MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1505 Exclusion

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Liu Ming saw this, his face showed a disappointing look, but even relieved.

Although the strength of the Qing family at that time was not weak, it was an ordinary family in Quanzhou, and because of his embarrassment, he always acted very low-key and secret, and it was normal for several people not to hear it.

It’s just that many years have passed, and I don’t know how the situation is now.

"Before...predecessors, I know." Standing in the end, there was a young man who had never opened his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly said something awkward.

"Oh, do you know what the situation is like at the moment?" Liu Ming looked like a hi, picking his chin and asking.

"This is not to know, but only a few years ago in Anyang City, Yuezhou, I met a person named Qingtian. I remember that he once claimed to... claiming to be a member of Quanzhou Qingjia." Mu Nei’s youth scratched his head, 呐Said awkwardly.

"What did Qingtian do in Anyang City?" Liu Ming asked, picking his eyebrows.

"He seems to be buying spiritual materials. At that time, he was selling some grass in Anyang City. He was bought by Qingtian." Mu Nei said in a hurry.

Liu Ming heard a face and moved his heart, and his heart was relieved. It seems that the family should be innocent in these years.

"Okay, your answers are not bad. These medicinal herbs are very helpful to the real Dan, and they are rewarded to you." Liu Ming said, he took five jade bottles and turned them to each other. Five people in front of him.

The black-faced Dahan and others looked at the medicinal herbs in the bottle a little, and their faces suddenly became overjoyed, and they hurriedly thanked them.

When they looked up again, Liu Ming’s figure had disappeared.

The five people looked at each other with a few eyes, and the face of the black-faced man suddenly showed a stern color, but he had not waited for him to open his mouth. The other four people suddenly shot back and fell outside the village, standing together. Looking at the black-faced man with a cold look.

The black-faced man has a stiff face.

"Yan brother, we have a chance coincidence today. I have to meet the predecessor, and I have given him the medicine. You have also got the benefits. Please do not want to call me. Otherwise, we must not only discuss with you." The shirt youth said quietly.

The face of the black-faced man was inconspicuous, and he did not say anything at all. Although he was the highest among several people, it was impossible to be an enemy.

The red shirt youth and other four people faced the black-faced big man, and looked back at the back with a vigilant attitude. He immediately retired from the hundreds of feet, and then he suddenly turned back and rushed toward the distance, disappearing in a blink of an eye. far away.

The black-faced Han Han hated and watched the four people go away, did not catch up, but flew in the other direction.

In the middle of the air, Liu Ming's figure slowly emerged. Looking at the situation of the two people under the intrigue, he shook his head slightly.

Then he frowned and looked around.

His clothes shook twice, and Rosie climbed out of his clothes.

"What's wrong?" Luo Yan and a pair of flesh-winged ones stopped at Liu Ming's shoulder and asked.

"Luo Luo's predecessors, I don't know why. I have been able to feel that a seemingly inexhaustible force has flowed from around, and it seems to me to be somewhat repulsive." The silence sank for a moment, and the opening said so.

Luo Yan heard the words, the light flashed in the eyes of the slick, and immediately said:

"That is the power of the law of the lower bounds to exclude you. You used to be in the reincarnation, and the situation is special, so you don't feel it. The power of exclusion has become stronger and stronger over time. According to my estimation, if you don't take long, you will be completely rejected by the lower bound and forced to fly."

"What! Why is this happening, is it because I cultivated into the eternal life?" Liu Ming was shocked and asked.

"It is not the case. In fact, it is because your **** knows the power of the law of the yang in the sea. It is derived from the upper limit of the nine days. It does not belong to the lower bound, so it will attract the power of the lower bound rule." Luo Wei said slowly. .

Liu Ming heard the words, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

It was not until now that he really understood the meaning of the nine-day respect.

After he indulged for a moment, Shen Sheng asked:

"Rosie seniors, according to your estimation, how long will I be forced to fly?"

"There is still more than one year, but this matter is not impossible to change. As long as it is a secret technique, the law of the Yang attribute in the sea of ​​the gods will be temporarily sealed. If you try not to use the law of the property of Yang, you should be able to win another four. It will be five years." Luo Yan said, he said.

Liu Ming heard that there were still a few years, and the heart was slightly relieved.

In this way, he has time to deal with some things, and by the way refining the treasures of the mysterious spirits obtained by the original demon Lord.

In addition, he also heard from the Magic Heaven that flying up the upper bound looks like the scenery, in fact, it is extremely dangerous, and the original demon Lord has been hiding in the lower bound, although he has other reasons, but soaring The danger can be seen.

