MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 117 extra

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On the island, the air is warm with salty humidity.

The soft sandy beach, stepping on it is the rare warmth this late autumn.

“At the welcome desk at the east entrance, there is still one missing person to check the identity of the guests.”

"Well, let's double-check the list."

“On-site kitchen, control of non-smoking areas…”

“Guests enter and leave the venue, there are three exits in total. Are the evacuation paths posted?”

"Is the music teacher there? Turn it down a bit, if someone calls for help..."

The soft sound of the bridal bag resounded in every corner.

The helpless Liu Qiu followed with the shooting teacher.

"Dear, today you only need to be beautiful~"

Liu Qiu, the assistant director of a program group, is begging her not to be busy today.

Associate Director of Conscience.

As a result, the package is soft and the heart is endless.

"Leave it to the groom and best man, you can rest assured."

Yang Xueni had changed into her bridesmaid dress, her skin was white and beautiful, and she came over with her curly hair.

"It's time for you to wear makeup! And you walk around like this, wedding dresses..."

Yang Xueni blew up and pressed her temples with both hands.

However, Bao Ruan softly hugged the big skirt and stepped on Pengmai sneakers. At his wedding scene, he walked out of a kind of security guard.

"Bridegroom and groomsmen are also busy."

The bag turned his head softly and looked at them.

"Xue Jing went to the kitchen to check, and also checked the whole wedding banquet process with the master of ceremonies, and then went to pick up the guests."

"The best man team has also picked up everyone."

So she became the commander-in-chief.

There is no king in the mountains,

Yang Xueni covered her forehead, ignoring her makeup.

He stepped forward and gave Liu Qiu and Qu Feifei a look behind him.

"123, go!"

They dragged the bag away.

Package: "…"

Too bad.

If it weren't for the expensive wedding dress, she would never let them succeed like this.

"Xue Jing asked Chen Feng to coordinate the audience."

"You don't trust your agent so much?"

"Chen Feng was shocked by you, stop."

Package: "…"

She looked innocent.

"I just can't be free~"

【Hahahaha! Xiaobao, are you busy being a safety committee member at your own wedding? 】

[Actually, marriage is like this. I was very busy that day. Being a bride was too tiring. 】

[Yes, after all, the invited guests are my relatives and friends, and I also invited many colleagues, just want to complete the wedding successfully, if there is a mistake, it will not only be regrettable, but also very shameful. 】

[Package: Sorry, shame is not in my consideration. I'm just worried about safety! 】

[Soft: Even at the wedding, I am the chief security officer~]

【Nini: Lay off your job! 】

The barrage laughed.

The elegant and gorgeous wedding scene has become a stage for happy comedians.

The sea and the sky are the same color, and the beach is sparkling in the sun.

The pure white tables and chairs are decorated with dark green ribbons, and the scene is surrounded by a large number of green plants and roses of various colors.

Bao Ruan Ruan was finally escorted into the bridal lounge by the bridesmaids.

There is a sign on the door that says 'Bride's Dressing Up'.

The live broadcast can only be moved to the welcome area where guests are arriving one after another.

"Are you a guest on the bride's side? Please provide the number of the life-saving book, thank you."

Zhou Minwen was dressed in formal clothes and stood with his female guest in charge of the check-in.

"Ok, Director Zheng Mingchang, please sign here."

He handed the tablet.


【Brother Zhou was also taken away, don’t you know Director Zheng? Please also provide the number of the life-saving book, hahaha, mom, this wedding is really going to make my abdominal muscles hurt! 】

[Director Zheng: Taking the opportunity to take revenge? Stop it. 】

Zheng Mingchang looked at him with a subtle look, and quickly signed on the tablet.

As the chief director of several variety shows, and the director of the live broadcast of "We Got Married", Zheng Mingchang took a deep look at Zhou Minwen after signing.

"Mr. Zhou, you have grown up recently."

"A lot."

Zhou Minwen smiled gently and took the tablet.

Glancing at him, when Zheng Mingchang was about to enter the wedding table area, he stopped him.

"Director Zheng, your signature is inconsistent with the version of the life-saving book."

