."

[? 】

[! 】

"I don't seem to have sent a distress signal."

Bao Ruan was puzzled.

The other four gradually gathered around.

"Yes, you don't."

Zhang Ce smiled wryly.

"You have shown a very strong ability to survive, not only allowing yourself to survive in the wild, but also using the strengths of the four teammates. Your unity has proved to the audience and our program team—"

"You win."

[! 】

Bag Ruan Ruan and the five people didn't have time to respond.

"This wins?"

Lu Wenxi was also stunned, he still felt a little unsatisfied.

Zhen Xuan is also very sorry, "The multi-functional restaurant that Sister Ruan Ruan said to be done, we haven't made it yet."

Yang Xueni also nodded, a little confused, "Is it over now? We have a whole crab feast tonight, I'm all ready."

Qu Feifei's face hurt, "There are still three days of ingredients in the storage room."

【Hahahaha! 】

【Five-member group: We still want to continue, director, please don’t destroy it. 】

[Zhen Xuan: My to fix it? 】

Zhang Ce's mouth twitched.

"Take it away! You can send all the ingredients to the hotel!"

"Have them...take you to the hotel restaurant."

【It makes the director anxious. 】

[Director: If I don’t leave, my feature film ratings will drop below 0.5%! 】

【2333 Really? 】

[Well, the ratings of the feature film dropped from 0.9 to below 0.7% last week. Playing on both sides at the same time, the feature film can't beat the soft straight Bo. 】

[…After all, it is quite interesting to see her build a villa (bushi). 】

In front of the camera, Zhang Ce looked at the five of them, feeling helpless.

"After discussion, the program team felt that continuing to live broadcast in the wild would only be a waste of teachers' precious time."

"We have a good understanding of your capabilities."

Zhang Ce has a rainbow fart.

"Now, we will present you with a commemorative medal and certificate of successful challenge."

Bao Ruanruan heard this and finally confirmed.

Exquisite eyebrows and eyes are smiling, "So, can you go home today?"

"Yes, yes." Zhang Ce nodded hurriedly.

[Director: Come, come, **** Bao Huang back to the palace to rest! 】

[I didn't expect it, I thought I could watch it for ten days. 】

[Ending early...sorry, but understandable. These five people are in the wild, just like on vacation, the director of the wilderness is getting bald day by day. 】

Zhang Ce showed his gentlemanly behavior, personally took the reserve ingredients for the five Bao Ruan Ruan, and took the leftover materials for them.

Bao Ruanruan looked back at the bamboo house with nostalgia, "It's quite a waste."

Zhang Ce immediately said nervously, "It's not a pity!"

It seems that she is afraid that she will say that the building is ready, and it will take a few more days to live.

"We found a professional transport team, and will send these bamboo house supplies to the Jiangcheng Exhibition Center, open for a week of exhibition, everyone can buy tickets to visit, the ticket revenue obtained, all donated to the scientific research team."

Bao softly nodded, "That's good. After the exhibition is over, these bamboos can still be delivered to where they are needed."

"Then my handicraft will become an exhibit!"

Zhen Xuan was moved.

I immediately jumped back and asked the staff to take a photo of him.

Lu Wenxi also slowly lined up behind with a blushing face.

Yang Xueni took a photo with her earthen stove, and Qu Feifei also rushed to take a photo with the granary.

[Ouch, I'm going to this exhibition! 】


[Screenshots to commemorate, ready to grab tickets~]

【Don’t rob me. 】

The barrage was booming, and Bao Ruanruan glanced at the figure they were busy taking pictures, and then got on the helicopter first with a smile.

But before I sat down, I saw a tall and straight figure walking towards the helicopter.

She has a small white face, shining brightly.

One second, run down the helicopter.

But halfway through, she paused again and reached out to touch the ponytail that she had just rolled on the floor of the bamboo house.

With such a pause, the man in front of her took a step forward and walked in front of her.

A shadow fell.

Bao Ruan Ruan immediately covered her red and hot face.

This week, the deep voice that only appeared in dreams countless times, accompanied by Xue Jing's steady but undulating breathing, sounded clearly in her ears.

"Welcome home."

The bag is soft and delicate eye tail, flying.


[Xue JingV: Welcome home. 】

The boss of Sedum, the former manager of Bao Ruanruan, the heir to the Tai and Xue family, lost his vest during the live broadcast of the wilderness.

Xue Jing's Weibo is no longer a secret.

Soon someone discovered his Weibo, which has been immobile for thousands of years, and suddenly has a linkage with Bao RuanRuan's Weibo.

【Emma, ​​I’m so sweet, if it’s not sugar…】

No, wait, I seem to have hope! Satisfied (Bao Ruan Ruan) to learn (Xue Jing)... Hahahaha, oh my god, I can do it again! It turns out that we have already been enthroned after school! 】

[…Study CP… So that’s it, send Nini away. Sorry, I made a mistake before. 】

[Pfft, who named the CP, talent! sisters! 】

@soft powder, are you still alive? This rhythm, to declare love slightly. 】

Passers-by and opponents are still waiting for the follow-up of Bao Ruan Ruan's love affair.

