MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1545 Seeing the poor

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(Forgetting the new book "The Gate of the Xuanjie" has been published http:\\/\\/www.\\/Book\\/3676417.aspx)

Because Liu Ming’s speed is extremely fast, it has not caught the attention of the people around.

Until the sound of the bells and drums, the various monks on the nearby peaks of the mountain realized what they were, immediately stopped talking and talked, and stood up, staring in the direction of the main peak.

Many of these people have never seen Liu Ming, and naturally take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sneak up.

Among the Taiqing Hall, more than 20 Tong Xuanjing monks also hurriedly greeted them at this moment. When they saw that Liu Ming was not alone, he took Ye Tianmei and Yan Lan at the same time, except for the Taiqingmen three. Mrs. Qi and others are all slightly stunned, but when they are swept away, they will be relieved.

"I have seen Liu seniors!"

Under the leadership of Mrs. Qi, the mysterious ancestors and others, all the masters of Tong Xuanjing walked toward Liu Ming.

"I have seen Liu seniors!"

Many monks on the nearby peaks of the mountain saw the ceremony and hurriedly followed the ceremony. Nearly 100,000 people were unanimous, and the voice was grand and spread far.

"You don't have to pay more, just get up. The catastrophe has passed, and the weather is inexhaustible, not the merits of Liu. In the midst of it, it has its own natural, so-called human law, earth law, heaven. Dao, Dao Fa natural... I hope that you can stick to your heart and finally be able to build a boulevard." Liu Ming’s eyes swept past Mrs. Qi and others, and said a faint voice.

The sound is not big, but it spreads in all directions in the blink of an eye, and reverberates over a hundred miles.

The scene suddenly silenced, even the presence of more than 20 people in the field of Xuanjing exist, the face is also mostly flashed a glimmer of color, a few people are even more faintly have a feeling of open.

It’s just that Mrs. Dai, the elders of the dagger, the thin old man of the Xuanzong black robe, and the descendants of the Beidouge’s main man’s forehead, but faintly secreted a layer of tiny sweat, and the eyes were even more difficult to detect.

This silence, finally after a while, was interrupted by the madness of the surrounding eruption.

This is all the monks who are uplifted by the fact that the Zhongtian Continent has finally been able to spend a catastrophe.

Of course, there are also many people who are pleasantly surprised to be able to hear a preaching in an eternal life.

Liu Ming’s seemingly unpredictable passage actually contains a kind of sensibility to the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Most of them can participate in the ceremony, and most of them are among the various factions. The wise people are mostly, and naturally they immediately understand that Liu Ming is preaching.

This opportunity is really rare!

These people are secretly glad that this time they can come to participate in this eternal life ceremony, it is really worthwhile, any previous efforts are worth.

It’s just the avenue to the Jane. These people’s talents are also mixed, and they have a lot of insights. Naturally, they also look at each other’s opportunities.

Of course, this is something that listens to other people’s ears and adds another meaning.

For example, Ouyang Qian’s sisters of Ouyang’s family, Penggong of Tiangong Zong and Xue Pan of Tian Yaogu, etc., have seen Liu Ming, who had been similar to himself in the past, but now he has become a self-existing existence, in addition to envy, There is more meditation and sigh.

As a young disciple of Taiqingmen, Luo Tiancheng and Sha Tongtian looked at each other with a frosty face. Now they are next to Liu Ming, but they are like birds. Ye Tianmei and Indigo, who are envious of Liu Ming. In the middle, nature also carries deep shackles and sighs the injustice of fate.

Others who have had more or less friendship with Liu Ming, or who have had a relationship with each other, are also different in appearance and look complex...

At the same time, in a seemingly ordinary peak of the mountain, some distance from the main peak, Jin Lieyang, a large golden robe, is standing with his hands on his back.

His eyes faintly reflected in the direction of the main peak, first nodded slightly, then shook his head, muttered to himself:

"Tiandao reincarnation, retribution is not good, everything is in a mind."

Then he shook his head, and the golden light of the whole body disappeared into place.


“Thank you, Liu’s predecessors for giving me advice!”

In the end, under the gratitude of Mrs. Geng, on the main peak square, more than 20 Tong Xuanjing monks went to Liu Ming and respectfully, and stood up.

The monks on the nearby peaks of the mountain saw the appearance and they rose up.

Liu Ming faintly waved his hand, and then he said nothing with the indigo, Ye Tianmei two women walked into the Taiqing Hall.

Outside the main hall square, the headed Mrs. Yu and the elders of the dagger and the thin old man of Xuanzong looked at each other with a glimpse of the cold mans, and then followed Liu Yan and walked toward the hall.

The door of the main hall slowly closed.

At the same time, not long after the people entered the main hall, there was a colorful light around the main peak. After a burst of humming sounds, all the aura flashed into a layer of radiant light curtains, covering the entire main hall.

This layer of light curtain has a great isolation effect on the gods, making it impossible for everyone around the mountain to explore the main peak.

At the same time as the light curtain of the main peak was formed, Liu Ming’s eyes flashed a hint of subtle light, but the footsteps did not stop, and they stood in front of the main seat.

"Liu seniors please take a seat."

