MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1526 Goodbye Iraqi

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Liu Ming frowned and stopped casting.

Although the Xiaguang ban is here, although it is mysterious, if he exerts his full strength, he can still forcibly break open. If this is the case, I am afraid that this big squad will cause no small harm, which may be contrary to his original intention.

At this time, the Xiaguang banned change seems to have attracted the attention of the people inside the mountain gate. On the other side of the blue sky, the light flashed, and several rays of light came from the sky. After a flash, five or six figures appeared.

"Who is you, what is it that I am coming to Taiqingmen?"

The person who spoke was a white-faced middle-aged man who was headed by a white-faced robe. He wore a blue robes and a crown of sapphire. The repairs of Zhendan’s peaks were also made by the rest of the people.

The group of people looked at Liu Ming outside with amazement.

Liu Ming’s eyes fell on the middle-aged man in Qingpao, his face glimpsed.

I did not expect this person to be the person he knows. It was when he first entered the Taiqing Gate that he had a side to the edge of Cui Yunfeng, Lu Jingyue.

"Lu Zhangjiao, it has been gone for many years." Liu Ming said with a slight smile.

"You are..." Lu Jingyue looked up and down Liu Ming, his face slowly changing, apparently thinking of something.

The next moment, he did not dare to say:

" are Liu Ming!"

"It is Liu, it seems that Lu Zhangjiao has not completely forgotten it." Liu Ming said faintly.

Several Jingjing disciples next to Lu Jingyue had a doubtful look on their faces, and apparently had never heard of Liu Ming’s name.

"No! I heard that you disappeared in the war hundreds of years ago... Can you have a proof of identity?" Lu Jingyue’s face slowly converges, sinking for a moment, and suddenly hesitating .

Liu Ming eyebrows pick one. Raise the secret disciple token in your hand.

"The secret disciple token... It is also possible that other people killed Liu Ming and searched for the soul. You have seized this thing, can you have other things that can prove your identity?" Lu Jingyue carefully looked at Liu Ming. The token in hand. His face was a little loose, but he was still somewhat alert.

Liu Ming's brows are slightly wrinkled. The rest of the hand should not be intentionally so. Looking at its appearance, there are some birds that look like a scared bird. Now the atmosphere of the Zongmen is so solemn. It seems that something should have happened.

He didn't want to have a conflict with the Zongmen when he just came back, and with one hand, he was swaying. Six black dragons were condensed, and six black tigers swam around.

"Luojiao should have heard of the inner door practice that I practiced in the past. If you are still not sure, I can also show a secret rumor, too sturdy." Liu Ming said faintly, a golden sword Mang appeared at his hand.

The next moment, a golden sword mans emerged, and the illusion of the golden sword shadow, in a blink of an eye. Around Liu Ming, there are thousands of golden swords around.

"Dragon and Tiger Spheres! Too Sword!" Lu Jingyue eyes condensed, then his face loosened and nodded.

"Yes, these two secrets are enough to determine your identity." Lu Jingyue said. Turned over and offered a plate.

As the law was never entered into the market, the front came out and floated in front of him.

Lu Jingyue has a word in his mouth. The array was glauded, and then a thick blue light flashed out of it. I didn't enter the blue glow in front of me.

The Qingxia light curtain shines a lot, and then it is strangely split from the middle by a half-foot size. A passage that allows only one person to pass.

Liu Ming smiled lightly and received the exercises. The whole person’s body shape shook, and it appeared within the Xiaguang ban.

The cyan glow shivered slightly, and the passage above disappeared.

Lu Jingyue looked at Liu Ming, and there was a smile on his face. He was about to smile and say a few words, but at this moment, his face changed.

At this moment, Liu Ming stood in front of him, but he couldn’t feel the slightest breath of Liu Ming.

At the moment, Lu Jingyue’s shock in his heart can be imagined. With the repair of his true Dan, he could not perceive Liu Ming’s slightest breath.

There are only two possibilities for such a situation. If Liu Ming does not have some special tricks or treasures to cover up the atmosphere, then it is that the cultivation has gone far beyond himself and reached the heavenly image.

From the bottom of his heart, nature is biased towards the first possibility.

However, this kind of exercises and treasures are very rare in themselves. If you want to hide the monks of the true Dan, it is even rarer.

When he thought about this, he couldn’t help but feel that he couldn’t get up.

"Hundreds of years have not seen, Lu Zhangzuo does not come innocent." Liu Ming saw that Lu Jingyue was a bit stunned, and naturally guessed what the other side thought, just a slight smile.

" are the same. You want to have a lot of disciples who fell into the space cracks in the big battle of the year. Since then, there has been no news. So when I first checked, I was stricter, and it was also to ensure that nothing was lost. "Lu Jingyue said something awkward."

"There is nothing here, and you are also doing your duty and doing your duty." Liu Ming chuckled a little and said nothing.

