MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1484 Decide

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Liu Ming immediately calmed down after a shock, and there was a burst of black light to protect the whole body. While trying to restore the mana as much as possible, the devil whip also emitted blue light in an attempt to break the golden palace.

But the golden symbol does not know what it is, and the power of a huge rule in the vast palace is filled with the space of the entire legal space. The power of imprisonment is too strong.

If his mana is complete, he can still force the power of the devil's whip and forcibly break out of the trap, but at this moment, he can't move.

"Don't do unnecessary resistance. This is a Jiugong 乾元符箓 from the upper bound. You can't escape the shackles of the ninth house. Even if you step into eternal life, you can't escape this bondage. I want to deal with the lord. I didn’t expect it to be used in advance in advance, and you should be content with it.” Qing Ling saw that Liu Ming was trapped by the golden palace, and his heart was fixed, and his mouth was sullen.

She said in her mouth that the golden light flashed, and the whole person flew straight into the golden palace. It was unaffected, and slowly approached Liu Ming. At the same time, a hint of embarrassment was revealed in the mouth:

"I didn't think about killing you, but I didn't expect that you have a way to devour the power of the laws of this place unscrupulously! Let's die, let go of the power of your six rules, and then Mastering your secrets, I will keep a low profile. One day, I will become the first source of the seven masters of law in this world, and become the existence of direct detachment from immortality. Then, what is the original demon master?"

Qingling said that the figure has stopped in front of Liu Ming, and the golden sword in his hand suddenly lifted up and stabbed Liu Ming’s small belly.

Liu Ming’s eyes are round and round, and his mouth is bursting low, but it does not help.

With a bang, the golden sword in the hands of Qingling flashed, and he pierced Liu Ming’s lower abdomen, and did not enter half.

Her face was happy, but the next moment, her face changed.

Liu Ming is above the lower abdomen. I do not know when a faint light emerged, the golden sword pierced into the glory, as if it had not entered the quagmire, it did not seem to cause any damage to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming’s face was also surprised at the moment. In the Dantian Linghai, the bubble of the cage did not know when it appeared there, giving off a faint glow, blocking the blow for him.

At the next moment, the bubbles in the cage suddenly shook. A powerful force of swallowing out of it.

The golden sword, which was transformed into the power of the law, was slowly swallowed up by the bubbles of the cage. Qingling’s face was shocked. He wanted to take back the giant sword, but found that the sword in his hand did not move. She knew it was not good and wanted to pull away. Go, but found that the body was fixed in place by an invisible suction.

Devouring the golden sword, the faint light of Liu Ming’s lower abdomen suddenly brightened, and then the sky was empty. The small bubbles suddenly emerged, as if a faint big mouth, the golden shadow of the surrounding golden palace was distorted and blurred, turned into a golden glow, and flew into the small bubbles.

Qingling’s face showed an unbelievable look and wanted to escape. However, he found that his feet were like rooting and could not be separated.

The power of engulfing in the cages is getting bigger and bigger. As the golden palaces and the whales are swallowed, they are swallowed up.

The **** of Liu Ming was weakened. At this time, the small bubbles in front of the body disappeared into the original place, and the next moment appeared in the Linghai. Then a pure mana emerged from the bubble and blended into his nearly dry Linghai.

In a blink of an eye, his mana has recovered a lot.

Liu Ming’s face was overjoyed, and a cold scream, the devil’s whip in his hand lit up, and a vagueness turned into a whip. Going toward the unmoving Qingling.

Where the cyan long whip passes, the golden ruins are broken.

Qingling saw this scene, suddenly shocked, and sighed in the mouth, suddenly urging the golden sword in his hand, rushing toward the devil.

The big sword and the whip shadow collided with each other. The loud noise of the "铿", the golden sword was broken and broken, and the devil's whip was not lost, and it was heavily beaten on her.

The spirit of the spirit of the wood attribute law, the magic of the devil's whip, the body of Qingling is even the body of the best sultry, can not bear, suddenly stopped the waist into two.

Liu Ming's face was cold and cold, and his hands were not merciless. After a burst of blue and yellow whip shadows, Qing Ling's body was turned into a dark green stone in addition to his head.

At this moment, the entire golden palace virtual shadow together with the golden phalanx has been swallowed up by the cage air bubbles. Liu Ming’s body is light and falls from the air to the ground.

A purple light group emerged from the head of Qingling and flew away in the distance.

Liu Ming snorted and waved a black, turned into a black big hand, appeared in a few feet beyond the air, and held it in front of the purple light group.

Among the purple light group, the spirit **** of the Qingling is struggling wildly, and a purple thunder ball is sprayed in the mouth, which is fried on the **** hand, but it has no effect at all. It is pulled by the **** hand and pulled down by Liu Ming. before.

