MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 4 004

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Lu Wenxi on the stage stiffened for a moment.

Standard and cool hitting action, deformed, twisted, and a little weird and ugly.

"Look, let's warm up..." The doll muttered in a low voice.

The voice is very soft, through the headgear, there is a little buzzing air, a little cute.

But the content of what she said fell into Lu Wenxi's ears, which was hot and exciting.

Between his breaths, he felt his right waist hurt even more.

It's a little hard to even get back upright, so I can only keep my back hunched.


He suspects the cat is mocking him, and there is evidence.

Explain to the staff through the headset.

Who hurt the revolutionary capital!

Lu Wenxi turned his head with difficulty, and saw the cat stupidly pressing its head with its paw, looking stupid.

He's kicking this cat out!

【Hahaha or! 】

[I don't want to laugh anymore, although I feel sorry for the goose, this cat is too cute, and it makes sense. 】

[Brother will warm up next time, listen to the cat, don't get hurt~]

【Speaking of which, the mascot has changed today? It's a little soft, I want to lick it. 】

【This cat is cute, the warm-up is so funny! I forgot to look at my brother~]

【Is your brother okay? 】

The barrage jumped, but I didn't think that the tennis transmitter actually started again!

Tennis **** flew towards Lu Wenxi with lightning speed, his face instantly ugly!

He can't lift the racket at all now... can only sideways, barely dodging the balls.

Lu Wenxi gritted his teeth.

[! 】

[Help! 】

【My husband is really hurt! ?】

Turn off the ball machine! 】

The high-speed tennis ball hit the body, not a joke.

But when the audience was worried, the big pink cat that was stretching stiffened for a second, then turned around.

Three-step snake-shaped jumping back quickly, in an unexpectedly enchanting posture, one leg stepped on the sound and jumped high!

Slam, the thick cat's claws stretch out and catch the runaway tennis ball!

The whole barrage: […O_O! ! 】

And she slapped twice, and two tennis **** were caught by the pink left and right claws, and they were thrown into the basket one meter away in front of her.

The whole place was as quiet as a chicken.

until the ball machine is paused.

The big cat patted its left and right paws, sighed on the paws, and jumped off the sound, as if nothing had happened, and stood back to its original position.

Deeply hidden merit and fame.

The protagonist and guest of the game, Lu Wenxi, who has five million fans, stands in front of her and can no longer attract the attention of the audience.

The audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone almost forgot how this game of serve should be played and what the original rules were.

And when the last tennis ball flew out of the long-set ball machine, Lu Wenxi stared at the perverted 'cat' behind him, but did not move.

The ball flew at high speed, and when it was about to hit him in the face, the big pink cat murmured something that Lu Wenxi couldn't understand, and the right paw pulled him from behind, and the left paw was firmly connected Live the flying ball.

Lu Wenxi, who is 1.83 meters tall, was instantly hooked by the fluffy cat, and she was a little petite...

The picture is strangely harmonious.

Lu Wenxi: "!"

Live Room: "!"

The game ended, applause and thunder, and the variety show was full.

The bag was soft and a little scared and let go of Lu Wenxi.

He just stood in front of her, didn't move or dodge, the ball flew over and it would hit him.

Such a big and tall person, if the ball falls backward and falls on her, she will be injured at work.

Before trapped in the game, she was hit by someone and fell from a one-meter-high stage, and unfortunately suffered a broken neck.

Until now, she could not forget the painful feeling.

"I didn't expect our mascot cat helper today to perform exceptionally well and be very powerful. How about asking the audience?"

Bao Ruanruan was distracted, and was cued by the host.

Lu Wenxi was sprained and was urgently taken to rest by the staff. There was a gap in the show, and the host could only bite the bullet and interview the mascot Bao Ruanruan.

But the bag under the headgear is soft and confused.

The only work instructions she received were to catch the ball.

Bao softly covered his hood and waved his hand.

Host: “…?”

Bao Ruanruan wanted to leave, but was stopped by the host.

On the spot, she played with the host one after the other, left and right, pulling and dodging.

The host gritted his teeth, "...?"

"So shy? Say hello to the audience, don't be nervous."

Bao shook his head softly.

Say hello, that's another price.

The host wanted to reach out, but it was too late. He was dressed in a soft cat suit, moved nimbly, got rid of him, and rushed backstage in two steps.

Host: "???"

[hhh I didn't expect that, in the mascot, I laughed and cried. 】

[How many years? The mascot of the show group has finally cultivated to perfection! 】

The mascot escaped, even if there is a chance to show it.

This is too rare in the entertainment industry.

[The catch is so good, and the dodge is also strong. The host, even a big man can't stop her! 】

[Masters are in the world, cats are girls, right? Not as tall as a man. 】

Chen Feng's phone vibrated for a while, and a WeChat message popped up:

[Xue Jing]: Is the recording over? went well?

Chen Feng looked at the stage, looked at his phone, and twitched the corners of his eyes a few times.

Brother Xue, he almost doesn't know the word "successful".