When he talked with Lu Jingyue, there was a faint glimmer of purple light in his eyes, which glanced at the depths of the mountain gate.

With his current eyesight, it is only under this sweep that the situation within a thousand miles will be in full view.

The original bustling Taiqing Gate now looks cold and clear, and only a team of patrols, such as patrolling disciples, are swimming around Qingxia.

"Lu rest, I don't know if Tian Ge's head can be in the door?" Liu Ming regained his gaze and asked for a brow.

"After a few days ago, Tian Ge’s head had already led the squad of the squad to the Terran Alliance camp, ready to go to the Qifeng Mountain Range, leaving only a few people to stay here." Lu Jingyue said.

"It has already left... No wonder the inside of the mountain gate is so deserted..." Liu Ming's eyebrows picked it and nodded.

"The door now means that the elders are in charge of various affairs. Liu Daoyou has not returned to the mountain gate for so many years. It is better to go to the elders to teach the elders." Lu Jingyue suggested.

"Well, thank you for your guidance." Liu Ming said faintly, his body flashed black and turned into a Changhong. He flew away from the mountain gate, only a few flashes, and it disappeared completely away. At the horizon.

Lu Jingyue saw this, and his heart was a glimpse. In his heart, he was more convinced that Liu Ming’s speculation was now advanced. He stayed in the same place for a while, and his face showed a complicated look.

When he learned that Liu Ming was the capital of the three spiritual veins in the district, all the way to the crystal, the knot, until the advanced true Dan, has been shocked and added, and the heart has no regrets for the previous eyes.

Nowadays, Liu Ming appears again, and he has become a survivor of the sky, but he has been stuck in the bottleneck and cannot break through. In comparison, there is a sense of ridiculousness.

He took back his gaze and sighed helplessly. He ignored the curious eyes of several Jingjing disciples next to him and continued to take a few people to patrol near the mountain gate.


After Liu Ming’s gaze from the position of Lu’s seat, he slowed down the idling and spread the knowledge, which easily covered the entire Wanling Mountains.

The next moment, his body suddenly became stiff, and he stopped the light, but his face showed a strange look, like a sly, and a little happy.

After a short pause, Liu Ming walked in the other direction.

After a few breaths, his figure appeared in front of a group of patrolling Taiqingmen disciples.

This team patrol disciple is no different from Lu Jingyue. It is also a five-person, but the leader is a girl, a blue-and-blue robes, a frowning nose, and a beautiful appearance, especially a pair of crystals that are light, just like talking. In general, it is full of charm.

The girl in the blue shirt was stopped by the road, and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she was about to talk. However, as soon as she saw the appearance of the person in front of her eyes, the girl’s petite body was slightly stiff, and the eye circle was involuntarily red.

"Indigo elders, what's wrong with you?" Next to a crystallization period, the yellow robe man saw the blue-shirt woman's look, and asked in vain, then looked at the young man who appeared suddenly in front of him, and his brow wrinkled.

"What are you..." The man in the yellow robe shouted, but unfortunately he had not finished speaking. The man in front of the green robe had waved his hand and a khaki ray of light came out of thin air. The man in the yellow robe was together with several other patrolling disciples. Covered inside, formed a yellow sphere.

Then there was no sound coming from the yellow ball.

Liu Ming did not see the yellow ball, and slowly put down his hand, just quietly watching the blue-shirt girl in front of her, the lips moved a few times:

"Indigo, I am back."


When I heard the sound of Liu Ming, the tears that I tried to smash in the blue sky finally couldn’t help but flow down. The whole person flew over to Liu Ming and suddenly fell into Liu Ming’s arms.

Liu Ming’s face showed a strange look, but his arms were gently surrounded, holding the tender body in his arms.

Among the few women who have a close relationship with him, the most embarrassing thing in his heart is the indigo of this woman. She set a marriage contract with her, but this walk is seven hundred years.

Although leaving the Zhongtian continent is not his intention, but in any case, he has violated his promise.

"Sorry, I have been leaving you alone in the Taiqing Gate for many years." Liu Ming felt the slight trembling in his arms and said softly.

Liu Ming’s recent move has caught the attention of many people. It didn’t take long for several patrol squads to fly over and see the situation here, and his face was a glimpse.

Indigo felt that someone else had arrived and hurriedly left Liu Ming’s arms.

Liu Ming smiled slightly, gently wiped the tears from the eyes of the indigo, and the blue face was red. He stretched the palm of Liu Ming and held it tightly. It seemed that he would never let go.

Liu Ming felt the intensity of Indigo holding his palm, and his heart sighed slightly, but his expression did not show up.

"You are... Liu Ming..." A true squad leader of a patrol squad saw Liu Ming's appearance, and suddenly he was surprised to blurt out. (To be continued.)


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