MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1517 Triumph

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The 100,000-strong army of Liujia was bound by the yellow mans of a circle, and it was impossible to move. It was only the eyes of the overwhelming attack.

At the next moment, the army of Liujia, wherever the sky or the ground, was filled with the brilliance of the various colors, the roaring sounds one after another, the blood splashed, and the screams began.

Immediately afterwards, the younger brothers of the Qing family rushed into the army of the Liu family. The strange thing was that Huang Mang on the ground had no influence on the younger brothers.

In this way, only the younger brothers of 5,000 people in the Liu family of 100,000 troops, such as entering the uninhabited, easily harvested a life.

These young children have had such an experience, and they can cultivate their unscrupulous slaughter to be similar to themselves and even higher than themselves.

However, in just a quarter of an hour, the Liu family army has been strangled more than half.

The massacre continues.

In the mid-air between the east and west sides of the city, Kong Xiang’s family, hundreds of thousands of military troops in Gao’s family looked at the scene in front of them, but did not dare to speak out.

On Yanfeng City, the Emperor's family saw this scene, but also a scalp tingling, but as the commander of the emperor, the imperial concubine did not say anything, just calmly looked at the scene.

Soon, the last Liu family rebel army was also killed, and the khaki light on the ground flashed for a moment, and it dissipated.

For a time, the corpses on the ground were everywhere, and the five thousand younger brothers were all bloody, like blood.

Qingfang’s eyes flashed and he immediately ordered the younger brothers to sort out the battlefield and start collecting the spoils.

And his own body shape flew over to Huang Yuyu and others.

"In the next spring, the young parents of Qingzhou, Qingfang, heard that the elders of the emperor and the emperor of the emperor suffered from the siege of the Liu family. The five thousand elite disciples of the special zone came to the rescue." Qing Fang stopped in front of the city wall. The emperor Yu Yuxi took a ceremony.

"It turned out to be the elders of the Qingfang. The Qing family came to the city for help. It wiped out the Liujia 100,000 rebels in one fell swoop, so great that when the coach returned to the Central Imperial City, he would face the Emperor of the Emperor. Now Gao Jia’s family and Kong Xiang’s family have suddenly realized that it’s really gratifying.” Huang Yuyu said with a faint smile, while his eyes swept from Gao Herui and Kong Xiangwu.

"Thank you for the elders of Yu Yu." Qing Fang's face was reddish, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of color. Even after he recovered his calmness, he thanked him with a hand.

"Right. Elders of Qingfang can see the mastermind of Liujia, Liu Chenglong and two Tongxuan elders?" Huang Yuyu suddenly thought of something, and browed and asked.

Gao Herui’s face was moving and he was about to talk.

However, at this moment, the empty space in front of Qingfang’s body was moving. Three incomplete corpses emerged out of thin air and landed on the ground.

"This is the son of Liu Chengfeng, the son of Liu Huifeng!"

"Well, it turns out that this rebel thief has already been in the air!"

"There are two others... Liu Tianpei and Liu Tianwu!"

People present here see this. His face suddenly changed, and he uttered the names of the three bodies. Then all eyes swept around the green side, and there was a strange look on his face.

Standing here at the moment, the minimum is also the image of the heavens, but it is obvious that even a few people can make a big pass. I can't see how this corpse appeared.

Gao Herui, Kong Xiangwu and others are even more worried, but their faces have become more and more respectful.

"Haha, it turns out that these three people have already been killed by the Qing family. The Qing family has made great contributions to this, and they must be happy." Huang Yuyu’s eyes flashed, and he smiled.

"The jade elders have won the prize." The blue color changed slightly, and then laughed.

"Liujia rebellion has now counted the number of volts, and the war will stop here. I immediately return to the dynasty. Gao He, Kong Xiang, two homeowners, also went with me to the Central Imperial City, see your majesty." Huang Yuyu said faintly .

"Yes." Kong Xiangwu, Gao Herui agreed.

"The elders of Qingfang may wish to go with them as well. I must have something to talk to the elders of the Qing Dynasty personally." Huang Yuyu paused and turned to the Qingfang.

"In the next time, I will follow the instructions of the elders of Zun Yu." Qingfang’s eyes flashed and he said with some excitement.

This time, the Qing family can be said that a soldier has not suffered damage, and he has received a lot of spoils. At the same time, the top priority of this battle will undoubtedly fall on his family. This is undoubtedly a day for the low-key youth. Great news.

Qing immediately ordered the disciple to return to the family by flying boat, and informed the Qing drum and others about the matter.

In the following time, the Emperor's family in Yanfeng City was quickly reorganized. Gao Herui and Kong Xiangwu each ordered the elders of the family to lead their army back to the station. The two were very politely invited to the battleship of the emperor's army. .

Half a day later, hundreds of thousands of troops from the Emperor's family took the flying boat and headed for the imposing central city.

