MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3287 tyrannical

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"Is there anything wrong with this flower?"

"If we know who sent this flower, then our goal will probably be much smaller."

Riri Diang hasn't answered yet, and Creel, who is standing at the door, has already spoken.

"It's my daughter's preschool teacher." Creel said: "I remember that I picked her up that day. She got into the car very happily with this flower in her hand. She liked this flower very much and said it was given by the teacher. For her."

As Creel said, his body was trembling slightly.

"Who gave this flower, who is the murderer who killed my daughter?"

"Not sure, but the suspicion is very big."


In a villa, Marshall Greener just returned home from get off work.

After some busy schedule, Marshall Green prepared dinner.

He likes this kind of solitary life, no one bothers.

However, just as he was about to enjoy dinner.

The lights in the room suddenly went out.

Marshall Greener cursed secretly.

Get up and prepare to see the switch.

But when he got up, a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder, pushing him back to the seat.

Marshall Greener's heart tightened.

"You are Marshall Greener."

"Sir, what is valuable in the house, you can take it away, please don't hurt me." Marshall Greener said quickly.

At this time, there was an extra flower in his dish.

A withered flower caused Marshall Greener's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Very well, it looks like you know this flower."

"Sir, I don't understand what you are talking about." Marshall Greener's voice was far-fetched.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't come to find evidence originally."

"Sir, can we talk, how much do you want?"

Chen Zhao took out the phone: "Mr. Ruili Diang, you can come in."

Marshall Greener's face changed again.

Then he heard the sound of the door being kicked open violently.

Then a footstep was accompanied by the dragging sound of a metal tube.

Riri Diang is dragging a baseball bat and metal products.

"Mr. Chen, are you sure, is it him?"

"Yes, even if it's not him, he is related to your daughter's death." Chen Zhao nodded.

"Mr. Rerry, please calm down, don't listen to his nonsense."

Chen Zhao lifted Marshall Greener's arm, Riri Dieng let out a low growl, lifted the metal baseball bat and smashed it down.


Marshall Greener wailed in pain.

I have to say that the location of the villa he chose is quite secluded.

No one lives within several kilometers.

This can bring him a comfortable life experience.

Of course, this also caused some bad aspects.

For example, now, he needs someone to hear his screams.

"Tell me, why? Isn't my little Mary cute enough?" Ruili Diang's face was savage, her veins violent, and once again raised her metal baseball bat: "Tell me why! Why!"


Marshall Greener's thigh was broken.

"She is an angel, why would anyone hurt her, why? Tell me why!"

Riri Dieng used to hang out on the street.

So he knows how to make people more painful.

Suddenly, a force swept away from Marshall Greener.

Both Chen Zhao and Ruili Diang took two steps back.

Marshall Greenle propped up his body in pain, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Okay, I tell you why."

Marshall Greener's expression of extreme pain suddenly became a bit hideous.

His facial muscles seemed to have been injected with too much Botox and began to become stiff.

His pupils also showed an inhuman state.

His nails became sharp, and the hands and feet that had been smashed were twisting in an incredible way, and then reintegrating the joints.

"Mr. Chen...He is..."

Chen Zhao calmly stepped forward, grabbed Marshall Greener by the back of his neck, and then pressed him to the ground.

"He is just struggling, struggling in vain." Chen Zhao said lightly.

Marshall Greener tried to get up and fight back.

But he couldn't do it, Chen Zhao's strength was too great.

"We continue."

After seeing the changes in Marshall Greener, Riri Dieng.

It also confirmed that he was the murderer who killed his own daughter.

There is no longer the slightest hesitation to start.

"You say! Why!"


I have to say that after the demonization, Marshall Greener has become more resistant.

However, his resistance does not mean that he does not feel pain.

Riri Dion's strength is still very large, and he also uses metal baseball bats.

Even the devil's body will be injured.

"Who else besides you? Tell me, who else!"

Marshall Greener endured the pain: "Do you want to know? You know that you are on the verge of death. You don't understand who you are going to face."

"I only know that I will kill you demons with my own hands."

"Then why should I tell you?"

"If you say it now, you can die a little easier." Chen Zhao said lightly.

"I tell you, you let me go."

Chen Zhao's finger ran across Marshall Greener's skin and tore off a strip of meat.

"I will tear your body apart piece by piece, trust me, I am good at it."

Then came the cruel torture process.

The whole process did not last too long.

Marshall Greener did not hide, at least Chen Zhao got the information he wanted.

Marshall Greener's superior.

Rerry Dion looked at Marshall Greener who was dying on the ground.

"What about this guy."

"Hell is for this kind of person." Chen Zhao said.

With that, Chen Zhao's strength suddenly increased.

Marshall Greenle tried to struggle, and soon there was no movement.

"Mr. Rerry, are you satisfied with this result?"

"Are you going to that lair next?"

"Mr. Ruili, what follows is a supernatural battle."

"I'll go with you." Riri Diang took out the gun: "Look at me, even this guy is ready."

Chen Zhao smiled and shook his head: "Those guys don't eat this stuff."

"Do you have anything that can kill these demons?"

"A baby holding a gun may hurt the other person, or it may hurt himself."

"I'm not a baby, I have killed people. Once I met an arsonist in a fire, and I covered him with gasoline and kicked him into the fire."

"I said, it's too dangerous."

"Or I should find the way by myself."

Chen Zhao rubbed his eyebrows, and he found it more dangerous.

It's okay if you haven't found it, if you find it, or it was discovered by the other party.

Only put their husband and wife in a more dangerous situation.

"Well, wait no matter what happens, don't leave my sight. If you agree, I will take you there."

Read The Duke's Passion