MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3233 Espionage

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Deal with Chen Ke.

Chen Zhao went back to his room and was about to go to bed.

Wang He's call came.

"Mr. Chen... You helped get the heroine of Chen Ke?"

"Fuck me, are you in the entertainment circle or in the spy circle? I always feel that you who are well informed can be spies."

"The news exploded, unless I was blind."

After all, Wang He and Chen Ke belong to the same company.

Wang He is well aware of the company's resources.

The only Hollywood resources they have are Chen Zhao.

So Chen Ke suddenly got the heroine of James' new film project.

And this movie is still the leading actress.

Therefore, Wang He's natural guess was that Chen Zhao helped Chen Ke to get it.

It's almost unnecessary to guess.

Both of them are basically soft in domestic resources.

But the resources of Hollywood, the two of them have no advantage.

So it can only be Chen Zhao.

"Mr. Chen, you can't favor one another, right?"

"I'm fucking, didn't you get a role too? And it's Steven. Steven has more cards than James."

"That's not the same. It was exchanged for the shares I held, and it was still a supporting role."

"Stop making trouble, I really can't help it. I know two people in Hollywood, and I owe two favors in one day. I will talk about it later if I have a chance."

"Well...I don't make it difficult for President Chen." Wang He has matured a lot in the past two years.

If you know it, you will accept it, although the resources that Chen Ke got are jealous.

But Chen Ke is Chen Zhao's cousin after all.

Moreover, the more popular Chen Ke, the higher the profit of their company.

"By the way, tomorrow I will make an appointment with Steven and Chen Ke to come out for a meal together."

"Okay, I will arrange the restaurant." Wang He was very active.

"Then you can arrange it, I'm not familiar with Magic City... By the way, it's better to be a Chinese restaurant. Steven didn't come to China for Western food."

"I know, don't worry, President Chen."


"Brother Wang, how is it?"

"Well, it's the role Mr. Chen wants to help Chen Ke."

Zhou Lin bit her lower lip and looked at Wang He affectionately: "Then Brother Wang, can you please help me and President Chen, and also ask for a role for me, I won't pick it."

"Let's talk about this."

Wang He also knew that it was not suitable to keep talking in one day.

After all, this company serves him and Chen Ke.

The two of them are naturally given priority in obtaining resources.

Zhou Lin's three- and four-line starlets basically belong to the Porcelain type acting career.

All the roles played are No. 3, 4, and 5, which are less than the top and more than the bottom.

The audience looked a little familiar, but they couldn't call it the kind.

Accidentally came across a good character with a good script, and then became popular.

There are too many such entertainers in the entire entertainment industry.

As for wanting Hollywood resources.

Just kidding, neither he nor Chen Ke have enough points.

For Zhou Lin? Didn't wake up.

What's more, begging Chen Zhao with favor.

Wang He would not speak to Chen Zhao for Zhou Lin.

Because he knows that now he and Chen Zhao have a good relationship.

But every time he begged Chen Zhao.

So this relationship is very unreliable.

Who knows one day Chen Zhao gets tired of having fun, so he just leaves.

He is different from Chen Ke. Chen Ke is also Chen Zhao's cousin, she is a family.

However, he and Chen Zhao just had a little friendship, and they couldn't stand the consumption.

So when it is not necessary, he will not easily ask for a role.

In fact, he is quite satisfied with today's harvest.

The call just now said it was complaining that Chen Zhao didn't give a good role.

In fact, it was to express to Chen Zhao that he knows how to advance and retreat, not to really ask Chen Zhao for a role.

"You have a movie on hand now. You can shoot this movie first. And Hollywood's resources are not meant to be taken. There are not many movies with Oriental female characters in Hollywood. It is estimated that all Hollywood is James’ "Perfect Woman", do you still want to grab a role with Chen Ke?"

Zhou Lin was a little unhappy, pouting her mouth and said: "What's wrong with her, the company is not her alone."

Wang He glanced at Zhou Lin? He didn't like this woman who didn't know her importance.

"The company is not her alone? But Chen is always her cousin? Who are you President Chen? Mr. Chen can help Chen Ke ask for a role, so why do you ask for a role? Anyway, even if you say it to me Now, if it gets to the company? You just wait to be hidden by the snow."

Zhou Lin just complained? This is really going to be spread.

It's basically a woman's jealousy.

It is estimated that the company really has no place for her.

Think of Chen Ke's cousin who covers the sky with only one hand.

I really can't afford it.

The energy of an absolute heroine who can go to Hollywood casually.

Definitely not her third and fourth line star can compare.

Don't look at Zhou Lin saying that she is younger than Chen Ke? Prettier than her.

The acting skills are no worse than Chen Ke.

In fact, she knows very well? Chen Ke can have nothing.

Just a cousin is enough.

In the entertainment industry? People are more important than anything else.

The business can be unfamiliar, but familiarity is enough.

For example, the famous Mr. Number, Miss Number, etc.

Then, Wang He experienced a familiar phone call all night.

All are colleagues in the entertainment industry.

Those familiar? Call him all those who are unfamiliar.

Inquiring about Wang He's way around.

After all, one night's time? A major role that got Steven.

A heroine who got James.

This has to say that there is no way to Hollywood, and they would not believe in killing them.

But no matter how they inquired and explored? They didn't find any way for Wang He.

It is even more impossible for Wang He to speak out himself.

But can't stand the enthusiasm of those colleagues.

There are even senior executives from several companies, hoping to exchange the resources for Hollywood resources.

However, Wang He remained tight-lipped, indicating that he is more familiar with Steven.

So Steven only thinks of him when he has a suitable role.

Seeing Wang He couldn't get through here.

They called Chen Ke again.

Then Chen Ke was also harassed all night.

Chen Ke and Wang He are the same way.

Just not letting go, saying that Wang He helped arrange her work.

She didn't know what path Wang He took.

After these two pieces of news were announced, the two of them had more play appointments and announcements.

The entertainment industry is a very realistic industry. Some crews feel that after their two Hollywood films are released, there is a high possibility that they will increase their status.

Instead of that, it is better to invite them now.

Or when they are in Hollywood movies, they broadcast their domestic programs, which is referred to as "heating."

Many of the announcements and play appointments are quite good.

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