In a room of the Qing family warship, Qing Fang’s eyes flashed a little and stood silently, seemingly waiting for something.

Suddenly, behind him, a blue figure emerged out of thin air, and he could not see his face.

"Homeowner, you are really here." Qing Fang suddenly turned around, his face was overjoyed, and he walked toward the blue silhouette.

"You don't have to be extravagant, get up." Liu Ming said faintly.

“Homeowner, where have you been here for many years? We are all worried about your safety.” Qing Fang stood up and looked worried.

"Oh, I don't have to worry about things about me. I have been riddled with things in these years. I am calling you to Qingzhou, and I am annihilating the rebel army of Liujia, so that the Qing family can make a contribution in the central dynasty. Come, I have something to succumb to you." Liu Ming smiled lightly.

"Homeowner, are you leaving again?" Qing Fang said, his face changed slightly.

"Yes, I have a very important thing to do next. I will not return to the Quanyun Mountains in Quanzhou in the future." Liu Ming said indifferently.

Qingfang heard the words, his face changed greatly, and he was about to speak. Liu Ming had raised one hand and prevented him from speaking.

"Do not know about this matter," Liu Ming said faintly.

Then he waved his hand and took out a black storage ring and handed it to Qingfang.

"This is the material that Liu family prepared for the war. I have a general look at it. Although it is not a precious thing, it is very large enough to support the family for hundreds of years."

Qing Fang’s face showed a complex look, and the precious and heavy took the ring.

Liu Ming turned his hand again, took out a blue ring and handed it to Qing Fang.

"There is something left to me for the Qing family. There are a lot of classics and books, as well as the precious medicinal herbs that break through the heavens and the heavens, and some magic weapons, materials and other things." Liu Ming said.

"I will go back and pass on the elders of Qinggu. I believe that with these resources, my strength will surely go up one level." Qingfang silently and silently picked it up.

"Right, what can be done in the recent family?" Liu Ming handed the two storage rings to Qingfang, and he asked with a sigh of relief.

"The homeowner is assured that the family has been following the instructions of the patriarch for the past few hundred years, and the closed-door retreat, and the Lianyun Mountain Range has always been calm, there is no major event." Qingfang said.

"That's good."

Liu Ming nodded and then went on to say:

"Even though I occupied the position of the owner in these years, the time spent in the family has been very short. After this departure, I will not go back again. After the end of the matter, I will tell them the drums after returning to the family. I quit my job as a homeowner. You choose another owner."

"Homeowners, this is absolutely impossible! In addition to you, there are people who can get the conviction of the people of the whole family." Qingfang heard the words changed, and quickly said.

"This is the case. You pass my words to the Qing drum. They are, as for how to do it, it is up to you to decide." Liu Ming said unquestionably.

"This... I will follow the instructions of the family." Qingfang felt the firmness of Liu Ming’s tone and only sighed and agreed.

"After I choose my family, my name is listed as a taboo in the family. I will try not to mention it again in the future. As for the Central Dynasty, the Emperor of the Devil may ask you about me... you can’t even say it. ..." Liu Ming sank for a moment and said.

Qingfang heard this and his face changed, but he nodded.

"Well, this way, I have an understanding of the things in the Wan Mo mainland, there is nothing to worry about." Liu Ming muttered a few words, then his body slowly became light, as if to dissolve The void is general.


Qing Fang looked at Liu Ming's figure gradually disappearing, his face showed a complex look, leaning over and falling to the ground.

When he looked up, Liu Ming’s figure had disappeared.

A few days later, the Emperor Huang Yu’s army finally returned to the Central Imperial City.

As a result of this expedition, Liu Jiayu was exhausted, Gaohe, Kongxiang and the two families also surrendered, and the news of the emperor Zhao Qianying has led thousands of people from the Imperial Family to the city.

In front of Huangpu Yuxi, personally reported to the Emperor Zhao Qianying that after the great news, some people at the venue suddenly rejoiced, and they all celebrated.

The news of the lack of ability of Zhao Qianying, which was circulated before, also disappeared with the rebellion. The rumors of Zhao Qianying in the city are all outstanding. The imperial concubine is unparalleled.

The Magic Palace, Zhao Qianying is in a partial hall next to the palace.

Zhao Qianying, Huang Yuyu, Zhao Hui three people sitting around a round table.

Huangpu Yuxi and Zhao Hui knew each other. This incident reunited again after hundreds of years. The two naturally stunned, and it took a while to calm down.

Next, Zhao Qianying and Huang Yuyu talked about the Qingzhou war. Huangpu Yuxi learned that Liu Ming appeared, and his strength increased greatly, and he should be allowed to help the news.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the person I felt in Qingzhou feels helpless to me. The voice is quite familiar. It turned out to be Liu Ming." Huang Yuyu’s eyes flashed, and this was a bit stunned.

(In a few days, forgetting the words will create new books in advance, so that everyone can first collect and pay attention!) (To be continued.)

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