MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 7 You actually carried me to seduce other demons

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Dell didn't rush to bed any more, and sent Chen Ye out of the manor.

"Sorry, Chen, it was my fault just now. I hope that you will have time to come to my manor. My manor will always be so lively. I think those girls from me will also welcome you ... Of course, Including Tsira. "

"Thank you ... I'll be here if I have time." Chen Yan didn't want to waste his energy here, but this scene of Jiuchi Roulin was really tempting. It seems that he should find a regular female partner first.

Chen Ye turned the phone and found the policewoman Ge Lin she knew yesterday. She was a good target.

Back at the motel, I went to the counter: "Ethan, this is yours, sixty dollars."

"How is it, how do you feel about receiving an order for the first time?"

"That client is really hard to come by. The next time he asks me, you can help me with a price of three thousand dollars."

"You are crazy, three thousand dollars. Although he has money, he will never accept the price."

"Trust me, he will."

Yisen smiled when he saw Chen Yan's self-confidence: "I did read you right. From the day you saved the girl yesterday, I knew that you are definitely not an ordinary doctor."

"Well, although I studied Western medicine, my level of Chinese medicine is not weak."

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about this ... You face the girl's soul that day, drink her back to her body."


"I can't see it, but I guessed it must be like this, are you the legendary witch doctor?"

"Come on, Ethan, stop joking."

"I'm not kidding. I think people are accurate. It must be true. That night, the ambulance staff who came later said that the girl could survive, it was a miracle."

"I'm hungry. Give me two burgers, Ethan. The burger you made is really delicious."

"It is, of course, but a two dollars."

"Can't you ask me?"

"I can give you half the price, but ask me to give it away for free, no talk."

"Well, get another bottle of cola." Chen Yan took a bottle of cola from the freezer next to him.

"Isn't your doctor always preaching that carbonated drinks are bad for you?"

"Our doctor also said that drinking alcohol is bad for our health, but we also drink alcohol."


Chen Kun returned to the room, opened the metal box, and found that there was another demon crystal inside, but this demon crystal was very small, probably the size of a finger.

"Aren't you going back to hell?"

Raymond crawled out of Chen Yi's clothes, but it couldn't see the metal box, and it couldn't even touch it.

"Human, do you want me to leave your side?"

"Just you, the demon I summoned last time, it doesn't like to stay with me."

"I think, maybe staying with you, I will have more opportunities to show myself."

"There are more opportunities to get the demon crystals." Chen Yan poked his lips, he would not believe that a devil would like himself.

"I don't deny this."

"Well, how long do you want to stay with you."

Chen Yan picked up Hamburg Cola and ate it, "Would you like to order?"

"No, the demon crystal you gave me just now, I haven't digested it, and I have no interest in human food."

Just then Beseb jumped out of the shadows.

"Huh? Don't Seb? How come you? Did I call you?"

"I feel the breath of food, leave me one ... wait ... you still have a demon here? You have summoned other demons behind me! You mean man, shameless and cheap, how can you do this? I thought I am your only one! "

Chen Yan's face was black. "If there is a choice, I want to get rid of you now and never want to call you again."

"You ... Ah ..." Bezib suddenly had a tail behind him.

Raymond bited Besib's back mercilessly, Besib snorted, and dragged Raymond's house around.

"Damn, you are the king of lust, a subordinate of Raymond! I know, I know, it's these dirty and cheap bugs that lure you, it's okay, I'll help you solve it, I will make it forever I won't show up next to you, you're enough to have me. "

"Be the subordinates of Seb, these sad fat pigs, this is already my territory. Now, get out and leave the world immediately. Otherwise, I will help you with sterilization."

In fact, both Bessib and Raymond are the names of their respective Demon Kings, not their names, but their last names.

They have no names themselves, only powerful demons have names.

The two little demons are fighting in the room, but no one can help them.

The devil is territorial in hell, but here is the earth and the land of Chen Ying.

Regardless of the battle between the two demons, Chen Zheng organized his clothes, because just now, he had met Ge Lin.

Gelin promised him to come out for dinner tonight, and Raymond climbed to Chen Yi's feet.

"Human, take me. I can help you make that woman ecstatic. I will be your most useful and powerful demonic servant."

"No, I have enough confidence in my abilities."

"Human, take me, no matter what you take her to eat, I can guarantee her satisfaction, even dogs ... **** ..."

Chen Xun kicked Bessib to relentlessly.


Vincent, as Chen's special driver, came to the motel on time and on time.

"Vincent, go to the Platinum Building."

"Chen, do you have a date tonight?"


"Then you brought a condom?"


"Free of charge." Vincent pulled out a box from the box next to the driver's seat.

"Thank you."

"Platinum Building is here. I wish you a wonderful night."

Chen Yun and Ge Lin agreed to meet at the restaurant on the top floor of the Platinum Building. This is a high-end Western restaurant, the interior is slightly dark, but the location is near the window, you can see most of the night view of Los Angeles.

Gelin wore a low-cut dress, her hair was curled up, and her face was a little foundation.

"Ge Lin, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. You are so beautiful tonight." In fact, Chen Yan originally intended to pick up Ge Lin, but Ge Lin refused.

"I just arrived."

"I thought I had to make an appointment at least ten times before you could come out."

"It happens to be free today."

Chen Ye asked Ge Lin to order first, and then he asked for the same.

"What department do you work in?"

"Crimson case, all I am responsible for is the murder ... This restaurant seems to taste a lot better than last time, at least it has already set its price.

Chen Yan also took a few bites: "Well, it tastes pretty good."

It tastes so average. Where does the price start?

The price on their table is at least two hundred dollars, but the taste is at best unsatisfactory.

Is it the difference in taste between East and West?