MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1491 Recognition

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At this time, Liu Ming, the gods have already spread to the surrounding, and at the same time, his eyes circulate in the eyes and look around.

He is not eager to break, but intends to observe the exquisiteness of this thick tide, and then try to crack.

After the purple konjac is moved to the extreme, the mana changes around the void are clearly presented.

Numerous earthy yellow rays and blue water are intertwined, and they will condense for a while, dissipate for a while, and change indefinitely. There is no trace of law at all.

Liu Ming stood in the same place for a moment, his body shape, and suddenly rushed in one direction in the distance.

However, just as he passed a large river in the middle of the sky, the flow of the river suddenly surged, and a wave rolled up and condensed into a water dragon of a hundred feet in size, and rushed toward Liu Ming's claws.

Liu Ming’s face changed slightly. He couldn’t find any signs, and the water dragon suddenly appeared.

As he moved, he moved aside a few feet toward the side, avoiding the bite of the water dragon, and flashing green light in his hand, offering a devil's whip.

A green whip shadow passed by, and the water dragon body burst into tears and turned into a sky.

Although the water dragon was defeated by Liu Ming, Liu Ming’s move seemed to smash the horse.

In the big river, the water blooms, and a dozen or so water dragons fly out. At the same time, in the nearby sky, a huge mountain peak crashes down. Like the mountain top, it turns to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's face was so heavy that it snorted, and the devil's whip suddenly became blurred. The dozens of green whip layers appeared on his body, protecting himself from dripping.

More than a dozen water dragons and the rocky mountains of the sky were hit by the whip and immediately shattered.

Holding a gap, Liu Ming did not stop at all, immediately took up the devil's whip, and a layer of blue light appeared on his body. The whole person turned into a looming shadow, and it flashed away from here, not long after, appeared in it. A few miles away.

Where he stood, there were several water dragons in the big river, but they did not seem to feel the smell of Liu Ming. After a round of coiling in midair, they finally dispersed slowly and fell back into the river.

"Sure enough, it is a subtle array of methods. This Tianshan River can automatically perceive the enemy, and then launch endless attacks. The source is endless, until the people are exhausted..." Liu Ming’s eyes flashed in purple.

There were countless yellows just standing, and the blue glow seemed to be surging like a living creature. It seemed to be exploring his breath, and it took a long time to return to its original state.

Fortunately, he cast a car totem, hiding his body shape, shielding the perception of the glow, or I really don't know if it will be tracked by those rays.

However, as a result, he was unable to cast spells at will, and the difficulty of cracking the array was increased.

Liu Ming stood silent for a moment, his body flashed and flew away in the distance, and several flashes disappeared into the distant sky.

Since he could not break for a moment, he planned to take a good look at the mystery of this formation.

After a quarter of an hour, somewhere in the array was empty, and Liu Ming’s light stopped, and his face was a bit ugly.

With his idling at the moment, such a long time, at least tens of thousands of miles have flown, but the surrounding situation has not changed at all, and it is still surrounded by mountains and rivers.

"It seems that it can't be done. It can only be broken by brute force." He blinked and muttered to himself.

The face he got was so wonderful that it wasn’t just a magic weapon. After his understanding of these days, although he still did not understand the power of the law contained in this celestial mirror, he found that this treasure has a restrained effect on the power of the five elements, and should be able to send a small use for cracking the array. .

This is why he readily agreed to this test.

The purple light in his eyes flashed and looked away from the surroundings. His eyes suddenly stopped at one place and looked somewhere in the air.

The yellow-blue glow there is slightly weaker than other places.

Liu Ming sighed softly, and turned his hand to sacrifice the devil's whip, emitting a dazzling blue light.

The sound of "唰", a big lash of the maser, like a huge cyan giant sword in the same handle is stabbed in that place.

There was a loud bang in the void, and the space in the array was extremely strong, but in the place where the devil whip passed, a long space crack was cracked.

Liu Ming’s eyes flashed and his body shape flew into the crack.

However, at this moment, there were countless yellow glows in the cracks. An invisible giant force pushed Liu Ming’s body back, and the space crack immediately closed.

Liu Ming did not try to continue to open the space, the purple light in the eyes was faint, and everything in the room, as well as the changes in mana around the big array, were seen in the eyes, and there was a hint of enlightenment in the heart.

The operation of the front array method faintly combines the power of the soil attribute law with the power of the water attribute law. He has a considerable understanding of these two rules. He has seen the big change in combination with the changes around him. Some traces of the operation of the array.

Before he thought about it, the attack had just brought in trouble.

In the vicinity of several long rivers, there were countless currents. This time, instead of turning into a water dragon, it turned into countless white ice arrows and rushed from Liu Ming to Liu Ming.

