MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3229 Return home

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"Master, I am John."

"Hello, John, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"John, if it's a problem that you can't solve, I'm afraid I can hardly help you."

"No, it's really only you can do it."

"Let's talk about it, what is it?"

"In the Vatican, a vicious evil spirit was sealed. It was a disaster for decades in the Middle Ages. It was later sealed by our church. Not long ago, this evil spirit broke the seal and escaped."

"A mere evil spirit, can't your church eliminate it?"

Zhang Tianyi suspected that Old John was joking with him.

An evil spirit still needs foreign aid from the church?

Are you kidding me?

"It is not difficult to destroy this evil spirit, but it is difficult to seal it again."

Old John knows that it is difficult to fool Old John by simple lies.

So his words are mixed.

"Is there anything special about this evil spirit?"

"This evil spirit was once a monk in the church, and he was also an extremely powerful and pious monk. The magic he practiced was called by the Holy Spirit, but he was tricked by the evil wizard. When he was practicing the calling of the Holy Spirit, he It was not an angel that was summoned, but a fallen angel. The fallen angel destroyed his body, and he seized the fallen angel’s body. A monk in the church seized the fallen angel’s body. This behavior itself is very evil, so He was condemned and his soul was forcibly torn apart. Half of his soul escaped from the body of the fallen angel and returned to the church. He has been asleep for hundreds of years, while the other half of the soul merged with the fallen angel soul and became evil. The king of spirits, our church has been purifying the king of evil spirits for hundreds of years. The original progress was relatively smooth, but after the spiritual tide began, the seal began to loosen. Until yesterday, he escaped from the seal, and now he Trapped by several archbishops of our church, but if you want to seal the king of evil spirits, you need your presiding officer."

"That's it..." Zhang Tianyi hesitated a little, and said, "Then I will make arrangements. I'll be there in the next few days. It's in the Vatican, right."

"Yes, it's in the Vatican, but can you hurry up? I'm afraid he will escape. The king of evil spirits poses a great threat to ordinary people. He swallowed tens of thousands of people in the Middle Ages, and every additional one Human soul, he has one more life? That is to say? To kill him completely? You need to destroy him tens of thousands of times. If he gets out of trouble, it will become a big trouble."


"I have sent a special plane to pick you up, Master Zhang."

"okay then."

Zhang Tianyi couldn't refuse any more.

It is estimated that the king of evil spirits is quite vigorous.

Can make Old John so worried.


The special plane picked up Zhang Tianyi? Old John called Chen Zhao.

"Master Chen Zhang is already on his way to the Vatican."

Chen Zhao Yixi: "You let the plane drive slower? The longer the delay, the better... By the way... If your plane crashes? I will give you an extra piece of the Kingdom of God."

"Chen? The plane is ordinary people, and there are several flight attendants on it."

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

If it’s not a crew member? Chen Zhao wants to take pictures of the plane himself.

After Chen Zhao hung up the phone, he dialed Steven's phone.

"Steven? You prepare for our flight tonight."

"Tonight? So urgent? You have to tell me at least in advance."

"You and all members of the film crew will be paid 5% higher."

"Then I will be fine? I will notify the crew now."

"It's enough for people to arrive, and for consignments such as machines."

"Is it so urgent?"

"Time is money, my friend."

"okay then."

Steven hurriedly notified all members of the shooting plan.

Because it was directed by Steven, and Chen Zhao took the lead.

So all the members of the last time the Guardian of the Sea documentary accepted this project quite readily.

Chen Zhao directly chartered a plane.

Originally, Chen Zhao planned to use his own private jet.

But my own plane flew too slowly. It originally took 20 hours to fly from Lao Mei to China.

But his big guy has to fly for at least forty hours.

So Chen Zhao ordered the fastest flying one.

If it were not for the retirement of Concorde, Chen Zhao would want to contract the Concorde.

For the twenty-hour voyage, the crew members were very tired.

Although Chen Zhao really hopes that they can go directly to shoot.

But if he said this sentence, it is estimated that Steven will turn his face with himself.

So let them rest first.

"Yi Ziqing, we are going to the hotel soon, you can prepare."

"Don't worry, boss."

Ye Ziqing was still very happy. When Chen Zhao returned to China, she appointed her to handle affairs.

Not long after, several commercial vehicles parked in front of the hotel.

Ye Ziqing stepped forward and opened the car door for Chen Zhao.



Ye Ziqing looked at Steven who was following Chen Zhao to get out of the car, and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Boss, is there anything between you and Mr. Steven this time?"

"It's also a documentary project." Chen Zhao said casually.

"Then what else can I do?"

"Not for the time being. Take these foreigners to check in first." Chen Zhao said, then turned to Steven and said, "Go and wash, and I'll take you to some delicious food."

An hour later, Chen Zhao took Steven and the film crew to a famous street market in the city.

The nightlife in Laomei is not the same as the domestic one.

The nightlife in Laomei is almost like bars or nightclubs, or commercial streets.

The domestic side is much richer, mainly because the country is too safe.

Even walking on the road in the middle of the night will not encounter any danger.

In the old United States, walking on the road in the city.

There were three waves of robbery within an hour, two of them still carrying guns.

One of them may shoot you directly.

In China, if you walk on the main road in the early morning, the most likely possibility is that the police uncle will send you home.

A group of foreigners who are tired of shopping at night bars are really attracted by the bustling food court.

Every shop has something to come, and Modu is also a cosmopolitan city, so this big wave of foreigners is not surprising.

Chen Zhao sent each of them a mobile phone for domestic use.

Use this phone to contact if necessary.

Chen Zhao took Steven and left: "Steven, let's meet old friends."

"Old friend? Huaxia?"

"Of course, have you forgotten Wang He who used to be your actor?"

"Oh, I remember."

In fact, Wang He often contacted him.

But most of the time, Wang He took the initiative to contact him.

It's basically the kind of courtesy between familiar strangers.

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