Entering the main hall, the mysterious ancestors and other people stood on both sides of the main seat and bowed to the ceremony.

Liu Ming looked at the large seat in front of him, nodded slightly, and did not hesitate to step forward and turned and sat down.

Indigo and Ye Tianmei sit next to Liu Yan's side.

Seeing that Liu Ming sat on the main seat, Mrs. Qi and others were all loose.

"It’s hard work for you to fight this time. You don’t have to be so conscientious, just sit down.” Liu Ming saw the subtle changes in the eyes of everyone, and the thoughts in his heart turned a few times, but the face was unchanged. Said lightly.

Everyone has set aside and sat down in turn.

It’s just that these more than 20 elders of Tong Xuanjing who lived in high positions in various factions seemed to have no idea what to say when they faced Liu Ming’s immortality. The scene showed a short-lived cold spot.

"Tianmei and Indigo are my double repair partners, but they have not been public before. Liu brought them to the ceremony. I want to let the elders do the testimony. I don't think you will mind." Liu Ming smiled and took the lead. , broke the silence.

As soon as this statement came out, Ye Tianmei and Indigo two women's faces were slightly reddish.

The Tong Xuan monks in the main hall are people who have not known how many years have lived. Naturally, they have already seen it. They looked at each other for a while, then they nodded and congratulated. Some people also said some congratulations.

The scene seems to have eased a lot.

This made the two women could not help but bow their heads, but their eyes were full of joy.

"Liu's predecessors are the life and death of the billions of souls in the mainland, and they are deeply savvy, and they are in danger. In the end, they sacrificed two pieces of mysterious spirits to seal the cracks. This kind of grace will last forever in the history of azure. The eternal life ceremony, I waited for the grand parents to prepare a thin gift, talk about the heart, not respect, but also Liu Liu seniors laugh." At this time, Mrs. Tiangong Ancestral Hall stood up and bowed to Liu Ming.

"You are too polite." Liu Ming smiled lightly.

Mrs. Yu saw that Liu Ming did not refuse, and then she picked up a red jade box that seemed to have been prepared in front of her hands, and walked slowly to Liu Ming’s front. He carefully placed the jade box in front of Liu Ming. In a few cases, I went back.

Liu Ming took the jade box in his hand and seemed to be interested in playing it.

"Liu seniors also open a view, although the things in the gift box are not very precious, but they are also quite rare." Mrs. Xiao smiled.

Liu Ming nodded slightly, his fingers pressed slightly, and opened the lid of the jade box.


Suddenly a golden light spurted out of the jade box and flashed away.

Almost at the same time, the ground around the main seat of Liu Ming was shining, and suddenly there were countless five-color thunder.

It was a nine-day **** thunder!

A group of five-color thunder and light criss-crossed together, and instantly condensed into a cylindrical array of law, surrounded by Liu Ming, Indigo, and Ye Tianmei.

Under the lightning, Liu Ming took out a few colored belts with a thick bowl of mouth, forming a five-color shackle, and tied Liu Ming’s hands and feet together.

At the same time, in the depths of the Wanling Mountains, among the black prison peaks that have been covered by black clouds all the year round, it is also a frequent vision.

The deafening roar came and the black clouds violently rolled, and a five-color thunder condensed into a huge five-color thunder column, and a huge arc was crossed over the Wanling Mountains. It is the main peak of the hall.

Huge roars and amazing visions naturally attracted tens of thousands of monks on the peaks near the main peak, and they all stood up and changed their faces. I don’t know what happened.

"There is no need to panic among the Taoist friends. This time, Liu’s predecessors prevented the Qufu from falling in the crack of the seal space, and lost the treasures of the two spirits. The elders of the various sects of this school are preparing to use this eternal life ceremony. Liu’s predecessors refining a piece of treasure as a thank-you. At this moment, it should be what preparations are going on.” At this time, the head of Taiqingmen Tiange appeared in the air, and the voice said.

Although he said this in his mouth, he could not help but blink a trace of doubt.

On the same day, the sacred fish was indeed raised with the opportunity of the eternal life of the eternal life to create a treasure for Liu Ming, but did not explicitly tell the power of the nine-day gods who would provoke the five-year-old prison, but let him happen whenever it happened. Whenever possible, don't cause confusion at the scene.

Since the elders are so commanded, he can only follow it.

As the organizer of the ceremony, Taiqingmen, the prestigious Tian Ge head, personally explained that the people above the square face each other, and he still has to sit down again.

Since it is the eternal life and the genius of the genius who are cultivating the secret treasure, causing such a big vision, there is nothing strange, just blame yourself for being too amazed.

Among the halls, all the Tongxu monks of the four Taizongs did not know when they had fallen around the nine-day **** Leifa.

Mrs. Yu, the elders of the dagger, the mysterious fish, the four men of the Xuanzong black robe, each occupying a corner, each of them floats a triangular slate that looks very old.

The complicated lines on the slate seem to be a frontier, but they are much more complicated.

The four stone plates exude yellow, white, green and black beams, which are injected into the central nine-day **** Leifa array.

The formation of the nine-day **** thunder immediately rose nearly half, and the nine-day **** thunder on the squad was also dense.

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