The attack from the air has not changed. Several huge mountain peaks with the sound of the whistling sound, slamming toward Liu Ming.

As a result, all the retreats around the world were sealed and there was no way to dodge.

Liu Ming's brow is slightly wrinkled. He just caught a little doorway and now he doesn't want to be disturbed.

There was a word in his mouth, and the yellow mangling flashed a few times. The twelve mountain river beads quickly emerged and turned into a square yellow shield, which was blocked out.

After doing this, Liu Ming did not pay attention to the attack of the surrounding iceberg peaks. With a wave of his arm, the devil whip turned into a green shadow, and the bombardment was in the place where the void had just been broken.

Just listening to the squeaky and squeaky noise of the "呲啦", the void was once again opened a space crack, and the raging yellow glow swarmed out.

At this moment, Liu Ming’s eyes were condensed, and with one hand and one wave, a pure white light flew out of his hand, covering the crack in the space.

A white mirror appeared in his hand, it was the mirror.

Covered by white light, the yellow awns swarming out of the crack seem to be solidified, and the space cracks seem to be frozen.

At this moment, countless ice arrows bombarded the khaki shield around him, and the giant peaks in the air also bombarded the shield.

It was only the shield of the twelve mountain river beads that was fascinated. The defense ability was extremely strong, but it was slightly trembled a few times, and there was no sign of rupture.

Liu Ming didn't look at the surrounding attacks, and his eyes fixed on the cracks in the space. In the eyes of the purple konjac, there were numerous lawful runes of earthy yellow and blue around the cracks in the space. The white mirror shrouded the white light, but when Fang entered the white light range, it was delayed.

When Liu Ming’s heart moved, he suddenly found a deep viscous barrier in the space.

He waved his hands again and again, and the road was yellowish, and the blue light shone from his hand. At the same time, the white light emitted by the sky mirror was more dazzling. When the white light was shining, the surrounding yellow and blue law runes slowly began to slowly Going back outside.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, and the law changed in his hands. The devil whip flashed and slammed into the crack in the space...

In addition to the tidal thick soil, five people, including the old man, stood quietly in front of the main hall.

A group of hundreds of feet of yellow clouds floated above the square in front of a few people, bursting with yellow and blue light.

"It has already passed an hour, and the big squad seems to have no change. Is the kid trapped inside and unable to move." The strong man with the giant axe looked at the cloud without any change in front, and said in the mouth.

"No, there is a treasure of mystery in the hands of the little guy. The two layers of the earth should not be able to restrain him, but it is not easy to break the battle." The red robe bald head touched the bald head and smiled.

The Jinpao youth did not speak, and his eyes glanced at the old man and the blue-shirt woman. Then they quickly moved away and their eyes flickered slightly.

"Golden Master, but there is something to say?" The old man felt extremely sharp and turned to look at the Jinpao youth.

"Oh, nothing..." Jinpao’s youth flashed, but his words were interrupted.

At this time, a cloud of green light suddenly appeared on the cloud above the square in front, and a burst of muffled sound erupted.

The five old people, such as the old man, changed their face and hurriedly looked over.

At this moment, another muffled sound came out, and a green glow was raised above the yellow cloud.

The yellow cloud swelled fiercely, and it seemed to be ready to break out.

"Impossible, this is only a matter of hours." The green axe and the brawny face were shocked, and some were unbelievable.

The golden robe youth eyes flashed slightly, and there was an unexpected look in his eyes, but then it turned into a faint joy.

The old man’s face is faint and faceless, and it seems to have been known about the situation at hand.

The blue-shirt women's beauty flashed a hint of color, but in a moment they returned to calm, as if the things in front of them did not have much to do with themselves.

"Booming" is another loud noise!

The yellow cloud suddenly burst open, and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Ming’s figure emerged and slowly landed in front of the main hall. The devil's whip in his hand radiated a flame-like blue light, and his face looked a bit stunned, with a thoughtful look.

As soon as his body fell to the ground, his eyes immediately returned to normal, and he turned his hand and put away the devil's whip. He showed a respectful gift to the five people.

"Very good, you only use one more time to crack the second phase of the clay, although the method is somewhat tricky, but this is also part of your strength. You are qualified to take on this responsibility." The old man said faintly.

The rest of the people did not speak, and apparently also recognized Liu Ming’s performance.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Liu Ming heard the words and hurriedly took a trip.

"The ordinary ritual techniques can not sacrifice the two swords to rob the heavens. This is the ritual of this treasure." The old man pointed his hand, and a yellow mang flew into the front of Liu Ming, a yellow paper. The paper seems to be filled with a small head.

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