Zheng Mingchang: "??"

In a second, a man in black wearing a mask stopped him.

Zhou Min laughed, "Please sign it again. After checking the handwriting, we can confirm that you are the real party B of the life-saving letter."

Zheng Mingchang: “…”

So as not to change the species next time, the signature will not pass 233333]

【Director Zheng Hahaha. 】

"You guys are pretty serious."

"Where, since we are entrusted by the bride, we must strictly control it, and it is our duty."


【Director Zheng: Year after year, why am I the one who gets hurt? 】

The guests will arrive soon.

Today's live-streamed wedding banquet, the audience quickly discovered that it was a special event for artists in the circle and some company bosses.

They would have been on the show more often.

The wedding that the program team and the new couple created together, the invited guests, and the audience are all familiar with it, and even gradually realized that this was specially created for soft fans and audience fans.

Let fans and audience participate in the happiness of the wedding together.

The guest table, some are the heroine crew she has played, some are guest crews, some are variety show crews, and some are her gold dominance over the concentration table.

More than that, the staff behind the scenes of many shows.

When the wedding march sounded, Wen Dao led Bao Ruanruan to the high platform, dragging the hem of the two-meter main gauze all the way.

Flakes of gold dust fell on the ground.

The sky is full of petals falling.

Director Wen handed her over to Xue Jing.

"Take care of her."

Xue Jing took the bag's soft hand seriously.

"I will."

"As much as you cherish life."

The bag pursed her lips and smiled softly behind the lace veil.

Xue Jing lowered her eyes, reached out her hand cautiously, and lifted the lace veil covering her snow-colored face inch by inch.

"Me too."

The package is soft and light to the red lips.

【Aw! 】

[With the degree of cherishing life - this is the love words that Baobao wants to hear most, he understands! 】

【Only belong to their most romantic love words. 】

Everyone was immersed and moved.

Soon, since Jane's ceremony was over, the guests began to enjoy their meals.

"Detox Detox Vegetable Soup."

"Double qi and blood supplement red dates and longan cold dishes."

"Nourishing yin winter bamboo shoots stuffed meat."

"Limited wax gourd cup."

“Strengthening Mushroom Jambalaya.”

Every time the waiters serve a dish, they wear masks and stand at the table to announce the name of the dish.

At the same time, I will explain a paragraph, its tonic effect, and who should use it with caution.

After speaking, they left.

[! 】

[…So this is the wedding style they came up with - healthy style! 】

This unique and lively wedding ended successfully.

The live broadcast of "We Got Married" closed Bao Ruanruan's personal live broadcast channel at 8 o'clock at night. Please go to Zhou Minwen and Yang Xueni's channels to continue watching.

Usually the audience would definitely make a fuss, but no one resisted today.

[Good job. 】

【Director Zheng is indeed married! 】

[Hee hee, eight o'clock at night. There are still two hours before the soft cub's health sleep time~]

[Understood. We go by ourselves. 】

【Happy wedding, bag! 】

The barrage is full of blessings.

On the quiet island at night, only the sound of waves crashing on the shore is left.

Snow screens brushed against the hardwood floors.

The faint moonlight fell by the bed.

The bag is soft and fluffy with her freshly blown dry hair, and her face is pink.

Three years in love.

Finally, it's time for an important step in longevity.

But now, her heart is beating a little faster.

go in!

"Cough... I'm actually a little tired today."

The little face of the bag was hot, and the silky quilt cover only felt a little cool to cool down.

Xue Jing walked to the edge of the bed, picked up the towel and covered her head.

Black eyes swept down her red face, like peaches under the night light.


"Then let's rest early today?"

The bag bit her lip softly.

I hear it hurts.

She's panicking now.


Xue Jing wiped her wet hair with a towel in one hand.

"Then lie down and rest."

The package was soft and soft and immediately relieved.

Then tomorrow, wait for her to adjust to full health!

But as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt Simmons on the edge of the bed by her side collapse.

A warm breath fell on her closed eyelashes.

"You rest."

"I will."


The bedside lamp goes out instantly.

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