Lu Wenxi, who sprayed Yunnan Baiyao on his waist in the backstage, finally got less pain, watched the live broadcast and fell into autism.

This stupid cat stole his camera.

But in the end, she saved him.

"If it weren't for her, your face would be swollen with the ball."

Lu Wenxi "…"

Then he... add her back to the fan membership.

"Send her a signed photo."

Broker: "?"

Lu Wenxi touched his chin.

This must be his face powder.

Before she was silent, but at a critical moment, she jumped out to protect his face.

His brother said that his face was exchanged for his brain.

"Send three signed photos."

His face is very expensive.

After dealing with the pile pressure, Xue Jing was finally free and had time to care about the newly signed artist.

But when I sent a message to Chen Feng, he didn't reply.

Xue Jing tapped the tear mole under Taohua's eyes with her index finger and opened the live replay of "Happy Saturday" by herself.

In half an hour.

The coffee in Xue Jing's hand was cold.

Huangtai delayed a martial arts athlete?

Xue Jing held her temples with her long fingers.

Can't figure it out.

She has a mediocre resume, but turned out to be a martial arts master?

This dexterity contrasts sharply with her frail appearance.

He picked up a big leak from Huangtai?

"Brother Xue, Xiaobao has a new job! Director Zheng Mingchang saw her doll shape and wanted to take her to "Island Restaurant"!" Chen Feng sent a congratulatory message at the scene.

Xue Jing was stunned for a moment, then turned on her phone and glanced, "Isn't Director Zheng on vacation?"

"Well, he happened to watch this live broadcast at home."


Zheng Mingchang is a famous variety entertainment director of Jiangcheng TV.

In the past few years, the entertainment industry was sluggish and the ratings of variety shows were all frozen below 0.5%. He single-handedly launched "One Person Dining Restaurant", gathering several stars to open a restaurant to entertain the tiredness of the night. People who work overtime have raised the ratings of Jiangcheng TV to 1.2%, which is well-known in the industry.

After only seven seasons, the audience got tired of watching it, lost its freshness, and the ratings dropped year by year.

Seeing that it is about to fall below 0.6%, this year, Zheng Mingchang decided to change the name of the variety show "Island Restaurant" and changed the shooting mode.

The six guests, in addition to the old actors, also invited popular fresh meat and show people.

Now, there are only six vacancies left, but Zheng Mingchang is stumped.

The guests have requirements:

The No. 1 guest, the old drama bone is forty this year, and is still playing the No. 1 idol drama male. He asked the variety show not to invite actors of the same age who played his parents as guests, because he was afraid of being framed together, so that the audience would think that he could play his father too, which would affect his future as the male No. 1 drama.

The second guest, the popular fresh meat has recently been delayed and changed, and will soon be marketing CP. I don’t want to cooperate with boys who are shorter than him, for fear of letting the audience preconceived and destroying the sense of CP in the original drama.

The third guest, the youngest newcomer to the girl group, doesn't want to be too much in the same frame with the male artist, for fear of being dragged into the scandal by the other party.

No. 5 guest, Lu Jia, the program investor that Zheng Mingchang finally found, and Lu Wenxi who was stuffed into the program.

The agent told me that I don't want to have beautiful young female guests with active minds in the show, so as not to have any unreasonable thoughts about their family Lu Wenxi.

After all, his brother Lu Wenyao just got caught in the ugly scene of 'the engagement ceremony on the 108th line', and the younger brother can no longer fall.

These requirements, Zheng Mingchang can understand, but together, he will not be able to fix them!

The sixth guest, either male or female, neither tall nor short, neither beautiful nor ugly, neither big nor small, where can I find this?

But who would have thought that when he was at home on vacation, he would open Jiangchengtai when he was bored, and when he saw "Happy Saturday", he was attracted by the cat mascot that twisted his waist and caught the ball sensitively.

An aura flashed across Zheng Mingchang's hair loss head: Isn't this the sixth man chosen by the heavens?

"I want the contact information of this cat! Hey, no need, I will be at the stage in twenty minutes, and you have kept the cat for me!"

As a mascot, I entered the restaurant "Island" to work, which could meet the requirements of five guests at the same time, and also created an original precedent to create a sense of topic.

Zheng Mingchang drove all the way to Taili, and when he got off the car, #catmaomascotfawei# had jumped up to the fifth most popular search.

The popularity of cats has continued to increase, and the topic has exceeded 100 million views.

Zheng Mingchang was in a hurry, but no one should rob him.

Being guided by the staff, Zheng Mingchang eagerly pushed the door and entered.

"Hello, I have a new variety show, and I want to invite you as a regular guest in the image of a big cat. The remuneration can be negotiated—"

In a second, the figure of the big pink cat appeared in front of him.

The furry cat's paw was pressing the headgear in the corner, awkwardly preparing to take it off.

Looking up close, Zheng Mingchang also feels cute.

But without any precautions...the headgear was taken off...and a delicate little face with black hair soaked with sweat and a white forehead was immediately revealed.


Zheng Mingchang: "!"


But how... familiar?

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