The Qingling Yuanshen villain stopped the rebellion and looked at Liu Ming.

"I originally thought that you are a trustworthy person, and you can't think of you as a forgotten person." Liu Ming squinted and said slowly.

"Hey, if you and I are going to be easy, I don't think you will let me go. If I am defeated, I will let you dispose of it. What do you want to do with me?" There is no hint of fear between the spirits. Said lightly.

"Tell me the law of the two great laws of good and evil. I will give you a good time." Liu Ming said indifferently and faintly.

"Hey, since it is inevitable that you will die, do you think I will tell you the law?" Qingling’s face showed a trace of sarcasm and sneered.

"Since you are toasting and not eating and drinking fine wine, I can only use the Soul of the Soul." Liu Ming said, a faint black light broke out in his hand and penetrated into the Qingling Yuanshen villain.

Qingling Yuanshen’s face was not afraid, but instead showed a sneer, letting Liu Ming’s soul search black light penetrate into the body.

After a while, Liu Ming’s brow wrinkled and the black light from the five fingers slammed.

His secret search technique encountered a very tough barrier in the Qingling Yuanshen. He could not penetrate into the depths of the Yuanshen. Under the search, he did not explore anything.

Although he asked himself to increase the mana, he was sure to break through the barrier, but the soul of Qingling would probably be wiped out.

"It turns out that you are so fearless, is it because of this?" Liu Ming said faintly.

"Oh, my good and evil mystery can make God remember to keep the soul, not only can resist the violent erosion here, any soul sorcerer can make me fly at most, but I want to take a secret from me." Said coldly.

Liu Ming heard the face sinking and his eyes flickered.

"Liu Daoyou, now that I am dead, you can't get the good and evil secrets again. In this round, you will become a bloodthirsty monster sooner or later, and finally make a wedding dress for the Lord." The stupid things that both lose and hurt, I believe that Liu Daoyou, such a shrewd person, will not do it..." Qing Ling’s eyes flashed slightly, and the mouth said.

"What exactly do you want to say, the patience in the next is not good." Liu Ming interrupted with a cold cry.

"It's not as good as you and me to make a deal. You take me back to my cave house and help me to use the ink king Jing to recreate a body. I will pass on the good and evil secrets to you. From then on, you and I will part ways in this round. Life and death are from heaven, I don’t know what you want to do?” Qingling Yuanshen villain and Yan Yue’s proposal.

"You don't mean that after you get the mirror, can you get rid of the reincarnation? Why do you want to go back to your cave?" Liu Ming sighed and asked.

"This is actually far from being as simple as you think. If you want to leave this place, you need to get together four different treasures. The mirror is just the same. The reincarnation was created by the devil. How could it be so easy to leave. If I didn’t say that before, how could Liu Daoyou take the risk to come here?” Qingling’s eyes were a little erratic, and the mouth said.

"It turned out that the Qinglingdao friends really calculated." Liu Ming smiled faintly, watching the eyes of Qingling emerged a trace of eccentric look.

"I don't know how Liu Daoyou thought about my proposal. This is a combination of two benefits. Once we fight two defeats, the ultimate beneficiary is the devil." Qingling saw that Liu Ming looked a little wrong and said quickly.

Liu Ming’s face showed a strange look, and the five fingers were tight. The soul of the soul was suddenly so strong that he wrapped the **** of the spirit.

"What do you do? Do you really want to kill the net!" Qingling Yuanshen villain's face showed a terrified look, and the surrounding black glare slammed his god.

Liu Ming’s words about Qingling’s words are unheard of, and the black glory in his hand is more and more glaring.

After a while, the spirit of Qingling gave a sharp scream, and the whole cracked open, turning into countless purple crystals.

A group of milky white light emerges from his god, and the ball of light is encased in numerous golden rule fragments.

Liu Ming’s face was indifferent, and the white light ball was swallowed up and incorporated into the cage.

The threat of Qingling made him make a decision in his heart.

After a while, the bubbles in the cages spit out a pure mana, as well as fragments of the power of the law of the spirits.

Qingling has a deep understanding of the power of the law of metality, no less than the understanding of the power of the dark attribute law.

Numerous golden rune fragments are integrated into the sea of ​​Liu Ming, and his metal law runes are immediately enlarged, no less than the dark law runes, which are close to perfection.

He was very happy in his heart, leaned over and examined the corpse of Qingling, and closed a storage ring. Then he flashed his body and flew to the headless body of Yao Yao, and dropped the small fork. The magic weapon and the storage device on the body were also put together.

It’s a pity that the power of the three rules of the law has been forced out of the body on the eve of the blast, and the power of the devil whip is too great, and the power of the gods together with the law of this law has been smashed into powder. Otherwise, if it can swallow this person’s The essence and the law of the rune, his understanding of the power of the law must be able to go a step further. (~^~)

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