MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3290 Time is up

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Chen Zhao came to the headquarters of the Supernatural Society.

West is reporting the details of the exchange meeting with him.

Chen Zhao stood in front of the window, looking at the members of the association who were active outside.

"How is the strength comparison?"

"They are better than us." West said.

"Is the gap obvious?"

"Yes, if we compare individual strengths, the gap between our high-end combat power and theirs is still relatively limited. The mid-to-low-level combat power has a very large gap in strength, or each of them is an elite level. The gap between the power and the middle-level combat power is not big, and the gap between the bottom-level combat power of our two sides is very obvious. They train new members in a special way, which is also the reason for the gap between us."

"What kind of training? Can we copy it?"

West shook his head: "Can't copy."

"How are they nurtured?"

"Whenever a new person enters the job, they will arrange him to other branches to join the team of those old players, and no one except the captain knows that this is a new person. When performing tasks, this new person will also interact with the old players. The same task is assigned to tasks of equal or close difficulty. Under normal circumstances, this newcomer will grow up quickly."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"There is a certain degree of danger, but this is mainly because the captain of the team will adjust my risk factor."

Chen Zhao thought for a long time, considering whether the Supernatural Society had the same conditions.

"President, I have thought about it. This method is not suitable for our Occult Society. First of all, our scale is not as large as theirs. After all, their various branches are connected with each other and not fully communicated with each other. There is almost no contact with the branch, even an independent organization. It is impossible for us to hand over members to other branches for training, and others may not treat them sincerely. Secondly, the level of other branches may not be as good as ours, and we recruit The strength of the players could not be compared with China's Special Intelligence Department. This is determined by the general environment."

Chen Zhao nodded and gave up the idea.

"In addition, in this exchange meeting, there is also a very important exchange content, that is, to exchange our magic for their spells. This time, we obtained more than a thousand kinds of spells." West said.

Of course, the vast majority of the exchanges this time are of low and medium level, and the confidentiality level is not high.

The content that both parties choose to exchange is roughly the same.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to take out the bottom of the box for exchange.

"Did you get any valuable spells?"

"Well, it's changed to some, some members have improved a lot, and this exchange can also expand our heritage."

Both sides hold similar ideas.

After finishing the communication with West.

Chen Zhao entered the trial tower.

Chen Zhao started again from the first floor and went up to the twelfth floor.

This high-intensity battle can activate Chen Zhao's state.

Let Chen Zhao feel more clearly when he feels the fire of the early Yuan Dynasty on the twelfth floor.

The fire at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty constantly passed the factors of various primitive demons through Chen Zhao's body.

Then through layers of screening, leaving behind the useful factors for Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao blends into himself.

This change is very, very small.

But this small change.

It also ensures that Chen Zhao's self-awareness and main genes will not be shaken.

After several hours of tempering, Chen Zhao walked out of the trial tower.

Every time Chen Zhao came out of the trial tower, he was full of energy.

Back home, she found that Friga had not left yet.

"Mr. Chen."


"Time is up."

"Time is up? You mean... Has the seal of Olympus been unlocked?"

"It hasn't been solved yet, but it's coming soon," Frigga said.

"I noticed that the seal of Mount Olympus has begun to loosen, and the Olympus gods are eager to break the seal."

"How much time is left?"

"You have three days to prepare and you must enter the sealed place after three days."

"I see." Chen Zhao nodded.

Friega and Chen Zhao waited until the seal was loosened.

The main thing is to hope that the Olympus gods will consume part of their power when breaking through the seal.

This seal cannot be strengthened, so the birth of the Olympus gods is inevitable.

However, how much strength can the Olympus gods retain.

Even Friga couldn't be sure.

"Lao Zhang, it's time."

"What time?"

"Time to get rich."

"Oh, you said about the Olympus gods, right?"


"a few more days?"

"Come and meet me in three days."

"Okay, let me prepare."

"Then do this first, I have to notify others."

Later, Chen Zhao dialed the number of Byfra and the 23rd Blood Mary.

All of them have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

This is an extremely dangerous operation.

But danger also means high returns.

Just like the last time I went to Asgard.

Everyone can be said to make a lot of money.

At their level.

Ordinary forbidden areas or ordinary adventure journeys can no longer make their hearts beat faster.

For them, the so-called danger is the difference between one slap and two slaps.

Only this kind of war with the gods can make them nervous and make them go all out.

Even Lao Zhang, who escaped on weekdays, didn't naughty with Chen Zhao.

Everyone faced this action with a twelve-point attitude.

All three arrived in Los Angeles the next day to make peace with Chen Zhao.

"Chen Zhao, you got a lot of benefits when you killed those bald donkeys last time?" Zhang Tianyi asked.

"That's not a benefit, just compensation." Chen Zhao said disapprovingly.

"That is the lifeblood of Zen Buddhism."

"If Zen had only this lifeblood, there would have been no bones left by your Taoists."

Chen Zhao didn't believe Zhang Tianyi's words.

"We Taoists have been guessing what Zen has been conspiring over the years. Tell me what you have taken from them."

"It's not a good thing either." Chen Zhao said disapprovingly.

To be honest, the soul of the Dapeng Bird is very good to Chen Zhao.

Because Chen Zhao can fully use the power of the Roc Bird Soul.

This is something those monks could not do in the past.

The soul of the Roc Bird itself was imprisoned by them.

They need part of their power to suppress the soul of the Roc Bird.

Chen Zhao and them are mutually beneficial.

They live in Chen Zhao's inner world.

At the same time, they also voluntarily lent their power to Chen Zhao, without coercion.

Moreover, Chen Zhao's physique can simultaneously use the power of the soul of the six-headed Roc Bird.

And those monks in the past would find it difficult to use the soul of a big peng bird.

This is the gap, as for the smallest golden roc bird.

Chen Zhao didn't plan to use it for the time being, because it still has a lot of potential for development, and has the opportunity to evolve into a true mythical-level Roc bird.

Read The Duke's Passion