MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 92 I saved my life today (Revised No. 1)

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You're quite superstitious, little bun. The netizens are talking about the role, not you. This shows that you are good at acting. ]

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[Otherwise, I'll keep the New Year's Eve tonight, and I'll be incense on the first day of the new year tomorrow, I'll ask you and Brother Xue for a health charm, don't be angry! I got off the plane, let's talk. ]

A year old?

Bao Ruanruan's attention was immediately attracted by this word.

She immediately searched the Internet.

'On New Year's Eve, the whole family reunites, eats New Year's Eve dinner, lights candles or oil lamps, sits around the fireplace and chats, and keeps vigil all night, symbolizing the drive away of all evil plagues...'

Seeing all night, her little face wrinkled together.

But seeing the last sentence to drive away the evil plague, she stretched her face again.

Read it again, wrinkle, stretch…

To stay up late, or not to stay up?

It's a dilemma.

North Suburb One, it was still quiet at nine o'clock in the evening on New Year's Eve.

Jiangchengjing does not allow fireworks.

Bao Ruanruan felt very relieved about this.

But when she knocked on the door opposite, she saw Xue Jing in a coat that seemed to be going out, holding a kidney-tonifying seven black gift box and seasonal tonic books in her hand, she was stunned for a moment, her heart seemed to ignite A small fireworks whirling into the sky.

And when the door opened, Xue Jing stood by the door, lowered her eyebrows and looked at her dragging a small stool, holding a small tea set for staying up late formula tea, a small face was reflected red by the couplet on the door red time.

My heart skipped a beat.

Heard the sound of firecrackers.

"Um, do you want to… vigil together?"

Bao Ruanruan stood at the door and asked in a low voice with a warm face.