MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3266 Hua Jiao

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After dark, the venue is still being set up.

Until the early morning, the preparations for the formation were finally arranged.

This is not a pure formation, and some instruments and equipment of unknown purpose are also arranged around.

"Well, now I'm waiting for it to start after twelve o'clock."

"Why wait until after twelve o'clock?" Chen Zhao asked.

"For that snake demon to evolve into a flood dragon, what it needs is the right time and the right place and humanity, and it is indispensable. Time refers to time, and right place is the environment and formation here. Humanity is you. Tomorrow is the day of the renewal of Yin and Yang. ."

"What is Kaiyuan Day? I haven't heard of it."

"Similar to the twenty-four solar terms, there is also the term Aura solar terms in the spiritual world. In some seasons, the sun is prosperous and the yin is declining, and in some seasons, the yin is prosperous and the sun is declining. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Kaiyuan Day is the first day when the spiritual energy changes from Yin and Yang to decline. This time is the first day when the two Qis of Yin and Yang are reversed. Normally, the whole day after early morning is fine. But in the wee hours is the best time."

"Tell me more about the Reiki Solar Terms."

"After the Kaiyuan Day, it is the Mingyang in early April. At that time, the yang qi reached a high level. June was the prosperous yang, and June was the most yang qi month, and then lasted until July 15, except for Outside of the Ghost Festival, it is also called Kaiyin in the spiritual realm. From that time on, the Yin Qi will gradually regenerate, and then it will be the perineum in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then it will be the full Yin on November 5."

Zhou Yiren paused, and then said: "Kaiyuan, Mingyang, Shengyang, Kaiyin, Perineum, and Shengyin, these are the six solar terms of the Aura Solar Terms. Now even monks rarely know these Aura Solar Terms, but in ancient times , Some monks will still practice or break through according to the spiritual energy and solar terms, which is indeed helpful to the cultivation base and realm. For example, Kaiyuan and Kaiyin? Anode generates Yin? or the important turning point of cathode yang, which is a good breakthrough. And the time for insight? Another example is that your cultivation is a yang attribute or a yin attribute? You can also allocate the cultivation time according to the spiritual energy and solar terms."

Although Chen Zhao's own practice tends to be positive, he has never paid attention to such things as Reiki and Solar Terms.

Now that I have listened to Zhou Yiren's words? It feels a little bit clear.

Although you won't break through as soon as you finish listening, you can practice as much as possible with the solar terms in your future practice.

"Okay...Mr. Chen? You go to the instrument over there and try it first to see if the mana input goes well."

Chen Zhao nodded and came to the instrument. There was a pair of palm prints on the instrument.

"Put your hands on the palm prints? Then use the smallest amplitude to output mana first."

Chen Zhao Yiyan began to output mana.

The moment Chen Zhao entered his mana? The array lit up.

"Mr. Chen, you can increase your mana output."

Chen Zhao increased his output power and his array became brighter.

Other personnel in charge of monitoring equipment and formation made an ok gesture.

"The mana attribute is positive, the formation is operating normally, and the power is stable? Just follow this output frequency." The monitor said: "But it needs to be maintained for at least an hour, possibly longer."

Zhou Yiren looked at Chen Zhao: "Mr. Chen? It takes an hour or more. Do you have any questions? If you have any questions, it's better to ask them now? We can make alternative plans."

"sure, no problem."

"That's good." Zhou Yiren corrected the time: "One minute countdown? Shao Jiaqiu? Stand in the eyes of the array? Summon the snake demon, and it will begin soon."

Shao Jiaqiu stood in the eyes of the array, and the two-legged snake also recruited.

The two-legged snake can be honest here.

In addition to Chen Zhao, there are many here that he can't afford.

Even Zhou Yiren seemed ordinary.

Strength is no small matter.

So far, Shao Jiaqiu does not know the specific process.

So she looked a little nervous.

"Countdown, ten seconds, nine, eight..."

"Countdown, three, two, one...begin."

Chen Zhao began to input mana.

The formation lights up, and Zhou Yiren is commanding.

"Snake demon, activate its bloodline and begin to evolve."

Two-footed big snake murmured: "I am not a snake monster, call me a snake monster every day."

But it didn't dare to be heard by others, it just complained.

The scales of the two-legged snake began to change color from the original green color, and the color became deeper and deeper, and it seemed to be congested, turning dark red, and at the same time faintly glowing red.

The mana output by Chen Zhao was introduced into the formation through the instrument, and then flowed into Shao Jiaqiu in the eyes of the formation.

Then flow into the two-legged snake through Shao Jiaqiu.

Shao Jiaqiu and the two-legged snake are connected by blood.

So they will not reject each other's mana.

The two-legged snake stood up in front of him.

But the process of evolution is not comfortable, it can even be said to be extremely painful.

Many monsters or monsters died because they couldn't hold on during their evolution.

The two-legged snake knew the consequences, so he insisted.

As long as it is a little loose, it must be broken.

It needs to continuously absorb mana and stimulate the blood vessels in the body.

Blood and physique are two things, but they are complementary to each other.

The bloodline creates a stronger physique, and a stronger physique can give birth to a stronger bloodline.

It has been half an hour, and the two-legged snake is still the two-legged snake.

Its body did not show any significant changes in characteristics.

Zhou Yiren cursed secretly, this guy's talent is really bad.

No wonder it doesn't evolve if you get stuck in your feet.

"Mr. Chen, this evolutionary process may take longer, do you have a problem there?"

"Not for the time being." Since Chen Zhao agreed, he wouldn't choose to leave halfway.

The length of time does not make much difference to yourself.

Finally, after another half an hour, a sarcoma began to protrude from the top of the two-legged snake.

The sarcoma grew slowly, and then the outer skin began to age and fade away, revealing a single horn.

Finally had a little characteristic of Jiaolong.

But at this moment, a dark cloud appeared in the sky.

Zhou Yiren's heart trembled.

"What's the matter, didn't you investigate the weather conditions? Why did the clouds come suddenly?"

Chen Zhao looked at Zhou Yiren: "What happened?"

"Mr. Chen, if it rains, your mana will be collected."

"What's the matter? If I accept this, the evolution of this snake demon will definitely fail. With the amount of mana it absorbs from me, it and Shao Jiaqiu will definitely be blown up."

"No way, if it rains, it will definitely trigger the thunder."

"I know some tricks myself, I'm fine personally."

Chen Zhao himself had experienced thunder tribulation, and encountered it when he broke through the Eclosion Realm.

Even if the snake demon's evolution caused the sky thunder, it would not be stronger than his own thunder robbery at the time, so Chen Zhao was not worried.

"Mr. Chen, are you really okay?"

Read The Duke's Passion