MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3278 negotiation

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Portia was already crying, and she lay down on the ground to play a child's temper.

I won't get up today without money.

Then Chen Zhao ignored her.

Gevlar ignored her.

She was tired from crying, so she ran to play games.

At noon, he went back to the dinner table like a okay person.

"Portia, are there still tasks to be done?"

"I don't care, I won't accept it if I don't give money this time."

"Am I not paying? I just deducted the interest from your remuneration."

"Then I don't care, I want cash or a check."

"Okay, anyway, the interest is there, the more you owe, the more you will have to repay in the future."

Portia has a delicious meal.

What interest and what to pay back, that is the future.

Now she just wants to see the money so that she can return the credit card.

She belongs to the ostrich spirit now.

As long as it is not in front of you, everything is fine.

In the afternoon, Chen Zhao, Portia, and Revela were having a barbecue, and Navica Linna came.

"Boss, this is the account statement sent by Mr. Lu from Huaxia. Take a look. In addition, he said in an e-mail that he has won the development right of the Daodao project and will contact you today , To communicate directly with you.” Although Naveka Linna is already Chen Zhao’s most important assistant.

However, the relationship between her and Chen Zhao's family is not as close as Portia and Gevlar.

On the one hand, she does business, and on the other, she is just an ordinary person after all.

So I hardly know the secrets of Chen Zhao's family.

"Okay, you have worked hard, do you want to leave something to eat?"

"No, I still have the financial statements for the last quarter on hand, and the income and expenditure statements have not been completed." Navica Linna said.

She glanced at Portia and Gevlar, and said that she was quite indifferent to their complacency.

It's better to find more things to do if you have this time.

With Chen Zhao's huge assets, there are too many things to deal with.

In addition to my own job, there are many details, which can be commissioned.

If she helped Chen Zhao negotiate with the Northern Gravity Group like last time, the amount she got would be enough for her to earn a few years of work.

And every time she saw Gevlar and Portia, they only played for fun, and seldom saw them help Chen Zhao.

I really don't understand why Chen Zhao can tolerate the two of them.

She felt that Chen Zhao could completely expel Portia and Gevlar.

Then give them their salary, and one person can complete the workload of three people.

After Navica Linna left, Revra came out with a lot of tasks.

"Boss, let us pick it ourselves this time?"

"Okay, if you see what you can do, you can take it."

Chen Zhao didn't expect them to complete many tasks.

Just like yesterday, it is very efficient to complete three tasks in one day.

No matter how high it is, it is almost impossible.

And Chen Zhao alone did 20 tasks last night.

And it's the flight of the whole country.

The agreed-upon date for the exchange between the Supernatural Association and the East China Branch of the China Special Love Department is approaching.

Chen Zhao's tasks have also been cleared.

In addition to the peripheral members, all core members participated this time.

Chen Zhao booked a special plane for them.

Chen Zhao's own private jet could not accommodate so many people.


"Mr. Chen, this is Ovo Le Beer. Are you satisfied with the yachts our company produces?"

"Yes, very good," Chen Zhao said.

"Then... Regarding what you said, I hope to order seven more cruise ships..."

"First book three ships this year. If the three ships are delivered to my satisfaction, I will continue to place orders. In addition, I require each ship to have a unique design. This is a gift I give to every child, so I don’t want to repeat the sample. As for the details, you send someone over to discuss with my representative."

"Okay, I will report to the company immediately."

This may be the largest order since the establishment of Seagate.

No, it is the largest order from a yacht company in the world.

Except those retailers.

But the retailer even orders a hundred yachts.

The profit is probably not as good as the order of a super cruise ship.

Within two days, Seagate sent a large negotiating team.

Chen Zhao also called Alix’s lawyer team to take charge of this discussion.

Ofer Lebil personally approached Chen Zhaola for a relationship.

He is the team leader this time because it was the order he negotiated last time.

So Seagate naturally thinks that he has a good relationship with Chen Zhao.

But this is not a small business, it's okay to talk about friendship.

But it is impossible to make concessions in the negotiation process.

The current negotiations naturally lean towards Chen Zhao's side.

Alix firmly holds the initiative in his hands.

After all, this negotiation was not a fair negotiation.

Chen Zhao is irreplaceable as a consumer.

But Seagate is not the only choice.

Chen Zhao has too many choices.

Change to a bigger and better company.

In fact, during the negotiation process, Yaliks made the Seagate delegation speechless with just one sentence.

If it is at the same price, why should our boss choose your company?

Talk about feelings? Believe it or not, many yacht companies are willing to come and lick our boss.

And Alexis is more than just talking.

The news really spread out the day after the negotiations started.

On the same day, I received inquiries from all the top 20 yacht companies in the world.

Therefore, the Seagate delegation retreated at the negotiating table.

On the one hand, they want to seize this opportunity.

It is impossible to pass the fat to the mouth.

In fact, the significance of the continuation of this negotiation lies in the question of how much their company makes.

It is impossible to lose money at a loss. They can continue to talk, only that the price has not touched the cost.

Every 0.1% price concession is millions of dollars.

This negotiation lasted for twenty days, and Alix was to submit the contract to Chen Zhao.

She saved Chen Zhao hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses, and Chen Zhao also paid her generous rewards.

Chen Zhao is still busy every day.

Although the previous backlog of orders has been emptied.

But there will still be new tasks every day.

And there are a lot of them. In the past year, supernatural events across the United States showed an explosive growth.

Chen Zhao is now striving to deal with all the entrustment every day.

Of course, the time consuming is handed over to the peripheral members of the association.

However, psionic organizations are also accepting a large number of commissions.

On the contrary, Chen Zhao also reduced a lot of pressure.

Now Chen Zhao only hopes that the exchange can end as soon as possible.

But Chen Zhao couldn't urge them. This time he said it was an exchange, rather it was a big holiday for the members of the Supernatural Society.