However, the result did not come.

Since returning home, Bao Ruanruan and Xue Jing's Weibo has been silent.

It wasn't until a week later that the Weibo Gossip Marketing account posted a video.

The figure of Bao Ruanruan and a man suspected of Xue Jing in a hospital was photographed secretly.

#package soft soft suspected unmarried pregnancy#

Passers-by are 23333.

This time, even the soft-boiled black fans and fans of the opposite family don't want to watch the performances of these marketing accounts.

[People only built a bamboo house in the wild a week ago. 】

For this ridiculous speculation, Bao Ruan Ruan Studio did not respond at all.

Not even soft powder appeared.

Because the inside of the soft powder has got real news.

"Let's not go to that hospital to disturb the rest of 99 fans."

"I heard from the support club that she had a successful operation and was out of danger. Bao Bao followed her manager to see her secretly and sent some gifts."

"Anyway, let's not go out and talk about this matter, and don't disturb the doctor and the patient."



In the soft fan group, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A week ago, they both suffered.

I have to worry about the same fans who are about to have surgery, and I have to worry about the soft bag in front of the camera.

The former one they can't see and don't know anything, the latter one has seen, but they have been worried that she is only strong on the surface and suffering in secret.

Soft fans can't help anyone, except anxiety, they can only take good care of themselves.

But it's different now, two big things are settled!

Soft fans can finally watch variety shows and movies easily.

【I hope to say goodbye to all survival programs. 】

【Well, I was shocked when I watched it the whole time. 】

[Treat us softly, but we can't help her, we can only bless her. 】

The fan group soon saw that after 99 fans could write, they signed the life-saving letter for Bao Ruan Ran.

At this moment, they only felt that Bao Ruan Ruan was no longer a star far away from them, but more like their family and friends, a place of warmth after loss, sadness and fear.

If she is in love, bless.

After the soft fan respite, she also recovered from the fatigue of following up on the live broadcast for a week.

I finally have the strength to express my opinion.

[Mom fans are here: Soft, Ma Ma supports you in love, and supports you as a wealthy wife (as long as you are happy~)]

[If the object is Xiao Xue, I think it is quite reliable, soft, he guards you for several days, much better than your mother's realistic husband! 】

[Business fans are here: You can always trust Bao Qingtian, the safety committee! (Check the 100-year plan, forcefully, and get married before the age of 30. Ruan Ruan estimates that I can complete the task ahead of time. I am very happy with planning obsessive-compulsive disorder!)]

We won't be angry after the bag, long life ~]

Soft powder is out of the circle again.

For a while, even her soft-packed counterparts were a little envious of her.

Love not only does not lose powder, but also solidifies.

Her fans are too sensible.

Families also hope that their fans can understand something.

"You ask yourself first."

Yang Xueni scolded Qin Lu online.

"I don't see how capable you are. Who do I ask?"

Qin Lu: “…”

For a while, the female stars in the circle also rolled up.

The deeds of Bao Ruanruan have proved to them that it is king to focus on their own improvement.

"I didn't try so hard, did I?"

Late October.

She was wearing a dark green wind-resistant triangular silk scarf with a soft bag and a mermaid gauze crystal dress with diamonds. She stood in the car and wiped the screen of her mobile phone with alcohol.

She firmly refuses to admit the 'allegation' of the man around her.

"How can I make people tuck in?"

She is so soft, she just wants to live another hundred years.

Xue Jing chuckled and wrapped the scarf more tightly for her.

"On the podium later, you said the same."

Chen Feng was in the driver's seat with a puff.

Bao softly pursed her lips, and muttered softly, "I don't necessarily have to win the prize."

Last year, her support teacher was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a TV Series, but she missed the final award.

At the end of the year, her role as a college student in the snowy mountains was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress nomination at the Golden Crown Film Festival, but she passed by.

This year, I gave up all the packages.

She is a younger brother in acting.

Unexpectedly, Yao Manyu, the heroine of "A Hundred Times Good People", was nominated for the Best Actress nomination at the Golden Crown Film Festival this year.

Competition for awards is fierce.

Except for Yang Xueni, who won the best actress for her performance last year by relying on the snow mountain rescue, and did not participate in the selection this year, other big flowers Qin Lu, Lan Zhi junior sister Meng Xiaoshuang and others are strong opponents.

Bao Ruanruan felt that she was here today at the award ceremony for an after-dinner walk.

"Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine."

"I will walk two hundred steps in the venue today~"

Bao Ruanruan thoughtfully stretched out his hand to the side.

Xue Jing shook her head and chuckled, but she still took out the sports bracelet from her backpack and handed it to her.

"Is it right? Little bun, the designer of the dress you are wearing now is probably going to cry. You are wearing such an ugly black bracelet on your hand."

Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

"It's fine, I put it in my bag."

Bao softly blinked, and her red lips rose for a second.

Chen Feng: “…”

Very good.

People are here to win prizes, she is here to digest!

"I'll get off~"

The bag was soft in a wave of screams and opened the door.

The sea of ​​flashes, thousands of dazzling lights, surrounded her for a moment.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy
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