Liu Ming’s heart was a little depressed. His original plan was to consolidate the rules and repairs in the lower bounds, and then consolidate one or two other attributes of the rune, and then consider the soaring things. Now all plans have been disrupted.

"You don't have to worry too much. Your slashing of the second sword in the treasure of the mysterious spirit is also a top existence, you can block a lot of flying and catastrophe, and I will help you from the side." Said.

"That would be grateful to Luo Sheng's predecessors." Liu Ming heard the words of Luo Wei, and his heart suddenly took a few points, and he handed a bow.

Luo Wei wants to say no words. Since he said this, he will certainly be able to provide considerable help to Liu Ming and will increase his chances of success.

"In any case, let's find a place to recover the injury right now. By the way, the law of the Yang attribute will be sealed." Liu Ming looked at the surroundings, muttered a few words in his mouth, and his body shape moved. Flying in one direction.

After a quarter of an hour, he landed on a desert island in the black waters.

Liu Ming waved with one hand, and several rays of light fell around the desert island, opening a black light curtain, and the entire island suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

He nodded, and then dug a hole in a mountain under the island, once again set up a layer of ban, flying into it and sat down.

Liu Ming sighed a sigh of relief. These days have changed dramatically, and there has been no time to take a rest. The mental exhaustion has been somewhat untenable.

"The secret technique of the seal law rune is here, with your current comprehension ability, you should be able to quickly understand it." Luo Wei said, opened a spit out of a purple light, flew into the Liu Ming eyebrows Among them.

Liu Ming's eyebrows were picked up, and a secret information appeared in his mind.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Liu Ming thanked Luo, and immediately closed his eyes and realized that his body was light black.

Luo Yan looked at Liu Ming and looked down. He jumped to the side and appeared a moment of purple halo.

Time passed in the blink of an eye for half a month.

Among the island mountains, a black light column rises up, but when it touches the light curtain in midair, it is blocked.

The black light column slowly dissipated, and the figure of Liu Ming appeared in the air.

At this moment, the wounds on his body have been restored, and at this moment it seems that God is full of anger.

Luo Yu taught his seal secrets that he had been acquainted with the understanding. The sacred essays of the sacred property of the sea were temporarily sealed by his spellcasting, and the sense of rejection of the surrounding space was greatly reduced.

A purple light flew out of a black bag from Liu Yan's waist and landed on his left shoulder. It was Luo Wei.

The black bag is Liu Ming who found a poetry bag from the original magic Lord's storage ring. Luo Wei has signed a spiritual pet contract with Liu Ming, and this bag naturally became its temporary residence.

As for the Feier and the nephew, after the reincarnation, they are still in a deep sleep, without any signs of waking.

"Luo Sheng predecessors, the spirit of the beast bag is still used to it, it is the original devil of the things, the quality is extremely high, still on the stag of the gourd, the internal space should be good." Liu Ming smiled and said.

Although Luo Wei is already his spiritual favorite in name, but Liu Ming does not change the name.

"Amazing." Luo Yan took a look at Liu Ming, and his heart nodded secretly.

"What are your plans for the next step? Although there are still three or four years, but this is a blink of an eye." Luo Wei said faintly.

"Before flying, there are still some things to deal with." Liu Ming's eyes showed a hint of embarrassment, sighed, and the hearts of Zhao Qianying, Yao Ji, Indigo, Ye Tianmei and so on.

Luo Wei seems to have guessed what Liu Ming thought, not bothering.

Liu Ming sighed and immediately thought of something. His body fell on the ground and waved a mountain river bead.

He waved a law, and the mountains and rivers shined brightly. A roll of yellow glow fell. A purple robe woman flew out from the inside and landed on the ground. It was the purple robe Mozu woman.

After the purple robe woman flew out of the mountains and rivers, her face showed a look of horror, and then she looked around with vigilance. Finally, her eyes fell on Liu Ming.

The bloodthirsty red light in the eyes of the woman has been dissipated in the moment, and it seems that her mind has been restored.

Liu Ming looked up and down the purple robe woman's eyes, and the eyes flashed slightly.

This woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, and Mei Yu is very similar to Zhao Qianying...

The purple robe young woman saw Liu Ming's gaze looking up and down, and her eyes suddenly showed a trace of warm anger, but she sensed the unfathomable breath of Liu Ming, and dared not to speak.

"Who are you?" The young woman in purple robe hesitated, or said in a deep voice.

"Oh, does she have no memory for the things in the reincarnation?" Liu Ming ignored the question of the young woman in the purple robe, and the light flashed in her eyes and said.

"The ban in the reincarnation can hide the mind of the soul and make her temperament frenzied. She naturally does not have an impression of the experience there." Luo Wei said coldly.

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